'U', MSU To Hold Joint Concert, Dances
Summer Camp Gives Engineers Experience
FIELD WORK-A student surveyor works near Hoback Canyon
which adjoins'the Camp Davis boundary line. Twenty-miles north
of this scene lie the spectacular Grand Teton Mountains. Camp
Davis is also only a few miles from the Jackson Hole National Park.
Detroit Metropolitan Airport
Begfns Regular Operations
Camp Davis, a summer camp
run by the University Summer
Session for civil engineering
school students interested in ac-
quiring practical as well as the-
oretical instruction in geology and
surveying, is the oldest institu-
tion of its kind in the United
Essentially its program Is divid-
ed into two separate sets of
courses. The first, sponsored by
the civil engineering department,
consists of a four week study in
both geology and surveying. Upon
satisfactory completion of this
curriculum ,the students receives
eight credits.
The second is sponsored by the
Highway Engineering Aid Train-
ing Program, the Michigan Road
Builders Association, the Michi-
gan Highway Department, and
the civil engineering department.
The curriculum consists of an
eight week course in surveying
Students Busy With Studies
The students are busy with-
their studies, both in the field and
classroom, from 7:30 a.m. until
5 p.m. The effort is well worth it,
however, as 150 of the 250 men
who have completed the program
over the past six years have been
awarded scholarships.
Those who have completed the
eight week surveying program are
eligible for full time employment
with the Michigan Highway De-
partment or the Michigan Road
Builders Association as surveyors.
The original location of the
camp was at Douglas Lake in
Michigan, but in 1929 it was
shifted to its present site in the
Teton forest of northwestern Wy-
Reason for the move was to
take advantage of more suitable
climatic conditions in Wyoming.
The scarcity of summer rain
makes it possible for them to ac-
complish more work in the time
Area Attracts Artists
It should also be noted that the
Teton Forest is situated in the
Jackson Hole region, just below
the majestic Grand Teton moun-
tain range. This area has at-
tracted noted landscape artists
the world over, many of whom
believe it to be the most pictur-
esque scene in North America.
The Snake and Hoback rivers
MSU Offers
Game Tickets
To Legislators
There is a way to get tickets-
free ones, at that - to, the Mich-
igan-Michigan State f o o t b a 11
game, but only certain people can
do it.
Members of the Michigan
Legislature, who last spring criti-
cized and voted budget cuts to
both universities, have each been
given two free tickets to the game,
compliments of Michigan State.
The University of Michigan will
act as co-host with Michigan
State University to the legislators
and their wives at a pre-game
luncheon to be given in East Lan-
sing Saturday.
Both schools will share the cost
of the luncheon, according to
MSU information director Lowell
It was also announced that, a'
luncheon and two free tickets for
each legislator will be an annual
affair, whether the game is played
in Ann Arbor or in East Lansing.
STUD)NTS' CABINS-Part of the living facilities at Camp Davis,
each cabin is 14. feet square and houses four men. They are equip-
ped with electric lighting and a separate heating unit. Shower
facilities are in a separate unit not far from the cabins. .
which run through Jackson Hole
are two of the, finest:,\ trout
streams in the United States, and
the territory is dotted with lakes.
Time is found in which to or-
ganize , a camp baseball team.
Prof. Donald Cortwright of the
civil engineering department, who
teaches at the camp, reports that
they have been successful in beat-
ing the town of Jackson's team
over the last few years. '
Boyce Directs Camp
Prof. Earnest Boyce, chairman
of the civil engineering depart-
ment, is the director of Camp Da-
vis. The camp is a part of the Uni-
versity's regular Summer Session
and is under the supervision of
Harold Dorr, dean of state-wide
education and director of the Uni-
versity Summer Session.
The geology students made a
two-day jaunt to Yellowstone
Park, which is only a few miles
north of Jackson Hole and exam-
ined the geological wonders that
are found there. Many made. a
tour of the power plant at the re-
cently constructed P a 11i s a d e a
Last summer the camp had 40
University students and, 40 men
who had just graduated from high,
school who were waiting to enroll
in a University in the fall. They
were instructed by 25 professors
who were there with their fami-
lies. The students lived. in large
cabins - four to a cabin.
load Calls Smaller Payroll
Major Cause of yDaisy Move
The eight and one-half million
dollar Detroit Metropolitan Air-
port began its operations at 7 a.m.
The first flight out at that time
was an, American Airlines plane
flying from the new terminal to
American, along with Allegheny
Airlines, ended its operations at
the University's Willow Run Air-
port, to shift to the new airport.
At this time the former Wayne
Major Airport has more than 75
flights scheduled daily.
Other Lines to Switch
Besides the two airlines that
have switched, the British Over-
seas Airlines Corporation (BOAC)
presently flying from Willow Run,
and Northwest Orient Airlines are
to move in December.
The two airlines moving from
Willow Run will have no effect
on the University, according to
University P r e s i d e n t Harlan
At present the Willow Run Air-
port is being rented from the Uni-
veisity¢by a private group which
in turn schedules flights and runs
all of the airport with the excep-
tion of the places where the top-
secret Project Michigan is beingz
Project Michigan is one of the
government's hush-hush national
defense projects.
