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October 10, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-10

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Sixty-Ninth Year

"Fine-Now All We Need Is Some
Candidates Named McKinley"

Ten opinions Are Free
Truth WIll Prevail"

Barbarian, Geisha
Odd Combination
"HISTORY"according to Time magazine, "is what is remembered."
"History," according to the National Review, "is written by the
Bothquotations are aptly illustrated by "The Barbarian and the
Geisha," John Huston's unparalleled adventure and love story cur-
rently keeping ushers awake at the State Theatre.
According to John Huston's memory, John Wayne went to Japan
early in the nineteenth century, to represent the U.S. government,
President Pierce, and Tugboat Diplomacy. Accompanying Wayne was

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Russell's Space Utilization Report
Puts Quantity Above Quality

STATE EDUCATIONAL institutions were told
this summer that they need to make more
effective use of instructional facilities by John
Dale Russell, director of the legislative study
committee on higher education. The reasons
for more effective use are obvious to a univer-
sity community - enrollments are expected
to mushroom in the next few years, yet lean
legislative appropriations are in sight.
On the whole, the suggestions the commit-
tee made for improving space utilization were
sound. More Saturday classes, more evening
classes, and centralized classroom scheduling,
to name just a few, are the best first step to-
ward solving the enrollment problems.
BUT INTERMITTENTLY throughout the re-
port there was a rather ominous note. The
note would probably be identified by Russell
as "more value for the money" type thinking.
/But the ominous note was this: Russell's "more
value for the money" consistently favored
quantity education. Dispensed with were sev-
eral kinds of educational practices that have
helped maintain educational quality.
The report said one of the chief offenders
against effective use of instructional space are
highly specialized classes that must use special
rooms. The wording in the report was spine-
less, using such phrases as "again a question

must be raised as to whether such specialized
courses . . , produce values that correspond to
the cost of providing and maintaining the
necessary plant facilities." But in context, his
meaning was clear: drastically reduce special-
ized, special facility courses.
This would chiefly eliminate several ad-
vanced laboratory courses in both the literary
and engineering colleges, but the advice, taken
seriously, would eliminate other courses in
many other University units, including courses
in special education, architecture and design
and natural resources.
THIS WAS NOT all, as Russell also sug-
gested that class sizes be expanded to fit
their rooms. While this woul dobviously util-
ize space more efficiently, evidence that larg-
er classes would not injure the student was
Russell's report would have been a much bet-
ter report if he had more adequately realized
the distinction between providing better use
of facilities with no sacrifice in educational
quality - as his better suggestions provided'
for, and providing for quantity at the sacrifice
of quality. It is a distinction that should be
recognized before Russell's report is taken as
the basis for any change in state educational

his faithful servant Kato, played
by Sam Jaffee, who spoke English
and Japanese out of both sides of
his mouth.
The local Governor, a stern-
faced fellow, was not too happy
with Wayne, whom he considered
something of a fop. But Wayne
soon endeared himself to the
Japanese by burning down a vil-
lage to help wipe out a cholera
epidemic brought in by sailors
jumping ship from Admiral Per-
ry's (how'd he get in this) frigate.
MEANWHILE, back at the pa-
goda, Wayne has fallen in with
a Geisha who speeks good English,
and acts as a running English
subtitle for the Japanese dialog
which is to come.
Wayne is anxious to go talk
with the Shogun, so that he can
get a U.S.-Japanese treaty signed
and go home to fight Indians.
The local Governor is impressed
at the forthright way Wayne
burned down his village, and of-
fers to take Wayne to meet the
Shogun. Wayne hastily packs a
bundle of gifts puts on his diplo-
mat costume, and leads a parade
of cholera-free villagers off to
the Shogun's palace.
But things are not so rosy there,
for in the Shogun's Council are
several very unreasonable noble-
men who do not want any treaty
with the foreign devils. The grand
and exalted lord of the Japanese
IFC is certain that his ancestors
would want no such treaty. The
high imperial keeper of the Menu
at the Japanese Union does not
want Yankee bacteriologists
snooping in his pots. After 'ifew
petty intrigues which come to
nothing, the treaty is signed, the
Geisha goes away because of some
incomprehensible r e a s on, and
Wayne returns to the United
States in triumph.
IT MUST be admitted that this
film is, in spite of appearances,
very symbolic. It is, for instance,
symbolic of the success films
about Japan have in this coun-
try, symbolic of the success of
cinemascope, symbolic of the pop-
ularity of John Wayne, symbolic
of the Hollywood state of mind
which imagines that they can put
all of these symbols together and
come up with something of value.
-David Kessel

