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May 09, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-09

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Leatherman Delivers Talk on Science

Give Award
In Library
A "Citation of Honorf" was pre-
sented to retired Sault Ste. Marie
librarian Alice Beaman Clapp,
The citation from University
Regents was awarded during the
Honors Convocation yesterday.
Miss Clapp, director of the Car-
negie Library in Sault St. Marie,
from 1920 to 1955, will be pre-Y
sented to Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss by Erich A. Walter,
secretary to the Regents.
Niehuss To Award
Vice-President Niehuss will
award the citation.
In part, it reads: She "made her
library the means for refreshing
the spirit and stimulating the
mind. Under her direction, the
notable Judge Steere collection of
Northwest Americana as well as a'
library of great recorded musicY
were made accessible to the public
Helps Childrenx
"She has helped children to see
the world and all its wonders; she 4
has brought the young and old the
joy of finding new fields to ex-y
plore; she has aided scholars in
their researches and placed in
the author's hand the key to his
The citation "testifies to the
value which the University places
on you as a librarian and as a
gentlewoman." POLISHING TOUCHE
Miss Clapp was born in Chicago League garden, Jacqu
and moved to Sault Ste. Marie finishing touches to t
where she joined Carnegie Li- MacDuff. They will ap
brary's staff in 1914. In 1920, she MacBeth.
was promoted from an assistant to;
full librarian.
lIVakes Changes Brook es
Under her administration a

Future May Hinge
On FraternityBias
'(Continued Irom Page i)


-Daily-Allan Winder
ES - Relaxing between rehearsals In the
eline Brookes and Ernest Graves apply the
heir ,performances as Lady MacBeth and
ppear in the Drama Season production of
Graves Discuss
eare 's 'Macl~eth'

and other who desire to force the
removal of clauses.
It is also argued that pressure
creates antagonism within the
fraternity system arnd an unwill-
ingness to accept any form of
"Fraternity people are naturally
defensive on the subject because
'We don't want someone else run-
ning our busines.' Therefore when
we get around to the point, having
been impressed by national social
change, that we should have local
social change, then I think the
change will come," writes one ex-
perienced observer.
In many cases, emotions, rather
than reason, have entered into the
dispute over discrimination. How-
ever, through research projects
undertaken at the University help
considerably .in understanding
the education versus force ques-
Sponsor Research
The first was sponsored by the
University Institute for Social Re-
search in 1949, undertaken by a
group. of students, and published
under the title "Campus Atti-
tudes Toward Minority Groups."
Students reported they felt
much the same as their friends on
the. advisability of living with
members of minority groups.
When discrepancies appeared,
however, the respondent almost
always felt that he held a more
tolerant attitude than his friends.
The study suggested that a
"pluralistic ignorance" might ex-
ist, in which persons. misjudge the
nature of the opinion climate in'
which they are living, and believe
others more prejudiced than they
actually are.
Perhaps, the study continued,
"people avoid talking about sub-
jects which might offend the more
extreme among their social group,
and therefore never get a chance
to find out how others feel."
Notes Discrepancy
This! brings up an important
discrepancy in the fraternity ar-
gument for education, some have.
argued. No education can come
about when chapter members do
not even understand the feelings.
of their brothers, it is said.
A second survey was undertaken
in 1951-52 by the Research Center
Candidacy Set
By Professor
Prof. N. Edd Miller of the edu-,
cation school and associate direc-
tor of the summer session has an-
nounced his.candidacy for election
to the Ann Arbor Board of Edu-
Prof.Miller, the ninth person to
enter the race, is a member of a
committee set up by the Board
of Education to study the grading
system in the Ann Arbor secon-
dary public schools.

for Group Dynamics at the re-
quest of the Interfraternity Coun-
Among conclusions of the re-
search were 1) presence of restric-
tive clauses in fraternity constitu-
tions makes no difference in fun-
damental attitudes towards ad-
mission of minority members, and
2) education and maturity seems
to change discriminatory atti-
Notes Paths
The Research Center pointed to
four broad paths which "must be
followed to solve the social issue
of fraternity membership policy.
First, the researchers stressed
that all groups concerned with the
discrimination problem must be
approached as objectively and
openly as possible.
Second, information about the
extent, causes, and stumbling
blocks in the road to solution must,
be undierstood and used. It was
demonstrated that friendly con-
tact with Jews, Negroes or Orien-
tals tends to liberalize admis-
sions attitudes, as does a couple
of years at the University.
Third, the center noted that for
definite opinion to be changed
through real discussion, it is im-
portant that the members of the
discussion group represent the
different points of view rather
than starting with everyone on
one side.
Cites Steps
Fourth, several steps were cited
as constructive means toward
changing the admissions policy
of discriminating fraternities:
Responsible members of campus
groups must take the initiative to
help the IFC work on the problem.
Minority groups must be encour .
aged to overcome their fears of
embarrassing situations. Many
men need to have more oppor-
tunity for contact with members
of minority groups. Alumni and
national officers are barriers to
change in some houses.
Differences of opinion exist as
to whether or not any of the Cen-
ter's recommendations have been
carried out. The debate, although
seeming so, will not be endless.
"Things are coming to an end,"
says one fraternity president.
"What that end will be is up to
(Tomorrow The Daily will print a
statement fromn Dean of MenWalter
B. Rea and Vice-President 'for. Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis regard-
ing fraternity discrimination.)
Judic Extends
Petition Date,
The deadline on petitioning for
summer positions on the Women's
Judiciary Council has been ex-
tended to Wednesday, May 13.
Interviews with the candidates
will be scheduled between 4 and
5 p.m. ont the same day.

