Army ..... 14 1
TNtre' Dame . 2
Texas . ... 15 Mich. State.. 22
Oklahoma . . 14 Pittsburgh .. 8
Indiana. .. 13
Minnesota . w . 3
Ohio State . 19
Illinois . ..q 13
Wisconsin . . 31
Purdue .... 6
Slippery Rock
-' '--'~ - I------------------------ I
See Page 4
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
iel d
Instruments Send
Information Back
WASHINGTON (N) - Alive with instruments, the moon
rocket Pioneer streaks through space today on a course lean-
ing wide of its target but *returning rich dividends in cosmic
Lofted from Cape Canaveral at 3:42 a.m. yesterday, the
85-pound space craft electrified scientists around the world
by hurtling far out on its trail-blazing trip through the celes-
tial void.'
In late afternoon the Defense Department reported that
an analysis of data from the Hawaii tracking station "has
Experts Cite
Of Pioneer
The importance of the launch-
irg of Pioneer - the United
States' first successful moon rock-
et shot -- is in the technology in-
volved, University scientists said
"The instruments to measure
micrometories and the light com-
ing from the moon shouldn't re-
veal any significant data," Leslie
Jones of the Engineering Research
Institute said.
4The most important conse-
quence of the firing," Prof. Leo
Goldberg of the .astronomy de-
-partment said," is the experience
acquired in the guidance of furth-
er rockets into space."
.Could Land on Moon
"As these techniques get more
precise," he said, "these vehicle
could be put into the orbit of the
moon and, ultimately, make 'soft
landings on the moon with instru-
ments to measure the chemica
composition, magnetic density
and so forth."
Two of the most important ex-
periments to be done by this and
further rockets, Prof. Goldberg
explained, will be on the radiation
and electron densities in space be-
yond the earth.
"The Explorer rockets showed
the presence of a belt of radiation
around the earth. It will be inter-
esting to know where this bell
ends and what its maximum
strength is," he continued.
The Explorers reported a max-
imum strength of ten roentgens
At 52,000 miles the Pioneer re-
ported a strength of four roent-
Will Define Atmospheres
Electron density, Prof. Goldberg
explained, will give an indication
of where the earth and the solar
atmospheres end.-
Chairman Si'dney Chapman o1
the international committee of
the International 'Geophysica
Year, Prof. Goldberg said, "ha
Indicated he thinks the solar at-
mosphere might extend as far a
the earth."
Just as the earth has an atmos-
phere, he explained, the sun -
being a ball of gas.- has an at-
Prof. Goldberg explained tha
its immediate importance would
be in the field of transmission
data from future space probes.
"The whole question of radi
communications fromspace de-
pends on the density of electrons
If you know the density you kno
what radio frequency to use t
send back information."
Although the information ob-
tained by rockets Is great, Prof.
Goldberg said he could see n
scientific need for sending a mar
Into space in the near future.
Jfury To Probe
tice Department said yesterday
a federal grand jury has been im-
paneled in New York to investi-
gate the strange disappearance 01
Jesus De Galindez in 1956.
" confirmed that the lunar
probe has deviated from the
planned traj ectory."
Slowing Down
Twelve hours after starting its
flight, the mon rocket was about
65,000. miles out in space and
slowing down rapidly, although
that was expected. Its three-stage
takeoff zoomed the rocket up to
a speed of about 25,000 miles an
hour to tear it loose from the
earth's main gravity field.
The continuing pull of earth's
gravity out in space slowed the
rocket down after this initial
burst of speed, however, and at
the 65,000 mile distance it was
down to a velocity of approxi-
mately 3,000 miles an hour.
.One of the officials associated
with the lunar probe program at
Cape Canaveral said it was ob-
vious the rocket would miss its
target by a wide margin.
The smooth precision of the Air
Force launching, after failure of
the first attempt two months ago,
drew cheers from scientists
around the world. Prof. Alfred
Lovell ,in charge of the world's
s largest radio telescope at Jodrell
Bank, England, called it "an'
amazing achievement" even
though the rocket was off course.
The giant Jodrell Bank tele-
scope was one of several tracking
stations that zeroed in on Pi-
oneer's epochal flight to heights
never before achieved.
