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October 09, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-09

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Sixty-Ninth Year

"I Didn't Think They'd Stoop To
A Dirty Trick Like That"

Football, Marching Band
Receive Student Support

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth WIU PrevaU"

Editorials Printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Speech Department's Ticket Policies
Hamper Role of Student Theatre



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THIS WEEK the University speech depart-
ment announced proudly that it had "to
all intents and purposes" sold out its $3 and
$4.50 season tickets for the 1958-59 playbill.
Those connected with the productions called
this a great step forward in making good
theatre a "habit" with those who would other-
wise never reap the cultural dividends of
In this same vein, the University sponsored,
Spring Drama Season is also generally regard-
ed as a ray of cultural sunlight. Ditto for the
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre productions.
Undeniably, these attractions are providing
their bit of thespian spice to Ann Arbor life,
and they do manage to keep the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre free from spider webs.
BUT THE theatrical emphasis is swinging,
not toward the student, as the glad tidings
of the speech department would have observers
believe, but exactly in the opposite direction.
Ann Arbor theatre is growing farther and
farther from the University audience.
The University Drama Season, with its bill
of "Broadway Hits" and its professional, al-
though sometimes a bit obscure, casts, is un-
doubtedly the most glamorous of the local pro-
ductions. And, what's more, they almost always
have a full house.
To casual observers this seems fine. But
casual observers have failed to glance at the
records. Most of the sales come, not from eager
college youth, but from fur-bedecked, pros-
perous looking residents of surrounding towns.
And well might they be prosperous looking, for
the season tickets, ranging from $7.50 to $16.50
are usually beyond the poverty stricken colle-
To add to the lack of concern for students,
the productions coincide with spring final ex-
amination time.
BUT THERE is still a glimmer of hope - the
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre playbill. The cost-
Isn't bad, just a few days' lunch money will
cover it. The time is all right, too - the plays
are fairly well scattered throughout the year.
Unfortunately, the Ann Arbor Theatre is
just what it says -- an Ann Arbor Theatre. t

is 'directed, acted and produced primarily for
the education and enjoyment of residents of
the city, participation by the University stu-
dent is secondary.
Since the drama season and the Ann Arbor
Civic Theatre are basically geared to the non-
University group, the student is left with the
somewhat dubious dramatic benefits of Soph
Show, Musket and the Junior Girls' Play.
While these productions are fine and serve
their intended purpose admirably, no, one
claims that they are even clcse to immortal
O, THE DRAMA cultural opportunity nar-
rows down considerably. However, one sal-
vation can be seen - the speech department
playbill. Here is a theatre of, by and for the
student. It is intended not only to aid the per-
formers, but also to add to the dramatic ex-
perience of the general student body as well.
But, oddly enough, the speech department
discontinued its previous sale of student tick-
ets because "all the good seats in the front
rows of the theatre went for the low price
of $3.50 last year." So, students, for whom the
speech bill is supposedly intended, are now
forced to compete with the general public
for tickets.
YET THE DEPARTMENT, while discontinu-
ing the sale of student tickets, claims to be
primarily an educational theatre. The same
department says that if its productionssare
worth doing at all, they are worth seeing.
It seems that they have' forgotten their pri-
mary purpose on this campus -- to educate
students. Not only have they already sold all
"cheaper" seats, but some 5,000 coupons were
sent out to Ann Arbor residents and alumni,
urging the purchase of the remaining seats.
This, added to student salesmen who have ap-
proached Ann Arbor sewing circles and garden
clubs, narrows down considerably student
chances for. good seats.
Another activity has been added to the list
of commercialized studentless student activi-
ties. Meanwhile, Joe College still intends to
see the inside of the Lydia Mendelssohn "one
of these days."

