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May 20, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-20

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Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

"Look -I'm Ahead"
? -


)AY, MAY 20, 1959


Ten Years and
The '49 Regulation
"Recognition will not be granted any oirganiza-tion which prohibits membership in the organiza-
n because of ract, religion or color." -University Regulations

Congressmen Masters
Of Polished Phrases
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
IF THERE IS any spot where our Congressmen particularly shine, its
in the public deference they pay each other.
A couple of Senators may privately think each other a humbug-
and on this at least they may both be right. But get them on the Senate
floor and you'd think it was Webster buttering up Clay.
One becomes "The distinguished Senator," the other "My learned
friend," and on and on it goes until the syrup is hip deep.
AS IN EVERYTHING ELSE, though, sometimes the big buildup
leads to a quick letdown.
Rep. Albert Thomas (D-Tex.) was presiding over a House Appro-
priations Subcommittee when Rep. William H. Avery (R-Kan.) ap-
peared before it.
Thomas immediately launched into a flowery welcome which went
this way:
Thomas: "We are happy to have with us our friend of many years
standing, the Honorable Bill Avery of Kansas. Mr. Avery, will you come
around here and talk to us?
"Mr. Avery has been around to us two or three times, and we always
welcome the opportunity. As a matter of fact, he has enough common
horsesense for about nine men, and whatever he tells us we like to
listen to.
"Congressman, have you some of your friends with you?"
Mr. Avery: "Yes sir, Mr. Chairman, I have Mr. John Peach, an
industrial builder from Topeka, Kan.
Mr. Thomas: "Does Mr. Peach live in Topeka?"
Mr. Avery: "Yes, sir. He comes well qualified."
And that, it turned out, was all that the man with enough common
horsesense for about nine men had to say. He had come to introduce his
constituent, and he had done it.

TEN YEARS have demonstrated the inade-
quacy of the University's anti-discrimina-.
tion ruling. Though its spirit is consistent with.
the University's educational objectives, it can-
not be enforced within this spirit.
When the University, specifically Student
Government Council, considers recognizing a
new frateinity or sorority, this recognition can
only be debated in terms of whether or not
the groups in question practices discrimination.
Ordinarily, the Dean of Men or Dean of Wo-
men's office reads the constitution of the group
(a private document) and certifies that it is
free of bias clauses. The national officers of
the fraternity or sorority state their willing-
ness to abide by all University regulations.
And the finanpial and other factors involved
are discussed. There is really not much more
involved in granting recognition. to a colony
or active group, as far as Student Ggvernment
Council is concerned.
THE DIFFICULTY inherent in this process
can be seen when the recent approval of
Tau Epsilon Phi's colony status is examined.
Tau Epsilon Phi is what official parlance de-
scribes as a "predominantly Jewish" frater-
nity. While some chapters have a number of.
non-Jewish members, both white and Negro,
the total membership is more Jewish than not.,
There is no evidence that its national organi-
zation attempts to infiunece local chapters'
choice of members - indeed, its mixed mem-
bership would tend to indicate that this' is
not the case.
But the local TEP Club, now recognized as
a colony of national Tau Epsilon Phi, is en-
tirely Jewish. And 'a letter to SGC from As-
sistant Dean of Men Bill Cross says:
Then in 1955, the Interfraternity Council
decided to admit another predominantly Jew-
ish fraternity to the campus and the Tau Ep-
silon Phi Fraternity was given consideration
during that time. However, it was the feeling
of the Interfraternity Council that the Phi

