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May 27, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-27

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Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers.
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
NE FOR THE ROAD By Richard Taub
Ev aluaton
0 u R

Student Participation Problems Raised

A YEAR is a long time in the life of an under-
graduate, for it is one-fourth of a college
career in which he is supposed to grow, find
and locate himself in a world which has sud-
denly become so much more vast and complex.
It is even longer for the editor of an under-
graduate Daily. For every day is crowded with
events in the world, on campus and of the
mind, of which he must take cognizance. And
every day is a special sort of crisis with a dead-
line to meet and stories which must be covered.
It is a day crammed full of events from the
classroom to the copy desk.
Many words get written in that time. And
of those, there are some which should not have
been, and, unfortunately, there are many
which should have been, which were not. But
there is always that one last chance, when the
writer is so fullof ideas that it is difficult to
bring them into order, to keep them from
chaotically spilling all over the page.
FOR THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan is a
great university - at one time it could be
said without question the finest state univer-
sity in the country. But it can't be said without
question any longer, and thereby hangs the
tale. If the University is not continually evalu-
ating its goals and aims, and its programs to-
ward those aims, it can only drop still further
down the ladder - no school can afford to
unthinkingly stand still.
This becomes more important with the Uni-
versity's financial situation in such an uncer-
tain state. If the University is not able to pay
salaries which. are competitive, its non-salary
considerations, "fringe benefits," must be so
far superior to those of other schools, that
present faculty members will still want to stay
at the University and new people will still want
to, come here. "Fringe benefits," in this case,
are working conditions and general climate,
not pension plans, etc.
AND IT'S ALSO highly probable that the
University will have to achieve its standard
of excellence not by hiring great scholars for
its faculty, but by doing more to produce great
students. Of course, this need not be a con-
flict - great researchers may produce great
students, but all too often this is not the case.
In short, the University is going to have to
concentrate to an extraordinarily high degree
on all the elements that make up a great in-
stitution because the easier way - bringing
great researchers to the University through
higher salaries - will be simply impossible
for at least the next few years.
37H AT THE UNIVERSITY officials have cre-
ated a climate which is somewhat more
satisfactory to, faculty members than many
other universities is 'quite clear. Just compare
the mass exodus at Michigan State, which is
under a somewhat .more authoritarian lead-
ership, to the number of faculty members leav-
ing the University under equivalent financial
But much more :must be done, before the
well of good will runs -dry. And there are sev-
eral areas in which work can be done.
First, there is the problem of faculty rights.
Many a faculty member recalls the days when
three professors -were peremptorily suspended,
and two of them later dismissed, (with what
seemed to many no good cause.) The Univer-
sity, through the Faculty Senate, has taken
steps to prevent that kind of decision from
taking place, but perhaps more needs to be
PROF. GUY SWANSON in an article in The
Daily magazine earlier this year, suggested
the creation of a "Board of Visitors," whose
members would be "representative of the poli-
tically active groups," and "chosen in a fash-
ion that dispels the suspicion of their being
tools of the college."
Such a group would objectively evaluate the
programs of the University in terms of public
needs, and in this broad context "it should
stand ready to evaluate for the public such
charges as the one that the college is infested
with radicals."
Such a group would help to take the pres-
sure off a harassed administration in times of

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Associate Editor
DALE CANTOR ...........Personnel Director
JEAN WILLOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director
ALAN JONES......................Sports Editor
BEATA JORGENSON. ........Associate City Editor
ELIZABETH ERSKINE ... Assocate Personnel Director
SI COLEMAN ............... Associate Sports Editor
CARL RISEMAN ..............Associate Sports Editor

