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October 17, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-17

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Sixty-Ninth Year

'hen upinions Are Free
Truth Win PrevawU

"Now Does Everybody Understand Our Position?"

Miller's Wife'
Shows Honor, Limbs
LIKE A RARE vintage champagne, "The Miller's Beautiful Wife" is
currently bubbling on the wide screen at the Campus.
The story concerns the amorous expedition of a 17th century gov-
ernor of Naples in his pursuit of the local miller's luscious wife, which
is rather absurd because anyone can see that his own wife is no hag.
After ordering the miller kept in jail for the night, the governor thinks
all will be clear sailing. However, the clever miller escapes and when
he peeps through his bedroom keyhole and sees the governor in his
own nightshirt, he decides that two can play at the same game and


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
SGC Board in Review Decision
Takes Dangerous Direction



THE DIRECTION taken by the Student Gov-
ernment Council Board in Review last
night, if followed to its logical end, can only
lead to the death of SGC as a vital campus and
student organization.
The decision at which the Board arrived was,
in itself, not so terrible. The Board suggested
that SGOC sit down with the administration and
that both groups try to resolve their differ-
The only objection to this action is that it
was based on a faulty premise.
Dean Bacon announced that students had
failed to consult with the administration on
the Sigma Kappa issue, and Board members
accepted this. Yet such is not really the case -
SGC members did consult with Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis on the is-
But the fact that the students are again to
meet with the administration will not do any
harm. At the very worst /both groups will then
have better appreciation of each other's point
of view - and perhaps they will get to know
one another better.
HOWEVER, the manner in which the rest
of themeeting was conducted was another
story altogether. For instance, Dean Bacon
made much of the fact that SGC had not
called on Mrs. Jane Otto, Sigma Kappa Prov-
ince President; to ask her to interpret Sigma
Kappa's somewhat obscure resolution. True,
the Council did not call on Mrs. Otto specifi-,
cally, although anyone connected with Sigma
Kappa was told she could offer information at
any time; but the Council did ask Joan Taylor,
local Sigma Kappa president, who also helped
write the resolution, to interpret the resolu-
tion-and Lois Wurster, a member of the house
also contributed an explanation.
Further, in last night's meeting, Dean Earl
Moore of the Music School actively debated
from his position of chairman, which as every-
body knows, a good chairman shouldn't do.
Even this, however, was not as bad as the
whole direction the board took. The problem
seemed to revolve about a letter Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis wrote the
Council in which he stated that after examin-
ing the constitution and by-laws of the sorori-
ty, he and other admiinstrative officials (the
Deans of Men and Women) were now prepared
to certify that Sigma Kappa met all Univer-
sity regulations.
DEAN ROBERTSON remarked, it appeared
there was a difference of opinion between
the administration on one hand and SGC on
the other, after both groups had examined the
same materials.
This did not seem to be the situation to other
Board members. They felt that Vice-President
Lewis' letter to the Council was "administrative
practice." This meant that SGC could not

