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October 16, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-16

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The Human Range

C14r Si:ft. an aI&
Sixty-Ninth Year

"When opinions Ae Free
Truth Will PrevaiU"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Defiant Ones'
Power ful Drama
SPECTACULAR extravaganzas in the grand style have been the piece
de resistance of American cinematography for so many years that
even post-Chayefsky Hollywood is not yet quite at. ease on the small
dark screen. A great many pseudo-serious films have been made in this
country in the past decade or so, but most of them, in their attempts to
be "deep" are either trivial, obviousor only superficially meaningful.
One of the few directors who has fairly consistently avoided the
sweetness-and-light approach to screen entertainment is Stanley
Kramer. Director of "On the Waterfront" and "The Wild One," his films
have been-if not serious-at least hardboiled, the closest Hollywood
equivalent. Kramer's pictures are neither complex nor vastly symbolic;
they are, nevertheless, powerful and give evidence to an increasing
dramatic maturity in the man's powers of direction and growing mastery
of his chosen artistic medium.
All of which brings us to Kramer's latest production, "The Defiant
Ones." It seems to be a fine film. Using characteristically "realistic"
techniques, the director has produced a movie which is straightforward


Eisenhower Hides

Behind Bi-Partisan Appeal
NEXT TO STAMPING something "top secret," it should not attempt to avoid it. In the hack-
calling it "bipartisan" is probably the neyed phrase, that isn't the way the American
easiest way of avoiding criticism on a specific political system works.
issue. The President, however, has drawn a distinc-
Thus President Eisenhower, under fire on tion between criticizing basic foreign policy and
foreign policy, is currently telling the country criticizing its day-to-day application-the latter
our international relations should be kept out is permissible. How he intends to enforce this
of politics, handled on a bipartisan basis, with policy, where he intends to draw the line, are"
no public criticism from congressmen or sen- points he does not discuss.
Bipartisan in the best sense should be prac- UNFORTUNATELY, this is not sufficient.
ticed in every field of public affairs. Consulta- Without full, free public examination of
tion between members of both parties on all any policy, including foreign, the government
major subjects is certainly desirable, with the and Congress are failing their obligation to the
final policy being a compromise, perhaps, or the public. For the President of the United States
will of a majority, to deplore someone making a charge and some-
Nor should foreign policy or any other public one else answering him is singularly inappro-
concern be looked upon as a fertile field for priate. Bipartisanship is too handy a tag; too
self-seeking politicians. Thus far, one can go much cansbe covered in it that should be ex-
along with the President. posed to the light. Too much has been, in the
past, just as too much is classified to avoid
EYOND THIS POINT, bipartisanship is use- embarrassment.
less and worse. Foreign policy is not a sacred The present position of the administration
cow; the administration has no business at- leans to a paternalistic, "let-us-handle-every-
tempting to stifle criticism by calling on all thing" attitude that can be a cover for mis-
hands to join in a non-political approach. takes. Full discussion of policy, with charges
Rather it should invite criticism from those and countercharges is to be preferred.
opposed to it, both public and private. It may --JOHN WEICHER
reject or accept that criticismli as it sees fit, but City Editor
Library Fines Beneficial

Egypt, SGC Draw Comment

THE INCREASED library fines for overdue
books, although seemingly stiff, should
benefit the entire student body.
With the opening of the Undergraduate Li-
brary last semester, book circulation soared,
but so did the frequency of late returns and
book losses. Students often had to wait a few
days for a reserved book because someone had
forgotten to return it promptly. Reference books
also were often unobtainable because of loss.
The idea of book thefts being a problem in
an: academic community is somewhat incon-
grous, but the situation exists. Faced with find-
ing an efficient method of curtailing accidental
losses and deliberate thefts, the University li
brary department has devised a system of fines
and penalties.
The new penalty for stealing a book is a $100
fine and possible suspension from the Univer-
sity. When the regulation is fully enforced, in-

centives for acting honestly should be more
than sufficient and book losses ought to drop
O VERDUE BOOKS, the other increasingly
difficult problem, will have much larger
fines attached to them when the new policy
goes into effect. The success with which these
new fines will reduce the number of overdue
books can be prophesied by a simple arithmetic
calculation. A nickel per day fine is insignifi-
cant, but multiplied by five, the fine jumps to
such proportions that it can no longer be
ignored and discounted.
On a university campus, even one this size,
losses and late returns ideally should not occur
at all. But they do and they have to be cur-
tailed. Perhaps economics will prove to be a
more forceful deterrent than mere social obli-
gation has been.