crisis, allowing it to deal more effectively and
less self-consciously with individual problems.
It would also have the positive value of contin-
ually evaluating the work of a large and com-
plex institution.
SECOND, somebody must invent a way -for
greater faculty participation in the running
of a large and complex University. As it stands
now, the Faculty Senate with its long, dull
(so we are told) meetings twice a year which
few attend does not really fulfill this need. And
yet, faculty members who have a role in Uni-
versity policy are, we believe, going to be more
interested in being faculty members.
FINALLY, the University needs the vigorous,
articulate and creative leadership which
previously has not been forthcoming. This
need applies to other areas as well as that of
keeping faculty members here, as we shall
see, but it is important in this light too.
The University needs someone who will
shout to the nation, to the state, and in fact,
to anybody who will listen, that the University
is committed to "quality education," and will
do all it can to achieve that goal; that quality
education is economically inefficient if one
makes a ratio of dollars to diplomas, but has
greater implications for the nation as a whole;
that any study of the University which uses
"efficiency" as an index to effectiveness, while
it might be helpful in effecting some econ-
omies, is all wet; and that the University is
so thoroughly committed to high quality edu-
cation, that it. will fight tooth and nail to
maintain it,
IF THE University is to maintain its stand-
ards as a great school with a limited budget,
it must use all the skills at its command to
do this. Especially, there is something known
as intellectual climate, or acaemic atmos-
phere, which must not only be maintained
but vastly improved.
Students must talk about Montaigne as vig-
orously as Michigras, Shakespeare as earnest-
ly as Spring Weekend, and Handel as much
as Homecoming. Atmosphere is a reflection of
attitude-in this case the attitude of things
toward the mind - and there are numerous
ways to attack it.
THERE ARE some trends already which
show that strides are being made in this
area. As the faculty Senate has reported, the
construction of the Undergraduate Library and
the thereby increased accessibility of books
has been a step in this direction.
The departmental honors programs, and the
all-college honors programs under the ener-
getic direction of Prof. Robert Angell, have also
made 'more than a dent. But there is a long
way to go.
One obvious place to begin is in campus
living units. This is, so given the nature of
the University, especially so as it is broken
into so many schools and colleges. It seems
so obvious and yet nobody seems to have done
anything about it.
RESIDENCE halls make absolutely no
contribution to the education of their stu-
dents. To be sure, the people concerned spend
a good deal of effort maintaining order, and
there is also some effort expended to see to it
that students are "well-adjusted," but that
really seems to be about as far as it goes.
Freshman dormitories where effort could be
expanded on "adjustment" and the "main-
tenance of order," and upperclass houses where
effort could be expended more fruitfully have
been suggested time and time again by this
newspaper. So far they have met with mere
hokum for answers, which really means the
University is afraid to try anything new. Far
too much time and energy is expended on "ad-
justment" anyway, and somehow intellectual
values go by the way-side.
Fraternities and sororities in this respect, if
anything, are even worse. It is heartening to
note that in the last year or so affiliate lead-
ership both on campus and nationally has be-
gun to show signs' of awareness that this is
no longer the 1920's. But again, there still is
a long way to go. Affiliates have made con-
cessions to the academic world by having study
sessions, examination files and competition for
grades, but unfortunately these efforts have

been in the wrong direction.
Faculty members are sometimes invited over
for teas, and on even rarer occasions for din-
ner. Teas don't really facilitate communica-
tion; dinners are more helpful here. It is un-
fortunate that teachers are invited up more
for the purpose of browning them up than for
providing a stimulating exchange of ideas.
TIS LEADS into the whole problem of stu-
dent-faculty exchange - which can prob-
ably do more to change the academic climate
of the University than any other single factor.
This become especially true as the University