Could Never Return
Maj. Gen. Donald N. Yates,
commander of the missile test
center at Cape Canaveral, told
newsmen the instrument-packed
rocket nose would never return
to earth. Even if it plunged back,
t he said, it would be burned up by
friction with the earth's dense
The rocket's flight excited Brit-
' ish Imaginations, but Radio Mos-
cow referred to it only briefly in
an Asia-beamed broadcast five
hours after the launching. Later,
however, the Russian radio re-
ported the story in considerable
detail on local broadcasts.
r Warsaw Radio carried a factual
report of the event five hours aft-
f er it began, and two hours later
Radios Prague and East Berlin
l followed suit. -
Tax Crisis
Michigan's tax crisis could a-
most be called a"welcome bless-
ing," Prof. Harvey E. Brazer of
the public administration insti-
tute said yesterday.
He cited the personal income
tax as a "prime weapon" in solv-
ing the state's fiscal problems.
Speaking before the 41st an-
nual meeting of the University
Press Club, Prof. Brazer said the
legislature now has no choice in
letting the tax situation go un-
"The state legislature won't be
able to sit on its hands in tax
matters" when the findings of the
tax study committee are complete,
he said.
He described these problems a
finding an equitable base for tax-
ation, while at the same time not
discouraging industry form leav-
ing the state but still maintain
adequate funds to provide suffi-
cient state governmental services.
"I don't think the state consti-
tutionality of the personal income
tax will be a serious problem" if
the personal tax is considered as
a possible solution, he said.
"The Constitution argument is
something of a 'bogey man' which
I was taught when younger not
to fear," Prof. Brazer said.
He stressed the need for a revi-
sion of the "hodge-podge" of taxes
on local and state levels.
Four Early Drives
C ontaied y ars
Wolverine Running Backs Shine;
Ptacek, Noskin Outpass Middies
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's football s'quad blew just one too many scori
chances yesterday as the Wolverines lost to Navy, 20-14,
the Michigan Stadium before a frustrated crowd of 82,220.
Five times in the first half the Wolverines marched de
into Middie.territory but were only able to score once. T
other drives were stopped on the Navy one, nine, 16 and
yard lines.
Navy, which seemed content to be pushed around V
field during the first half, finally came to life in the secor
-Daily-Harold Gassenheimer
HARD-RUNNING WOLVERINE-Fred Julian (16) races past a herd of Navy tacklers as he rips off a
short gain against the Midshipmen in yesterday's game. Julian starred on both offense and defense
in the 20-14 Michigan loss. Teammate Don Deskins (68) is coming up to aid the 'M' halfback, while
Dick Dagumpat (44), Don Chomicz (60), and George Fritzinger (63) prepare to make the tackle
for Navy.
Teacher Shortage Blamed on -Pay
Associated Press Education Writer
WASHINGTON () - Some of
the first teachers in colonial
America were virual slaves, work-
irg off a term in debtors' prison.
There are many teachers today
who insist that times! haven't
changed a bit.
Those early-day teachers weren't
teachers at all. They were brought
to the colonies and sold as teachers
because they had no other trade.
They were scorned and ridiculed
as people who taught because they
could do nothing else.
None Capable Then
Colonists capable of teaching
wouldn't enter the field. The job
was too hard, the pay too low.
The teaching profession has
come far since those days. But
that sneering colonial attitude is
still reflected in the oft-quoted
phrase: "those who can, do; those
who can't, teach; those who can't
teach, teach how to teach."
Perhaps this almost uniquely,
American attitude of disdain for
teachers is the primary reason for
this country's teacher shortage to-
Shows in Salaries
It shows in salary schedules that
almost all educators say are too
low to lure good teachers into the
field and keep them there.
By the latest estimates, United
States public schools are short
some 135,000 qualified teachers.
But you can't just send four mil-
lion kids home and tell them to
come back when teachers are
available. So you make up for the
shortage with overcrowded class-
rooms, double sessions, and emer-
gency teachers who aren't really
qualified for the job.
The recent report of the Rocke-
feller Brothers.Fund, Inc., said the
Polio Cases
Reach 745
DETROIT (A)-Seven new cases
were reported today in a Wayne
county polioaepidemic, bringing
the year's total cases to 745.