then find Sigma Kappa in violation, because it
is not permitted to act in these matters con-
trary to administrative practice and regental
At this point, Dean Robertson asked the
crucial question: Does this mean that when-
ever the Council is to decide a crucial decision
and it gets a letter from the administration
presenting the administration's point of view,
it must decide that way?
THIS IS REALLY the heart of the matter -
for if this is the case, Student Government
Council has no power.
Dean Bacon claimed that this practice would
apply only in sorority and fraternity recogni-
tions. She said that previous practice of the
Deans was to examine all problems concerning
sorority recognition and then report their de-
cisions to SGC.
Yet, SGC has the right according to the SGC
plan to withdraw or grant recognition to or-
ganizations in accord with Regental policy and
administrative practice.
IN SHORT, the problem became a jurisdic-
tional dispute, with Dean Bacon asserting
that the Deans made this decision and SGC
President Maynard Goldman pointing to the
SGC plan (approved by the Regents) which
said this action was SGOC's responsibility.
One finds it difficult to see why there should
be any such problem. Two years ago, when the
Council found Sigma. Kappa in violation of
University regulations, the Board upheld SGC's
right to do so. At this time the Dean of Women
submitted a statement to SGC saying that the
constitution was not in violation of the rules;
then SGC decided the issue,.not on the basis
of bias clauses, but rather on other action
taken by Sigma Kappa. Now Dean Bacon says,
that the only reason SGC's right to arrive at
this decision was upheld in 1956 was because
the administration also thought Sigma Kappa
was in violation - it agreed with the Council.
THE LATEST situation, according to this
reasoning, is quite different. The adminis-
tration now thinks Sigma Kappa is obeying
the rules, and then wrote a letter to SGC say-
ing just that. And, if SGC still persists in
finding Sigma Kappa in violation, it is now
operating coptrary to administrative practice,
because the administration no longer agrees.
How a letter discussing the viewpoint of
three administrators can be viewed as "prac-
tice" is beyond logic. And if the letter repre-
sents administrative policy, it spells the death
of SOC. For any time administration differs
with the Council, it may send a letter to SGC
and the Council will have to vote accordingly.
This serves to make SGC no more than an
administrative wing of the University - and,
in fact, little more than an errand boy, at
that. This is not student government.

- '
N 4



1a Q
Disarmament Fallacies

promptly goes after the governor's
After many comic misadven-
tures, it is explained that both
wives have acted honorably, the
governor learns his lesson, and all
ends happily.
In the title part, Sophia Loren
is an extremely tempting morsel.
She displays a fetching comic tal-
ent as well as her very shapely
his neo-realism, donned a long,
curled peruke, and emerges as a
comedian in the grand farsical
manner. His leers, winks, and
oggling are alone worth the price
of admission. Particularly funny
is the scene in which he stands
behind a sheet on Miss Loren's
clothesline to gaze at\her as she
goes wading in the mill stream to
retrieve some clothes.'
Surrounding him is a palace
guard that rivals Max Sennett's
Keystone Cops for hilarity. All the
supporting roles are played by ac-
tors possessing a sure sense of
timing and a highly developed
skill for comedy, Especially out-
standing are the miller, his serv-
ant and the governor's bumbling
Mario Camerini's d i r e t i o n
never allows the comedy to lose
any of its fast, sparkling pace,
even though it does contain some
rather serious elements and im-
The Italian landscape and col-
orful 17th century costumes are
a real delight for the viewer's
eyes. The street fair scenes are
worthy of special attention.
-Patrick Chester.

to the R


W ASHINGTON - The United
States is about to enter a
nuclear disarmament negotiation
of immense and subtle danger to
the free world at a very bad time
and in circumstances that could
hardly be worse.
These discussions, mainly be-
tween us, 'Great Britain and the
Soviet Union, open in Geneva,
October 31. This will be on the eve
of our Congressional elections,
which will cap a campaign where
"peace" has been almost as power-
ful an issue as plenty.
The Eisenhower Administration
has long been under demands,
sometimes from our allies and al-
ways from neutralists such as
India, to agree to some unqualified
step toward a permanent halt of
nuclear tests.
Now to these ol'd pressures will
be added the domestic pressures
arising from the elections here.
Nobody runs in favor of sin. And
almost nobody of any vast political
influence is prepared publicly' to
take a position for indefinitely
continuing tests that do release to
some degree an undeniably nasty
term nuclear cessation could not
possibly be in the true interests
of the West unless it were ac-
companied-as it will not be-by
Russian agreements for:
1) At least a start toward dis-
armament in old-fashioned weap-
ons like tanks and aircraft and
infantry. These can still kill peo-
ple, though it is often forgotten.
2) A dependable international
nuclear policing system.

