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May 09, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-09

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"Well -Ha Ha -None Of Us Is Perfect"

U 4r-A Aidigan Daily
Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth, WillPrevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials 'printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
_pr the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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In Gallery of Presidents,
A Place for Truman

VJORE AND MORE as the years pull him
further away from his term in the White
[ouse, Harry S. Truman draws closer to the
emi-immortality that touches a few American
This is a very special immortality. It goes
ny to those Presidents who have managed to
ollect for themselves a huge number of people
'ith intensely partisan feelings - both for
rnd against. It is an immortality never at-
ained by Presidents who hold office during
ears of peace and prosperity, nor by those
hose tenure is marked by compromising, by
tiddle-of-the-road policies, by innocuous ac-
ons and statements.
Truman is eminently qualified for this im-
iortality, and it has become the opinion of
tore than one person of late that history will
ideed- be very kind to the little man from
[issouri who never quite looked like a Presi-
ent of the United States.
There are many people who still turn the air
irple at the mere mention of "that man from
[issouri." Yet there are none that will deny
e was at least a; strong President.
[RUMAN TOOK OFFICE under the most
trying conditions - he was following a man
ho had reached a zenith of popularity un-
nown in the United States since Abraham
incoln. In addition, popular feeling toward
ce-presidents rates them just slightly above
round hogs in intelligence. And the nation
'as in the middle of. World War II.
He handled the tag end of' the war, although

--~ - T

l enranis U
THE ADMINISTRATION has finally acti-
vated and proposed a solution for the leas-
ing problem in the Northwood Apartments. Re-
quested by the Northwood Terrace Tenants
Association, the administration plan will allow
60-day termination notices. The change is
principally so June and February graduates
will not have the responsibility for subletting
their apartments for the period of the lease
during which they will not be attending the
University. Fears that they will not be able
to sublet have been a grave concern for North-
wood residents this year, although Leonard A.
Schaadt, Business Manager of Residence Hails
says that the problem has never arisen in the
The Northwood residents, through the Ten-
ants' Association, are protesting the admin-
istration offer because, with the termination
clause, rents will be raised to provide for apart-
ments that must stand idle if and when their
residents leave and no new renters are located.
But with financial arrangements in the Uni-
versity residence hall system the way they are,
full use of all housing units is necessary. Up-
ping rents by a certain percentage is only
sound business practice. Northwood residents
should not expect the University to bear all
the burdens of a solution to their present prob-
lem. Some reciprocity is needed.
IF THE PROPOSED administration solution
is unacceptable, it is now the responsibility
of the Association to make a counter-proposal
rather than simply to damn the administration.


not to the liking of everyone. And he went on
to handle one crisis after another, in one man-
ner or another - still nqt to the liking of
Faced with the new Communist imperialism,
Truman managed to keep them from subjugat-
ing Greece, managed to keep them from "lib-
erating" Finland after World War II, didn't
quite manage to keep them from taking over
in Eastern Europe. It was Truman who dropped
the first atomic bomb, Truman who took the
plunge in Korea, Truman who relieved Gen-
eral MacArthur from his command in Korea
at a time when the General's popularity had
reached its zenith.
FOR EVERY ONE of these things, the little
man who looks like a department store clerk
developed a whole new crop of enemies, and
another set of friends. Some of his actions will
be justified by the course of history, others
will be damned.
Yet Truman rarely if ever considered. any
of these things. His decisions, right or wrong,
were made by him alone, after much consid-
eration. He asked for, and listened to, other
people's ideas, yet as he himself said about the
President's office, "the buck stops here."
Truman's strength lay in his ability to as-
sume his responsibility, in his willingness to
make his own decisions -- in short, in his
History may place a halo around 'p'uman's
head, oryit may bestow on him nothing but
abuse. In any case, it will never forget him.
In addition to directly opposing the rent in-
crease, residents complain that they are being
made ," pay part of the loans contracted by
the University in constructing the entire resi-
dence hall system. In this, it must be pointed
out, they join other members of .the residence
hall system. Besides, other previous residents
have helped to pay the costs of Northwood
Terrace themselves, so it is not one group alone
being persecuted.
A last fact that must be pointed up in the
current proposal is the complaint that the
Tenants' Association was notified seemingly
as an afterthought that a solution was to be
offered. Last week's meeting between members
of the Association and Schaadt seemed to pre-
sage a change in attitude in that close com-
munication necessary in such matters between
the parties would be established. An almost
friendly atmosphere seemed to have been es-
With the cursory contact of the principal
protesting group by the administration, it ap-
pears that the spirit of good will and close
communication has broken down. The real re-
sponsibility of course cannot be determined,
though it should be said the administration
could have tried harder. This, in combination
with soniewhat unjustified demands on the
part of the Tenants Association has made an
issue which could have had an amicable solu-.
tion into an aggravated point of contention
between students and administration.