Epsilon Pi Fraternity was in a better position
to re-establish its chapter ...
THAT THE Interfraternity Council consid-
ers the need for new fraternities in terms
not of the fraternity system as a whole but
of a Gentile system and a Jewish subsystem,
is common knowledge. Recognition of a new
colony when a number of houses now on cam-
pus are struggling for life wouldn't make sense,
were this not the case. But with the division
of the fraternity system into two sections, all
that was necessary to approval of TEP was
agreement among the seven active predomin-
antly Jewish fraternities.
This being the case, approval of colony sta-
tus for TEP obviously was a detriment to the
educationally-oriented attitude toward fra-
ternities which the University should foster.
It gave tacit approval to the discriminatory at-
titudes IFC and Cross demonstrate, and re-
lieved the strain within ,the system which
'might have led to voluntary integration.
'Yet, withholding recognition from TEP could
not have been justified under the '49 regula-
W HAT IS NEEDED, then, is some regula-
tion or combination of regulations which
allows for consideration of the overall educa-
tional affects of recognition of fraternities.
Other points' needing careful consideration are
removal of bias clauses (four fraternities have
them), furthering local autonomy (Yale Uni-
versity forced all its fraternities to sever na-
tional ties), and establishing an. effective
means of carrying out. the "educational" ap-
proach to lessening discrimination, to which
IFC has given lip-service in the past with no
noticeable progress.
An open hearing on the '49 ruling is being
held at 3 p.m. today in the Student Activities
Building. The Selectivity Committee of IFC is
scheduled to present its views. It is to be hoped
others interested will take. this opportunity to
present alternate suggestions.


"?.9rllt .rsta -"P sr

Nixon and A
THERE is a spreading tendency ces, including timing an
to compar e the prospective timidity in face of ani
Nixon-Rockefeller Presidential power balance, made h
contest of 1960 with the Taft- tive.
Eisenhower contest of.1952, and so But there is no more,
to assume that Rockefeller will in the New Hampshir
come out on top as Eisenhower did mansion. Indeed, Ada
eight years-ago. in'fluence have long sin
One of those intimately involved, from the Eisenhower1
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon, tion itself.
has a highly practical determina- Now, the regular]
tion to accept no such parallel. generally are on Nixc
And he has now taken his first they were on Taft's s
decisive step to see that it doesn't The difference is tha
happen again, the regulars will not
Mr. Nixon has decided, with the napping - and tha
certain and warm approval of the Bridges is in comma
whole orthodox wing of the Re- small but vastly imp
publican party, to "git thar fustest Hampshire ship.
with the mostest" in the New Now, indeed, Senator
Hampshire primary. His prototype tough and able and fr
(to a point), Senator Robert A. wing politician who
Taft, got there second in 1952. And also the present GOP
it was then and there that the Senate-is riding hig
very doubtful candidacy of Gen- New Hampshire. That
eral Dwight D. Eisenhower for the party technically not
Presidential nomination got its trol is, technically, inc
first, and psychologically its great- new governor, Wesley
est, lift, and became a real candi- Powell is a Bridges pro
da-y. way.
then governor of New Hampshire BRIDGES AND Nix
and thus had much of the GOP arranged for the Vice-
machine in his hands, blitzed the go into New Hampshi
Republican primary of March 8, year but this coming S
1952, and caused an all-Eisen- "show himself," as the
hower delegation to be chosen for political trade, by ma
the national convention. New speeches. The purpose
Hampshire Senator Styles Bridges a blunt and early cl
was a Taft man. But circumstan- Hampshire, against t

Jew Hampshire

Gromyko Exploits
Distrust of Britain
Associated Press Correspondent
GENEVA-Andrei -Gromyko appears, to be exploiting French-West
German mistrust of Britain's role in the Big Four foreign ministers
talks here.
Western diplomats believe thf Soviet Foreign Minister is trying
deliberately to foster an impression that he has a special political
relationship with British Foreign
Secretary Selwyn Lloyd.
The United States is reported DAILY
satisfied that no understandings of
any kind exist between London OFFICIAL
and Moscow.
But it is becoming increasingly
evident, as a result of a continuing BULL TIN
crossplay of leaks and gossip, that
'The Daily Offiialhd W ultetsmana

