'U' Operates Summer Program Provided
For Music, Education, Design Students
Folksinger To Recite
I .
CERAMICS CLASS-The architecture school offers classes in
architecture and in sculpturing as well as classes pertaining to
more general aspects of art. Most courses taken at the National
Music Camp carry the same credit as if they were taken on the
main campus.
The University runs a unique
summer program for students in
the music, education, literature
and architecture schools, Prof.
Allen P. Britton, director of the
University's program at the Na-
tional Music Camp at Interlochen
The program is designed to en-
able students to earn credit to-
ward graduation, to provide special
training for teachers in fields in
which they are not trained, to
provide intense activity in per-
formance groups, and to develop
and demonstrate ways of using the
arts more effectively as a force for
enriched living and social good,
Prof. Britton said.
Activities 'Camp Within Camp'
The University's activities at the
camp are run through the summer
session, Prof. Britton explained.'
"Our activities at Interlochen," he
said, "comprise a camp within a
"The University's relation to the
rest of the camp lies only in the
number of faculty members in In-
terlochen's administration." Four
of the camp's nine trustees are
members of the University's facul-
Courses are offered in five areas:
music, art, dance, camp counselor
education and speech.
Courses Use Facilities
The music program provides in-
struction in all of the most import-
ant areas of music-performance,
teaching, composition, arranging,
literature and conducting. "The
courses are designed to be practi-
cal in nature and to make full
use of the facilities afforded by
the National Music Camp as a
whole," Prof. Britton said.
The central focus, of the Univer-
sity division program is on the
actual performance of music and
every attempt is made to provide
for the performance of all musical
compositions completed during the
eight-week session.
Leadership Program Developed
In order to meet the demand
for trained camp leaders, the edu-
cation school has developed a pro-
gram of intensive study, where the
presence of more than a thousand
campers makes possible a program
of leadership education "of unusu-
al scope and content," according
to Prof. Britton.
The camp counselor program in-
volves the election of five or six
hours of credit. Students admitted
to the program serve as assistant
counselors in the camp and receive
their room and board as payment
for their services.
The dance program offers in-
struction in ballet, choreography;
and dance notation, but greatest
emphasis is placed on modern
dance. "These courses, however,
do not carry credit at the Uni-
versity," Prof. Britton said.
Studio Course Featured
The architecture school's art
program centers in a course in
basic studio, which may be elected
for two or four hours credit. This
course deals with fundamental
problems in the practice of the
',isual arts. Noncredit instruction
and practice in ceramic-sculpture
is also available.
The music school-also offers such
non-credit programs as the Festi-
val Choir, an all-camp choral
group of several hundred voices
which presents several major
choral works each summer; the
Honors Orchestra, and the Honors
The speech department offers
an extensive program in which
students and teachers of speech
can devote themselves to improv-
ing their skills in public speaking,
theater, radio, television and oper-
etta. ,
Facilities for live and taped ra-
dio broadcasts are maintained for
the production of the numerous
Folksinger Bill Friedland will
give a lecture recital entitled
"Songs of the American Labor
Movement" at 8 p.m. today at the
Wesley Foundation.
Friedland worked for the Michi-
gan CIO as an International Rep-
resentative in the engineering de-
partment as a time study expert.
He has also worked for the CIO as
an assistant to the educational
director, and has done some work
in the bargaining field.
During this period he collected
songs written by the "Wobblies,"
the Industrial Workers of the
World and the workers of the CIO.
He also helped to compose songs
parodying the Communist Party
line," Intercooperative Council
secretary Luther Buchele, '59, said.
Accompanying himself on the
guitar, Friedland has put out two
albums on the Labor Arts label.
They are called "Songs for Sec-
tarians" parodying the Commun-
nist Party and "Songs of the Wob-
blies." This album was put on sale
two or three years ago, but is not
being pressed any more.
To Sing Labor Songs
He will sing selections from
these albums along with tradition-
al labor songs written by the CIO
during its formation in the 1930's
and by the Wobblies from 1905 to
1920. These songs extoll the vir-
tues of labor unions, praising soli-
darity and the power of the Union.
They also parody the capitalistic
way of life.
"Before each selection, Fried-
land will lecture on the back-
ground and history of the songs,
their relation to the labor move-
ment and the part they played in
the organization of the unions,"
Buchele said.
Writing Doctorate Dissertation
Friedland has received bache-
lor's and master's degrees in so-
ciology at Wayne University and
(Use of this column for announce-
ments of meetings is available to of-
ficially recognized and registered stil-
dent organizations only. Organizations
planning to be active for the current
semester should register. Forms avail-
able, 2011 Student Activities Bldg.)
Baha'i Student Group, Weekly Meet-
ing, Oct. 16, 8:30 p.m., 725 S. Division.
Speaker: Mrs. Maxine Thompson, "The
Trouble Is With Us" from "Prescription
For Living" by Ruhiyyih Rabbani.
Christian Science Organization, Regu-
lar Testimony Meeting, Oct. 16, 7:30
p.m., League: check bulletin board in
lobby for room number.
* * *
Congregational & Disciples Guild,
Social Action Luncheon, Oct. 16. 12:00
noon, 524 Thompson St.
Culture Club, Meeting, Oct. 16, 7:00
p.m., Michigan Union-Rm. 3Y.
Deutscher Verein, Meeting, Oct. 16,
8:00 p.m., Vandenburg m.-League.
There will be a film and dancing.
Inter-Cooperative Council, Oct. 16,
8:00 p.m., Wesley Foundation-State &
Huron Sts. Folk Singer: Bill Friedland,
"Songs of the American Labor Move-
* * "
Judo. Club, Practice Session, Oct. 18,
9:30-11:30 a.m., Wrestling Rm. - I-M
Newman Club, Movie-"The Prisoner"
and Dance, Oct. 18, 8:00 p.m., Fr.
Richard Center.
Russian Circle, Meeting & Panel Dis-
cussion, Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m., Recreation
Rm.-InternI Center. Panel Speakers:
Prof. H. W. Dewey, Prof. T. Winner,
Prof. D. Brown and Mr. M. Suino; "So-
viet Students."
Young Friends, Meeting, Oct. 19, 7:15
p.m., Friends. Center, 1416 Hill St.
Speaker: Rev. Ed. Edwards, "Modern
Religious Thought."
is now writing his dissertation for
his doctorate which he is taking
at the University of California in
"The Ford Foundation has giv-
en him a two year grant to study
the effects of Industrial, Labor
and Trade Unionism in the South-
ern Rhodesia compromise,"' Bu-
chele said. "To do this task better,
Friedland is going to Southern
Rhodesia," he added.
While touring across the coun-
try, he is stopping en route to give
concerts similar to the one he is
performing tonight.
Thursday, October 16
*,.Interlochen course
8:00 P.M. Wesley Foundation
State & Huron Streets
programs put on the air directly
from the campgrounds and from
stations throughout the nation.
In cooperation with two local sta-
tions, live telecasts have been pre-
sented by the students. Numerous
plays are also staged.
In addition to the regular pro-
gram for college credit, the Uni-
versity sponsors All-State sessions
for students residing in the state.
The 782 high school and junior
high school students visit the
camp for two-week periods, .;c-
cording to Prof. Britton. In past
years, about 70 per cent of the
students who attended were sent
on scholarships supplied by local
schools or clubs, he said.
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