To the Editor:
SUNDAY'S editorial-page article
entitled "Russia Works With
Egypt's Needs" exhibits disap-
pointing and somewhat infuriat-
ing points of view of both the
writer, Selma Sawaya, and Egyp-
tian student Mohamed El-Afandi.
Twice, Miss Sawaya character-
izes Russia As "friends" of Egypt.
(". . . the Soviet Union has tried
to make friends with their trade
programs .. ."; and "... the So-
viets have already helped their
Egyptian friends ..."
Mr. El-Afandi is reported as as-
serting that "it is the refusal of
the U.S. and the West in general
to cooperate in any way with his
country that made Nasser turn
to the Soviet doorstep." A few
lines later, Mr. El-Afandi says
that "the United States wants the
recipient of its gifts to feel de-
pendent, to feel beholden.. ." Ap-
parently, the complaint of refusal
to cooperate "in any way" is real-
ly a petulant accusation of im-
perialism. Mr. El-Afandi goes on
to conclude that "Communism is
very far from Egypt . . . In fact,
there is a law which forbids Com-
munism . . . The people them-
selves have no interest in this
form of government; it is against
their religion."
Disappointing is Miss Sawaya's
identification of the Soviet as
"friends";, Hungary need hardly
be mentioned in denying Russia's
friendly intentions. More disap-
pointing is Mr. El-Afandi's justi-
fication for Nasser's courting of

the Soviet: our refusal to cooper-
ate. Nasser is a dictator who holds
power by fanning convenient
hatreds of the masses he subju-
gates; democracy goes begging.
Does Mr. El-Afandi really expect
our unequivocal cooperation un-
der such circumstances? America
has its ideals, and in the eyes of
some is immature enough to in-
sist that those receiving our aid
subscribe to these ideals. Most
disappointing (and indicative of
the great danger confronting
Egypt) is that Mr. El-Afandi pre-
sents his nation's laws and reli-
gion as deterrents to the Commu-
nist menace. Czarist Russia pos-
sessed such deterrents to an
I am disappointed by Miss Sa-
waya's and Mr. El-Afandi's fail-
ure to discern the full implica-
tions of Russia's "friendship."
And as an American proud of our
overall aims in foreign policy, I
am angered that an Egyptian stu-
dying in America (thus having
the valuable opportunity of seeing
for himself) still cleaves to the
intemperate idea that we are a
pack of imperialists.
-Ernest Zaplitny, Grad.
To the Editor:
IWOULD like to clarify a state-
ment attributed to me in the
October 14, 1958 issue of The
Michigan Daily, regarding the ac-
tion of the Cornell chapter of
Sigma Kappa in returning its

charter to National Sigma. Kappa.
The story said that I "gave two
interpretations to the Cornell
group's move. Either they don't
want to have anything to do with
a national which discriminates
or they are tired of being 'held
in abeyance.'"
The above words, taken out of
context as they are, could easily
give the false impression that this
is my personal interpretation of
the reasoning behind the Cornell,
group's action. They were part of
a statement intended to describe
how this action affected my per-
sonal view of the Sigma Kappa
issue on this campus. The state-
ment was not intended to specu-
late on why the Cornell chapter
acted in the way it did.
I would like to make two things
clear: 1) I hardly consider my-
self qualified to comment on the
motives of the Cornell group. The
views quoted are two out of many
possible interpretations and not
necessarily my own. 2) My per-
sonal view of the Sigma Kappa
issue on this campus has not been
changed by the action of the Cor-
nell chapter.
My vote on the question which
came before StudentGovernment
Council was caused by a belief that
National Sigma Kappa had re-
solved its violation of University
regulations and not by the feel-
ings of the members of the Cor-
nell chapter. Any action taken by
this local chapter is hardly evi-
dence of the policy of the Na-
--Fred Merrill, '59