For the unpleasant fact is that
in conventional arms the Rus-
sians are far more powerful than
the West. They have perhaps 500
divisions of effective troops as
against perhaps 100 at most for
the West. And they occupy a mas-
sive continental position as against
the dispersed positions of the
West. ,
Thus the Soviet Union could
enter nuclear disarmament in good
faith and still wind up with an
intolerable military imbalance on
its side. Many here and in Europe
choose not to look at this harsh
reality-but this averting of heads.
will not make it go away.
.This is a case in which a sik.-
footer offers tosput down his knife
if his five-foot adversary will do
the same. It is the logic of the
old story about the law that was
absolutely even -handed: it al-
lowed the rich and poor alike to
sleep in the public parks.
THIS VIEW is held here -
though rarely expressed-by men
who do not really dislike peace or
cherish atomic fall-out, and do
not really see a Communist under
every bed. Nevertheless, astonish-
ingly, it has never be'en strongly
explained or widely propagated
even in this country. So, we go to
Geneva far behind in a propa-
ganda struggle of the cold war.
'And it is largely our own fault.
True, the world's Nehrus would
in any case insist that everybody
lay down the atomic weapon at
once. But India-and others like
India-has a thoroughly honor-

able but thoroughly foolish ob-
session against power itself. Many,
here and abroad, would not be
willing so fearfully to mortgage-
their own securityif'only they
knew the essential truth.
They do not know the truth be-
cause there has been a great
failure of leadership. And to re-
cover the position is no ,job for
the generals-for they are "the
brass" and, of course, not to be
trusted. Nor is it a job for the
diplomats; these know the present
score but not how to win the
THIS IS A JOB for a great,
professional politician with the
skill to persuade masses of people.
to accept the sweat in hopes of
avoiding the tears. Here is an
opportunity to head the unpopu-
larity ticket as of 1958-but per-
haps to help save the world as of
1968. This is the hour for some
American, or simply 'Western,
politician to rise and tell the
somber facts as Winston Churchill
told them to Britain when Hitler
was rising.
And it may be too late already.
There is military intelligence-not
wholly confirmed but; still chilling
-that already the Russians are
separating their field forces so
that some bear no kind of atomic
arms. This would seem to indicate
that they anticipate an atomic.
arms laydown and are making
ready to exploit the total power
imbalance between West and East
that would then result.
(Copyright, 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)


Free Enterprise for the Olympics

Fried land
LAST NIGHT, an encouraging-
ly large and noisy audience
saw, Bill Friedland rebel. The size
and energy of the audience is in-
dicative of the growing appeal
which folk music holds for those
neglected many who can boast of
no beard, no lyre or guitar, no
As Mr. Friedland suggested,
these are not songs gaily danced
to by the worker as he scurries
along the conveyor belt. They are
transient works, composed for the
journalistic moment and often
forgotten with the first wage in-
crease. As such they reflect a
wide range of moods and material.
The best received songs were
the humorous and polemical dit-
ties such as "McCarthy is Coming
to Town," the socialist plaint of
"'They Changed our Party Line
Again" and the gossamer romance
of "Mamma, Mamma, I Want to
Marry a Trotskyite," which sug-
gested visions of the . fervent
swain whispering sweet dialectics
in his lover's ear.
* * a
TO CONTRAST with the satir-
ic barbs of "Private Enterprise
Forever" or "Profit will Prevail"
were many Intensely serious songs
such as "Internationale" and
"Too Old to Work, Too Young to
Die" but these could not hope to
compete with the morelight-
hearted refrains. Indeed, even the
serious songs were received, with
great show of cynical merriment.
Although many of theksongs
were enhanced by audience parti-
cipation there were remarkably
few mass demonstrations. Not
even once did we all arise with'
clenched fist and gritted teeth.
Although Mr. Friedland is not so
talented as he is knowledgeable,
he proved himself intensely fa-
miliar with at least three chords.
-Eli Zaretsky

