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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 a t tu




LXM, No. 93




Beadle Endorses
University Funds,
State Senate Chief Pledges GOP
Opposition To Withheld Payments
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-Frank D..Beadle (R-St. Clair), State Senate Majority
Leader, said last night the Republican Party would oppose any future
attempt to deprive the three largest state universities of "their share"
of state funds.
In other action at the Republican State Nominating Convention,
the pre-convention platform committee recommended the party ask
that a' resolution be placed on the April 6 ballot asking the voters
"whether they desire an increase in the sales tax."
- The group also approved the use of the Veterans Trust Fund to
meet the current cash shortage if it is "the only avenue open in order

rBreak Off
SEOUL (') - South Koreans
formed a united front last night
against. Japan's decision to let
some of its Korean residents find
new homes in Communist North
Though officials discounted the
possibility of an armed clash, there
was a breakoff in 10-month-old
Tokyo negotiations to establish
diplomatic relations.
Amid anti-Japanese demonstra-
tions, in, the streets, President
Syngman Rhee's Liberals, and the
opposition Democrats joined hands
in a rare show of unanimity. They
backed a nonpartisan committee
to combat the repatriation pro-
Will Never Consent
South Korea lost a battle when
the Japanese cabinet decided to go
ahead, but vowed it had not lost
,. the war.
"Whatever the cost and what-
ever the necessary action, we shall
never consent 't the Japanese
dispatch of Korean residents to
the Communist enemy," Foreign
Minister Cho Chung Whan de-
Korea must resort to any and
every drastic measure, he said, "to
correct the Japanese wrong."
Disregards Warnings
Japan disregarded re e at e d
warnings by Rhee's government in
deciding to permit some thousands
of applicants among its 600,000 or
more Korean residents to go to
North Korea. The Red regime
there has promised them jobs.
Prime MinisterNobusuke Kishi
and his cabinet gave their en-
dorsement cautiously and with the
view that the operation would be
subject to screening by the Inter-
national Red Cross.,
J-Hop Group
Future Dances
The J-Hop Central Committee
is in "complete agreement" that
the traditional dance should be
held next year, Murray Feiwell,
60, general chairman, said yester-
Although final financial reports
l will not be submitted to Student
Government Council until Mar. 4,
the committee is "reasonably sure"
of breaking even from the esti-
mated sale of approximately 565
"I see no reason that another
J-Hop can't be held at the League
with ticket sales limited to 600,"
Feiwell added, commenting that
opinions expressed at the Central
Committee meeting Tuesday were
very favorable toward holding the
dance in the League.
"Some people even thought it
was much better suited to the
affair than the Intramural Build-
ing," he said.
Calling the approximately 1,200
people attending J-Hop a "fairly
decent percentage" of students,
Feiwell noted that a concert held
during the weekend would prob-
ably add to the effectiveness of
the activity.
Auditor of Student Organiza-
tions Maurice M. Rinkel estimated
a lapse of. three or four weeks be-
fore final totals will be available

Ito prevent school closing in hard-
ship for the needy."
They also stipulated that in
such case "absolute guarantees
must be made to the Veterans that
a tax program will contain pro-
visions to restore the fund as
quickly as possible."
Late Friday night it looked as if
Republican State Chairman Law-
rence B. Lindemer would smother
an attempt of Sen. John P. Smeek-
ens (R-Coldwater) to, replace him.
A source close to Lindemer re-,
ported that Lindemer had more
than two-thirds of the votes
pledged to him.
Beadle made his statement con-
cerning payment to the University,
Wayne State University, and
Michigan State University, while
interpreting a resolution of the
pre-convention platform commit-
Deplores Action
The statement said "The Re-
publican Party deplores the arbi-
trary action of the Democratic
State Administration's action in
,penalizing our institutions of
higher learning by withholding
their share of state funds and
pledges that the fine intellectual
heritage of the state shall not be
sacrificed to expediency."
Beadle's resolution is to prorate
all existing state funds among the
various state agencies on a per-
centage of their appropriations
Speaker of the House Don R.
Pears (R-Buchanan) has pre-
pared a speech for presentation
before the conventiontomorrow
which will advocate a one-cent in-
crease in the sales tax. He esti-
mates that this will bring the
state $100 million per year in in-
creased revenue.
Implement Reportr
The pre - convention platf'orm
committee also adopted a recom-
mendation that "immediate steps
should be taken to implement that
part of the recommendation of the
Michigan Legislative study com-
mittee on higher education (the
Russell report) that are found to
be practicable."
Party officials said that as yet
they had no specific legislative
proposals in mind and that the
report needed more study by the
Party officials and prospective
candidates for the nomination to
the Board of Regents and the
Wayne State Governing Board
said they were not in a position
at this time to comment on the
consolidation of Wayne State
under the Board of Regents.