Giv en Edge*
Associated Press News Analyst
F RANCE'S NEW parliamentary
election system, putting the
emphasis on the individual candi-
date and eliminating proportional
representation for party lists, is
being widelyhailed because it.will
cut a lot of ground from under the
Political philosophers, however,
already alert to the inherent dan-
ger of strong man rule under the
new constitution, cannot help but
wonder about the future when a
cabinet alone controls the election
France has become a muddled
and indecisive political entity un-
der the proportional system during
the past 22 years. The proportional
system tended to take direct con-
trol of Parliament members from
the voters and give it to party
Since indecisiveness had pro-
duced so many ills, the new system
has been generally welcomed as
contributing to the stability for
which the new constitution is de-
But it combines with the new
pconstitutionalweighting of 'politi-
cal power in favor of the executive
as against Parliament.
The immediate profit of cutting
Communist power in Parliament
is expected to result in this
Heretofore, if the Reds got 25
per cent of the votes they got 25
per cent o; the seats. Now they
will have to actually win in a.dis-
trict to get a seat. Where there are
several candidates, also-rans in
the first voting are expected to
coalesce against the Communists.
The whole set-up is expected to
give the Gaullists a great edge.
Since the vote for the de Gaulle
constitution was so heavy, this is
presumed to be what France wants.
The whole business is designed to
give de Gaulle the power to go
ahead with his stabilization pro-

Library Hours Restoration Welcome'

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SECOND THOUGHTS ... By John Weicher
Standards: Relative Absolute
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RESTORATION of last semester's hours at
the Undergraduate Library stands as a per-
fect example of democracy in action on a Uni-
versity scale.
The relationship between students, faculty
and administration rarely before has been so
beautifully effected.
The action, interaction and reaction went
something like this. Undergraduate students
returning to campus for the fall term showed
immediate concern when they learned of tl*e
reduction in library hours,
THERE WAS a good deal of talk with every-
one making the same point if the main
purpose of a university is to promote learn-
ing, then the University should make it easi-
er, not harder, to do so.
Eventually, however, students reconciled
themselves to the conclusion that complete
restoration of hours would be all but impos-
sible. The budget cut incurred by the Univer-
sity at the hands of state legislators was
thought to be particularly severe on the li-
But there was still something which could
be done. The Health, Education and Welfare

committee of the Student Government Coun-
cil, representing student sentiment and head-
ed by Ron Gregg, mapped out several plans for
closing the library at non-critical hours so
that it could be opened until 12 midnight.
BUT UNDERGRADUATES were not the only
ones who showed concern, The Graduate
School Council sent two delegates to library,
officials to voice their recommendations. In-
dividual members of the law and medical
schools took it upon themselves to state their
feelings to the library directors.
Library and administrative officials went
to work. Student opinion was louder and
stronger than they had anticipated and coAXd,
not be ignored.
After several weeks of constant effort, some-
thing was done -- or rather everything. Sur-
passing the wildest hopes of students, last
semester's hours were restored completely.
It is difficult to credit one particular indi-
vidual or group which is why this is so fine
an example of democratic action. Students,
faculty and administration in cooperation pro-
duced the deed. The deed is well-done.

CURRENTLY, colleges and uni-
versities across the country are
girding themselves to meet a huge
crop of' "war babies" who will be
seeking admission in the next two,
three or four years.
Admissions policies are getting
increasingly selective, with higher
and higher standards being set
automatically each year as more
high school graduates seek rela-
tively fewer places. Colleges alter-
nately boast about their r~ighter
freshman classes and bewail the
number of qualified students who
are unable to attend college be-
cause of lack of space.
PART OF THIS picture, at least,
should be cheering. Highly selec-
tive freshman classes are some-
thing any college can be proud of.
The image of intensely competitive
groups of students enrolling on a
campus each year should give pro-
fessors and administrators great
However, there's another side to
the story-a side that was brought
out in an article on Harvard in
Harper's Magazine. About one-half
of this year's freshman class at
Harvard came from private prep-
aratory schools, the article states.
Further, more officials expect this
percentage to grow larger if public
high school standards continue'to
In other words, Harvard is find-
ing fewer and fewer public high
school graduates who are qualified
to enter, at least relative to the
number of private schools. Since

no appreciable increase in private
school standards has been noted
recently, it may be assumed that
public school standards are de-
clining in an absolute sense-at
least in the eyes of Harvard.
This puts the problem of stand-
ards and selectivity in a different
light. Colleges may be taking fewer
numbers of those who apply, but
if those who apply are less well
prepared than those who applied
ten or twenty years ago, there, is
no real gain in student caliber.
There may even be a decline.
* * *
THE ISSUE of college prepara-
tion and standards was' dramati-
cally raised just about a year ago,
when the Russians launched their
first Sputnik. Large numbers of
people who never were concerned
about education before immediate-
ly assumed something was wrong
in American education, and ad-
vanced all sorts df proposals to
repair it.'
Many of these proposals, how-
ever, concerned themselves chiefly
with getting greater numbers of
engineers and scientists trained,
without regard to the standard
of training. Others urged getting
more qualified people into the
Any reparation, though, must
come from the bottom up, given
our system of education. Unless
colleges want to set extremely
stringent standards and stick to
them, with a resulting loss of stu-
dents, better education has to be-

