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May 22, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-22

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Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"This Has Got To Be Decided B Us Germans"
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MAY 22. 1959


Participation in Activities:
Two Differing, Views"


F Wire

"DON'T TAKE yourself and. your activities
too seriously and get a certain amount of
enjoyment out of each day."
-Speaking at the Air Force Academy, Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower so cautioned the
cadets, helping to forestall a tendency to evalu-
ate all activity in terms of individual usefulness.
While the President's words were intended
for the men in Colorado, his message is ex-
tremely fitting on the campus where the idea
of simply enjoying an activity is passe. Accord-
ing to a loud local Hyde Park orator, University
stuldents are too smitten with their own impor-
tance and refuse to consider participating in
activities unless they would contribute to their
own personal benefit..
Before joining an activity, whether it be
stringing a yo-yo or evaluating the concept of
academic freedom, a student will consiously or
niot probably ask himself certain questions:
Will this endeavor directly or indirectly bene-
fit me educationally?
Will it enable me to obtain a better position
after I graduate through experience, training
or contacts with other people?
Will it help me fit better into the' "campus
systems*'; that is, Union, IHC, IFC, Panhel,
et al.
If I am affiliated, will it benefit the house?
THE IDEA of participation for simple personal
mjoyment rarely enters the picture. If con-
sidered at all, pleasure is only a fringe benefit;
.."> . and it should be a lot of fun, too."
Unfortunately, the majority of those partici-
pating in activities utilitarian purposes have
:one so because they feel it will in some
way enhance directly or indirectly, "their per-
sonal development."
Of course it is sound and logical to be pri-
marily interested in obtaining a comprehensive
education. But excluding those activities which
are, and rightly so, of the "Mickey Mouse" from
the scene wrecks a balance between the aca-
lemic and the pleasant which must be main-
Individuals who come to college with the
intention of losing themselves in libraries are
just as close to being deprived of a complete
ligher education as those who decide to con-
entrate on the 'flip side of life." Each individual
must strike a healthy balance between the two.

Unjustified . , .
THE LMOC (Little Man On Campus) is
usually about the same height, weight and
breadth as the BMOC (Big Man On Campus).
Although his speech may not be polished by
semesters of debate in campus politics, it's
difficult to separate the LMOC from a crowded
University lecture hall. About the only material
things that distinguish a BMOC front a LMOC
are an early registration pass and a neatly
pressed coat and tie.
But there is another distinction. The LMOC
has been given the middle name of "Apathy."
Student Activities People (SAP) have branded
him with this label for his failure to spend
approximately 25 hours a week debating the
complex problems confronting the Student
Government Council, run off posters adver-
tising a soon-to-come "Campus-Wide Yo-Yo
Contest," or the implications of a philosophical
interpretation of fraternity bias clauses.
WHY DOES the LMOC cringe at the thought
of student activities? Why does he spend
his spare moments on Goethe, girls and good
times? The answer lies in the LMOC s impres-
sions of Student Activities People.
While the LMOC may have somewhat of a
prejudiced view due to the constant stream of
apathy charges point at him, he still has a few
constructive comments on student activities. He
views extra-curricular activities as an escape
from the dull routine of lectures, study and
On the other side of the fence, the BMOC will
stoutly defend this "waste of time." His defense
is usually two-fold. Opportunity to express his
opinions on matters of campus importance is
listed high on the imaginary. "Why I am in
student activities" lists. The trouble with this
argument comes when the SAP is embroiled in
a campus controversy. Too often his high, per-
sonal ideals are subjugated to the will of his-
"student activities group." And often, he sees
an easier pathway to success in student activi-
ties through group cooperation instead of per-
sonal indignation.
THE student activities participant also points
to his "soundly conistructive contribution to
the University." No doubt the various student
activities on campus do contribute a great deal
to the functioning of the University. However,
their members' personal ideals are often largely
determined by those of their group. Too often
the student in extracurricular activities is con-
stantly reminded that his primary concern is
an unthinking dedication, and potential sub-
ordination, to the University viewpoint. Again,
personal ideals are lowered to the University
The LMOC-BMOC controversy will probably
continue for years to come on this campus,
and is largely an individual matter. The indi-
vidual who joins student activities must only
do so with a conscious awareness of the dangers



