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May 22, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-22

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-Daily-David Arnold
FOR SALE--These items are only a few of the pieces which will be sold by the Potter's Guild
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Money from the sale will help pay for a new gas kiln the Guild
recently purchased and also will go into the building fund.f
Potters' Guild To Sell Ceramics;
Profits To Help Provide Gas Kiln

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday,'
the Potter's Guild will hold a sale
near the corner of William and
Maynard Streets.
Bowls, mugs and various items
in ceramics will be sold with pro-
fits going to help pay for a new
gas kiln as well'as start a building
fund as the guild is growing too
big for its present place in terms
of equipment.
The Guild was established ten
years ago by some local residents
to attract people interested in
getting together to make pottery.
It now has 30 members.
Harriet Hamme, secretary of the
Guild, said members range from
college students to faculty mem-
Raj ah Comes
To Hypnotize
Rajah Raboid, heralded as "The
Master of Your Mind" is coming to
town today in connection with his
programs in hypnotism at 8:30
p.m. next Thursday and Friday in
the Ann Arbor High School Audi-
Sponsored by the Washtenaw
County Sheriff's Department, the
proceeds qf his performances will
benefit the Junior Deputy League.
In Thursday's memorial parade,
the rajab will drive an automobile
through the downtown area-with
his eyes sealed.
We furnish every-
thing for a thrilling
vacation in f a m e d
Quetico-Superior wil-
dones.!;Aluminum canoe, complete
camping outfit, find food-all at low
daily rate. Write today for canoe
trip planning kit, map, lists, rates.
(P.S. Girls make canoe trips, too!)
Brder takes Outfitting

bers to local residents, including
businessmen and housewives.
She described the members as
"all shapes, ages, sizes and sexes."
To Follow
Reading Plan
A debate on "The Relationship
of God to culture" will be the
first event in Student Govern-
ment Council's Reading and Dis-
cussion Week next fal, Roger
Seasonwein, '61, chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department and Prof.
Anatol Rapoport of the Mental
Health Institute wil participate in
the discussion scheduled for Sept.
28. The week will also feature
Various seminars on topics con-
nected with the reading lists to be
sent out during the summer.
.Students interested: in partici-
pating in the program can either
sign up in their housing units or
in the Student Activities Bldg.,
Seasonwein explained. Lists will
also be posted in the Undergradu-
ate Library, the League and the
To Conduct Seminars
In the fall, various seminars
will be conducted for discussions
of the works read by the students
over the summer. The groups will
be planned as much as possible to
avoid time conflicts, he said. In
this way, students will be able
to attend as many seminars as
they want.
Listing the three primary aims
of the project, Seasonwein said
the' Reading and Discussion pro-
gram is planned to give a guided
reading list for students to follow
during the summer.
Intended to promote discussion
and thought both by students and
faculty seminar leaders, he said a
"vital part" of the success of the
program rests in the students and
professors having read common
material that can be discussed in
a less formal atmosphere than
the classroom.
Bring Students, Faculty Together
Another purpose of the pro-
gram is'to bring into contact stu-
dents and faculty members who
would not otherwise have an op-
portunity for discussion.
The full reading list will be an-
nounced Tuesday, Seasonwein ex-
plained. Those participating in
the Reading and Discussion pro-
gram will receive individual read-
ing lists at their summer ad-
At the present time 70 students
have signed up for the program
which will include seven seminars
on "Problems in American Cul-
Hillel Members
To Hear Paper,
Receive Awards
Prof. Herbert H. Paper of the
Near Eastern Studies Department
and member of the Hilel Advisory
Committee will speak at 730 p.m.
Sunday at B'nai B'rith Hillel
The occasion will be the annual
Honors and Installation of Officers
program. The officers to be in-
stalled are: Larry Solomon, 61,
president, Marilyn R. Marsh, '61,
vice - president, Rosalind Ribyat,
'61, secretary and Mark Petricoff,
60, treasurer.

The present Guild building is
about three stories high. The first
floor contains many potters wheels
and{ a large sink which the mem-
bers use to wet the clay in order
to form'it better.
The second floor contains a
small work area and the third floor
is a storage room for the pottery
the members make.
Outside the building is sa smallI
alley, "which the Guild affection-
ately calls Potters' Alley," Miss
Hamme said.
Classes in pottery are held three
times a week on Mondays, Wednes-
days and Tuesdays from 7:30 to
10 p.m. Students usually attend
one of the weelly classes.
The secretary added that "I be-
lieve this is one of the few guilds
set up in this manner, in fact, I
don't know of any other."
Anyone interested in the Guild
activities should contact Miss
Mr. and ,Mrs. Fritz Carle of
Northville, Mich., announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Gertrud Anschuetz, to Pietro Arag-
no, son of Mr. and the late Mrs.
Giovanni Aragno of Torino, Italy.
Miss Anschuetz, a graduate stu-
dent in the education school is
presently employed by the Univer-
sity. Mr. Aragno is studying at the
University under a program spon-
sored by the United States Depart-
ment of Labor.
A summer wedding is planned.