To the Editor:
THE PROBLEM of student par-
ticipation in college policy.
making is not unique on the Uni-.
versity of Michigan campus. It is
one that faces colleges and uni-.
versities . throughout the United
States. The four major problem
areas most commonly identified
and 'studied are: 1) establishing
avenues of student participation;
2) defining the areas and degrees
of student participation; 3) de-
veloping effectiveness of student
participation; and 4) overcoming
traditional thinking and proce-
dures and developing good rela-
tionships between students and
members of the faculty and ad-
mini aai..
The typical American campus
has a number of avenues of stu-
dent participation, some formal
and others very informal. The
most common formal structures
are such things as the all-campus
student government, men's and
women's government organiza-
tions, and the fraternity and dor-
mitory groups. The value of in-
formal discussion of policy prob-
lems is emphasized by honorary
societies, individual contacts, and
newspaper articles.
ORDINARILY, the most im-
portant single representative body
is the all-campus legislature or
council. Two major types of gov-
ernment may be distinguished
here. One, the "community" sys-
tem, places questions before a
single body, composed of repre-
sentatives of all elements of the
campus - faculty, students, and
administration. The other form,
the student government which
consists of students alone and
which concerns itself only, or
chiefly, with student activities, is
more widespread. The community
government automatically ensures
an avenue of student participa-
tion in actual decisions in areas in
which it has a voice, whereas "in-
dependent" student government
does not guarantee this participa-
tion without other channels of
communication or a grant of
complete authority in a given area.
The second major problem, that
of defining the areas and degrees
of student participation, is one
that is very much in the forefront,
especially on the Michigan cam-
pus. There seem to be two major
schools of thought as to the defi-
nition of precise areas of partici-
pation. The first emphasizes set-
ting up "spheres of authority" in
each of which students, faculty,
and administration operate alone
or in specified combination. The
second stresses the idea of more
complete shared control between
students, faculty, and administra-
tion. The spheres-of-authority
procedure may most commonly be
divided into three spheres: i) the
sphere in which the faculty and
the educational and business ad-
ministrations have control; 2) the
sphere in which students have
control; and 3) the sphere in
which the students and members
of the faculty have joint control.
THE SECOND concept, that of
student control, is less concerned
with delineating areas in which
students shall or shall not be in-
cluded on a long-term basis. It as-
sumes that from year to year the
areas and degree of student par-
ticipation will vary, sometimes in-
creasing and sometimes drawing
back, depending on the needs, is-
sues, nad abilities involved.
The issue of final control does,
of course, involve recognition that
all committees, be they student,
student-faculty, or student-facul-
ty-administration, are subject to
higher administrative authority
and ultimately to the trustee
power, in Michigan's case the
Board of Regents.
No model method of consulta-
tion can alone satisfy the require-

ments for worthwhile contribu-
tion if students are not well-pre-
pared to deal intelligently with
problems placed before them. This
problem has several facets - lack
of qualified leadership, absence
of continuity, lack of time, and
lack of background information
and understanding of complex
* * *
THE PROBLEM of continuity,

however, is a much larger one. It
has been found to be one of the
major drawbacks in student par-
ticipation. In most schools, stu-
dent members of the legislature or
council change each year. This
means that the new student mem-
bers must be taught every year
about the function of the council.
There is not only a lack of con-
tinuity of student membership,
but there is often no continuity of
commitment to the work of the
council from one batch of student
members to the next, and there
seems to be little continuity of in-
formation passed on from one
batch to the next. As a solution
to this problem, many colleges
and universities have established
leadership programs for students,
aimed at preparing them to take
on their responsibilities with as
little discontinuity as possible.
The four general problem areas
set forth here pose complicated
questions for any college or uni-
versity, and their solution in
many cases will depend on basic
administrative reforms. Most im-
portant, however, is that there
must be a sincere belief on the
part of the faculty, students, and
administration in the need for
student participation, and a will-
ingness of all these groups to
work toward making such parti-*
cipation as effective as possible.
Ahmed Belkhodja, Grad.
Festival .. .
To the Editor:
[T IS QUITE apparent from David
Kessel's remarks concerning the
Choral Union Concert Series, in-
cluding the May Festival, that at
least for him, the opportunities to
found or to expound a neo-nihilism
is a realized ambition.
Since he has also apparently
committed critical hari-kari for
this cause,- and in the process has
spread the most disgusting por-
tions of his internal self rather
ungracefully about the columns of
The Daily throughout the year,
may we respectfully suggest that
it is now time for a clean-up detail
to remove the sad remains of Kes-
sel's vessels.
Meanwhile, for Kessel himself,
may we also suggest the final step
of the true nihilist in order to
round out his arguments irrevoc-
ably. Any one of his readers, or the
artists who have taken part in
this year's musical season will
gladly furnish him with the means.
What shall it be Dave-a gun or a
knife is too prosaic-how about a
black-widow spider in a fifth of
-William H. Stubbins
To the Editor:
THE DAILY should be ashamed
for having printed twenty
inches of trash by its "critic,"
David Kessel, in the issue of May
If Mr. Kessel could conduct but
half as competently as "Andante"
Smith he would not need to be
wasting his time and money here
at the University annoying those
of us who seek mature criticism
from The Daily. It is unfortunate
that he has in his head only a
glib tongue, but then a few persons
have managed to win a measure of
respect with cheap imitations of
Summing Up: When Mr. Kessel
fell into the League fountain some-
one should have sat on his head.
Fed up with Kessel's juvenile
prattlings, I am
-D. B. Schneider, Grad.
No Treaty *. *
To the Editor:
A QUEER bizarre editorial ap-
peared in the May 10 issue of
The Daily. It labelled India's in-
transigeance to enter into a mili-
tary treaty with Pakistan for de-
fense of the subcontinent as
myopic, especially in the face of
Red China's aggression across the