No Time . .
To the Editor:
THERE IS A contradition in
Mr. Junker's Sunday editorial,
"Southern Time," that neither he
nor any other person who proposes
a "cooling off period" seems to
recognize. It is the contradiction
of time. As Mr. Junker points out,
whites have been dominant in the
South for seventy years. Not only
have they been dominant, their
domination has never dared to be
Now a stand has been taken
after, not seventy years, but hun-
dreds of years an oppressed people
has organized to obtain the rights
recognized even in our Constitu-
tion. This is a step the government
itself should have taken. But that's
past; The Negroes did it through
their\ NAACP. And the Supreme
Court had guts enough to uphold a
principle. Now people are shouting
down with the Supreme Court.
Restrain its powers because it has
forced Southern whites to realize
that the White Man's Burden is an
outmoded, invalid concet and
that there are other "humans"
worthy, perhaps more worthy, of
that title than they.
But because Southerners, some
anyway, show that they are Just
belligerent little boys who play
with dynamite instead of fire-
crackers,, editorialists have sug-
gested that we give them time to
grow up. But, how in God's name,
will they grow up in a year or two
years or twenty years if they
haven't done it in seventy, if they
haven't grown up since 1863 when
slaves were supposedly freed., No,
Mr. Junker, this time we must
maintain our stand
-Jerry Manning
No Honor...
To the Editor:
IT'S OBVIOUS that the loser of
the Michigan - Michigan State
game should "win" the Governor's
trophy ..., and that this year we
were both lucky. Put Paul Bunyan
back in the warehouse!
-Jane Zale
To the Editor:
movie is not at all enticing.
She just looks like a spoiled college
girl who ought to be soundly
k-A. E. Davis
(Continued from Page 3)
sor political rally on the Diagonal,
2:45-5:3 p.m.
Nov. 3: women's Athletic Association,
Lantern Night, Hill Aud. 7:30 p.m.
Approved, with amendments the p-
titioning and election rules for cam-
pus "election.
Approved poll locatiia and hours
for 'campus elections.
Lec ures
The American Association of Univer-
sity Professors invites all interested
faculty members, whether they are
members of the Association or not, to
its first meeting Monday, October 10,
7:30 p.m., in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Professors
Also Henderson, M. M. Chambers. Sher-
idan Baker, and Robert L. Williams w1il
discuss the Russell report.
Lecture: Sponsored by Depts. of His-
tory and Near Eastern Studies. George
E. Kirk, Prof. of History, Center for
Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard Univ.,
"Abdel Nasser and the Arab Nationalist
Movement," Fri,'Oct. 17, 4:10 pm., Aud.
A, Angel Hall,
Lecture: Frederick Kieser, New York.
architect and artist, will lecture on

lecture Is sponsored by, the' Dept. of
Architecture;, studehts and faculty are
Conference: Training Conference, for
Michigan Hi-Y-Tri-Hi-Y YXouth Legisla-
ture will meet on Sat., Oct. 18, 9:30
am, to 4:40 p.m. at the School of Bus.
Admin. The meeting is. sponsored by
the Institute of Public Administration."
A cademic Notices
Psychology Colloquium: "The Reunion
,4f Philosophy and Psychology." Dr.
Michael Scriven, Dept. of Philosophy,
Swarthmore College. Fri~, Oct. 17, 4:15
p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Rhodes Scholarships-Applications for
consideration of local selection corn-.,


close on Sunday. But it will only mark the
beginning of a fund drive which will last until
the 1960 edition of the United States Olympic
Team reaches Rome for the worldwide competi-
According to Kenneth L. (Tug) Wilson, presi-
dent of the United States Olympic Committee,
"There has never been a greater challenge
faced by the Un\ited States in its bid for con-
tinued Olympic Games prestige." In this re-
spect, -Wilson puts forward the most honiest,
statement of our athletic position and its rela-
tion to America's prestige.
During the past summer, a track team from
the United States competed with the Russians
at a meet held in Moscow. While the men's
division was taken by the United States, Russia
captured the women's group. In a pre-meet
agreement, both countries agreed that there
would be no total team score, but the Russians
violated this agreement and boasted that a
combined Russian team had beaten the United
States in track.
'HE EXAMPLE is not new-once again the
Russians attempted to use athletic competi-
tion as a weapon'in their battle for psychologi-
cal advantage in the continuing "cold war."
Editorial staff
Editorial Director .City Editor
Associate Editor
DALE CANTOR...... ............personnel Director
JEAN WILLOUGHBY...Associate Editorial Director
BEATA JORGENSON......... Associate City Editor
ELIZABETH ERSL%....Associate Personnel Director
ALAN JONES........... .............. Sports Editor
CARL RISEMAN.,...... .....Associate Sports Editor
SI COLEMAN............. ....ASsoiate Sports Editor
DAVID ARNOLD--------------flh.t..1 Photjw,.aha..