Education Budgets
Face Long Struggle
Daily Staff Writer
WITH THE UNIVERSITY budget coming up for Legislative considera-
tion within the next few weeks, it is time to take a tally of sympa-
thies on various crucial committees.
The most crucial of all committees, the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee, is headed by Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Blissfield). Here the Univer-
sity budget will begin its long road to approval. On this committee are
two men who have serious complaints against state universities.
Sen. Porter believes the University has been somewhat uncooperative
in providing information to the Legislature on how its money is spent.
He wants to know what salary is paid for each University position; for
example, how much a professor in the English department receives or
how much department chairmen are paid.
"AVE WON'T have any trouble getting any information we want,"
Sen. Porter said. "The universities will have to give it to us or the public
mind will turn against them." Some doubt has been expressed locally as
to just what Sen. Porter wants which is not already provided for him.
The University supplies a chart yearly showing every salary paid in each
school or college of the University, and how many people earn each
Sen. Edward Hutchinson (R- Fenneville), a member of the committee,
said the University has "always provided all the 'information we want."
He, too, wants a detailed accounting "to show just where the money
goes." He said Michigan State University offers such courses as canoe-
ing and basketweaving. "State money should not support these things,"
Sen. Hutchinson wants accounting, which MSU has not provided,
to tell him whether or not the state is, in fact, supporting canoeing. This
desired detailed accounting presumably extends to the University, too,
although Sen. Hutchinson did not specify just what additional infor-
mation he wanted.
HE ALSO LASHED OUT against political science departments at the
state universities which contain professors, all of whom are of the same
political philosophy. He said the University's political science depart-
ment provided a balance between conservative and liberal viewpoints on
the faculty. He said since these are both basic American political phi-
losophies, both should be taught in state universities.
"Judging by graduates and upperclassmen, many schools do not pre-
sent a balanced viewpoint, however," Sen. Hutchinson noted. The state
universities should be investigated to see if they show favoritism to one
political party or the other. He said this investigation was not tied to
appropriations, however.
A friend of state universities has also spoken up. Rep. Arnell
Engstrom (R-Grand Traverse) said, "I find the information provided
by the University to the legislative committees adequate. Anything
we've wanted, they've given us." Engstrom is chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee, which also passes on university budgets.
THE LEGISLATURE is somewhat upset by what it considers inade-
quate accounting by state- universities. Add to this the current cash
crisis and the necessity of the University receiving additional funds for
faculty salary increases, and the situation promises to provide a difficult
time for obtaining the increased appropriations Michigan higher educa-
tion needs next year.
Recent Issue Among
Most Successful

4 .

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Should Use Ex-Presidents

N EARLY all ancient societies had
councils of elders which met in
times of peril to direct or solemnly
to assist the course of public
These old boys represented more
than old wisdom. They stood as
visible symbols of the long conti-
nuity of the civilizations of which
they were a part. They were living
proofs that the way of life of their
tribe or country had long endured.
And their continued presence sug-
gested that it would go on sur-
Some nations still have institu-
tions quite similar in meaning to
the system of elders. Great Britain
has the monarchy, which is infi-
nitely older and deeper rooted
than any British government. The
monarchy claims little political
power, and that is its greatest
strength. For a Briton may aoso-
lutely despise his government of
the moment -- officially "the
Queen's government" or "the
King's government" - and still
wholly love and respect the Queen
or the King, and thus the country.
Belgium and Holland, too, have
monarchial systems binding past
to present. Of all the great West-
ern powers, the joint custodians of
what we call Western civilization,
only three have nothing compar-
able to a council of elders. And of
these, one-Italy-is the seat of
Roman Catholic Christendom,

with all its ,timeless, cementing
tradition. And another, France,
has something indefinable, a con-
cept of "La Patrie," the Father-
land, that is above and beyond any
given political leadership.
THUS, THE United States alone
in the West puts its full faith upon
a passing administration. Many
believe we need something more-
something that would never in-
trude upon the government but.
would advise and shore up that
government in time of danger.
For a century and three-quarters
we have been tossing upon the
rubbish pile of history those of
high station who have outlived
their terms. At the moment, no
use is being made of the great
experience and accumulated know-
ledge of two former Presidents of
the United States, Herbert C.
Hoover and Harry S. Truman.
Within a mere hour, as time
goes these days, a third former
President, Dwight D. Eisenhower,
will join these two in their singu-
lar form of unemployment. Mr.
Eisenhower, too, will be finished
come January of 1961.
NOT TO USE the talents of such
men-and not to find a way to use
the talents of all who will become
ex-Presidents in the long tomor-
rows--seems hardly sensible. Even
Federal judges after retirement

may be still called to emergency
duty on the bench. And five-star
officers, generals of the Army and
admirals of the fleet, remain five-
star officers for life.
Those who suppose that Mr.
Hoover or Mr. Truman, or Mr.
Eisenhower after he leaves the
White House, could contribute
nothing do not well understand
the country. Each of them has a
rocklike personal following and
will have as long as he lives. Sit-
ting together on a council of eld-
ers, whatever its title might be,
they -could immensely add to na-
tional strength and unity in any
crisis. For each would be above
any possible suspicion of personal
ambition or partisan malice.
Each would have nothing what-
ever to gain--and all that was in
him to give.
A bipartisan group )f Senators
headed by Jacob K. Javits of New
York proposes that we place our
retired President upon a new ad-
visory council on national security.
Mr. Javits and his associates want
also to appoint to this council 25
other leading. citizens. Their plan
may be open to objection in detail.
But surely in its principlein its
central purpose of putting the sage
memories of the past into the serv-
ice of the present, they are on the
right track.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Features Syndicate, Inc.)


