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November 02, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-02

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Indiana ...6

Auburn ... .6

. . . .
. . . .

Oklahoma . . 23
Colorado.. .7

Notre Dame . 40

Georgia Tec

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8 Minnesota... 0


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See Page 4

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



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VOL LXIX, No. 41


British, Reds Meet
In Atom Test Talks
Conference Delegates Stay Silent
On Hopes of Reaching Agreement
GENEVA (M-)-British and Soviet delegation leaders explored in a
private meeting yesterday the chances of reaching agreement on the
policing of a nuclear test ban.
They appeared neither optimistic nor pessimistic. During their
45-minute discussion they carefully avoided forcing each other into
taking up rigid positions, informants said.
The three powers formally opened their conference in Geneva's
Palais des Nations Friday. Over the next few days or weeks they must
determine whether some avenue exists for reconciling their conflicting
views on ending atomic and hydrogen bomb explosions.
No Possibilities Closed
Informants pointed out that in the early stage of negotiations
efforts always are made not to close off any possible bridges between

Hawkeyes' Jeter
Fleming Sparki
Wolverines' Second-Half Revival
Halted by Final Period Onslaughi
Daily Sports Editor
A spirited Michigan performance and a 34-year j r
lasted only three quarters yesterday afternoon as Iowa over
powered the Wolverines, 37-14.
The Hawkeyes sped to their fourth straight Big Ten Wir
and with Northwestern's upset of Ohio State, gained so
possession of the Conference lead-and probably the sub
sequent Rose Bowl trip.
Take Early Lead
The 68,566 spectators in Michigan Stadium who saw Iom
pull away with two touchdowns in the fourth quarter wer

Party Heads
Cite Issues
'.Of Election
By The Associated Press
Leaders of both political parties
issued statements yesterday de-
signed to rally their supporters for
Tuesday's all-important election.
Former President "Harry True,
Inman wound up his campaign trip
In- t. Louis last night in typical
Truman "give 'em hell" fashion,
accusing the Republicans amon
other things of "Making a mess of
our foreign policy," attacking la-
bor and driving farm prices down.
In Minneaplis Adlai Stevenson
yesterday contended President
Dwight D. Eisenhower is running
political errands for Vice-Presi-
dent Riohard M. Nixon in the cur-
rent campaign.
Roles Reversed
"For the past six years the Pres-
ident has sent the Vice-President
to run his political errands and
do the dirty work. But this year
we have the spectacle of the Vice-
President's sending the President'
out to run his errands."
-The four major national inter-
ests in the current political cam-
paign, Vice-President Nixon said
yesterday in Juneau, Alaska, are
"Peace, progress ,inflation and la-
bor racketeering."
In a statement issued to coin-
cide with his arrival in Alaska, the
Vice-President said each candi-
date "should let the voters know
unequivocally where he stands on
each one of them."
Vice-President Nixon said also
Congress "left the statehood job
only half done" when it gave the
franchise to Alaska.
Hawaii Needs Statehood
"Hawaii, whi h has claims to
statehood equally as deserving as
those of Alaska, was not even con-
sidered by the Demcoratic Con-
gress," he asserted.
Paul M. Butler, chairman of the
Democratic National Committee
urged voters last night "to forget
the scarewords and oratorical
bombast" and ask themselves how
well of f they are under the Re-
Meade Alcorn, Republican Na-
tional Chairman, said after a talk
with President Eisenhower yester-
day that GOP prospects in Tues-
day's elections have dramatically
changed for the better.
Alcorn Predicts Win
Alcorn said he based his state-
ment on personal talks with par-
ty leaders in 40 states in the last
three days,
The party chairman predicted
the Republicans could regain con-
trol of the House - they need a
net gain of 19 seats - provided
their present campaign pace is
maintained and the party suffers
no bad breaks before the voting.
The Senate, which the Demo-
crats now control 49-47, is an-
other story, Alcorn said. He clung
to a statement he made in April,