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Repub ican
; ...Dy 'IILLL

sTurn to Past

To the Editor:
of October 5 by Michael Kraft
has probably been read by many
of the "intelligent" students here
in Ann Arbor. It might be felt
that the lack of attendance at the
team send off on Friday afternoon
would take much of the salt out
of the arguments. If anything, it
might just prove the opposite of
what he strongly states. The stu-
dents (and faculty) seem to be
heading in just the opposite di.
rection, i.e., away from over-em-
phasis and support of the contest
of the "helmeted gladiators."
In my eyes, football is playing
an integral part in the overall ob-
jective of a "well rounded educa-
tion." Giving scholarships to
athletes, not only football players,
but to the qualified participants
in all sports, never has and never
will be indicative of higher educa-
tion's departure from its primary
role . . . to educate. Instead of
lowering the educational values
which we are told we are seeking,
football (on either a large or small
scale) apparently gives students
a source of getting tension out of
the system, by giving them an
activity which is not mentally de-
manding, yet does not lead to low-
ering of standards. The natural
erroneous conclusion which many
readers would draw from the ar-
ticle is that football (the players,
the faculty and alumni support
and the educational values) i
causing the deterioration of the
higher education in this country.
The seeming apathy here at
Michigan is noteworthy only in-
asmuch as it proves that students
are here for other reasons aside
from supporting a team. A close
check on many of these "helmeted
gladiators" will prove to you that
they too are herefor other pur-
poses than football. It is neither
fair nor accurate to condemn foot-
ball as a degrading factor in high-
er education.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYkEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Blue Cross Group Hospitalization,
Medical and Surgical Service Programs
for staff members will be open from
Oct. 6 through Oct. 17 for new applica-
tions and changes in contracts now in
effect. Staff members who wish to in-
clude surgical and medical services
should make such changes in the Per-
sonnel Office, Room 1020, Admin. Bldg.
New applications and changes will be
effective Dec. 5 with the first pay-
roll deduction on Nov. 30 After Oct.
17 no new applications or changes can
be accepted until Oct. 1959.
International Center Tea: Thurs., Oct.
9, 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the International
University Directory: All additions
and corrections for listings already sent
in must be received in the University
Directory office, 113 Admin. Bldg., by
Monr., Oct. 13. For further information,
call Florence Boyd,ext. 2152.
Engineering Freshmen Assembly: Class
Meeting for election of Class Board
Members and Officers, Thurs., Oct. 9,
7:00 p.m., Trueblood Aud.
(Continued on Page 5)

If you seek to find fault with
our higher institutions of learning,
look. to Lansing or Washington,
D.C.; not the Saturday afternoon
Ted R. Cohn, '60BAd.
Posters . .
To the Editor:
THE EX-BOY SCOUT organiza-
tion on the campus (Alpha
Phi Ortega) no longer does "good
deeds daily"-in fact, they are by
omission, daily doing bad deeds.
A.P.O. it seems, is delegated by the
Dean of Student Affairs the re
sponsibility for distribution of
signs and posters on the campus.
For many years the group has
been one of the hardest working
group of students on campus.
Alas, no longer. Posters slipped
under the door of Rm. 2526, Stu-
dent Activities Building advertis-
ing events as early as Sept. 26 are
still gathering dust in the office.
I wish to call attention to A.P.O.
that their services are missed by
the campus. In the meantime,
student and University organiza-
tions wanting to distribute post-
ers should note the University
Regulations regarding their dis-
tribution: "Handbills, signs, and
printed matter not inconsistent;
with good taste may be posted
on the bulletin boards in Univer-
sity buildings but not elsewhere.
Posters or signs advertising stu-
dent-sponsored activities or social
functions may also be posted in
the area in front of the University
Library but only after obtaining
specific permission from the Dean
of Students." It also seems that
publicity relating to activities that
are student sponsored and for
which admission is charged must
be withheld until the function has
been approved by the S.G.C.
.-Luther H. Buchele
Congratulations . .
To the Editor:
Revelli, George Cavender, the
Athletic Association and the Uni-
versityon itsvery successful Band
Day. Fielding H. Yost would have
been proud of his program of
"Athletics for all." He and loyal
alumni know Michigan football
encompasses more than a game.
Sure, we want to win the game
but Michigan alumni also want
maximum participation in athlet-
ic events - athletes, bandsmen,
managers, press program sales-
men, ushers, boy scouts. Band
Days extend this participation
beyond University students; it in-
cludes high school boys and girls
state-wide, proud parents, high
school music directors, band
mothers and booster clubs, service
clubs and bus drivers.
The annual band day program
is more than a great show. It
stimulates thinking on the part of
high school students regarding
college education, immediately
creates a challenge to practice
and drill more diligently for the
improvement of their own organ-
ization, lets parents and high
school officials see how perfect
planning can bring a Band Day
big project to reality.
Coach Yost would have been at
the Union after the Band Day
with a BIG grin-proud of Mich-
igan's young people.
Again, congratulations to the
University and Athletic Associa-
tion personnel responsible for this
great high school and university
student participation in Band
Day. Truly "Athletics for all."
Gordon Packer, '28