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Activities Continue
After Dissolution
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the concluding article in a series dealing with
the activities of Algerian students, in connection with an emergenacy fund
drive by Student Government Council for Africa students. The drive will be
held from May 10-16.)
ON JANUARY 28, French morning papers carried a communique from
the Ministry of the Interior annoncing the dissolution of UGEMA.
As these newspapers appeared on the streeets, three top officers of
UGEMA and about 50 members in all parts of France were suddenly
Twodays later the-official government journal carried thetext of
the decree announcing the dissolution, based upon an exceptional 1936
law aimed at paramilitary organizations or others which "threaten the
territorial integrity of the French Republic."
The cabinet meeting which had taken the decision, in fact, took
place in the absence of the Minister most closely concerned with


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Conference Could Help NATO

UGEMA, the Minister of Educa-
tion. A number of eminent French
jurists deplored the decision,
termed it an abusive interpreta-
tion of the 1936 law which called
into question the fundamental
liberty of freedom of association,
and called for its reversal.
However, UGEMA carries on,
with its headquarters transferred
to Tunis. Its major concern now
is to secure ways and means for
Algerian students to continue their
university careers - in particular
those who have been compelled by
poltical circumstance to leave
French territory. It, is similarly
devoting a major part of its ener-
gies towards assuring the material
well-being of Algerian students in
Morocco and Tunisia who' are
refugees from the war in Algeria.
BECAUSE OF THE many grave
problems arising for Algerian stu-
dents as a result of the dissolution
of their National Union, the three
North African Unions-UGEMA,
UNEM and UGET-called upon
the Secretariat to invite all Na-
tional Unions to a Special Confer-
ence organized under the auspices
of the International Student Con-
ference to consider the deteriorat-
ing situation of Algerian students
and to do everything possible to
remedy it.
The Conference,. which took
place last year in London on
April 17-18, adopted the following:
1) Urges National Unions of
Students to work with local youth
organizations, national relief or-
ganizations and other groups to
prdovide food, medicine and goods
needed by Algerian student refu-.
gees wherever they may be;
2) Urges National Unions of
Students to press for redoubled
activities by National Committees
of World University Service
(WUS), suggests the establish-
ment of an International Algerian
Refugee Fund within the WUS
framework and that VMS should
make available to National Unions
of Students information on the
best way of establishing scholar-
ships for Algerian students, taking
note of the differences of language
and curricula problems.
In conformity with these reso-
lutions, the USNSA and the WUS
have since taken action to help the
Algerian student refugees. Pub-
licity.hdrives, and seminars were
held throughout the United States
on all campuses. The Michigan
Region assembly, on April 10 have
taken the decision to hold the
drives for the Algerian students in
the Michigan Region from May
10-16. The University's Interna-
tional Students Association is
sponsoring this drive officially, in
cooperation with some other cam-
pus groups.

ON THE SOUND principle that
once bitten is twice shy, all
but the most smile-happy opti-
mists are emphasizing that the
Big Four foreign ministers confer-
ence at Geneva has no guarantee
of even a modest success.
This is as it should be. It will
do nobody any good to forget that
the trail of international meetings
with the Soviet Union is studded
with the ruins of Western hopes.
It is a trail well marked, in a word,
with broken Russian promises.,
Indeed, the West may be hard
put at Geneva to find enough
justification (and almost any kind
of justification will do) foragree-
ing to hold the real conference
toward which the world is looking.
This, of course, is a summit meet-
ing between President Eisenhower,
Prime Minister Macmillan of Brit-
ain, President DeGaulle of France
and Nikita Khrushchev of the So-
viet Union.
* * *
ALL THE SAME, it is never use-
ful to approach any opportunity in
the fixed notion. that nothing good
can possibly come from it. And
quite apart from this general
principle, there is practical and
specific reason to look toward
Geneva with a basic and realistic,
if limited, confidence.


For the profound fact is this:
whatever may happen at the ac-
tual conference table in Geneva,
the leading members of the West-
ern alliance have wisely prepared
to maintain the unity of all in the
West in the North Atlantic Treaty
The Big Four have pledged not
merely to keep the smaller NATO
partners generally advised of what
they, the big fellows, say and do
at Geneva. Much better, the big
fellows are committed to maintain
running contact with the NATO
Treaty Council all during the Ge-
neva conference. k
This is no mere empty legalism,
no gesture of "niceness." If any-
one supposed it to be so, a talk
With the diplomatic representatives
here of .the smaller allies will
quickly change his mind. This is a
promise of real meaning; of a-
meaning hardly less real than the
great reality it recognizes.
* * *
THIS GREAT reality is that the
strength of the West lies, in the
end, upon the simple fact that in
NATO 15 nations are banded to-
gether, all for one and one for all.
What Geneva must do and will
do, if the Big Four live up pre-
cisely to their promises, is to give
the smaller Western nations a

