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May 20, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-20

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Transcripts Show Academic Records
copied as they are completed, the or academic adviser, the discipline
Good or bad, they always catch entire number must be reclassified committee if necessary, scholar-
up with you, by school and then by letter. ship agencies and the offices of the
Put out by the Office of Regis- Copies of transcripts, he said, deans of men and women.
tration and Records, transcripts are sent to the student, his school Extra copies of transcripts are
bear the complete record of a stu- obtainable from the transcript
dent's academic career at the Uni- office in the basement of the Ad-
versity. ministration Building.
The basic process of making up Miss Lucy Lehto, head of the
these transcripts, as described by transcript office, said about 6,000
Edward G. Groesbeck, director of O i 'copies of transcripts are made each
the office, reduces to a aimple month with the extra loads com-
procedure. ing in February and June.
Grades. are sent to the office by 1" Cost One Dollar
professors within 72 hours of the I tera tion Copies, which cost one dollar,
final examination, and fed into a ~ .E. are usually used, she said, to
computer which turns out punch transfer to another school or uni-
cards and alphabetical lists giving (Continued from Page 1) vrsty to go to summer school
name, course and grade.' and for business applications.
Post Grades The new program is the "big- They are sent all over the world,
The lists are sent to the main gest result yet" of three or four she said.
office -where grades are posted on years of cooperation between the The transcript office, Miss Lehto
the master copies of individual International Center and the said, attempts to answer all re-
transcripts, made of transluscent Alumnae Council, he said. quests within 24 hours of recep-
material. It was a result of an evalua- ion.
When all grades for a particu- tion of last year's program, which In order to do this, the office
tar student are turned in, the mas- some new international students draws upon the huge record file
ter is sent to the photostating thought too much atypical of ac- kept in the Administration Bldg.
room to be copied, and copies are tual situations confronting them Vaults Fireproof
mailed out. in the United States. Containing records from "earli-
Groesbeck called the system the Plans for the fall orientation est times" until the present semes-
fastest of its kind in the world as program for new international ter, the vaults in which the files
far as he knew. It can, he added, students at the University have are kept are considered to be fire-
'process 10,000 -grades a day if the been changed for next year, proof.
load were that high. James M. Davis, Director of the Leafing through one drawer,
Need Extra Ielp International Center announced Groesbeck found records from
An advantage of photostating yesterday. 1878, 1883 and 1887.
the master, he said, is that a com- This year's program, scheduled
plete record is available each time for the Sept.. 11 to 13 weekend, G T'. '
narks are posted. will be held at the Cranbrook Ureters
~Though course titles and num- School, Birmingham, instead of a
bers are filled in on the masters local camp as have two previous
during the academic semester, programs. Provisions have also
Groesbeck said, extra personnel been ,made for the students tConference
must be added to transcribe grades stay with alumnae families in the
> o'masters, and then alphabetize Northwest Detroit area on Fri -
them" when all transcripts have day and Saturday nights. Set T o B eg m
been copied. a"We had to. sacrifice the camp
Since masters are sent to be'togetherness' experience for home Tomorrow will mark the open
hospitality" Davis said, explain- Tngomorwwimr the opeMchgn-
ing that the new plan seemed ing of the two-day Michigan
more effective in orienting the in- es'Coerence here
VJ.FFJJJU TY ternational student to typical ex- The seventh annual conference,?
periences of American life. sponsored by the English depart-
y CANDIES Alumnae Co-Sponsor ment, is being held this year in
Co-sponsored by the Center and conjunction with the Avery Hop-
OW AVAILABLE AT the University Alumnae Council, wood Awards in Creative Writing,
the orientation weekend will be- The purpose of the meeting is
gin the afternoon of Sept. 11, to extend the range of the Uni-
S*when approximately 150 new in- versity's usefulness to writers un-
ternational students will go to able to attend classes or compete
Cranbrook in special buses after in the Hopwood contests.
LIBERTY of FIFTH taking English placement tests in Provides Advice
the morning. It will provide counseling and
Open 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. DAILY After an afternoon of activi; advice to editors, literary agents
ties planned to help the new stu- and other writers, as well as an
Sunday 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. dents adjust to the University, the opportunity for the criticism of1
and 5 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. alumnae and their families will manuscripts.
take the students home. Here Prof. Walter Kidd, visiting lee-
they will have dinner and spend turer in the Department of Eng-1
I~iLIIU~if~tT the evening in informal parties, lish and a novelist and poet, will
orany other activities planned by conduct the fiction section tomor-
th hosts, Davis said. row morning. Prof. Sheridan
Baker of the English department,
l ~ whose poems have appeared int
various magazines, will discuss
.'., "Poetry." "Juvenles" will be
treated by Prof. Clark Hopkins,
instructor in classical art and.
archaeology, who has published1
children's literature.'
An afternoon round-table dis-}
cussion, will feature Robert Ho-f
desh, visiting lecturer in the jour-
nalism department, Nolan Miller,
novelist and editor of "New Cam-
pus Writing," Naomi Burton,
publisher's agent, Mary Church,I
an author, and Profs. Allan Sea-
ger and Donald Hall of the Eng- _
originally were $17.95 to $35.00 lish department.
Howard Nemerov, who will de-
Dresses of every kind; PURE SILKS, liverrroe Hopwood lecture, to-
morrow,wi. also address the
BLENDS, and RAYONS for day- Writers' Conference at Friday's
for Cocktail and Evening StudentsiIn
SIZES 7-15, 10-44, 121/2-241/2, tall 10-20
10 Rain and Shine Coats Sr