Say Dulles
WASHINGTON W) - Mounting
concern that Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles may have a re-
currence of cancer spread through
the capital last night after he
underwent an operation for hernia.
The operation was termed a suc-
cess, but announcement of any
other findings by the doctors will
be delayed until today.
Tests Run
Should their report show a new
attack of cancer it could mean the
imminent retirement of Dulles
from the No. 1 post in President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's cabinet.
Dulles thought of quitting once
before, when he underwent an
operation for cancer.
The hernia operation was per-
formed between 8 and 9 a.m. yes-
terday at Walter Reed Hospital.
During the operation, tissues and
,fluids' were removed for micro-
scopic examination.
What this may show as to the
presence or absence of cancer is
to be officially disclosed today,
about noon.
No Discussion
Neither the White House' nor
the State Department would say
anything pending today's an-
The White House would not dis-
cuss the nature of a 'report on
Dulles, given President Eisenhow-
er this afternoon by his personal
physician, Gen. Howard M. Sny-
der, who witnessed the operation.
Extra Wrk
Honors Goal
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fourth in a series of articles concern-
ing the departmental honors pro-
gramts of the literary college.)
If one enjoys Neanderthal men
or Einstein and has a B overall
average and a B plus in his field
of concentration, then he may en-
ter the anthropology or mathe-
matics honors programs.
"The purpose of the mathe-
matics program is to get students
together in a small group to give
them better training in mathe-
matics than is necessary for a de-
'gree," Prof. Jack E. McLaughlin of
the mathematics department said.
"The purpose of the anthropol-
ogy program is to give more quali-
fied students a better background
than they would normally get,"
Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthro-
pology department said.
The mathematics department
has no special courses designed
for juniors and seniors, Prof. Mc-
Laughlin said. Some students work
on their own with the help of an
instructor chosen by Prof. Mc-
About half the honors students
enter into a reading course. Here
they delve into some unit of
mathematics where the Univer-
sity offers no course. These stu-
dents also do the reading on their
own," Prof. McLaughlin said.
See MATH, Page 2

dCbnSet as New



'U' To.l
In Language
The University has been chosen
by the Federal Office of Educa-
tion to hold a Foreign Language
Institute for teachers of foreign
languages in primary and second-
ary schools during this summer,
Prof. Otto Graf of the German
department announced yesterday.
"The purpose of the program is
to increase the proficiency of the
teachers and to acquaint them
with more modern methods of
teaching foreign languages, espe-
cially the use of language labora-
tories," Prof. Graf, who is direct-
ing the program at the University,
Tuition Free
Teachers from tax - supported
schools will attend the Institute
tuition-free and receive $75 a week
plus $15 weekly for each dependent
during the eight weeks of summer
session from June 22 through
August 14.
Government funds have been
furnished for 85 teachers from tax-
supported schools. In addition,
teachers from private, schools ar'e
expected to bring the number at-
tending to about 100, Prof. Graf
The program here is one of four
pilot plans on which subsequent
programs in other universities will
be based.
Languages Set
Languages which will be under
study are German, French, Span-
ish and Russian. Although Russian
is not taught as extensively in
primary and secondary schools as
the other three languages, Prof.
Graf explained that the Govern-
ment was interested in seeing more
Russian taught.
Working with Prof. Graf on the
program are Professors Albert
Marckwardt of the English depart=
ment, Robert Niess and Rand Mor-
ton of the Romance Languages de-
partment, Horace Dewey of the
Slavic languages department and
Deming Brown, chairman of the
Slavic languages department.
Students Call
For .freedom
BERLIN (P)-Fresh evidence of
student unrest in Communist East
Germany was reported yesterday.
RIAS, the American radio sta-
tion in West Berlin, said it has
received a letter from three East
German students who say they
are openly demanding that free-
dom of speech and thought be