sense of genuine participation in
the decisions in which technically
they will not be a part. .
Canada, Belgium, Italy and the
others, though not sitting at the
table, will not be excluded from
what goes on. Through the com-
mon NATO council they will all
be "in the act" on the Western
side. It is clear that the consulta-
tive arrangement between the
large and small partners can be
made the most generous and use-
ful ever granted by the large to
the small.
There is no reason, for example,
why the smaller powers cannot
make proposals to the actual nego-
tiators for the West, the Big Four,
as the conference goes forward.
There is thus no reason why the
smaller powers cannot indirectly,
but nevertheless importantly, in-
fluence the conference itself
through their recommendations to
their bigger allies:
If this is done, as there is every
reason to suppose it will be, all the
power of the West will probably
feel a part of whatever bargain is
struck or rejected at Geneva. And
all the power of the West-and
this is, after all, the true and ulti-
mate safeguard from the Soviet
Union-will remain truly together.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Features Syndicate, Inc.)

To the Editor:
IN REFERENCE to the article in
The Daily entitled "Confiscates
Riot Tape" appearing on the front
page of today's (May 6) issue, I
would like to ask a few questions
as to the set up of the rights of
the individual residents.
Primarily the question which re-
sults from such an event is: does
the University have the right to
enter a student's room at any time
as stated in the article? If so,
where in the housing contract or
where in. any information given
by the University is this made
known to the resident.
Secondly, does the student pay
for a private room or rather one
that is accessible at the whim of
a staff man or resident advisor? I
realize that this is a very isolated
case; however, if rules do not
prevent such actions from. taking
place what insurance for hisper-
sonal property does the individual
Thirdly, does anyone, including
any administrative, faculty, or
staffmmember, have the rightto
remove from the student's room
anything which is that student's
personal property?
David M. Carlson, '63L
To the Editor:
is being destroyed by rodents.
Each morning these rodents sweep
down on the main campus like a
plague, engulfing everything in
their wake By evening most of
these rodents" have disappeared.
By rodents. I am referring to the
hundreds of "tricycles" that are
swarming over the old campus. I
call them tricycles, because there
are three wheels, the third being
the "big wheel" riding.
I have nothing against students
using the tricycle. But what I ob-
ject to is the damage to the
old campus and the nuisance these
tricycles are causing pedestrians.
First. let us ;look at the damage
the tricycles are doing to the old
campus. Our campus could be
much more attractiveif the tri-
cycles were not parked on the
lawn. If you have not already
noticed this, then do so the next
time you walk across campus.'You
will "see an infinite number of
tricycles not parked in the racks.
Not only are these tricycles hid-
ing the potential beauty of the
grass but they are wearing away
the surface of the lawn. No agent
of erosion could do a better job.
than the tricycle is doing.
The tricycle besides damaging
the beauty of the old campus is
also a hindrance to the pedestrian.
Notice the next time you try to get
into the undergraduate library the
number of tricycles parked in front
of the entrance. Reminds me of a.
rat trying to get through a maze.
What can 'be done about this
problem? One solution would be to
ban the tricycles from the main
campus area. Another solution to
this prblem of tricycles could be
fulfilled by the student. This solu-
tion is so simple that it is ludi-
crous. Answer, is park the bikes in
the bike racks. The University has
put in enough of them In the
strategic areas, all you have to do
is use them,
Let us all cooperate with those
who are placing their bicycles in
the racks, and make it 100 per
cent. Well, close to 100 per cent.
-Robert E. Burger,'OEd.



Truman's Damond Jubilee-Sti ll No Change

PolicyEr Iraq

Associated Press Correspondent
IN AN AGE when emotional pres-
sure often is an excuse for
emotional collapse, Harry S. Tru-
man still acts like a man who
neverhad anything more pressing
on his mind than the next lodge
Just turned 75 yesterday, there
is still about him a hearty self-
confidence, a fighting sense of

optimism, a crackling electricity of
opinion, a small-town, uncompli-
cated way of looking at himself
and the world in the 20th century.
With his brisk stride, his defiant
smile, his galloping pride, his trig-
ger-like readiness to put his foot
into his mouth or a fight, there is
little about this man to suggest
that he once was President of the
United States. Or that he:
Presided over the dawn of the
atomic age, the end of a world