To Withdraw,
Says Greek Week
Clutters Calendar;.
To Reschedule Events,
"The executive council had de-
cided to discontinue Greek Week,"
Beverly Ford, '61, first vice-presi-
dent of Panhellenic Association,
announced yesterday at the
group's weekly meeting.
Most of the events which make
up the week, such as the IFC
Sing and possibly the Jazz Con-
cert, will be continued as isolated
events scattered throughout the
"The timing of Greek Week is
bad," Miss Ford continued. "There
are just too many weekends in the
Spring." When the events are iso-
lated, they will be far more ap-
propriate, she added.
Cut Down Activities
One of the primary reasons for
the discontinuation of Greek
Week is that Panhel is "trying to
do away with so many activities
which detract from scholarship,"
Miss Ford said.
The question of activities, schol-
arship and spirit was the central
business of the Panhel meeting.
Concerning the calendaring of
events for next year, Mary Well-
man, '60, president of Panhel,
suggested stern limitation in
numbers of activities, especially
for the spring semester.
Overburdening the calendar
with activities is detrimental to
both the spirit and the scholar-
ship of the women in sororities,
she said. "Quantity is a negating
quality," she added.
Discuss Functions
An open discussion of the mer-
its of "house functions," activities
in which each affiliate in the
house is required to participate,
followed. Suggestions for limita-
tion of required activities includ-
ed elimination of the numerous
teas given each year and limiting
fraternity exchange dinners.
Miss Ford announced that the
executive board of Panhel is "ser-
oily evaluating pledging pro-
grams in terms of spring rush."
Pledge trainers in the houses are
preparing reports containing sug-
gestions for a revised program.
A basic reason for the evalua-
tion, as noted by Miss Ford, is
that rushing can tend to be "out
of balance" with the affiliates'
interest in scholarship.
Judic Elects
New Officers
Joel Levine, '60, yesterday was
elected chairman of the Joint Ju-
diciary Council.
The Council also elected Betsy
Barley, '61, vice-chairman and
Steve Marcus, '60L, secretary.
Phone NO 2-4786
for Michigan Daily

After stroking on a bit more
mascara, Pat Marthenke, '59,
paused in her prepations for a role
in a speech department produc-
tion to talk about Assembly Asso-
Participation in department ac-
tivities, previously somewhat of a
luxury for the speech major, has
increased a good deal since she
left her post as Assembly president
last month.
"You almost have to squelch
some of your interest in your ma-
jor' field" to participate in student
government, Pat commented, but
what she's gotten out of her ex-
perience is "more than beneficial."
Becomes Stronger Person
Being active in campus groups,
Pat remarked, has made her "a
stronger person as far as making
decisions goes."
"I came to the University avoid-
ing making decisions," she said
with a candid'smile. "It upset me
because I was always looking at
the other side so much I was never
convinced that I was right"-a
policy, she noted, that leads to
"mediocre leadership."
But the four years she has con-
tributed to campus activities have
taught her "how to evaluate ideas,
listen critically and then speak for
something I believe in. I feel," she
added, "that I've grown up quite
a bit in this respect."
Sees Public Relations Lesson
With her usual zeal for relating
her personal experiences to her
academic training, Pat summed up
much of the actual work she did
as Assembly president as a "very
good lesson in public relations."
Pat repeated "what everyone al-
ways says" about being a leader,
"you learn to work with all types
of personalities." Probing the sub-
ject further, she said she has de-
veloped the ability to "handle per-
sonal conflicts and 'feel out' other
As for her cohorts, she had only
praise for-them. "I don't think I'll
ever forget them for their quick
and stimulating minds." In a posi-
tion of leadership, "you meet
people, learn to work with and
even adjust to them," she added
with a laugh.
Another of Pat's pet topics is the
problem of faulty communications,
something that plagues most stu-
dent groups, she remarked, even
Assembly Cuts Membership
To remedy the situation, As-
sembly cut the membership of its
Dormitory Council with the result
that "finally the group is waking
up." Pat thinks the recent in-
creased interest in the Council is
great-"we don't. want them to
come and shake their heads 'yes'
each Monday."
Now that communications seem
to have improved within the Coun-
cil, Pat expressed the view that
interest should filter down from
the top, with the Council keeping
in close contact with their own
house councils and they, in turn,
reaching every resident in the
Speaking with customary affec-
tion for the group she headed, Pat
outlined the measures Assembly
has taken in the past year to im-
prove their communications sys-
tem among dorms and between the
group and the University adminis-
A drive to "help house govern-
ments see their responsibilities as
student ,leaders," she said, and
cited this year's groupas "particu-
larly outstanding."

Marthenke Says Activities Benefici








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