in 1956, the Russians were far ahead of the
United States in minor sports competition and
claimed the unofficial victory in the Melbourne
Olympic Games. Their previous complete subsi-
dization of athletes gives ample warning that in
1960 they will use every means possible to
make Rome the stage for a complete Russian
propaganda victory.
Again, the United States is faced with the
challenge of financially maintaining their
Olympic team. In past years, all out campaigns
have been necessary to arouse the interest of
the American public and in many cases, these
campaigns have even fallen short.
A good number of nations subsidize their
athletes through a government tax program.
There has been a great deal of sentiment in
the United States to adopt this means of pay-
ment for Olympic Teams. It has been felt that'
by having congress appropriate necessary funds,
the uncertainties of financing would be re-
moved. With the removal of this uncertainty,
many top athletes, who have been leery of try-
ing out for Olympic Teams, would now be able
to participate with more confidence in their
HIOWEVER, it would no longer be "a gesture
on the part of the American people," but
an American propaganda weapon.
To some groups, the use of the Olympics for
this purpose is highly rational. In this case,
the games would became a contest of superi-
ority between the United States and Soviet
To others, the free competition of athletes
without governmental support and influence is
something to be proud of. To them, the games
may still be an arena where athletes from
around the world can enjoy honest competition,
for the sake of competition.
conceived before the battle of ideologies
reached into all crevices of human activity, was
sports for the sake of sports. Unfortunately the

Council Moves into Academic Areas

Daily Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Council
has begun to direct a major
portion of its activity into the
area of academics.
Broadly speaking, its efforts
may be divided into two types:
direct services and long-term
projects to improve the Univer-
sity's intellectual climate.
The direct services would in-
clude the examination file now
being set up in the Undergraduate
Library, the proposed course eval-
uation booklet and a familiar
project, the Student Book Ex-
s a s
THIS IS NOT to say that these
projects are necessarily helpful
from an academic viewpoint. It is
undeniably an advantage to the
students to be able to buy and
sell books with a middleman less
profit-conscious than the city's
book stores.
While an exam file is doubtless
an advantage to a student who
wishes to do well on his own
exams, it could be said that stress
on exams is not intellectually
healthy. But as long as the Uni-
versity continues to rely on exams

promising and could draw nothing
but praise from administration
and faculty if properly worked
out. -
Prime among these is the
Forum Committee's p r o p o s e d
week next April or May during
which outstanding A m e r i c a n
thinkers would visit the Univer-
sity. They would if possible ap-
pear in classes, eat in dorms, fra-
ternities or sororities, and meet
students at informal coffee hours,
according to Forum Committee
President Barry Shapiro.
Mentioned by the committee as
possible participants in this pro-
gram have been sociologist David
Riesnman, critics Lionel Trilling
and Edmund Wilson, economist
John Galbraith and novelist Jack
Kerouac. The significance of such
a program, would lie not so much
in the names -- the University
Platform Attractions bring some
important-sounding people here-
but in the fact that they would
really meet students and ex-
change opinions with them.
Such projects should continue
to take 'a good deal of the Coun-
cil's time, for it is the one organ-
ization representing all the stu-

The upshot of well over an hour
of such proceedings was three
insignificant alterations to the
petitioning and elections rules.
Campaigning in residence halls
and fraternity houses and the like
must be subject to the rules gov-
erning such places, petitions may
not be circulated in classrooms,
and incumbents may not begin
campaigning until a non-incum-
bent has returned his petition and
thus may campaign.

. .
Last Night's M
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