way or the otl
to absorb any of t
others are too stif
enjoy the lighters
Only a few have
mise-realizing as
cator pointed out.
work but fun. Unfo
are never relaxede
By T
Asian states ar
the theory that C
Tibet has seriously
munism in the are
The scales dip fi
and there are so
alignment that bL
be drawn.
In Ceylon, for it
ment is on the tee
tion of three lef
ment has been a c
skyites and other7
have gone over tot
and whether theg
question. The Com
42 per cent of the
are working desper
ation in which the
ing in Ceylon t

TS have gone too far in one
her. Some become too relaxed
he real educational benefits;
T and tense to loosen up and
side of University life.
come to a realistic compro-
a University of Chicago edu-
, that "college is fun-hard
rtunately the bright studen'ts
enough to realize this fact."

IDEALLY, the present issue of
the University Inter-Arts Mag-
azine should represent the best
creative writing that a student
body of almost 25,000 was able to
produce within the past few
months. Wile nobody knows
whether or not this aim has been
achieved (if it has not, the fault
is more likely to lie with timid
stand-offish authors than with the
editors), it is easy to imagine thaT
the 56 pages of this year's final
edition of Generation' closely ap-
proaches it; within the memory of
the reviewer, it is among the most
successful issues.
Comparing the various sections,
fiction seems again to take the
first place. Two of the four stories
treat racial problems. Connie Wil-


Tibet and the Chinese
. M. ROBERTS Rported a considerable decline in Red prestige.
d Press News Analyst What happens in the current crisis will have a
lopments in several Southeast considerable bearing on the continuing validity
e providing testing points for of this report.
hinese Communist policy in In Laos, virtually divided into two states by
damaged the future of Com- Communist rule in two northern provinces
a. which began during the Viet Minh war with
rst one way and then another, France, the central government has recently
many shadings of political gained strength to the point where it controls
ack and white charts cannot the provinces and can demand the surrender of
two Communist battalions which sought to
nstance, a neutralist govern- retain their own officers on being incorporated
eter-totter after the resigna- into the national army.
tists-but not international
et ministers. The govern- NEWLY INDEPENDENT Malaya is _pushing
coalition of moderates, Trot- the anti-Communist campaign which suc-
Marxists. The leftist parties ceeded its victorious war with Communist guer-
the opposition in Parliament, rillas, and working against the election of a
government can survive is a leftist government for the new state of Singa-
nmunists, who received only pore which will vote next week.
vote in last year's elections, The betting is, however, that heavily Chinese
ately to foster a chaotic situ- Singapore will elect a government strongly sym-
ey hope to gain strength. pathetic toward Red China.
AGO there was a strong lean-
toward closer affiliation with Context Set

Fraternities:Comradeship of Mob or Team.

To the Editor:
DISCUSSION of the fraternity
system has in recent months
focussed on the issue of dis-
criminatory practices in recruit-
ment. It may be asked whether,
important though this question is,
it does not divert attention from
more fundamental considerations.
As I write, my fraternity neigh-
bors across the road are hurling
rocks or beer cans at the Jewish
fraternity adjacent and dashing
beer bottles into the street, while
shouting anti-Semitic obscenities
of which: "Christ, don't you guys
be chicken before those lousy, .
Jews" has so far been the least
offensive. This follows by ten
rminutes a half-hearted attempt to
set the Jewish house afire. Some,
if not all, participants are prob-
ably drunk. It is 2:45 a.m.; the
disturbance began at about 2, as
it has for the past four or five
It is worth stressing that this is
not an isolated instance. Com-
parable doings, although not al-
ways directed against the Jewish
house next door, have been a
nightly occurrence, weather per-
mitting, and appear to constitute
a routine, but probably unorgan-
ized, social activity.
Affiliates of other fraternities
regard this fraternity as a "good,
all-around house" with a diversi-
fied program of activities; its
members are referred to as "good"
guys." If it differs from some other
fraternities it may be in the de-
gree to which it is a "jock house,"
+ha+ ir nne with a heavv and sue-