The Team. Good or Bad

THID UNIVERSITY'S Wolverines are the
fourteenth best team in the natioi, ac-
cording to this week's Associated Press poll.
Many students couldn't care less.
This Is their business; it certainly is a plaus-
ible argument that athletics occupy too large a
segment of college life. But this editorial is
not directed to these people.
The quarrel Is instead with the fair-weather
fans, who are always hot to spend New Year's
Day in Pasadena but just haven't been inter-
ested in a team they figured didn't have a,
chance to go.
TERE WAS a pep rally last Friday before
the MSU game, and coach Bennie Ooster-
baan apparently decided when he saw the
crowd to wait another year to make his first
pep-rally speech. His reaction Is understand-
able, for he and his coaches and team nearly
outnumbered the supporters present. There
might have been a few more except that as
one sheepish student puts it, "I sort of hid be-
hind a tree when I saw how small the crowd

But the pepless pep rally isn't even the
choicest example. The Wolverine Club not only
tried to send the team off in style, they also
sold bus tickets for the trip to East Lansing.
They filled only two buses.
AND IF ANYONE reading this still isn't con-
vinced that. Michigan students are fair
weather fans, they should have had the honor
of looking at the entries to last week's Daily
Grid-Picks. If it appears that few students
were professing support of the team before
the game, the doubting reader should see the
scores picked when two ninety-cent movie
tickets were at stake: 40 to 12 and 38 to 6,
48 to 14 and 50 to 8 were typical.
Now maybe since the Associated Press thinks
Michigan plays pretty good football, student
opinion will go up. But this isn't the point.
Nor is it the point that some feel football,
should be de-emphasized.
It only seems that a little faith and enthu-
siasm are in order, for the good, or bad, big
or little team.


WASHINGTON - The Republi-
can high' command has de-
cided to run against Franklin D.
Roosevelt for the rest of the Con-
gressional campaign.
This is the inner meaning of
the recent high party conference
at the White House, Nothing has
so illustrated the degree of Re-
publican difficulty. For running
against Franklin Roosevelt in life
brought the Republicans four
successive Presidential defeats,
and any number of Congressional
If they persist in making FDR
their chief antagonist this time,
he will beat them again in death
-or more exactly they will lose
by a bigger margin than need be.
* * .*
cision was said to have had the
vaguely defined approval of Presi-
dent Eisenhower. But, as a high
Republican privately confides, "It
was Nixon all the way." Dominant
was Vice - President Richard M.
Nixon. A short time ago this cor-
respondent reported that Mr. Nix-
on had moved "all but openly" to
the top leadership of the party.
One alteration now is needed-to
strike out the qualifying words
"all but openly."
For the Vice-President is now
visibly in charge-a general man-
ager, whereas Mr. Eisenhower is
in the semi-retirement of a chair-
man of the board, elevated but
Moreover, Mr. Nixon is so di-
recting this campaign as to give
the 1960 Presidential contest, in
which he himself almost certainly
will be the Republican nominee,

