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October 19, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-19

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Peek Tells Assembly Association Use Daily
StudentIntellectual Activity Vital WAAVolleyball Completes Engagemeni Plans

.--......-....... .

-Daily-Gary McIlvain
ANNUAL WORKSHOP-150 delegates attended Assembly Association's workshop which is intended
to promote a better understanding of the association and to establish more efficiency within each
residence hall. Attending officers and delegates divided into small discussion groups after a brief
general meeting where Patricia Marthenke, president of Assembly, welcomed everyone and explained
the purpose of the workshop.

Intellectual activity is being at-
tacked from inside the University,
as well as from the outside, ac-
cording to Prof. George Peek of
the political science department,
who gave the keynote address at
the Asembly Association's annual
workshop yesterday.
Prof. Peek, who addressed the
group of Assembly Dormitory
Council representatives, house,
mothers and residence hall officers
-at a luncheon following the work
shop, said that the University
should not become a pre-job train-
ing center or a vocational school.
"Bluntly, what I'm suggesting
is the proper ordering of things.
Intellectual activity is your rea-
son for being here, all other things
are secondary," he said.
Treading Dangerously
Realizing that he was "treading
on dangerous ground," Prof. Peek,
whose speech was entitled "Edu-
cation and Democracy," said that
universities originally developed
from groups of young clerical
scholars who were interested in
studying together. These young
men were "thoroughly dedicated"
to study.
Throughout the centuries, the
University has remained a "re-
markably free institution," ac-
cording to Prof. Peek. They were
not under the control of the state
or church and owned no property,
making such control unnecessary.
"The height of universities in
Names i-HOp
The J-Hop 'central committee
has appointed the sub-committee
chairmen for the annual dance,
according to Carol Holland, '60,
and Carol Shapiro, '60, publicity
The sub-chairmen under pub-
licity are Nan Macleod, '61, art
director; Roz Ribyat, '61, stunts;
Marianna Frew, '60, posters; Ann
Eichler. '61, radio and newspapers;
Nancy Adams, '60, display; Mary
Ann Pullen, '61, assistant display;
Lois Starke, '60, booklet editor and
Dave Partridge, '60, booklet busi-
ness manager.
Under special events are, for the
fashion show, Nancy Moore, '60,
and Lew Spellman, '61, fashion
coordinators; Karen Egly, '61,
models; Janet Weaver, '60, public.-
ity,-and Judy Block, '61, programs.
Joan Konop, '60, is in charge of the
special attraction with Paula
Kizer, '61, for publicity.
The building and grounds assist-
ant is Gretchen Karlovitz, '60;
tickets assistants are Phyllis Steelt,
'60, and Herbert Allen, '61, and
secretary is Nancy Sitterly, '60.
There will be a meeting for those
people under publicity at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday evening in the J-Hop
office at the Student Activities
Building, Miss Shapiro said.

past years has not been during a
" democracy," he said, noting the
, advanced state of intellectualism
during the fourteenth and fif-
teenth centuries.
Intellectualism is Prime
According to Prof. Peek, the
1 function and sole reason for being
of a university is intellectualism
which implies an attitude of play-
fulness and curiosity and a respect
of ideas for themselves.
"We must distinguish carefully
between a person who lives for
ideas and a person who lives off
of ideas," he said, citing the dif-
ferences between the true scientist
and the businessman or technician.
Citing the freedom of intel-
lectual discussion in Europe as
compared with the United States,
he added that a university is not
an institution for turning out
"the organizational man."
'Thanks' Lincoln
Warning against too many "well-
adjusted" university graduates, he
expressed his thanks for such peo-
ple as Abraham Lincoln and
George Washington who were "ob-
The workshop, which was in-
tended to promote a better under-
standing of Assembly Association
and to establish more efficiency
within each residence hall is held
each year by the Association.
About 150 delegates attended this
year's conference, according to
Patricia Marthenke, '59, president.
After an opening assembly in
which Miss Marthenke welcomed
the group and explained that the
term workshop came.. from the
purpose of the meeting-to work
and "shop around" for ideas, the
attending officers and delegates
divided into small discussion
groups to consider various areas

of problems within the residence
hall system.
Stimulate House Morale
The meeting of presidents and
vice-presidents considered the
problems in delegating responsi-
bility to committees and stimu-
lating house morale by house tra-
ditions, freshmen orientation plans
and recognition of girls who are
active in areas outside of their
residence hall.
Procedural difficulties were dis-
cussed by the secretaries and
treasurers groups, which consid-
ered the practical problems of
their duties. Social, activities,
scholarship, big sister and service
chairmen also discussed their re-
lationship with their respective
houses and with Assembly as a
Following the small "buzz
groups," the delegates divided into
larger discussion sections to con-
sider problems involving the rela-
tionship between the independent
woman and various areas of the
University in general.
Lead Discussion
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the
sociology department, Prof. Alan
Menlo of the education school, and
Robert Ashton, '59, president of
the Interhouse Council led the dis-
cussion of educational responsi-
bility in the residence halls.
The role of Assembly Associa-
tion in student government was
discussed by a group led by Dan
Belin, '59, and Jo Hardee, '60, of
Student Government Council and
Deborah Bacon, dean of women.
The role of the student citizen
in relation to the university was
also discussed in a group of the
delegates who attended the confer-



U £




f o
*>A '

We a re ready
with a



(Use of this column for an-
nouncements is available officially
recognized and registered organiza-
tions only. Organizations planning
to be active for the current semes-
ter should register. Forms available,
2011 Student Activities Building.)
Congregational & Disciples Guild, Oct.
19, 9:30 a.m., 524 Thompson St. Semi-
nar: "History of Christian Thought" by
Rev. Edwards.
* . *
Congregational & Disciples Guild,
Oct. 19, 7:00 p.m., Congregational
Church. Speaker: Richard Burlingame,
D.D.S., "The World Is Yours -- Help
Shape -It."
* * w
Congregational & Disciples Guild,
Graduate Group, Oct. 20, 8:00 p.m., 524
Thompson St.
* w*
Graduate Outing Club, Hiking, Oct.
19, 2:00 p.m. Meet in back of Rackham
Bldg. (N.W. entrance).
* * V
Lutheran Student Assoc., Supper at
6:00 p.m. followed by speaker Dr. Jeri-



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