ALTHOUGH THERE ARE many who think so,
it seems to me misleading to suppose that
he Russians have staged the Berlin affair as a
listraction-in order to divert attention from
heir ambitions in Iraq and in the Middle East.
['he stakes in Germany are much bigger for
hem and for us than in Iraq. For in Germany
he Soviet Union and the Western alliance, each
rmed with nuclear weapons, confront one
aother directly. Neither can or will surrender
ts vital interests to the other, and if they can-
lot find an honorable and acceptable modus
Ivendi, there may be no alternative to a great
var. r
PHE PRACTICAL conclusion to be drawn
from this is that however bad things may
ook in Baghdad, the one thing above all that
ve must not do is to write off Iraq, and then
reat it as a Communist satellite in the same
lass with North Korea and North Vietnam.
ven though the Iraqi Communists may domi-
late the government, which they have not yet
one, we should not regard the situation as
nal and irreparable. Egypt has taught us that
s between Arab nationalism and Soviet Com-
aunism there is much flirtation, there may
ven be a heavy affair, but there has not yet
een any indissoluble marriage.
The main reason for this, so I venture to
pink, is that there is no common frontier be-
ween any Arab state and the Soviet Union.
With the exception of Albania, which is not
much of an exception, the genuine Soviet satel-
.tes are all countries into which the Red Army

Our wisest course in the Middl'e East is to re-
frain from any threats or promises which, in a
show-down, we could not carry out. In our rela-
tions with the Iraqi government we should be
unexcited and reserved. We should make it
plain, but without excessive rhetoric, that we
believe in the independence of Iraq-that we
believe and support her independence of the
great powers including the Soviet Union and
the United States-that we believe in her right
and her capacity to find her own place in the
Arab world.
THIS IS A realistic policy. It is not "dynamic"
and it is not dramatic. But-it is all that
the traffic will bear.
The old policy has collapsed. It was based on
the illusion that Iraq could be aligned with
the West by subsidizing and arming an oli-
garchy that was aligned with the West, and
that this artificial arrangement could be re-
garded as a military bastion against the Soviet
The architects and supporters of the old
policy looked upon themselves as hard-boiled
and tough-minded realists. But the structure
they built disappeared in a night. Let us then
beware of those who would like somehow to
resurrect that old policy.
In the light of what has happened in Egypt,
in the light of what has happened to Nasser's
affair with Russia, in the light of what has hap-
pened to Nasser's imperial dream of making
Cairo the center of the whole Arab world, the

HST Still Commenting
On World in General
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
AT THE TAG END of his life that controversial man from Missouri,
Harry Truman, has finally hit something on which we all can agree.
If we could be sure of having Truman's vitality, then reaching 75
would be worth looking forward to.
Anyone trying to keep up with him will notice few changes from
the days when he was in the White House, one of the world's most
important men,
He still combines humility with egotism, blurts out the appropriate
with the inappropriate, leaps lightly from the trivial to the important.
* * * *
YOU'VE HEARD what he has had to say on formal occasions, such
as when he testified before Congress. But let's drop in on a more in-
formal occasion, sampling the opinions he tossed cheerfully about at a
University of Missouri alumni dinner. (Truman, who didn't get much
schooling, is an honorary graduate).
On newspapering in general: "The field of journalism is close to
my heart. So much of a democracy depends upon it."
On newspapers in particular, especially those against him: "If one.
of these papers came out for me, I knewv damn well I was wrong."
On lecturing college students: "Those youngsters have asked me

war, the entrance of the United
States into the United Nations,
the winning of an election even
his best friends had wrapped in
black crepe, the decision to fight
in Korea and get public approval
later, the dismissal of a fiercely
popular general, and a host of
other incredible strains and
stresses that might have bent the
psyche of other motrals.
'% * *
HISTORY MAY record Truman
as- a great President or a poor one.
But in either case it will have to
agree that his was one of the
bounciest egos ever to wrestle-with
affairs of state.
Truman still looks more like a
man who made a career out of a
small but serene pharmacy than
the man who went on to what he
himself called the hardest job in
the world, to the one desk where
"the buck-passing had to stop."
Nearly every fine morning at
seven, he swings out of the large,
white frame house at Truman
Road and Delaware. He may take
off in almost any direction, and
he'll cover about a mile or a mile
and a half.
"I DON'T DO THIS for show,"
he confided to a newsman accom-
panying him on a recent ramble.
"I do it because I think it will
help me live longer."
Everything about Independence
is familiar to Truman. Not far
from his home, he pointed proudly
to "the best-kept lawn in town,"
at the home of his friend Louis
L. Compton. A little farther down
Delaware Street, guide Truman
pointed to another home, a white

Library, where he has his office,
and where repose the papers and
records of a public life that started
modestly enough as a Judge of
the Jackson County Court in 1922
and, via two terms in the United
States Senate, reached the Vice-
Presidency of the United States
in 1944.
The Senate, Harry Truman has
often said, was the limit of his
ambitions in public life-until that
day in April, 1945, when the Mis-
sourian took office as the nation's
32nd President.
Today, Truman keeps busy-as
he has throughout his years of his
retirement. He has written his
memoirs, is the active elder states-
man of the Democratic Party,
writes, reads, and, in his comfort-
ably-appointed office, applies him-
self to the mountains of mail that
still pour in.


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