Three Margaret Mann Library
Scholarships for $100 were pre-
sented yesterday to students in
100 Dresses 50 Dresses the library science program at a
Union luncheon.
of every Kind and Size Recipients of the awards were
graduate Barbara Buffet, students
1000 $ Angela Irby and Suzanne McCo,.
The Margaret Mann Scholar-
Close values ships were established in 1938 by
originally were friends of Prof. Mann at the time
All better leather of her retirement. They are
handbags -$10.95 to $17.95 awarded to students as an aca-
All Better HAA S Mostly cottons demic honor, based on demonstra-
tion of ability and promise of pro-
Originally were to $17.95 and rayon prints fessional development.
ON FOREST table of To Honor 25
off South U. Sportswear
at 1/2 off The journalism department will
corner opposite honor 25 outstanding students at
at its annual honors assembly at 3
Campus Theatre CAMPUS TOGS p.m. today in Aud. A.
i 1111 South U. V. V. McNitt, president of the
McNaught Syndicate, Inc. will be
the main speaker. His topic will
be "The Press at Bay."

Paper Cites Overcrowding
In 'U' Engineering College
(Continued from Page 1)

.. . receives degree

Commenting further on the ex-
isting lack of space and the pres-
ent rate of enrollment increase,
the students said "it is obvious
that plans must be made for ex-
pansion of facilities."
"The need for additional build-
ings on North Campus to house
junior, senior and graduate stu-
dents," Jocz and Martens main-
tain, "is quite obvious at the pres=-
ent time and more obvious for the
The students' views were
prompted by ,the engineering col-
lege's recent Space Study and
Recommendations report which
shows the college now has 4,090
students, 12 per cent more than
the recommended maximum, which
was reached in 1955.
To accommodate the expected
8,600 students in 1970, the North
Campus Planning Committee has
established a building schedule
which, if the state allots sufficient
funds, will provide the space the
faculty study has determined to
be necessary to conduct the re-
quired educational programs.
The funds requested still provide
less space ,per student and faculty
members than recommended by
the Michigan Council of State
College Presidents in a report sub-
mitted in 1955. t
In light of these facts, Glenn V.
Edmonson, associate-dean of the

engineering college, said "very ser-
ious problems in respect to both
faculty and space exist because of
the increased numbers of students,
the greater demand on educational
programs and the increased num-
ber of advanced students."
The ratio of upperclassmen and
graduates to freshmen and sopho-
mores is rising, he explained, due
to the increasing numbers enroll-
ing in junior and liberal arts col-
leges for their first two or three
This puts an increasing burden
on the University, he commented,
to supply adequate laboratory
space for advanced work.
Reading Plan
Gets Response
Fifty students have requested
to take part in the Student Gov-
ernment Council's Summer Read-
ing and Discussion Program,
Roger Seasonwein, '61, said.
Students will be sent reading
lists for the seven areas selected
for this year's program during the
summer. They can read the books
in any area they wish and discuss
them in seminars with faculty
leaders next fall.


Dean Moore
To Receive
New Degree.
Dean Earl V. Moore of the mu-
sic school will receive an honorary
Doctor of Laws degree from East-
ern Michigan University on June
13 at the commencement pro-
Dean Moore received the Artist
Diploma in Organ from the Uni-
versity in 1910, a bachelor of arts
degree in 1912 and a master's de-
gree in 1913.
The dean also studied in Italy,
Germany and London.
He was head of the organ and
theory departments at the music,
school before its affiliation with
the University. After the merger,
Dean Moore served first as an in-
structor, became assistant profes-
sor in 1919, professor and director
in 1923 and dean of the music
school in 1946.
Plan Merger
Alpha Gamma Delta and Theta
Sigma Upsilon fraternities for
women have announced a merger
to take effect June 29.
The new organization will use
the Alpha Gamma Delta mono-
gram, with 13 Theta Sigma Upsi-
lon chapters changing theirs. To-
tal membership will total about
about 40,000.
Alpha Gamma Delta, interna-
tional in scope and character, was
founded in 1904 at Syracuse Uni-
versity, while Theta Sigma Upsi-
lon, an "education" sorority, was
initiated in 1921.
Both groups have charitable
programs, Alpha Gamma Delta
being interested particularly in
cerebral palsy treatment and
Theta Sigma Delta in the treat-
ment of cleft palate children.
Chapters of Alpha Gamma Del-
ta are located at the University,
Michigan State and Wayne State

leaders next fall.
I -

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