?the two sides. It also was under-
stood that the three powers al-
ready have begun working out
their plans individually on how to
bring other nations - such as
France and Communist China-
into any test ban agreement that
may be reached here.
Discussions 'Procedural'
United States Ambassador James
J, Wadsworth, British Minister of
State David Ormsby-Gore and the
Soviet Union's Semyon K. Tsarap-
kin attended the private meeting
at the headquarters of the Ameri-
can delegaton. °
American and Russian sources
said the discussions were "purely
procedural." But matters of pro-
cedure already are moving the
three powers toward the heart of
the problem.
Shortly after the conference got
under way Friday, Tsarapkin' in-
troduced a resolution which a com-
munique described as "a draft
agreement on the cessation of tests
of atomic and hydrogen weapons."
Details were not made public.
UN Delegates
Seek Revival
Of Committee
UIE NAINY(MSome diplomats said yesterday
they expected agreement here to-
morrow to revive the United' Na-
tions Disarmament Commission,
inactive for more than a year.
They forecast that the General
Assembly's Political Committee
that day wouldi~adopt an Indian-
Yugoslav resolution to expand the
25-nation commission so that it
would include all 81 UN members.
The Soviet Union has boycotted
the 25-nationi commission on
grounds Communist and neutral
countries are outnumbered by
pro-western countries on that
body, but it has said repeatedly
that it would take part in a "per-
mnanent" 81-nation commission,
Britain and the United States
long opposed such an all-exclusive


with little doubt


-Daily-Peter Anderson
NOT QUITE ENOUGH-Michigan halfback Darrell Harper (41) drives for the Iowa goal line late in the second quarter. Iowa fullback
Don Horn (30) and quarterback Randy Duncan (25) combine to stop Harper short of his objective. The play started on the Iowa 8 yard
line and carried to the 4. Two plays later Bob Ptacek passed to Harper for Michigan's first touchdown. Iowa went on to score a 37-14
victory over the Wolverines. This was the first time Iowa has defeated Michigan since 1924.

Reds Allo w
Nobel Author
To Get Prize,
LONDON -) - Author Boris
Pasternak got a green light yes-
terday to go to Sweden to accept
his $41,420 Nobel Prize for liter-
A Tass News Agency report said
no one would care if he did not
come back. .
Pasternak already has rejected
the prize.
These new developments
cropped up shortly after Moscow
Radio reported that Pasternak
had written to Premier Nikita
Khrushchev begging to be al-
lowed to stay in Russia.
"To go beyond the frontiers of
my homeland to me is equal to
death and, therefore, I beg fou
not to take this extreme measure
toward me," the author of "Doctor
Zhivago" was quoted as telling
In the letter, Moscow Radio
said, Pasternak admitted he may
have made mistakes.
"Whatever my mistakes and er-
rors may have been, I could not
imagine that I would find my-
self in the midst of such a politi-
cal campaign which has been
fanned around my name in the
West," the letter said.
Pressure was building up in
Russia for Pasternak's expulsion
as a traitor.
The Tass report said Pasternak
would find no obstacles before
him if he wanted to stay out of
Russia for good after going to
Stockholm for the Nobel Prize.

Candidates Endorse Junior Colleges

By SUSAN HOLTZER Annette Hodesh, all saw commun-
The concept of the community ity colleges as Michigan's'probable
college, currently growing con- answer to a rapidly growing de-°
tinually more important, gained mand for higher education.
another bit of momentum with its They felt, however, that a com-
acceptance by all four Ann Arbor munity college program would
candidates for the State Legisla- complement rather than replace
ture. further expansion by existing state

state colleges, "The existing insti-
tutions cannot expand enough to
absorb the increasing population,"
she said. She noted, however, that
the build-up of both types should
be continued.
The two programs "should go
hand in hand." Rep. Sallade

