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October 09, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-09

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Library's 'Ours

AEC Sees
Atom Waste
As Problem
As more atomic power plants
are built, disposal of radioactive
waste may become a problem, ac-
cording to an official of the En-
rico Fermi Atomic Power Plant
near Monroe.
Robert W. Hartwell, general
manager of a company which is
building the atomic power plant,
said the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion has agreed -to take the plant's
wastes and reprocess them.
The plant is designed so other
radioactive material will be dis-
charged through ventilators and
sewage will be less than one-
tenth of the limit considered safe
by the AEC, Hartwell said.
No Radioactive Hazards
"There will be no radioactive
hazards to the community," he
noted. The government agree-
ment to handle the radioactive
wastes will serve as an induce-
ment to private industry to build
atomic power plants, Hartwell ex-
He said there is no danger of
contaminating Lake Erie because,
even though a great deal of lake
water will be used for the plant,
it will be used for steam rather
than used in the reactor.
Hartwell urged more develop-
ment of peaceful uses for atomic
power because of the great de-
mand for electricity and the de-
pletion of natural resources.

Weather the Storm?

PUTTING UP NEW SIGN-Michael Townsend takes down the old
sign, puts up the new, as the second library hours revision goes into
effect. Hours will revert to last September's schedule starting
Monday, when the library will be open from 8 a.m. to midnight
Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and
from 2 p.m. to midnight Sundays.
Exhibit Teams To Perform

CAPTIVE TORNADO -- Meteorological students can observe a
captive tornado in this device created by University researcher
David Jones. The whirling mass is formed by heating water over a
hot plate and permitting condensation to escape through chimney
at top of box. Through use of this "tanked tornado," researchers
hope to learn more about the nature of real tornados.
Grou ps Support NSA
i AI

Navy is planning to bring three
teams to the football game Satur-
Besides its football squad, two
of Navy's famous exhibition teams
will be on hand for the pre-game
and half-time ceremonies,
The Naval Aviation Cadet 'Drill
Team, known as the Navcads, will
take the field during the halftime
to present 'intricate drill and
manual of arms maneuvers.
A crack trampoline group, the
itarflights, will perform before the
game. Organized in 1955, this
group- has appeared at several
athletic events and on television.
Last August the Starflights' per-
formance at the North-South
Basketball Clinic in Dallas
prompted Oklahoma's football
Russia Hosts

'U' Research
To Continue
Polio Work
A March of Dimes grant of
$99,113 was given yesterday to the
Poliomyelitis Respiratory and Re-
habilitation Center of the Univer-
sity Medical Center.
The grant will be used by the
hospital to continue its work on
procedures to enable iron lung
patients to return to near normal
Announcement of the grant was
made by Dr. A. C. Kerlikowski,
director of University Hospital,
and Basil O'Conner, president of
the National Foundation (origi-
nally the National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis).
Program Treats, Teaches
Serious and complicated polio
cases are sent for care to the
Medical Center which conducts a
program of treatment, teaching,
and research.
The- program consists of reha-
bilitating these severally disabled
patients. Many who are admitted
in ironIlungs have been able to
return home no longer needing
breathing aid. Others require res-
piratorsnonly, apart of the day.
Need Home Care
In regard to the home care pro-
gram, Dr. David G. Dickinson,
medical director of the Rehabili-
tation Center, pointed out that
patients' well-being depends on
three factors.
. These are the need for deter-
mining if they can be cared for at
home, a carefully planned and
controlled breathing aid program
to minimize relapse, and periodic
readmission to the Center for a
few days to re-evaluate their con-
The Center also does research
into various aspects of respiratory
failure due to polio and other
To Give Talk
State Superintendent of -Public
Instruction Lynn M. Bartlett will
speak today at the Michigan Edu-
cation Association's regionalcon-
ference at Ann Arbor High
His speech, which will open the
conference this morning, will be
"Citizens Look at Their Schools."
Ann Arbor public schools will
be closed today and tomorrow for
the conference. Various group
meeting and panel discussions will
be held this afternoon and tomor-
row morning. Tomorrow after-
noon there will be a general ses-


coach, Bud Wilkinson to term
their feats "the best halftime per-
formance I've ever seen."/
Both teams, consisting of volun-
teer personnel, are from the Naval
Air Basic Training Command at
Pensacola, Fla.

Grant To Finance Health Study

Prof. John W. Carr of
mathematics department,


Prof. Norman R. Scott of the-en-
gineering department were guests
in Russia of the Ukranian Aca-
demies of Science, during August
and September.
The United States, they com-
mented, is still ahead in many
phases of the important field of
electronic computing, but the
Russians aren't far behind.
Most important achievement of
the trip, both scientists. agreed,
was the establishment of closer
ties between American and Soviet
scientists and their countries.
"All of the Russians we met
were interested in exchanging re-
prints of technical papers dealing
with progress in computer re-
search in the United States,"
Prof. Carr said,

The public health school has
received a five-year grant of $167,-
620 from the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation to finance a study of the
changing trends in the public
health movement and their impact
on operating and teaching pro-
grams in public health.
Prof. Hugh B. Robins of the
public health school will direct the
newly organized research and
teaching service in the study.-
Prof. Robins' appointment as-
professor of public health practice
at the University became effective
Oct. 1. Prior to that he had been
health director of Calhoun County,
Young Talks
To Wives Club
Prof. Walter J. ons, asso-
clate dean and secreary of the
engineering school, and Prof.
John G. Young, assistant to the
dean of the engineering school,
spoke to the Eigineers' Wives of
the University Club yesterday.
Prof. Emmons discussed engi-
neers' schooling with the wives.
Prof. Young told them of their
husbands' futures.
The club is still open to engi-
neering students' wives who were
not able to attend. The next
meeting will be November 4, ac-
cording to Shirley'Graessley, pub-
licity chairman.