There have been 19 deaths.
In the same 1957 period there
were 247 cases in the county and
three deaths.
Of the 19 victims only two,
health authorities said, had re-
ceived Salk vaccine and they had
not had a proper series.
Of the county's 745 cases this
year, 564 have involved Detroiters.
Washtenaw County's sixth case
of polio this season was reported
yesterday by the County Health
AURORA, Ill. () - Mayor
Paul Egan got Russian Premier
Nikita Khrushchev's interpret-
er on the telephone in Moscow
yesterday and fan up a $72 bill
unloading his woes on the un-
suspecting Muscovite.
Egan, at odds with his police
department, as he has been be-
fore, for three days had been
trying to get through to the
Soviet Premier, but settled for
"a very nice man named Vot-
kov," to press his plea for
armed Russians to drive Auro-
ra's police force out of the City
root problem of the teacher short-
age is financial.
Must Raise Pay Now '
"Salaries must be raised, im-
mediately and substantially,' the
report noted. "Those (teachers)
with more than modest financial
needs and responsibilities can only
solve their problems by becoming
administrators, or leaving educa-
tion altogether."
Almost any discussion of teach-
ers' salaries gets lost in a maze of
For instance, how do you figure
a teacher's salary? By the hour, or
by the week? On the basis of a
37%-week school year, or from
September to September? It makes
a difference.
Accurate figures for the present
school year won't be in for several
See TEACHERS, page 2
World News
By The Associated Press
Orval E. Faubus, a focal point in
the simmering integration dispute,
said yesterday the attitude of the
Democratic party's national lead-
ers may drive millions of Southern-
ers out of the party by 1960.
"No one leader or leaders can
create a third party movement
and no one leaeler or leaders can
stop it, if it com'es," said Arkansas'
Democratic governor, adding he
has tried to discourage it.
** *
can National Chairman Meade Al-
corn said yesterday he feels a
third political party will spring
to life in the South before 1960.
BEIRUT (M-)-Former President
Camille Chamoun yesterday re-
portedly turned thumbs down on
a coalition cabinet proposed by
Prime Minister Rachid Karaii
nuclear weapons test slated for
detonation at 6:20 a.m. today has
been postponed 24 hours for tech-
nical reasons.'
VATICAN CITY-The College of
Cardinals will meet at 4 p.m. Sat-
urday to begin the election of the
successor to Pope Pius XII.
RICHMOND, Va.-A legislative
reappraisal of Virginia's "massive
resistance" laws -- under which
half as the Middies scored
twice under the brilliant lead-
ership of quarterback Joe
Navy Marches 67 Yards
Tranchini- engineered a third
period 67-yd, scoring march 'and
provided the clincher with a beau-
tiful 36-yd. touchdown pass to
left halfback Dick Zembrzuski,
to climax a stirring 85-yd. drive
with 9:55 gone in, the fourth quar-
ter. Zembrzuski then ran over for
the two extra points.'
Navy's final quarter score was
brought about by a controversial
call for a quick kick early in the
period by Michigan.
The Wolverines were leading,
14-12, at the time with the ball
on their own 34-yd. line, second
down with 11 to go for a first
down. Darrell Harper then booted
the ball 51 yards and it fell dead
on Navy's 15.
Strategy Backfires
Apparently the Wolverines
thought that Navy could be held
deep within its own territory, but
the strategy backfired.
Navy Coach Eddie Erdelatz
later said in the locker room, "The
quick-kick was a great play but
we were certainly happy to get
our hands on the ball."
Two plays later Tranchini made
the key play of the game "as he
threw a shuffle pass to Joe Bel.
lino, who sped around left end,
for 12 yards, then lateraled the
ball to Ray Wellborn, who gained
an additional 12. Navy now had
the needed yardage to keep the
drive moving.
Nine plays later with the ball
on 'Michigan's 36, Tranchini cool-
ly threw the touchdown pass to
Zembrzuski, who was at least 20
yards from the nearest Michigan
defender. Zembrzuski gathered in
the ball at the Wolverine 10 and
scampered in for the six points.