number of changes were effected
at the library. Among them were
the construction of a wing, a
museum and a hi-fidelity room.
Also, the number of volumes in
the-library has increased.
Miss Clapp retired in 1955. Since
she recently injured her back and
won't attend the convocation, the
citation will be presented in ab-

S aep

.. . gets "citation of honor"

U.S. Feels
The nation is enjoying a "nor-
mally robust" economic recovery
despite, unemployment, Prof. Paul
McCracken, of the economics de-
partment, told the Economics
Club last night.
Comparing the nation's econ-
omic performance since July, 1957
with earlier pre-recession "peaks,"
Prof. McCracken reported that
"we have done generally better
this time."
Compared to 1954-55, expansion
of industrial output has been
more rapid, while the total growth
in production of goods and serv-
ices has remained practically the
same, Prof. McCracken acknowl-
However, employment gains,
personal income increases, and
retail trade recovery since April,
1958, have all been less than in
the previous economic recovery,
he reported.
Looking ahead, Prof. McCrack-
en insisted that the nation's fu-
ture growth rate could be in-
creased by strengthening resist-
ance to rising costs and prices.
"As a nation and as a profession
(of economists), we have been ex-
cessively timid in facing up to
this need," he concluded.

Shakespeare allows more free-
dom of characterization than any
other playwright, Jacqueline
Brookes and Ernest Graves, who
will play Lady MacBeth and Mac-
Iuff in the Drama Season produc-
tion of "MacBeth" said..
Consideripg the difficulties of
playing a classical role, which car-
ries with it a certain tradition of
interpretation, Graves explained
that Shakespeare's words "lend
themselves to a certain interpreta-
tion,'perhaps even to specific busi-
An actor cannot help but "bor-
row" in this sense, he added, and
said it carries no stigma.
Does Work
"He's done so much of the work'
for you," Miss Brookes said, be-
cause he says precisely what he
means, and the actor is led in the
right direction. She contrasted this
with more modern techniques,"
"Chekhov is implicit. You have to
do a lot of work to discover what
that scene's really about."
Discussing their interpretation
of his role, Graves said he saw
MacDuff as a "solid American citi-
zen" type. "He's a good husband
and father, a figure of good. He
goes to war, stands up for what's
"I don't think Lady MacBeth is
a complete ogre, although she's
often been pictured that way,"
Miss Brookes asserted. She has a
history of interpretation, and in
the past century there's been an
attempt to humanize her, she said.
Loves Husband
"She's a wife. She loves her
husband and, since he wants to be
king, she thinks he should be.
Very definitely, she never uses him
for her own ends, but supports
In one sense, MacBeth is a
tremendously moral play, she con-
tinued. "It's atragedy that these
people didn't use their energies
and talents for good, that they
do succumb to evil."
They noted a recent trend to-
ward the classics, and observed
that Shakespeare and Greek
drama were gaining in popularity,
especially in the middle west and
off-Broadway productions. Yet it's
pointless to be a classical actor
exclusively, Miss Brookes said, for
often, particularly in Broadway
productions, the nucleus of the
cast is imported from England.
Did 'Julius Caesar'
"There's an off-Broadway group
called the 'Shakespearites,' which
is very good and very active. I did
'Julius Caesar' with them, and we
had the longest run off-Broad-
way," Graves commented.
Playing Shakespeare doesn't cost

any more, Miss Brookes noted.
There are not royalties, and often,:
the cast and stage-workers will
join in a cooperative venture.
In one instance a designer, just]
to show what he could do with
classical costumes, worked for
practically nothing, Graves re-
called. In this way, Elizabethan
stock for which a tremendous au-
dience is being discovered, can be
built up.
Need Developed Voice
The one special training for
playing classical roles is a highly,
developed voice, he continued. "In
modern plays, an actor can get
away with a fairly normal voice,
but not in Shakespeare. Here,
there's a greater emphasis on the
technical side," Miss Brookes said.
Both Miss Brookes and Graves
have extensive classical back-
grounds. Miss Brookes, who gradu-
ated from the University of Iowa,
received a Fulbright to the Royal
Academy of Dramatic Arts in Lon-
don and has appeared in a wide
range of classical productions.
"I've never done a modern play,
strangely enough. In college, I
was cast in classics, but now that's
all I get," she laughed.
Plays Fourth 'MacBeth'
"This is my fourth 'MacBeth'.
I've played everything except the
Lady, I guess," Graves said. "I
don't think of myself as a classical
actor, yet some of my most en-
joyable parts have been in this
He's acted in ,several Shakes-
pearean plays. His favorite- role,
however, was "Tom" in "The Glass
Menagerie," which has "real beau-
ty," he said.
Cinema Guild, petitioning, petition
EarlyRegistration Pass Committee,
petitioning for membership, petitions
due May 11, 5 p.m., SAB.
French Club, Film: "Orphee" by Jean
Cocteau, May 12, 8 p.m., Undergrad. Li-
brary, Multipurpose Rm.
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, hiking and
biking, May 10, 2 p.m., meet in back
of Rackham (N.W. entrance).
Mich. Christian Fellowship, May 10,
4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Rev. H.
Englund, "How Far Will God Go?"
Petitioning for the position of office
manager of SGO, petitions due May 11,
5 p.m., SAB.'
Unitarian Stud. Group, meeting,
movies by Dr. D. Crary cn Near East
Trip, May 10, 7 p.m., Unitarian Church.




W a thrill thirsty notion snned and
ginned--he built the crime syndicate we
still fight today.

from 1 o'clock

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NO 8-6416




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