Michigan Swimmers Crush Iowa


Cuban Chi

The Wolverine swimmers waged
an unsuccessful war on the record
book last night and in the process
turned back an undermanned Iowa
team, 751-29%.
A near-capacity crowd jammed
the Varsity Pool in hopes of wit-
nessing the world mark shattered
in the 400-yd. medley relay. It was
disappointed though as the Wol-
verines fell six-tenths of a second'
short of the 3:46 record.
Michigan Coach Gus Stager
loaded the relay with a foursome
of All-Americans who would have
established a record if each re-
peated his best performance.
Legacki Anchors
John Smith, Cy Hopkins, Tony
Tashnick and Frank Legacki swam
the respective backstroke, breast-
stroke, butterfly and freestyle legs.
Only Legacki, however, rose to the
occasion with a superlative effort.
The hugh crowd chuckled in dis-
belief when it was first announced
that Legacki would be expected to
swim the 100-yd. anchor leg in
:49.0 in accord with Stager's rec-
ord-breaking plans. The world
mark for the distance is :48.9 so
there was good reason to smile.
But the rM" fans underrated
this fast-rising hero of a team of
heroes. In a supreme effort, with
the crowd urging him on, -and the
big time clock on the wall flashing
the. passing of precious seconds
Legacki recorded the distance in
the unofficial time of :48.9.
No Help
The relay time didn't match1
Legacki's effort but he did touch
the finish in 3:46.6 for a new pool
Legacki was also the winner of
the 100-yd.freestyle as he bested a
duo of the nation's outstanding
sprinters. Iowa's national cham-
pion, Gary Morris, was matched
against him along with Michigan's
All-American Carl Woolley. This
featured dual match of the eve-
ning was all that it was hoped to
be as the three whipped the water
together. Legacki kicked home first
for a new Michigan and pool
record in :49.2, followed by an
eye-lash three-tenths of a second
later by Morris.
Defeats NCAA Champ
In defeating the Hawkeye na-
tional champion, Legacki estab-
lished himself as the chief threat
to the world 100-yd. mark held by
Stanford's Robin Moore.
Iowa's only first came in the
50-yd. freestyle as Morris shoul-
dered the burden of his team and
splashed to the finish ahead of
Woolley in :22,5.
William Clearhout, the other
outstanding individual performer
the Hawkeyes boasted, could only
See LEGACKI, page 6

--Daily-Michael Rontal
GOOD TRY--John Smith (middle) pushes off on the backstroke
leg of the 400-yd. medley relay. Michigan hoped to establish a new
American record in the event but failed by six-tenths of a second.
Al Gaxiola is in the foreground, swimming on the Wolverine
exhibition team.
New President Promises
To Re air Past Damages
CARACAS ()- Romulo Betancolirt took the oath as President
yesterday with a pledge of economy and democratic rule to repair the
havoc of a decade of dictatorship in /Venezuela.
The moderate leftist promised cordial relations with the United
States, called for the eradication of Latin American dictators and
announced he will form a coalition cabinet, with Communists excluded.
Steel-helmeted troops with fixed bayonets stood vigilant watch
against violent demonstrations as 50-year-old Betancourt was inaug-
urated as Venezuela's first freely elected president in 10 years. But



Takes First
Political Job._
Leader May Appoint
Brother Army Head;
To Retain Ministers ,
HAVANA ()-Fidel Castro, 32-
year-old revolutionary chief, was
named Prime Minister tonight.
It was his first move into politi
cal office, and it came at a timi
when there was wide speculatio
that he was on the way to becom-
ing president.
Up to now the bearded Castr
had served the provisional govern-
ment as Commander-n-chief o
the Arhed Forces.
Cabinet Resigns
His appointment as Prime Min
ister, to take office Monday, fol
lowed the mass resignation of th
Cuban Cabinet.
Provisional President Manue
Urrutia immediately announce
his choice as Castro for the pre
miership. That job normally meani
head of government under th
President who is chief of stte.
.Castro replaces Prime Minista
Jose Miro Cardona.'
Castro said he wanted to wa
until Monday to take over his ne
job to have time to appoint hi
successor as chief of the Ame
Brother, Set
It was generally expected her
that the top military post will g
to .Cairo's brother, 'f, 7.Raa
now is second in command of the
Armed Forces.
Interior Minister Luis Orland
Rodriguez said Castro for the pres
ent is planning to retain the o
ministers but "any who -do no,
keep pace with the revolution" wil
be dropped.
The outgoing Prime Minister to
reporters the Cuban resgnation
was handed in yesterday mornin
and accepted last night.
During the day Castro had ac
cepted an invitation to visit Chil
within two months, but told 4
visiting Chilean delegation he firs
had to act on measures essentia
to the revolution. He did not dis
close then that he. expected t
become Government chief.
Names Castro
Miro Cardona, in his letter o
resignation, said he felt the revo
lutionary leader should be thi
head of government.
Miro Cardona said he had aske
all ministers to retain their post
until Castro takes office at 6 p.m
EST Monday. He told Urrutia hi
felt the positions of head of gov
ernment and chief of revolutio
coincided and that Castro thu
should be prime minister.
Miro Cardona went on to sa:
the cabinet in bowing out woul
"give whoever succeeds me thi
opportunity to select his collabora
tors freely."
The retiring Prime Minister sai
that now the new provisional con
stitution has been provided for, h
will 'return, to private life.
The new provisional constitu
tion, or fundamental law of the
republic-based on the power o
Castro's revolutioti. - came int
effect Wednesday
Russian Tests
Indicate New
Atomic Bomb
ing missing link in some of Rus
sia's nuclear tests last fall ha
prompted an unofficial view her
that Russia may have develope
atomic bombs.having the power