borders 'in Tibet.
Though fully cognizant of the
fact that rapprochement and a
friendly settlement of long stand-
ing disputes between India and
Pakistan would be highly bene-
ficial, yet a military entente be-
tween the two countries will only
further endanger world peace. We
have had religious wars, political
wars and strifes of other nature
since the dawn of time. Each war

always managed to find (or dig up
one if it can't be found on the sur-
face) some "honourable" common
cause to unite one group of hu-
mans against another.
It is high time that leaders of
the world are sensitive and phil-.
osophic enough to break away
from this age-worn tradition of
making some common cause or
issue the bonding cement for unit-
ing one group of humans against
another group. Unless it has to be
accepted that war is an inevitable
periodic repetition in the annals
of mankind, the leaders of the
world are faced with the respon-
sible task of finding some new ap-
proach, other than this age-worn
tradition, to prevent war and weld
human unity.
A mutual defense treaty with
Pakistan is merely to meander in
the groove of this age-worn tradi-
tion. It will merely give the man
in the street in India and Pakis-
tan an anti-Chinese complex and
prejudice, a feeling of that "yellow
man" across the border, much as
the American in the street is made
to feelaagainst anything Russian.
Such a complex only takes the
world a step closer to war.
Thus India is determinedly re-
solved to break away from this
age-worn tradition and do every-
thing to bring humans together
rather than to grab a common
cause or issue to unite one group
against another. If this be labelled
as myopic, the accusers are dull
of understanding and stubborn not
to realize that given the same set
pattern (a common fervour for a
group to unite against another)
the same end result of war will
follow, as history has shown since
the beginning of time.
-Thomas David, Grad.
Meaningful?, . .
To the Editor:
A LOT has been said recently
about the attitude of the Uni-
versity Administration towards
students. The comments made by
some administrators at the SFAC
Conference seem to show that
more and more the interests and
well-being of the students are be-
ing forgotten and subverted to the
interests of administrative feasi-
bility and big business principles.
It seems that when the Resi-
dence Halls become big businesses,
not only are students getting a
raw deal, but so are the principles
of the Michigan House Plan. In
fact, the Michigan House Plan,
much boasted of and much cele-
brated, seems to have gotten lost
in the flood of administrative pro-
If, as Mr. Stoneham would
have us believe, the Residence
Halls are not a convenience for
students, what are they? From
Mr. Stoneham and others comes
the answer: Residence Halls are
big businesses, operated accord-
ing to administrative procedures,
where the desires and well-being
of individual residents are of no
But, Mr. Stoneham has forgot-
ten one of the major principles of
big business - competition. The
residence halls are filled primar-
ily with studentswho are forced
by the administration to live
there. Freshman men and un-
affiliated undergraduate women
have no choice.
Theoretically the residence
halls provide a meaningful living
experience for the students living
in them. From my- own experience
in residence halls I find that this
experience is meaningful only to
those people who agree with the
administrative and counseling
staffs. Any attempt to show in-
dividuality in a way which is not
considered acceptable is frowned
upon, and is likely to bring about
a refusal for readmittance to the
residence halls.
If the Michigan Residence
Halls are going to call themselves