actually a greater place than the
1958 program. The manifesto is-
sued by the Republicans after
their White House meeting was
more nearly a document for a
Presidential than a Congressional
Its main expression of horror
was at "the twenty years of the
New and Fair Deals" of Franklin
Roosevelt and Harry Truman. And
its central theme was that any
new "national Democrat adminis-
tration" would be even worse.
now in. the field against the Re-
publicans are Democratic Con-
gressional candidates. But the
GOP warning was directed more
against some. future Democratic
Presidential candidate. It was like
rallying the troops not for a battle
hotly in progress but for a battle
still in the distance.
Those who have been told Mr.
Nixon's long-term political plans
have reason to believe the present
situation to be as follows:
1) His first speaking trip for
Republican Congressional candi-
dates has hardened what he had
already supposed. This was that
the Rep'blicans had practically
no chance to win Congress and
would be wise to try mainly to cut
their losses and strengthen their
position for 1960.
2) The Republicans generally-
Mr. Nixon prominently among
them-are no longer at all im-
pressed with President Eisenhow-
er's old coat-tail magic.
3) They have been unable to
find any pay-off issue against the
Democratic Congressional leader-

ship. So they are not attempting
any major attack here, but are
hitting instead primarily at FDR
and secondarily at Mr. Truman.
The key words and slogans, now
re-adopted, turn the clock back
18 years. "Preserving free enter-
prise . . . socialism . . . regimenta-
tion." These arguments and epi-
thets reached their crescendo
against the Democrats when Wen-
dell Willkie was running against
Mr. Roosevelt in 1940.
* * *
Because the fundamental im-
mediate problem is to find a
means of orderly transition from
the moderate Eisenhower era,
which is ending, back to the tradi-
tional partisan Republican posi-
tion. This is the only "practical"
position for the moment. For the
first necessity is to hold together
at least the strictly partisan Re-
publicans and so to ease the shock
to the party of the loss of the old
Eisenhower power.
And the surest way to rally
these old boys is to attack Frank-
lin Roosevelt, even though this
means an undeniable short-term
risk. It will be time enough later
to try to develop a wider party
appeal to the voters.
How far this transition has al-
ready gone could not 'have been
more lighted up than by this fact:
in the campaign statement drawn
up by the Republicans not a word
of praise was said about the man
who is still nominally the party's
leader and still in the White
House--Dwight D. Eisenhower.
(Copyright, 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

A Talk with the Pope

Dulles' Statements Indicate Softened.Policy

Associated Press News Analyst
N¢ SENSITIVE man could talk with Pope
Pius XII without realizing that he was in
the presence of a great intellect, a great force,
yet with it all, sincerely human.
I met the Pope in his study at Castel Gan-
dolfo under unusual and informal circum-
stances. He had been through a tiring season.
He had Just participated in the famous 1948
ceremony of the lighting of the candles at St.
Peter's, when the entire edifice is outlined in
light. He had then gone to the Summer Vati-
can to escape all appointments.
. He had, however, agreed to see Brig. Gen.
Willard S. Paul, now President of Gettysburg
College, and Mrs. Paul.
Frank Gowan, aide to Myron Taylor when
the latter was President Truman's personal
representative to the Vatican, was a personal
friend of the Pope. Accompanying the General,
he told me to come along and he would see
what he could do about getting me into the
audience chamber.
I waited in an anteroom without much hope.
BUT GOWAN had interceded directly. He fell
back at the door when the general and Mrs.
Paul emerged, and crooked a finger at me.
Quickly I was in.m
I explained my understanding of the limita-
tions against reporting the interview: that I