Mich., for about 20 years and was
a non-resident lecturer in the
School of Public Health.
Prof. Henry F.Vaughan, dean of
the public health school, said that.
increased attention is being paid
to the chronic diseases, cancer,
heart disease, diabetes and mental
health because of conservations
in the earlier years of life with
Salk vaccines and the new vac-
cines becoming available for com-
mon respiratory diseases.
"All of these changes in empha-
sis require a review of the pattern
under which community organi-
zations, both official and voluntary,
should approach the new look of
health conservation and promo-
tion," he said.
He emphasized need "of greater
teamwork between the health de-
partment, staff, the voluntary
agencies and the free enterprise
as represented by industry and
private medical practice."
To Consider
New Parking
A proposal for a new city off-
street parking ordinance will be
analyzed Monday by the Ann Ar-
bor Chamber of Commerce traf-
fic committee.
The new ordinance, which was.
approved at its first 'reading by
the City Council, will be examined
then by the committee to see how
it will affect the city and local
business, William J. Bott, Cham-
bgr manager, said.
Help will be furnished by the
city's building and safety engi-
neering department, as John E.
Ryan, director of the department,
will meet with the committee to
explain changes in the ordinance,
and reasons for the changes. He
will also give a general outline of
the new city document.

Four Harvard student groups
have joined to form the Harvard
Committee for the National Stu-
dent Association.
The groups are the Freedom
Council, the Liberal Union, the
Society for Minority Rights and
the Islamic Society,
President of the new organiza-
tion Emile C. Chi, said "the pur-
pose of the newly-formed com-
mittee is to inform Harvard stu-
dents of NSA's function and op-
eration with an objective of hav-
ing Harvard reaffiliate with
NSA." f
Conn Selected
To Give Talk
On Medicine
Dr. Jerome W. Conn, of the
medical school, is one of two phy-
sicians selected to deliver the an-
nual Shannon Lectures in Medi-
cine, Oct. 17 and 18.
Dr. George W. Thorn of Har-
vard University and Dr. Conn will
each give four lectures on endoc-
rinology and metabolism.
Lectures are sponsored by the
Shannon West Texas Memorial
Hospital and will be given at San
Angelo, Texas.
Dr. Conn is director of endoc-
rinology and metabolism at the
Medical Center.
'U' .Professors
To T alk on TV
Three University professors will
discuss legal aspects of school in-
tegration at 8 p.m. today over
Profs. Samuel D. Estep and
Paul G. Kauper of the. Law School
will discuss recent actions by the
Supreme Court in this field.
Moderator will be Prof. George
A. Peek, Jr., of the political sci-
ence department.
The program is a weekly half-
hour broadcast called "Back-
ground." It will be re-broadcast in
several Michigan cities later this

He hopes to accomplish this by
distributing information on NSA
through means of a brochure
written by the Committee.
Other students are planning to
present a petition for a student
referendum on the question of
NSA membership at the open
meeting of Harvard College's Stu-
dent Council next week.
The new committee endorsed
the proposed student referendum.
Chi said that so far nothing has
been done about getting 'funds for
publishing the projected brochure.
Members of the committee in-
clude current and past officers of
NSA, as well as officers of the
four groups which make up the
Chi announced that the com-
mittee hopes to have whatever
other organizations are interest-
ed in its cause at future meetings.
(Use of this column for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Organizations planning to be active for
the current semester should register
not later than Oct. 10. Forms available,
2011 Student Activities Building.)
* * *
Chess Club, weekly meeting, Oct. 9,
7:30 p.m., 3D, Mich. Union.
* s s
Christian Science Organization, tes-
timony meeting, Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m.,
League: check bulletin board in lobby
for room number.
* s
Le Cercle Francais, Baratin - Coffee
Hour, Oct. 9, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
National & International Affairs of
SGC, weekly meeting, Oct. 9, 4:00 p.m.,
s s *
Stamm Foundation of Evangelical
United Brethren Church, bowlingpar-
ty, Oct. 10, 8:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
* * *
Young Friends, meeting, Oct. 12, 7:15
p.m., Friends Center. Speaker: Prof. K.
Boulding, "Life of George Fox."
* s *
Folklore Society, Folksing No. 1, ev-
eryone welcome, If weather is nice,
sing will be staged on Diag, Oct. 9,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 3D, Union.
s s *
Kappa Phi, regular meeting. Prospec-
tive pledges welcome, Oct. 9, 7:00'p.m.,
Wesley Lounge.


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