Shock aTeame

and a Bridges
him ineffec-
Adams now
e governor's
ms and his
nce departed
on's side, as
ide in 1952.
at this time
be caught
t this time
and of the
portant New
r Bridges-a
ankly right-
is, in fact,
boss of the
gh again in
part of the
in his con-
control of a
Powell. But
otege all the
on have now
President to
ire not next
eptember, to
ey say in the
aking a few
is to stake
aim to New
he still-dis-

tant GOP primary of March 8,
New Hampshire nas the nation's
earliest GOP primary; to carry the
first one is always helpful. To lose
the first one may be fatal, as the
Taft people grimly discovered and.
as the Nixon people now keenly
* * *
THIS NIXON sortie, moreover,
has meanings even beyond these
obvious ones. It shows unmistak-
ably that the most authentic sur-.
viving Old Guard Republican in
high place, Bridges, is ready this
time to stake all on the task of
preventing the entry into the
White House of another "modern"
In 1952 Bridges and other pow-
erful Republicans elsewhere hesi-
tated a bit-and lost control bf the
party. A Bridges no longer hesi-
tant, for 1960, will assuredly mean.
other Bridgeses no longer hesitant
elsewhere. He is, in effect, signal-
ling his fellow orthodox leaders
to join in early pro-Nixon action.
It is still possible, of course, that
1960 will repeat 1952; that the.
"pro," Nixon, will fall before the
"amateur," Rockefeller, as Taft
fell before Eisenhower. But it will
never happen, at all events, with-
out a far more profound, a far
more bitter, pre-convention strug-
gle than was seen before.
- (Copyright 1959, by United
Features Syndicate, Inc.)

THERE IS building up in this country a re-
sistance to the foreign aid appropriatiops
which must be taken very seriously by the
friends 'of foreign aid. The resistance has
become especially formidable in recent times.
This is not only because it is unpopular to
provide money for foreigners at a time when
at home it is necessary to retrench on all sorts
of desirable projects. The great new fact is
that the supporters of foreign aid are so dis-
enchanted with the existing program that they
cannot advocate it wholeheartedly.
Sen. Mansfield, like Sen. Fulbright before
him, has read the signs of the times. He sees
that if foreign aid is to remain part of our.
foreign policy, the program will have to be
The question is how to bring about the re-
form, given the fact that the mutual, aid pro-
grams are involved in a, vast military and
civilian bureaucracy, and that this bureaucracy'
has acquired, a vested interest which causes it
to .oppose serious reforms. Ex'perience'shows
.that Congress has thus far been unable to over-
come the inertia of the bureaucracy, and in its
frustration it is becoming increasingly ex-
asperated with the whole business.,
IT IS TO THIS STATE of affairs that Sen.
Mansfield addressed himself last week. He
came forward with what seemed to me an
essentially moderate but, nevertheless, a search-
ing and effective proposal. Its object is to
compel a thorough-going reexamination in the
4dministration of that part of the foreign aid
program which causes the greatest doubt and
discontent. This is the part providing grants
and gifts as distinguished from loans. It
amounts to about 75 per cent of the total ap-
propriation. Here are subsidies to enable weak
countries to maintain larger military establish-
ments than their economic life, and their ca-
pacity to raise revenue, would justify.
Sen. Mansfield's proposal is that an amend-
ment should be attached to the current foreign
aid bill which "will require, in the case of na-
tions receiving grants of defense support or
economic assistance, that the Executive Branch
work out in detail with the recipient nation,
Editorial Staff

and submit in connection with next year's aid.
bill, a detailed, plan for the progressive reduc-
tion of these grants" so as to terminate them"
within three years.g
The amendment does not say that direct
military aid is to be terminated in three years.
What it says is that by next year there must
be plans for each country for reducing the eco-
nomic aid which enables it to maintain an
over-sized military .establishment. The plan
would show how the armaments can be re-
duced to a size which the country can digest.
We can still supply arms beyond those which
the country can pay for. We can still supply
arms but only in the amount which the country
can take without inflation and. disorder.
THE CUTTING EDGE of the Mansfield
amendment is that it would compel the Ad-
ministration to reappraise, to reexamine, and
to justify from the beginning and all over again,
each military aid program. The amendment
does not say that all military aid must ter-
minate in three years. It says that the Ad-
ministration must provide a plan for ter-
minating it. It is implied, and should probably
be made clear in the amendment, tfhat if no
plan to terminate it in three years can be
worked out without sacrificing the national
interest, then the burden of proving that this
is the case will be on the Administration. It
will not be able to takethe line that we must
go on doing what we have always done just
because we have always done it.
In all probability, we shall find that in cer-
tain countries it- is necessary to continue, not
to reduce or to terminate, the grants or gifts.
But in other countries we may expect to find
that there are over-sized military establish-
ments which, far from being a defense against
Communism, serve only to arouse popular dis-
content, and that far from being defenses of
liberty are the support of despots.
THE MANSFIELD proposal, I should add,
does not touch the Point Four Program or
the Development Loan Fund. These, we may
confidently believe, are destined to play an
even bigger part in the future than they have
in the past. The Mansfield ,proposal is, how*-
ever, aimed directly at reducing the emphasis
on military aid and increasing the emphasis on
civilian development.
It can be argued that there are many in
Congress who will vote for foreign aid only if
they are persuaded that it buys guns aimed
directly at Russia or China. They do not think
that the development of backward countries is
any interest of ours. Presumably then, this
isolationist opposition will be less willing to,
vote for foreign aid which emphasizes civilian