Republican incumbents Sen.
Lewis Christman and Rep. George
Sallade, and their Democratic op-
ponents 0. Thomas Law and Mrs.
Race Close.
By The Associated Press

institutions, agreed. "They don't rule each
Cite Advantages other put."
Availabilityeand economy were Research Valuable
considered the major advantages Sen. Christman also said a com-
cif such a program. Both Sen. munity college program "should
Christman and Mrs. Hodesh noted not preclude off-campus expan-
community colleges would bring son" by other state universities
higher education closer to the stu-
dents, at less cost to them and to Law, who "would not want to
the state. They also believed many sacrifice either," pointed to the
students who do not want a full University's far-flung research
four years of college would be projects as an example of the
better accommodated by these valuable facets in its expansion.
schools. With varying degrees of caution,

coach Forest Evashevski's
team is also the best in the
Speed, power, and flashy run-
ning by second-string halfback
Willie Flemming were the key
factors in the Iowa victory. The
Hawkeye halfbacks - and espe-
cially the surprise sophomore
Flemming - were too fast"for
Michigan, scoring three touch-
downs on runs of overs60 yards.
While Iowa was scoring on
breakaways and sudden explosions
of power, Michigan showed a more
consistent offensive than in any
other game of the season. The
Wolverines outplayed the Hawk-
eyes in the first down department,
18-15, and showed a stronger
passing game, getting 147 yards
to Iowa's 114,
Coach Praises Team
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan was
proud of his team after the game;
"They played a heck of a game,'
he stated, "They were still in the
game until the fourth quarter."
The Wolverines fell behind 14-0
as Iowa's backs proved too fast
early in the first half, but scored
just before the halftime gun, and
again early in the second half to
tie the game at 14-14.
The first Wolverine TD came
on a four-yard pass play from
quarterback Bob Ptacek to half-
back Darrell Harper with less than
a minute in the first half. It was
the climax of a 67-yard drive that
See FLEMING, page 6

Candidates for the top political 'In addition, Sen. Christman said
position in the state came face- they would act as screening agen-
to-face in Detroit yesterday.. cies, weeding out those students
Gov. G. Mennen Williams said not qualified to go on to a four-
the "Republican recession" is the year college.
big issue of the campaign and Fundamentally in agreement,
tried to focus demand for a Law stressed the increased educa-
change in industrial development tional opportunity in areas such
on the failure of the Republicans as the Upper Peninsula, a great
in Washington. distance from the state's major
"There is a strong Democratic institutions. "Some program is
tide running in Michigan," he necessary to enable those people
said, expressing fear of a light to go to college," he said.
vote, "but apathy and overconfi- Move Underway
dence could still be disastrous." Rep. Sallade, noting the move
In opposition, Republican gu- for more community colleges is
1ueyrnao urial n uiuir^ '~n D n"Iln _ .,i,.,. t A.. ...--^^ -

all four candidates predicted in-
creased appropriations for the
University at the next budget ses-
Sen. Christman, stressing his
feeling that "they got their fair
share of 'what we had to offer,"
See INCUMBENTS, page 2

Economists To Meet Here'
To View National Outlook

Reds Show-
Hard Policy
Toward Irau
MOSCOW (W)-The K'enljn
stern warning to Iran indicate
Premier Nikita Khrushch ht
his -government are in a' flg~fhi
mood and unwilling to make an
compromise with the West.
Both the tone of the note hande
the Iranian ambassador yesterdn
and the cancellation of Preside!
Klementi Voroshilov's good wi
visit to Tehran are regarded I
diplomatic circles as fresh exan
ples of the current hard polUcy.
The Soviet Union accused Ir
of preparing to sign anewil a
treaty with the United State
"which direcly endangers" Rui
sian's southern frontier. The nol
added that the Soviets "can
remain indifferent" to this devc1
Reserved Right
Under an old treaty with Ira
signed after World War I t
Soviet Union reserved the rig
to intervene in Iran if the Rue
sians considered that their south
ern border was being endangered,
In, Washington the State' De
partment disclosed yesterday th
the United States is infrmal1
discussing with Iran strengthenin
of Iran's defenses against interns
tional communism.
The State Department denie
that any military treaty is ,
tended to result from the disen
sions in Tehran.
Treaty Denied
(A similar denal came from Tel
ran, Iranian Foreign Minister A
Asghar Hekmat told Parliamer
Iran will never sign a militar
agreement with any foreign natio
having aggressive aims againi
another power.)
Neutral diplomats in Mosco'
showed little optimism that re
tiors between the Soviet Unia
and the West will improve axl
time soon. In fact, most thougk
things will get worse.
Diplomats here look for a c:
max in the Soviet's tough eor
omit-political drive when the $e
viet 'Communist Party assembli
Nov. 21 for its 21st Congress.
The new tough policy appears I
date from August, when Khrus-
chev reversed his decision to go
New York for a meeting at lb
summit level at the United Na
tions, one Asian source noted,
New Troubles
Assail Hoffa
showdowns are coming next we
on the labor corruption problen
o James R. Hof a's Teamste:
and a half dozen other union
The monitors, who have be
trying to reform the Teamster
plan to go to a federal judi