For Two Chinas

and exciting. Kramer seems to
have resisted the temptation to
impose a false depth upon the
picture, and the result of his
abstinence is the surprising
achievement of real depth and un-
pretentious-although wild-effec-
* s *
THE STORY of a man's neces-
sary involvement with other men,
and of the movement of the indi-
vidual from isolation of commit-
ment has been presented dramati-
cally many times in many ways.
In this particular film, two con-
victs, manacled together by a few
inches of heavy chain, become
caught against their will in a web
of physical and emotional depen-
dencies upon each other.
The men, one Negro and one
white, escape from a wrecked truck
in an automobile accident and set
out across the Southern swamps
pursued by dogs and men. Hating
each other to begin with, and
proudly proclaiming their loneli-
ness and self-sufficiency, they are
similar in their resentment of the
worlds they have known and their
realization of man's inability to
communicate with other men.
Gradually, however, and with
much rebellion, both men begin to
realize that they need each other
in their flight to freedom. When
the manacles are finally broken
off, Colored and the Joker find
themselves still linked by a chain
of involvement which is stronger
than that provided by the prison.
And then they stop running-this
linkage providing perhaps a great-
er freedom in its commitment than
liberty in its self-imposed isola-
"The Defiant Ones" is a well-
focused, well-unified film. The
theme of the main story is rein-
forced by the introduction of oc-
casional episodes in the "hunters"a
camp, where the sheriff in charge
attempts to convince his under-
lings that "these are men we're
hunting, not rabbits!"
Sensitive acting, especially on
the part of Tony Curtis and Sidney
Poitier, the stars, further intensi-
fies the effectiveness of the film.
To see it Is a rather overwhelming
-Jean Willoughby
IF IT IS RIGHT that truth is
beauty, then "Shoeshine" is a
beautiful picture. Vittorio DeSica
was, and still is, the most suc-
cessful, of the Italian school of
post-war film making now known
as neo-realism. "Shoeshine" was
one of the first of these films; it
remains one of the best.
DeSica shows (as did - all neo-
realists) an exact view of life
among ordinary people. Ile does
this poignantly and compassion-
ately. The story itself tells of two
street urchins who are being used
by black marketeers. When they
are captured and jailed, the police
turn friend against friend, making
what was love turn into hatred
and violence.
The story is harsh, yet refrains
from being bitter; it merely shows
facts. DeSica's cameras follow the
action without trying to edito-
ialize; he makes no good people
and no bad people, no one is right.
and no one is wrong: they are
only human.
This objectivity is admirable.
DeSica leaves judgement to the
viewers, letting their conscience
and intelligence lead to the social

reform he felt necessary. In his
own Italy, he helped to achieve it.
"This is the way things are,"
said Roberto Rossellini, a con-
temporary of DeSica, of the neo-
realistic presentation. Out of the
squalor of post war Italian life
comes beauty. It is beauty in that
it is truth, it is beauty in that it
is intensely human.
"Shoeshine" is a classic example
of neo-realism, a school that has
been maligned and degraded by
later films which proved more
sensational than realistic. For any-
one interested in styles of film
acting and direction, this film is
a must; for those less interested