big businesses, let them compete
on an open market, and not only
apply those big business principles
which make things easier for
them. Let's be realistic and have
an end to the supposed meaning-
ful experiences and other glowing
goals of the Michigan House Plan.
Simon Katzenellenbogen, '61
Election . .
To the Editor:
I WAS overjoyed to read in The
Daily that next year's officers
for the B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-
tion have been selected and will be
installed Sunday. Of course I, like
other Hillel members, had received
a notice that elections would be
held, but I must concede that not
having an election is certainly
more democratic and a much bet-
ter idea than having one.
Out of curiosity, I inquired fur-
ther about this matter and dis-
covered two things. The first is
that next year's officers were en-
tirely chosen by this year's officers
and the Hillel director. Here it
seems appropriate to comment
that these five people certainly
should have the sole right to speak
f or the hundreds of Hillel mem-
bers; after all, the organization is,
as it should be, being run primar-

to compliment this year's officers
on this action. They really did a
bang-up job.
--A Former Hillel Member
[*idway .
To the Editor:
THE CARNIVAL activity and
numerous barkers infesting the
library steps and vicinity are
rapidly becoming a serious prob-
lem. The constant din makes it
difficult to use parts of the library
and classrooms in adjoining build-
ings for serious purposes. Student
organizations and the student gov-
ernment should consider some rea-
sonable voluntary restraints. The.
invasion of the barkers into the
halls of some classroom buildings
is a further violation of the pur-
poses of these buildings and of
the dignity of the University.
Perhaps, we should consider
establishing a mall-at some dis-
tance from the campus - where
vaudeville entertainments, initia-
tions of various kinds, and other
spectator sports can be staged
without restraint. This might help
to eliminate the kind of desecra-
tion of the library which occurred
recently when ope initiation cere-
mony covered the library steps
with a red pigment which was then
carred throughout the library
--Ronald Freedman
Sociology Department
Experiment . .
To the Editor:
HAVE witnessed a Soviet labor
camp and have been an unwill-
ing participant in many "spon-
taneous and happy" parades of the
Soviet Union. Permit me to intro-
duce a few segments of the area
of the "great Soviet experiment in
mass education" which were not
presented by Dr. Hatcher.
The unfortunate ones of the
labor camps of the Soviet Union
are not to be found in the base-
ment of the Moscow University but
in the restricted industrial areas
or deep in the Siberian taiga not
to be reached by a comfortable
jet plane but by a box-car with
barred windows.
The Russian youths who have
been banned from higher educa-
tion because of their "undesirable
socio-economic or political back-
ground" are not found strolling in
the halls of the Moscow University.
Where does one find those too
fearful to enter a house of wor-
ship? Those who dared are not
likely to be encountered in the
Moscow University classrooms.
The friendly paraders who did
not have the opportunity to convey
their suppressed feelings about the
Communist victory slogans and
banners they had to carry.
Dr. Hatcher, I fear, did not meet
those millions who have lost their
freedom and now possess nothing
more than their pride, honor and
anger. Nor did Dr. Hatcher meet
those whose sufferings were finally
covered by the kindly soil sealing
the lips of the living dead.
It is still difficult for me to be-
lieve that the shining rails of
Soviet "progress" impressed Dr.
Hatcher to the extent that he did
not sense the masses of skeletons
which support these rails. It is
a sad commentary on our grand
country when in our Christian cul-
ture, in our desire for peace we
become so addicted to swallowing
the sweet pill of forgetfulness in
order to hide from the reality of
the tragedy of the Baltic States,
Katyn Forest, Hungary, Tibet ...
and the 11 American airmen. After
each insult to humanity we try
to convince ourselves that Russian
Communism is changing and does
not seek world domination. When
we begin to fear atomic fallout
more than the loss of our freedoms
we place ourselves in grave danger
of waking one morning and finding
the flag of this country of my

choice is not there .. . as it hap-
pened to the blue-black-white tri-
color of my country of birth.
-Rurik Golubjatnikov