bernatorlilcandidcate Paul .Bag-
well blamed Michigan's unemploy-
ment issue on Gov. Williams-the
result of a poor business climate
caused by the Democratic-labor'
political alliance upon which the
governor has built his party or-

Democrats Head for Probab]

By The Associated Press
To the fading roar of political
cannonading across the continent,
Democrats apparently are on the
march once more to a solid, prece-
dent-making election victory.
Unless the signs are all wrong -
and Republicans hopefully chant
they are - Democrats will come
out of Tuesday's balloting perhaps

with more governors and almostI
certainly with substantially more
strength in Congress. In place of
present slender majorities, they
could wind up with something like,
3-2 margins in both Senate and
In the process, Democrats would
be inscribing a new chapter in
political history books: Dwight D.
Eisenhower would become the
first President for whom the
American people ever have or-
dered up three Congresses of the
opposite political faith.
Voters Unwilling
Apparently the voters are un-
willing to heed his cry that this
will mean spendthrift, overpower-
ing, frustrated, stymied govern-

cated in an Associated Press sur-
vey covering every state. The re-
sults represent a consensus of po-
litical analysts and writers, edi-
tors and newsmen well grounded
in politics, reliable professional
politicians, and some polls and
soundings of grass root sentiment.
Putting it into numbers, Demo-
crats have a chance of dumping
Republicans from 8 to 12 Senate
seats and netting 17 to 40 House
seats or even more.
Republicans can be expected to
upset a couple of Democratic gov-
ernors. But Democrats may do
better on balance in this phase
of the game of musical chairs. If
they can hold on in tight races in
which they now appear to have
shaky advantages, they could


alreadty undter way, declaredtney About 100 of the nation's top economists will convene here to-
"are being encouraged, and they morrow and Tuesday for the sixth Annual Conference on the Economic
are expanding." Further encour-O
agement, he said, should definitely Outlook.n
be given them. The conference, sponsored by the economics department, will open
Mrs. Hodesh viewed the junior with a seven-man panel tomorrow morning in the Rackham Amphi-
college program as a way of easing theatre. The economists will present "A Cross-Section Preview of the
the pressure of expansion on other Outlook for '59," followed by a discussion of "The Outlook for Capital
Formation," by Prof. John Lindnerf
of Harvard's Graduate School of
Business Administration.
Katona To Speak
eTo University professors will
speak during the afternoon ses-
sion. Prof. George Katona of sthe
economics and psychology depart-
Some 1960 political hopes are ments will discuss "The Outlook
riding in part on the outcome of for Consumer Behavior."
Tuesday's voting. Prof. Katona is director of the
May Boost Nixon economics proram of the Univer-
A stronger than expected show- Iity 's Survey Research Center,
ing by the GOP certainly would 'A Statistical Model of Economic
boost the presidential stock of
Vice-President Richard Nixon. Aciity as Applied to 1959 will be
Nixon was the Republican work- resen rogram director of SCs-
horse of the campaign - the man '
who called the shots and strategy Ford Foundation Development
to the extent that President Eisen-
hower and Secretary of State Ford Foundation Topic
John Foster Dulles backed down In an after-dinner talk in the
on the matter of debating foreign Michigan Union, Thomas H. Car-
policy as an issue. roll, vice-president of the Ford
But in Nixon's home state of Foundation, will speak on "Thej
California, Republicans have been Ford Foundation Activities In Eco-
feuding and apparently are going nomics and Business Administra-
h t. ctnUU'4Lto I~a) UI t C. ;n'jV. n.1UUUWAU n _7 tion."

ao«wn toig t deat liov oodw n j.
x' ,'Knight didn't like it w hen Een.

Tuesday morning "An Appraisal

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