m e rencn ana est Tria
delegations are not yet convinced.
French and West German offici-
als appear resolved to insure that
British concepts of flexible diplo-
macy do notbecome accepted fea-
tures of the West's dealings with,
the Soviet Union.
* * *
GROMYKO'S gambits in this
situation have embarrassed the
Briton. One illustration:
Last night Lloyd was the Rus-
sian's dinner guest for their fourth
private meeting, since the talks
began 10 days ago.
This is not unusual of itself. But
Gromyko has seen Secretary of
State Herter privately only once,
and West German Foreign Minis-
ter Henirich von Brentano once.
Tomorrow Gromyko lunches alone
with. Maurice Couve de Murville
of France for the first time.
Some officials think Gromyko
intentionally is trying to' "suggest
something patently incorrect --
that he and Lloyd are continuing
the British-Soviet political talks
that began in Moscow last Febru-
Lloyd of course immediately tells
his Western colleagues everything
Gromyko says to him.
BUT YESTERDAY an odd, thing
One Western delegation dis-
closed the main terms of an in-
formal talk Gromyko initiated with
Lloyd yesterday. It seemed Lloyd
asked Gromyko for his ideas about
a stopgap'Berlin settlement. The
Russian obliged by repeating some
Soviet suggestions.
British officials - rightly or
wrongly-think the disclosure was
intended to show Lloyd is trying to
begin informal negotiations for a
temporary East-West arrangement
on Berlin outside the Western
package plan for an over-all Ger-
man settlement.
Any such move now would cut
across the public policy of the
Western Allies and would tend to
discredit Lloyd.

Deny Students the 'Vote?

To the Editor:
I AM A MARRIED graduate stu-
dent, living in University Ter-
race under a 12-month lease;
though my parents live in Indiana,
I consider Ann Arbor to be my
home, have every prospect of re-
maining here in the forseeable fu-
ture, and I have no plans for re-
turning to Indiana to live. I am
well past twenty one, have never
been known to bribe a public of-
ficial or steal horses, and have ful-
filled the minimum residence re-
quirements for Michigan and Ann
Recently I went with my wife
to the office of the City Clerk for
the purpose of registering to vote.
My wife was registered without
difficulty, but when the clerk asked
me my occupation and I replied
"full time student," she responded
that she could not see how 1 had
'any basis for a registration claim
whatever. (I was advised before-
hand to lie about my occupation,
but it seemed to me that one ought
not to be forced to lie to honest
and responsible public officials.)
We discussed this matter of my
eligibility for about a quarter of
an hour, during which time I was
advised that students really have
no interest in the community (I
had rashly assumed that this was
for me to decide), that they are
only here for a short time (though
presumably, if and when I leave,
my wife will go with me), and
that I should consult the City At-
torney if I was still dissatisfied-
the clerk flatly refused to register