Rebuttal .
To the Editor:
WE FEEL THAT the views ex-
pressed in the article "Class of
1959 - A Profile" regarding the
School of Nursing, published in the
Magazine section on May 24, 1959,
are not indicative of the gradu-
ating nursing students.
The days of Florence Nighten-
gale have passed a long time ago,
and today's society has placed ever
increasing emphasis on profes-
sionalization. We came to the Uni-
versity for an education and on
June 13.139 of us will walk away
with a diploma and some with a
husband. However, more important
than these gains, we have learned
to think creatively and in regard
to our lives, to analyze, to evalu-
ate; and although these may be
skills of a technical nature, they
are essential to us. Devotion to
humanity and to the bettering of
their lives is one of the functions
of a nurse; but it is through an
effective process of thinking,
which we have acquired here, that
we have learned to express this
devotion efficiently and to do so
to the advantage of. our fellow
We would like to suggest that a
similar interview, aimed to repre-
sent the graduating senior, should
be conducted with more discretion
and less generalizations. We feel
that if statements, such as were
printed, are brought before the
public, a wider cross - sectional
opinion should be obtained. We do
not feel that this. article was re-
presentative of our class.
-Diane Pugno
Mara Asaris
Janet Morey
Roberta Scott
Kay Fredricks
Claudette Rosenquist
Friendship . . .
To the Editor:
REGARDING the letter appear-
Ernest Lilienstein entitled "Fra .
ternities: Comradeship of Mob or
We,, speaking for Pi1 Lambda Phi
and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternities,
wish to present the actual situa-
tion which exists between our two
houses and which seems to be in
question. Mr. Lilienstein poses this
question, and it is quite evident
by the indiscriminate wording of
his letter that he is referring to
our houses.
Our two fraternities take great
pride in the close friendship that
has existed between us for many
years, a friendship of cooperative
activities and mutual respect. Per-
haps if Mr. Lilienstein had the op-
portunity to attend one of our-an-
nual joint parties or take part in
the many informal gatherings of
our houses during the year, he
would see our relationship in- a
different, more accurate light. Ob-
viously, he can see nothing of this,
living across the street as he does,
but only a few instances, easily
misunderstood by an outsider, and
by no means, indicative of the re-
lationship that exists between us.
This is why the accusations Mr.
Lilienstein made which point to-
ward hate and maliciousness be-
tween our two fraternities were
obviously based on distorted in-
formation. He has unjustly de-
graded the integrity of the two
fraternities with respect to them-
selves and to each other.
We feel that the fraternity sys-
tem of living creates an environ-
ment of close relationships not
only within the individual houses,
but among the various members of
IFC. Rather than being the self-
contained, antagonistic groups
pictured by Mr. Lilienstein, we see
ourselves as representative of the
cooperative nature of the Michi-
gan fraternity system.
-Irvin Schatz, President,
Pi Lambda Phi

-Louis Grimaldi, President,
Sigma Phi Epsilon


Rickover Lambasts
Progressive Plans

Senimore Says .

i 0

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'J F.}

Daily Staff Writer
V'ICE-ADMIRAL H y m a n G.
Rickover is lambasting pro-
gressive education again.
He told Congress that America's
school system is Russia's greatest
secret weapon: "If I were in their
place I would spend a great deal
of money to keep it going."
In another verbal slap at pro-
gressivism, Rickover said that
American schools keep students
in "perpetual adolescence"
throughout college.
** *
PERHAPS Rickover is right.
Many University teachers com-
plain that they cannot teach stu-
dents even elementary college,
subjects, as they must first teach
them what the high schools have

paigning for more than two years
for an overhaul of education in
the United States, said the great-
est weakness in the school sys-
tem today is the lack of uniform
nationwide standards governing
qualifications of teachers and
teaching programs.
He has also thoughtfully pro-
vided a solution to this problem,
urging that Congress provide a
helping hand by "working for
uniform education standards."
Another solution to the prob-
lems of progressive education has
been put into practice in a few
areas. It involves a stricter appli-
cation of the practice of failing
students who have not passed the
required work for the term. This
would apply to elementary as well
as high schools.

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