Associated Press News Analyst
NO ONE who studies war can fail
to be impressed by the admir-
able speed and flexibility of the
American armies and groups of
armies, and the adaptiveness of
commanders and their troops to
the swiftly changing conditions
of modern battles on the greatest
That's what Winston Churchill
wrote to General Dwight Eisen-
hower on March 9, 1945, after the
allied sweep across the Rhine.
"I am glad," he continued, "The
British and Canadian armies in
the north should have played a
part in your far-reaching and
triumphant combinations."
Churchill also has said, however,
that prior to this time the effort
of General (now Field Marshal
Viscount) Montgomery to promote
a single,unifiednorthern thrust
into Germany, under his co-
mand, fully represented Britisl
war policy.
Montgomery now says that Pres-
ident Eisenhower's refusal to listen,
to him prolonged the war for sev-
eral months.
The old controversy has, been
renewed by publication of Mont-
gomery's memoirs. Always known
as a curmudgeon, the hero of
Alemain maintains the reputation
with his fervor. He's still willing
to argue with a winner.
As Montgomery tells it, he was
once so eager to take over Brad
ley's armies-he had already taken
over Simpson's-that he suggested
General Eisenhower come to 'see
him about it. He said he was too
busy on the low countries front to
go to headquarters.
THAT IS typical of the intensity
with which General Montgomery
carried on his campaign, repeated-
ly apparent in the memoranda he
sent the supreme commander.
He lost. General Eisenhower
stuck to his original plan for ad-
vancing into Germany on a broad
front, not bypassing any important
German forces, regardless of the
vast supply difficulties.
Montgomery makes a plausible
case. It is obvious he had Churchill
behind him, though the Prime
Minister shelved all recriminations
after ultimate success.
President Eisenhower's only re-
ply to Montgomery is that Europe
was cleared of the German force
11 months after the Normandy
landings. He seems to think that
was pretty good.
The President and de Gaulle
are the only big time war leaders
now active in world affairs. To
them, war must seem a simple
affair as compared with their cur-
rent problems, and 14 years is a
long time ago.
President Eisenhower hasn't
much time to worry about Mont-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Fridy.

General Notices
The next "Flu Shot" clinic for stu-
dents, staff and employees will be held
in Rm. 58 (basement) of the Health
Service Thurs., Oct. 16 only. Hours are
8:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-4:30 p.m. Pro-
ceed directly to basement, fill out
forms, pay fee ($1.00) and receive in-
jection. Persons who received their
first "Flu Shots" 2 weeks ago are
urged to return at this time for their
second "Flu Shot." The next "Polio
Shot" clinic for students will be held
in the same room, Thurs., Oct. 23. The
hours and procedures are the same as
above for "Flu."

MOST PROBABLY, Red China has extended
the cease-fire for another two weeks in
order to promote American negotiations with
Chiang for a disengagement at Quemoy.
The statement by the official Communist
news agency does not say this. In fact, it calls
for a direct talk between the two Chinese gov-
ernments - the United States excluded and
ignored as an interloper. But Peiping knows
perfectly well that the concrete question Is
whether Chiang will withdraw his troops from
Quemoy, and that it is Washington, not Pei-
ping, which alone can persuadehim to do this.
The American policy is to persuade him to
bring his troops back to Formosa when there
is a cease-fire. The Red Chinese have - for the
second time ordered, a cease-fire, manifestly
because they now 'expect us to make some
moves to carry out our part of the bargain.
Moreover, the Red Chinese have accompanied
the cease-fire with strong intimations that
their military objective is Quemoy and the off-
shore islands, not Formosa, and that they do
not have military plans against Formosa it-
self. These intimations, which come from many
quarters, are meant to relieve the President of
any commitment to preserve Quemoy, since it
is only in relation to the defense of Formosa
that he has any right or duty to intervene at
THE CRUCIAL QUESTION for us is whether
we should take as the basis of our policy
the proposition that Formosa is separate from
the offshore islands. In saying that we should
deal with them separately, we do not need to
rely on what Peiping has been saying to