Navy Scores Early
Navy stunned the crowd In the
first period when the Middies
gathered inthe opening kickoff
on their own 18 and quickly
marched the remaining 82-yards
in 10 plays for a touchdown. A
Tranchini pass also figured. in
here as he threw a 10-yard touch-
down pass to end John Kanuch
with, 6:45 gone.
But the Wolverines, who had
played so well against Michigan
State on the preceding Saturday,
regained composure as Brad
Myers ran around right end for
31 yards.
Six plays later found Michigan
with a fourth down, one yard to
go situation on Navy's 20. Here
the Navy defense stiffened and
the Middies took over on downs.
It was during this first drive by
-Michigan that the Wolverines'
See NAVY, page 6
Flint Editor
Diles at'U
Honorary Alumnus
Praised for Work
Michael Gorman, editor of the
Flint Journal and an honorary
alumnus of the University, sied
yesterday in the University Medi-
cal Center following a cerebral
The 65-year-old journalist was
stricken at a luncheon in the
Union prior to the Michigan-Navy
game, while attending a meeting
of the University Press Club.
Awarded an honorary master
degree in 1954 in addition to being
named an honorary alumnus, Gor-
man was well known for his efforts
on behalf of the journalism de-
partment's foreign fellowship plan.
"Gorman was a leader among
state editors in the fellowship pro-
ject," Prof. Leland Stowe of the
journalism departnment said yes-
terday. "He took one student on
his paper each year and gave him
invaluable experience and, help,"
Prof. Stowe explained.
The newest project of the Flint
leader centered around the city's
University branch which, is in
conjunction with a 25 million dol-
lar cultural - center. "Gorman's
work behind the scenes stirred up
the necessary interest to get the
Flint project completed," Arthur
Gallagher, editor of the Ann Arbor
News said.
"In most cases, however, he
chose to remain in the back-
ground," Gallagher noted. In this
capacity, Gorman was also active
in promoting the trips made each
year by the University Marching
According to Gallagher, the late
editor also took an active interest
in the building of the Newman
Club's Father Richard Center
which is adjacent to the St. Mary's
Gorman served as a member of
the Board of Governors of the
industrial health institute and was
also awboard member of the Rack-
ham Research Endowment Fund.
T HOn Teaching
About 30 Midwestern college
and university administrators will
meet at the University tomorrow
and Tuesday for a Conference on
Appraisal of Teaching in Large
The purpose of the conference
is to explore the practical prob-
hems' of evaluating the effective-
ness of teaching.
The opening session tomorrow
at Inglis House, will feature lec-
'Hidden ' ans Spark Navy, Team
,.'tQf-;',,y 'ic.:;x:e ?,-;x,: ;* :} ,tc.~tc?{i:t:,;;" .-
When Michigan, clashes with a military academy there isn't any
Ltl Brw Jug or Paul Bunyan statue at stake. Nor d e i e .:. ;:... .: :: ::_::rr.:::";}{:.}.::>;:.:.:" does..... ....:a Big Ten:.:'":.}-?}.-r
chm inhpo oeBowlbd hang in the balance. :x:::=t :: ":. .:; ?r . .....:..: >..: 1:,:...
And when Michigan does appear onthe losing endof the battle s.:.-.... .,.......... .........
soeasIt did yesterday, againstNay 20-14,f the usual remorse .....
reevdfrdfas at the hands of Michigan or Ohio State _doesnt....,r., ...t
se em to ln ger -quite as long. But it lasted..}
Fo !h 2220 people who sat in chilled, cloudy Michigan Stadium,::}.i:..
it wasn't merely a game between two great institutions they came to
see. . . ..... :; '::;.<:.? ::::
Traditions Unveiled
Rather, it was the unveiling of both schools' traditions, spirit and
that old intangible, magnetism, that makes a Navy-Michigan game
the great spectacle it is.
The crowd might have felt slightly cheated at not having the
Annapolis student body in the familiar section on the east side reserved
for visiting schools..
But on quiet moments during the game, a muffled murmur some-
times grew to one shade short of a roar. The owners of those sturdy
voices were the absent Middies.
Their cheers were piped by telephone from the Naval Academy's
fieldhouse where the 3,000 future naval officers were gathered.
Stadium occupants heard them as it came over loudspeakers placed
near the Navy bench.
Also missing was the Navy's famous mascot goat. But perhaps an
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