gin in kindergarten and the pri-
mary grades, work up with the,
This. is possible-many groups
are attempting to promote interest
in the elemtnary schools, seeking
better, more interested teachers.
Recognizing the weaknesses, they
are ready to start at the founda-
tion, preparing gradually to raise
standards in an absolute sense,
a grade or two at a time. But until
this is accomplished, colleges
which speak in terms of raising
standards by a process of taking
smaller percentages of applicants
are only tending to the detriment
of higher education in the long

Tight Generation' Loosens Pen

The Golden Bridge

To the Editor:
THE CAUSE of the "tight gen-
eration" mentioned in a column
last week is worth far more than
just the casual inquiry of last
week. At first glance fear is an
easy point to put your finger on
and to hold responsible for our
generation's silence. Such men as
Joe M. are obvious targets for
blame. As menacing as he was,
however, he never had the power
to cast such a shadow of fear.
Nor are .all the censorships and
ideas that he represents' strong
enough to close really thinking
minds. The silence, is too com-

plete; there is no electric under-
current of suppressed thought.
When looked squarely in the face,
truth is more frightening than.
fear itself; what seals many lips
is not fear but apathy. If ques-
tioned about politics, art, science
and the 1001 other things poll-
sters pry into, John Q. Public
shows a terrifying lack of thought.
Not that people are frightened of
the consequences of thinking' and
opinions, but that they simply
don't have any.
In this age of the tranquilizer
and the couch we pay more atten-
tion to a football game than to a

ACCORDING to Gen. Laurence Kuter, speak-
ing in an interview at Tokyo where he is
Air Commander in the Pacific, the reason why
Peiping has instituted a seven-day cease-fire is
"failure of the announced and boasted Chinese
Communist intent to take the offshore islands."
This is not a convincing contribution to a dif-
ficult situation, and the General, if he feels
that it is proper for Generals to make political
Statements, should at least not count the
chickens until some of them are hatched. For
if it is true that the Red Chinese have failed
at Quemoy, why did they put a time limit of
seven days on the cease-fire? The time limit
implies that they may renew bombardment at
the end of the seven days, and are we to sup-
pose that this is a bluff, that they cannot re-
new the bombardment?
Conceivably it may be a bluff and if it is,
they are, considering Chiang's attitude, taking
an enormous risk of having their bluff called.
It seems unlikely that this is the explanation.
If the Chinese Communists are unable to renew
the bombardment, it would have been so easy
and so much less risky for them to have ac-
cepted the Dulles proposal for an unlimited
cease-fire to be followed by a withdrawal of
Nationalist troops.
THERE ARE two o~er important reasons
why Gen. Kuter would have done well to
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Associate Editor
DALE CANTOR,................... .Personnel Director
JEAN WILLOUGHBY...... Associate Editorial Director
BEATA JORGENSON...........Associate City Editor
ELIZABETH ERSKINE. ...Associate Personnel Director
ALAN JONES ,.... ... .... . .... ......... Sports Editor
CARL RISEMAN.. ... Associate Sports Editor
SI COLEMAN ............ ..Associate Sports Editor
DAVID ARNOLD..................Chief Photographer

refrain from claiming victory. The first is that
with the strategic limitations at Quemoy-
Chiang being unable to take the offensive-
there can be no such thing as a victory. There
can be a pause to bring up ammunition and
guns. The bombardment can be renewed when-
ever the Communists are ready, and there is
nothing that Chiang can do about it. The local
initiative, provided they do not invade but only
bombard Quemoy, is with the Communists.
The other reason why Gen. Kuter was talking
out of turn is that he has made it more dif-
ficult for this government to do what it is
trying to do in the offshore islands. What the
government is trying to do is to obtain a cease-
fire after which, our being no longer at the
point of a gun, we can bring about a disen-
gagement at Quemoy. Our own position is that
we will not make our concession while there is
shooting. We should not overlook the fact that
Peiping will not wish to make the concession
expected if'it is to be proclaimed as a defeat.
It will be the part of wisdom on both sides
to remember "be not rash; a golden bridge is
for a flying enemy." 4
THE IMMEDIATE practical question is what
, is to happen at the end of the seven-day
cease-fire. In trying to answer this question we
can, to the best of my knowledge, define the
present position as follows. We have asked for
a general and unlimited cease-fire to be fol-
lowed by disengagement in the offshore islands.
Peiping has replied by instituting a limited
cease-fire combined with a proposal for direct
negotiations with Chiang about withdrawal
from those islands. Along with this and, so to
speak, parallel with this, there' is reason to
believe that Peiping does not regard the For-
mosa question as immediate and urgent, and
that there is not' now or in the immediate
future a Formosa crisis.
Presumably, theft, the answer to the question
of whether the cease-fire is to continue at the
end of the seven days is that it will probably
continue if somehow - perhaps at Warsaw,
n-.sn frm, na m xaraia ao ha T ~iw