'U' Only a Landlord
Floyd Wakefield, supervisor of
the University's office at Willow
Run, said the University is no
more than a landlord in the air-
port matter.
"As long as we receive our rent
we aren't concerned with the Air-
port's workings," he said. The
University is still receiving its
Other controversy surrounding
the transfer of operations of the
two airlines to Detroit Metropoli-
tan includes an accusation by De-
troit newspapers that Rep. George
Meader (R-Mich.) had exerted
political pressures to have the
Post Office Department close
their sub-station at the new air-.
He said that the only way he
and Postmaster-General Arthur
Summerfield could have commu-
nicated would have been "mental
He did, however, criticize the
new airport ,on the grounds that
it would be wasteful to spend
large sums of state, local and na-
tional money on a different air-
port than Willow Run.
Lower labor costs and the
greater efficiency of a new plant
were given as the most significant
reasons for Daisy Manufacturing
Company's move from Plymouth,
'Mich. last spring to Rogers, Ark.
These reasons were emphasized
by John Hoad, of Hoad and Asso-
ciates, consultant engineers, last
night at a meeting of the Society
for the Advancement of Manage-
ment in the Michigan Union.
Hoad also stressed that state
and local taxes were an insigni-
ficant part of Daisy executives'
consideration to move, from their
outdated plant in Plymouth. He
ranked taxes with transportation
and utilities expenses as not im-
portant to considerations of the
location of the new plant.
Poor Conditions Cause Move
Daisy had decided to move from
its old plant because the poor
working conditions - narrow
aisles, poor lighting and inability
to expand the plant, had made
the decision unavoidable. Also the
payroll costs were influenced by
the high wage level in Detroit.
Hoad said the ,move was 'forced
upon Daisy because of its great
competition with other toy man-
ufacturers. While Daisy has very
few competitors in the manufac-
ture of BB guns, there is definite
competition between BB guns and
other toys, and "if a mother
thinks that the cost of the gun is
too high, then she will buy some
other toy," Hoad said.
He pointed to the restrictive
legislation which some states are
putting 'upon, BB guns. Hoad de-
clared these restrictions were
causing Daisy to shift toward
noise-maker guns. "And there is
certainly enough competition in
that field," he remarked.-
Must Keep Cost Lowf
These factors have made it
necessary for Daisy to try to keep
the cost of its merchandise as low
as possible. This can be done by
curtailing production costs.
The poor facilities of the plant
precluded any economy measures
there, and Daisy retained Hoad
& Associates to determine the
Dr. Mazer ToGive
Alexander Lecture
Dr. Herbert C. Maier, director of
surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital in,
New York City, will deliver the
second annual John Alexander,
Lecture at 1:30- p.m. today in the
University Hospital amphitheater.
economic feasibility of different
Hoad said that his firmf used
questionnaires, personal surveys
And other professional services to
gather information to find the
best location.
Some of these factors were the
local government's attitude to-
ward the company, the condition
The pictL
pennant for g
--N.Y. Times
ure that cops the
great entertainment!
DIAL NO 2-2513
kaTti2Itliff vm. VLE0901 ABR u VK
s~ar nssarwux 9su ~ Ia~rgead1 GWRGEA88UO1I eSfA~lEYDONEN oa
.11 t iv i". 5 ... r' f-.{c x .....
h .. %.. ...:......t..,n M......1.1.h ..). .....«w... :{"{ .. ...S. .: .. ..f.... .. .....
DIAL NO 8-6416
Ending Tonight
* ..* speaks at Union
of the state Chamber of Com-
merce, the labor available in the
area, the condition of the town's
banks, police, fire protection, util-
ities and climate.
Rogers a Pleasant Town
Hoad thought that the pleasant
community and the lower wage
level of the town of Rogers, Ark.
was the determining reason for
the 'selection of that city. He es-
timated that costs of the move to
Rogers would probably be made
up by the increased efficiency in
the first nine months.
Hoad, who graduated from the
University in 1932, praised the
student chapter of the Society for
the Advancement of Management
and said he was in favor of stu-
dent chapters.
He mentioned that when he
was here he was a member of the
student chapter of the American
Society of Civil Engineering. Aft-
er he graduated he joined the
ASCE as an associate member
and is now a full member.
i Rn lsr
broiled Salisbury Steak .
Mashed Potatoes
Choice of Salad and Dressing
Hot Rolls and Butter, , . .Homemad
Tea or Coffee
Crean Pies
(Red and'
The Black)
* Friday *
Knackwurst& Sauerkraut. . $1.25
Choice of Salad and Dressing
Hot Rolls and Butter . . . Homemade Cream Pies
Tea or Cofee A
Breaded Veal Cutlet ... 1.45
Mashed Potatoes and Peas
Choice of Salad and Dressing
Hot Rolls and Butter . . . Homemade Cream Pies
Tea or Coffee
Dial NO 2-3136
(Star of London & Broadway Productions)
New York Critics Prize Play
ti~nu ARGR
4 ' M%0 .. "