radeship and solidarity among
fraternity members. But though
this is an answer of a kind, it is
not much help to an interested
onlooker trying to evaluate the
desirability of the §ystem. For
comradeship is no unalloyed bless-
ing. In itself it is neither good nor
bad. In order to judge it, it is
first necessary to know whether
this is the comradeship of a team
or the comradeship of a mob.
Certainly, team activities are
important to this fraternity; ac-
tivities, that is, characterized by
an organization of means for the
attainment of specified group
goals. Intra-mural and varsity
athletics, dances, and other social
undertakings are of this sort. But
participation in these does not
necessarily suffice for assuring a
distinctive identity to the fra-
ternity man. At one time, perhaps,

they came closer to conferring the
status that he, having made a con-
siderable financial investment in
his membership, feels a right to
expect. There are still schools
where organized recreation is
largely available only to members
of Greek-letter societies. At Michi-
gan this is no longer the case.
But there is also a sizable emo-
tional investment in fraternity
life. A fraternity is, after all, a
secret society, replete with ritual
and symbols which attest to the
exclusiveness of the organization
and the "chosenness" of its mem-
bers. It is clear that the fraternity
man will view himself as having a
unique claim on eminence. But
fraternity ideology is, in a special
sense, heavily masculine. This im-
poses limits upon the ways in
which members can attain distinc-
tion, whether individually or ,col-

lectively. For example, it rules out
accomplishment through scholar-
How, then, can fraternity men,
deprived of their recreational
monopoly and tied to a code based
upon a particular definition of
masculinity, achieve eminence?
One avenue is provided by violence.
Brute force has always played
a significant role in fraternity life.
"Hell Week," now defunct, is an
example. Its abolition has left un-
met the need for testing manhood
through demonstrated competence
in violence. Athletics have not suf-
ficed. Perhaps the frenzy previously
vented within the fraternity sys-
tem during Hell Week can now be
dissipated only by being turned
outward into the community. By
casting beer cans at his neighbors
in the company of his fellows and
bawling obscenities into the night
the fraternity man meets the pre-
requisites of masculinity as he has
conceived them. He shows that he
as a member, and his fraternity as
an organization, are not subject to
the moral and legal limitations
binding upon other members of
the community. This is indeed
comradeship, but of the mob, for
its aim is disorder.
The opponents of the fraternity
system weaken their case wnen
they base it upon doubts as to the
seemliness of these organizations
on a university campus. The point
is not that fraternities have no
business at our university, but
that no proper place for them
exists in our society.
-Ernest Lilienstein, Grad.

liams' first published story, "New
Apartment," is set in "just about
the best neighborhood" of a
Northern town; Alan Kent's more;
concentrated and powerful Ku
Klux Klan story "Cross of Flame"
takes the reader into the South. A
charming account of a sensitive
childhood is afforded by Ann Don-
iger's perceptive and extremely
well-sustained story "The China
Boat." Prof. Alan Seager, finally,
retells an old Eastern folk tale "en
* * *
sented, Conrad Pendleton's and
Bernard Keith's contributions seem
to have the most immediate ap-
peal. Peter Sharkey's two poems
show a bold attempt at subjective
imagery without always being able
to fuse all the elements into a
coherent pattern. Christopher
Wolske experiments in Japanese
ideograms, but his haiku oily
occasionally go beyond apleasant
lyrical impressionism to attain the
intensity of his Far Eastern mod-
A GOOD contribution in a too
frequently neglected genre is Louis
Megyesi's scene "Michael's Song
-in spite of its lack of dramatic
tension a well-developed retro-
spect portrait of, an aging farmer.
Freshman Hopwood Contest win-
ner Barbara Stoler contributes an
impressively mature essay on the
poetry of Wallace Stevens, the
only apparent flaw being a rather
simplified view on the function of
the imagination within Conmunist
One general comment should
perhaps be added concerning the
conspicuous absence of any hu-
morous element in the magazine--
both past and present. Adding
some colour in this direction might
make for a more balanced overall
-Ingo Seidler
German Department
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.



oscow and international Communism. But
ammunist economic assistance turned out to
a mirage, and a United States State Depart-
ent intelligence estimate last January re-
Editorial Staff
torial Director City Editor
Associate Editor

SETTING in context the Soviet Union depicted
by University President Harlan Hatcher last
".. . the underdeveloped countries are in a
hurry and the Soviet way is fast."
"The industrialization of the world is the
master trend of our time; perhaps it is not in-
evitable, but it is strong enough as a demand
and appealing enough as a promise to set the
key terms of the world-wide competition be-
tween the two dominant systems of economic,
military and political power. That the under-
developed countries-containing two thirds of
mankind-are still underdeveloned is a world

Senirnore Says

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