larger hydrogen bombs.
If this admittedly tentative
view is accurate, a scientist told
a reporter yesterday, it migh
mean that Russia was capable o
packing into a 11-ton A-bomb

violence threatened by followers
of fallen dictator Marcos Perez
Jimenez and the Communists never
took place.
Cheered President
Instead, thousands of friendly
Venezuelans stood behind a troop
cordon cheering and applauding as
Betancourt's car sped by behind a
convoy of two armored cars.
Betancourt promised that rela-
tions with the United States, a
heavy investor in Venezuela's rich
oil fields, would be "normal and
without friction."
Then he proposed to revise in
Venezuela's favor the trade agree-
ment with the United States. A
United States -decision to cut im-
ports of Venezuelan oil is a poten-
tial point of friction.

Pert, Green-Eyed :

Will Practice Economy
There was applause from Vene-
zuelans in the select crowd of 500
. in the Capitol's senate chamber.
ic a isiBurdened with debts left b the
iss M ichigan Visitsdictatorship, Betancourt declared
his government would practice
economy in public spending. But
By JEAN HARTWIG he said it must tackle at once the
Blonde, green-eyed Miss Michigan, who gives her Atlantic City urgent problem of unemployment.
measurements of 351, 23Y, 36 because "I haven't measured lately," must be to expand farm and indus-
was in Ann Arbor yesterday, trial production against the day
The pert 5'7" former Miss Detroit, Patience Pierce, who is currently when Venezuela's rich oil reserves
taking night cou'ses in radio and television work at the University are exhausted, Betancourt added.
of Detroit and Wayne State University, was modeling a well-known
line of clothes in a local store. ~- - .T m
Wearing a red and white plain spring dress with natural straw eeping T
pumps, the vivacious 23-year-old beauty told of her "glorious week"
in Atlantic City in the Miss America pageant. /fAp rehended
Explains Regulations
Explaining the regulations set up for the contestants, each of
which were accompanied by a chaperone, Miss Pierce said there aren't Near M arkley
many things you can do. They tell you mostly what you can't do."
All girls participating in the contest cannot smoke or drink at all A "peeping torn" was appre-
while in Atlantic City. They are not permitted to use the phone, talk hended by police early yesterday
to anyone, answer the door or give pictures or interviews without the morning after a slippery chase
consent of their chaperone, near Mary Markle- Hall.
"We were not allowed to eat dinner with any men-father, brother Lt. H. Murray identified the
"Wewer no alowe t ea dinerwit an mn-fthe, both ,peeper as a 28-Year-old student
or anyone," she added. "Fathers were not even allowed in our rooms." the as2yer-ol sudent
The first two days of the week were spent in orientation, photo- Joanne Sherwood,- '61sN, a lower
graphs, rehearsals and "just looking around to see who would win." floor resident in Mary Markley,

World News,
. - By The Associated Press
BONN-Hard words traded by
government and opposition leaders
yesterday dimmed prospects of a
bipartisan West German policy on
the Soviet threat to Berlin.
A feature of the Exchanges has
been a sharp attack by Defense
Minister Franz Josef Strauss on
statements of West Berlin Mayor
Willy Brandt in the United States.
The deputy chairman of the op-
position socialists, Waldemar Von
Knoeringen, kicked it off Monday
with an attack on Strauss calling
him "political enemy number one."
Strauss reported Wednesday at
a rally of the ruling Christian
Democrat party. He accused Von
Knoeringen of being "a danger to
democracy" by using "Nazi-style
methods against his political op-
* * *
RANGOON, Burma - Gen. Ne
Win, caretaker Prime Minister of
Burma, told Parliament yesterday
he has submitted his resignation
and wishes to carry on as Coi-
mander-in-Chief of the armed
The General did not say whether
his resignation had been accepted
by President Win Maung.
Ne Win's speech is scheduled to
be debated by the House of Depu-
ties Monday.
States accused Russia yesterday
of being angry with Iran because
of Iran's "determination to remain
a faithful member of the Baghdad

' ':MOM

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