neutral governments and perhaps in veiled
language to us. The conclusive reason for be-
lieving that the Chinese Communists will not
attack Formosa is that they lack any military
capacity to attack Formosa.
The Strait of Formosa is a hundred miles
wide, and in it is the 7th Fleet, the most
formidable instrument of sea-and-air power in
the world. Peiping has no navy. It has no com-
parable air force. There is not the slightest
indication that they are mounting a force to
conquer Formosa. As a military problem, the
Allied landing in Normandy in the second
World War was easy as compared with what it
would take to knock out the 7th Fleet and land
on Formosa.
THIS IS, as it used to be fashionable to say,
a position of strength upon which Ameri-
can policy should be based. What is the ob-
jective of our policy? In the last analysis it
is to preserve Formosa's independence from the
mainland, to preserve it as an independent
center of non-Communist Chinese culture and
to keep it militarily neutralized.
Now, the fact is that both Chinas, Mao's
China and Chiang's China, are in principle
opposed to such a two - China settlement.
Neither will now agree to it. But that does not
mean that it is not the best solution and that
it will not in the course of time be accepted.
Even if it is not formally agreed to, the United
States has the power to maintain a two-China
policy de facto. For Mao cannot invade For-
mosa and Chiang cannot invade the main-
land. In terms of the power politics which
underlie the whole problem, a separate For-
mosa, unentangled on the mainland and its
offshore islands, is for the time being as feasible
as it is desirable.
WHAT IS FAR from clear is whether For-
mosa, which cannot be conquered from the
mainland, will by an internal revolution decide
to join the mainland. This is what the Red
Chinese are proposing, and all their hopes of
absorbing Formosa rest on this idea.
There are some who have been in Formosa
and believe that after a bad start the Chiang
regime is doing rather well, and that. it may
survive Chiang himself. They may be right.
For myself, I do not know, though I have al-
ways supposed that our entanglement with
Chiang and his excessively enthusiastic friends
here at home would end in a disaster. In this
disaster, brought on by some kind of foolish-

In Defense of the 'Young Rebel'

Daily Staff Writer
A RECENT article by Associated
Press feature writer Saul Pett
denounces the "young intellectual"
and advocates a counter-attack by
"we dull old people."
Pett imagines the young intel-
lectual as lolling about his college
room wearing sandals, khaki pants
and a white T-shirt, apparently
the standard rebel equipment.
Esoteric jazz records are in abun-
dance along with books on Zen-
Buddhism and existentialism. Jap-
anese floor mats replace the chairs
of a normal room.
THIS OF COURSE is a stereo-
typing of a numerically insignifi-
cant minority who think their
main mission in life is to grow
beards and wear sloppy clothes.
These people are insignificant both
in terms of number and in terms
of impact on society.
But the real rebel does perform
a positive function for society.
He isn't the answer to the
world's prayers but does deflate a
few stuffed shirts and keeps the
"mire of its self-centeredness,"
from becoming solidified.
Pett says ". . .in every way, he
will make you feel drab, dull, old,
old-fashioned, and a creature of
habit, conformity, and fear."
He describes the rebel as anyone
who thinks people over 30, mar-
ried, with children, a house and
routine, are at best. itiful: at

long hard look at their life and
how they're living it. They may be
wearing gray flannel T-shirts and
they don't fear the opinions of
Pett suggests that it's easy to be
a rebel because "no one is as safe
as the amateur (at living)." Non-
sense. No one is as safe as the soul-
less, unimaginative clod. No one
can bother him. He's asleep.
The people who feel uncom-
fortable in the company of an

individual who "quotes Kafka and
Sartre ... or orders a vodka mar-
tini like he invented it with a
brand you never heard of," are
merely embarrassed that their
dull, drab, old, old-fashioned selves
are showing. They are afraid of
looking at what they have become.
Their habits, conformities, and
fears make them blush. And they
Rebels may not have causes but
they do fill a need.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director

City Editor

Associate Editor

DALE CANTOR..................Personnel Director
JEAN WILLOUGHBY.....Associate Editorial Drector
BEATA JORGENSON ...........Associate City Editor
ELIZABETH ERSKINE....Associate Personnel Director
ALAN JONES ..:°.....,. ... .......... ... Sports Editor
CARL RISEMAN.............Associate Sports Editor
SI COLEMAN . . . . ....Associate Sports Editor
DAVID ARNOLD................,Chief Photographer
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