one moves to a locality for the pur-
pose of attending school there
does not in itself disqualify him
from voting there, though he may
be unqualified for other reasons.
This Opinion, for reasons about
which one can only speculate, was
not shown to me during my first
visit to the Clerk's office on Friday.
It is readily granted, by persons
familiar with local politics, that
there is a deliberate policy of dis-
couraging qualified students from
exercising their right to vote in
Ann Arbor. (Perhaps someone
fears rent control?) Had I been
registered without this preliminary
inconvenience, it is quite possible
that I might neglect to vote now
and then; but after the trouble
to which I have been put, it is now
highly unlikely that I shall neglect
any opportunity to cast a vote in
Ann Arbor. (I might even vote in
the next SGC election.) If other
would-be voters have met with a
similar run-around and have re-
signed themselves to junior-citi-
zenship in this community, I hope
they will be moved to try again
at City Hall.
-Frank A. Morrow, Jr., Grad.
Bandouin. .
To the Editor:
I HAVE READ, in The Daily of
May 16, the article written by
Fred Cheval, entitled "Belgium's
Bandouin, Silent, Withdrawn."
I do not object at all to the right
the author has to write whatever
seems reasonable to him about

is actually the guest of your Presi-
dent and your -country, and more
especially surprised, as you must
know, since last Monday, the day
of the king's arrival in the States,
that they do not reflect reality too.
well. 4
It is not my intention to argue
about that, but, I just wanted to
tell you how sorry I was to notice
that, when you want to make' a
general comment on the king's
visit, among the different Ameri-
can points of view which have
been expressed these days, you
pick such a one.
--Vincent Hanssens

The DailyOfficial Bulletin' is ra&
official publication of The Uni'ver-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form, to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day pieceding
publication. Notices for -Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, NO. 165
General Notices
Classification for members of the
Dept. of Nayal Arch. and Marine Engrg.
for summer session and fall semester
will be held during examination period:
Prof. Adams: June 3-4; Prof. Benford:
May 30-June 1; Prof. West: June 4-5.
Students should go to either of, these
three classifiers as convenient.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative June gradu-
ates from the College of L1.S.A,. and
the School of Education for depart-
mental honors (or high honors in the
College of L.S. & A.) should recom-
mend such students in a letter de-
livered to the Office of Registration
and Records, Rm. 1513 Admin. Bldg., by
noon, Mon., June 8.
Students,,' All Schools and ,colleges.
The Office of Registration and Records
urges that all students who have ap-
plied for or expect to apply for work
with either 'the% Summer or . all 1959
Registration Programs secure approval
of new course elections as soon as the
school or college will allow.
Attention June Graduates: College
of L.S.A., School of Education, School
of Music, School of Public Health, and
School of Business Administration.:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in, June. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
Swork must be made up in time to al-
low your' instructor, to report the ;make-
up grade not ltaer than noon, Mon.,
June 8. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation
until a later dtae.
Journalism Awards Assembly: Aud. A,
Angell Hall, Wed., May 20, 3 p.m. V. V.
McNittof 'the BMcNaught Syndicate,
"The Press' at Bay."
Meeting of senior class presidents and
other specially appointed representa-
tives, Rin. 302 W. Engrg. Bldg:, Thurs.,
May 21, 7:00 p.m. Discuss schedule and
plans for commencement.
May Meeting of the Research Club,
Wedl., May,20, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Officers for 1959-60 will be
elected. Following papers will be 'pre-
sented: "The Indo-Europeans of Greece
and Italy and their Origins," by Prof,
Clark Hopkins (Classical Archaeology).
"Aerodynamic Heating under Atmos-
pheric Re-entry Conditions," by Prof.
A. M. Kuethe (Aeronautical Engineer-
Male Non-Veterans whose annual
academic program ends in June or
whose deferment expires in June
should file SSS Forms 103 and 109 by
the end of this semester in order to
continue student deferment. Recent-
ly revised forms available at Window A,
Admin. Bldg. Students from the fol-
lowing schools and colleges should sub-
mit their forms at window A for cer-
tification: Arch. & Design; Bus. Ad-
min.; Education; LS&A; Music; Natur-
al Resources; Pharm.; P.M.; Social Work.
Physical Therapy Meeting: Freshmen
anda ophomores planning to.roncen-
trate in Physical Therapy or interest-
ed in knowing more about Physical
Therapy. Thurs., May 21 at 7:00 p.m.,.
Rm., 1603, first floor, Main Bldg. of U.
Hosp. Movie followed by discussion
and demonstrations in the Physical
Therapy Clinic.
International Center Tea. Thurs.,

Quotes from the Bug:

orial Director

City Editor

Associate Edtor

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