Council Moves To Avoid Another 'Curious' Election

Daily Staff Writer
LAST MARCH and April there
was quite a stink raised about
all-campus voting. Ballots were
thrown out in three elections,
including Student Government
Council, on the grounds they were
"stuffed" into ballot boxes.
Several poll-tenders reported
witnessing such stuffing. One said
that when he arrived at his en-
gine-arch post, the two persons
manning it before him were in-
serting votes for an unsuccessful
candidate for literary school presi-
They continued to slip in extra
ballots while he was working, the
student said.
DURING count night 15 to 30
ballots marked for one of the
present SGC members were found
marked only with a one for the
candidate, were folded together
and punched only once. Other
count night officials reported find-
ing whole books of ballots still
fastened together.
Four-hundred twenty ballots for
the Board in Control of Student
Publications were declared invalid,
since up to 50 with consecutive
numbers were marked for the same
Consecutive ballots were also

he didn't want to vote in the
Board of Intercollegiate Athletics,
a vote was cast for him.
STILL ANOTHER student re-
ported a poll-tender had urged
every voter to "Vote for . .. Put
a 'one' right here in this spot."
And the next day the beleag-
uered elections director admitted
the master list of which ballots
went to which polls had disap-
"Irdon't want to say it's been
stolen but we didn't lose it," he
So it was hardly surprising that
people were pretty upset about the
elections. A defeated candidate
told the new Council he planned
to ask Joint Judiciary Council
either to hold a new election or
investigate all ballots.
This was not done, but SGC did
set up a Credentials Committee to
enforce election rules.
The group was empowered to
enforce rules and recommend dis-
qualificatilon of candidates vio-
lating them.
* * *
NOW THE COUNCIL has in its
hands the new elections rules
drawn up by Dick Erbe, this year's
elections director. And next week
they'll be discussed in terms, pre-
sumably, of ability to prevent an-
other disgraeefule lectinn.

in other respects also. By having,
for example, the Diagonal poll
bundle of gifts, puts on his diplo-
Undergraduate Library stay open
until 10:15 the number of workers
needed can be cut further still
without substantially reducing the
opportunity to vote.
So. it looks like important
measures have been proposed
which would reduce the possibility
a fraud due to sloppiness. But as
Erbe points out, all the trouble

last Spring wasn't due to under-
It will be important that these
plans be augmented, however, by
strict lists of poll-workers and
hours worked. Frequent inspec-
tions by the elections committee
and swift disqualification in case
of rule violation would substan-
tially reduce trouble also.
And a good, clean election would
be a major step in building respect
for SGC on campus.

crisis on a small island named
Formosa. It's understandable per-
haps. Football is nearer to us and
we are more interested in what
touches us for the moment. As for
the confusing future and the com-
plicated present, let someone else
think about them. So we let a
legislature cut the funds for a
library without a squawk until our
study hours are cut, or let a medie-
val law stand in a state without
noticing it until a Negro is in dane-
ger of/ dying for theft of $1.95. It is
easy to see and remove the cause
of fear; but who or what is to
blame for apathy and once known,
how can it be wiped out? Unless we
find this out, the "tight genera-
tion" will have to someday face the
sure and heavy penalties of the
crime of apathy.
Defacement ..
To the Editor:
I READ your report of the de-
facing of the Undergradyate
Library with shock and incompre-
hension It is tragic to see any
beautiful thing destroyed, but the
destruction of schools, libraries
and books falls into a special cate-
gory of wantoness just below the
desecration of churches.
It seems hard for me to believe
that just over a hundred years ago
Abraham Lincoln walked four
miles after a hard day's work to
borrow a poor .book. I wants very
much to believe that my America
still treasures books, learning and
schools. I must admit, however,
that those who bomb schools, de-
face libraries and steal books cast
doubt upon and jeopardize the
faith of many of their fellow
T-Prof. Stephen Tonsor
History Department
The Daily Official Bulletin is an

Senimore Says . .

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