was seeking information and opinion for guid-
ance, not for quotation.
The Pope gave no sign of any feeling that
I had intruded, or that he didn't have much
time for me.
Noting from the absence of the outward dis-
plays of reverence to which he is accustomed
from Catholics, he asked with what can only
be described as very courteous diffidence if I
would care to have one of his rosaries .As-
sured, he presented it with a blessing over and
above the one given me, and all of the objects
on my person, when I entered the room.
Then, for 35 minutes, I asked questions and
he talked about affairs of the world.
Some of the answers would have started the
world's news wires humming. Some did at
-later times, when he expressed the same ideas
AFTER ONE or two such occasions I wrote,
asking if because of public utterance I
could be released from the original restric-
tions. Blessings on my work, was the reply, but
he couldn't change the rule.
When I left the room I had only a vague re-
collection of what he wore, of *what kind of
desk he sat at, or how the room looked.
I remembered, however, and still do, the
eyes, the mobile face, the ascetic hands, and
above all the voice and the words spoken in
nerfeet ali

Daily Staff Writer
Statements made last week by
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles indicate a softening in the
United States' once inflexible pol-
icy toward the Chinese Commu-
Despite Dulles' message to
Chiang Kai-shek assuring him
that basic United States policy
regarding China remains un-
changed, the United States' allies
optimistically tend to interpret
his statements as a modification
of the Administration's position
in the Taiwan Strait dispute.
Washington had been under
fire both abroad and at home for
seemingly preparing for a mili-
tary showdown in what was wide-
ly regarded as the wrong place
and over the wrong issue.
It was this pressure that forced
Dulles to make his sudden rever-
But the effects of this about
face on the part of the United
States may have disastrous ef-
fects on the future of National-
ist China and American prestige.

seized Dulles' statements for their
propaganda value.
One influential Chinese diplo-
mat said bitterly: "We'll never
trust the United States again .. .
We must start looking for our own
solution to our own problems . .."
The Communist's suddenly or-
dered cease fire bombardment of
Quemoy threatens to widen the
rift between the Nationalists and
the United States.
In calling the cease-fire for a
week beginning last Monday, the
Red Chinese hope to convince the
Chinese N a t i o n a i s t citizens
crowded on Formosa that Ameri-
can aid and npolitical support
should be abandoned.
Chinese Communist Minister of
National Defense, Peng Teh-huai.
called for talks between Commu-
nist China and Nationalist China
that would lead to a joint agree-
ment against the United States.
"In the last analysis, the Amer-
ican imperialists are our common
enemy," he told the Formosans.
* * *
CHIANG'S dependence on the
United .States and the Reds'
charge that Americans may aban-

A general uprising against the
leadership of Chiang seems un-
likely although many political
leaders would like to see some
type of direct negotiations, on any
level, between the Nationalists
and the Red Chinese.
If such direct negotiations do

,ome, much of Chiang's power-
ful grip over the Nationalists
might slip considerably.
Red China's bid to stir up dis-
affection in Formosa by calling a
cease-fire on the heels of Dulles'
statements brig the possibility of
such talks nearer to reality.

Dietary Laws ..
To the Editor:
has always prided itself on be-
ing a liberal, high standard insti-
tution,"with-its primary concern
the welfare of its students.
Though the University cannot
please everyone, many of the,
wishes of the students, if possible,
have been put into effect.
A Jewish student - more spe-
cifically - a Jewish female stu-
dent, entering this University,
who has been raised in a home
where kosher dietary laws have
been observed,' and who wishes to
continue observance of these laws,
soon finds that she is unable to
do so. Unless she is a senior and
can obtain an apartment, she is
forced to go against her basic
principles and' eat non-kosher
Hillel Foundation has solved
the problem for male students
who wish to adhere to these laws
by allowing a small number to
room and board there. Catholic
students are able to observe their
dietary laws as the Residence
Halls, if the student lives in one,
serve fish on Fridays. However,
no provision has been made for
a female Jewish student.
Perhaps this is an oversight on
the part of the University, or
perhaps the issue has never been
brought up before. A solution to
this problem is eav However


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