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October 17, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-17

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Phi Chi Medical Fraternity
To Build New Installation

Phi chi medical fraternity will
construct a $400,000, three-build-
ing installation, according to
James H. Livingston, architect for
the project.
This will be the first time in
this country, that a fraternity has
provided living quarters for mar-
ried students, he said.
The . installation will contain
two two-story buildings and a
four-story unit.
Provide Family Quarters
One of the new fraternity build-
ings will have 22 one and two bed-
room apartments for the married
students and their families. There
will also be 16 two-man suites for
single students on the top two
floors of the four-story unit. Each
suite will contain a study room
and a bedroom, the architect said.
On the ground floor of the four-
story building will be a 20 by 30
foot indoor swimming pool, a rec-
reation room, a nursery and a pri-
vate wives' room. The wives' room
will open onto the swimming pool
and a recreation area, Livingston
The second floor of this build-
ing will contain a kitchen, a for-
mal living room and a dining
room that can accommodate 100
Library Planned
Also on this level will be a medi-
cal library which will have a
screened-in courtyard and a li-

brary lounge for informal visiting
and relaxation.
The installation is to be built on
a two-acre site on Huron, over-
looking the Huron River and the
Arboretum. The buildings facing
the river will have all-glass walls,
according to Livingston.
Centers Set
t _
The Homecoming Central Com-
mittee in conjunction with the
Michigan Union will have two in-
formation booths on campus Sat-
urday, Oct. 25, Barbara L. Court,
'61, of the Alumni Relations Com-
mittee of Homecoming announced
The booths will be located at
the Union and on the traffic is-
land at the corner of Washtenaw
and South University. They will
supply Homecoming information,
maps of campus and north cam-
pus areas, and maps of homecom-
ing displays.
Also, coffee and donuts will be
available. free in the Union Ball-
room on Saturday, Oct. 25, from
10:30 to 12:30 a.m. for alumni,
their families, and their friends.
To pay for these activities,
Michigan buttons will be sold at
ten cents apiece.

Club Cancels Bus
To Northwestern
The Wolverine sponsored bus
trip to Evanston, Ill. for the
Northwestern game has been can-
celed because of "the lack of sup-
port by the student body," Joel A.
Levine, '60, president of the Wol-
verine Club, announced yesterday.
Levine explained that the Wol-
verine Club had not sold enough
tickets to fill even one bus.
Money will be refunded to those
who have already bought tickets
from 2 to 5 this afternoon at the
Wolverine Club office on the sec-
ond floor of the Student Activities
Buiing, he said.
Graduate Council
Sponsors Mixer
The second graduate student
mixer of the semester will be held
on Saturday, Oct. 18, according to
Lois Stachnik, Grad.
} The mixer, under the sponsor-
ship of the Graduate Student
Council, will be held in the Rack-
ham Building Ballroom from 9 to
12 p.m. The graduates will dance
to the music of John Bonino and
his orchestra.
The mixer is one of the several
activities offered by the Graduate
Council in order to encourage and
f a c i i t a t e inter-departmental
meeting of students. In addition,
the Council sponsors coffee hours
every Wednesday, social hours
and holiday parties.
All graduate students are cot-
dially invited to attend the mixer.
"Come after the Boston Sympho-
ny Concert. The dance runs until
midnight," Miss Stachink said.
Study Committee
To Discuss JGP
A study committee for Junior
Girls Play will be formed soon,f
Penelope A. Reynolds, '59, an-
nounced at Monday evening's
meeting of the League Council. I
The committee, which will be
made up of people who worked on
last Year's Soph. Show and JGP,.
will decide whether or not JGP
should be turned into a coed

Soph Show Rehearsals Continue


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