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April 30, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-30

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Si ditan
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom






Students To Vote
On Sports Issue
Referendum To.Reflect opinion
Of Rose BHowl Game Participation
Student Government Council voted early this morning to conduct
a referendum to determine student opinion on the University's partici-
pation "in ,pst-season football games.
A vote will also be taken on the advisability of playing in the
Rose Bowl .game.
In. other action, after a lengthy discussion of academic freedom
at the University, the Council voted to establish a Committee on
Student Rights and Academic Freedom.
Expression of Opinion
As the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics and the
Faculty Senate both have jurisdiction over the matter, the referendum
- will only be an expression of stu-
dent opinion.
Pro-ito- The Board is'already on record
Propo i o . as favoring participation. As the
Faculty Senate vote is expected
(1L wshortly, the referendum will be
ives Lewis held immediately.
John Quinn, '62, who brought
the matter before the Council,
: ®w 111 noted that in voting for the ref er-
Veto rower
endum SGC was most effectivelyj
carrying out its. function of ex-
A proposal to make the Vice- pressing student opinion.-
President for Student Affairs the Matter 'Ideally Adapted'
only vetoing power of Student 'Daily Editor Richard Taub, '59,
Government Council action was speaking for his motion, noted
introduced yesterday at a meeting that the matter was one ideally
of the Committee for Clarification adapted to a referendum, which
of the SGC Plan. would get a high vote turnout.
The plan, proposed by Ron Composed of students, the Coi-
Gregg, '60, SGC president, and mittee .on Student Rights and
SGC member Al Haber, '60, would Academic Freedom will discuss the
give the svice-president, acting as University's concept and imple-
an',agent of the president, power mentation of academic freedom
to "comprehensively"review Coun with administrative officials and
cil actions, and to veto them if faculty members. Specific areas of
they are "not in accordance with action will then be recommended
regental policy." to the Council.
Could Direct Reconsideration The committee, included on a
Rather than actually veto an list of resolutions concerning aca-
action, the vice-president could demic freedom presented by Al=
also direct SGC to reconsider it. Haber, '60, will formulate a stu-
Then the Council, acting in light dent policy concerning the issue,
of the reasons he presented, would investigate present University,
take final action which would be practices and hear student com-
subject to his veto or concurrence. plaints on infringements of rights.
Appeals to the vice-president Council Tables Motion ,
would be made by faculty, a- A motion to submit Haber's four
ministrators, or other persons who resolutions concerning the Uni-
feel strong opposition to an SGC versity's broad concept of acaa
action, In such cases "it would demic freedom as a basis for com-i
seem proper for them to develop mittee action was tabled until the
their position through indepen- next meeting.
dent action and to present an The first of the tabled resolu-,
appeal to . the vice-president," tions calls for a statement from
Haber said. University President Harlan Hat-
Council actions relating to co- cher and the Board of Regents ex-I
ordinating, calendaring and ap- plaining University policy con-
proving student activities would cerning academic freedom. Thet
not be expected to be vetoed. second resolution calls for the ,
However, review could be more establishment of a Universityf
expected on ,actions taken within committee including student mem-
SGC's proper sphere of activity, bers to guide the implementationi
but affecting the other parts of of such policy.
the University community. Resolution three asks the adop-.E
Sets up Structures tion of an official University state-t
Before formal consideration of ment of concern about academict
actions of the latter type, the freedom, and the last section calls
proposal provides, "all due effort for more flexibility in academic
would be directed that the deci- programs to allow for deviations.
sion-making process be informed Defining his concept of academic;
and responsible." freedom, Haber called it a "label1
The proposal attempts to set for the atmosphere of the Univer-
up structures for gathering and sity in regard to the relationships1
expressing opinion and throught between students, faculty and ad-f
from all cncerned parts of the ministrators."

To Receive





State Faces
Delay in Payments
May Lose Employes
LANSING (A) - Will prison
guards stay at their' posts without
Will hospitals caring for crip-
pled children keep on receiving
them when state subsidies are cut
These and scores 'of vital and
perplexing questions burst upon
Michigan's topadministrators yes-
terday as the implications of a
state hitting the financial wall
began to unfold.
To Rely on Priorities,'
Gov. Williams and. his cabinet
agreed they will have to feel their
way, relying basically on a simple
syste , of'priorities putting wel-
fare and school needs first.
Beyond that, a "rule of reason"
will be applied in spreading avail-
able money and planning for the
"maintenance of orderly govern-
ment," he said.
Asked if he thought state em-
ployes, individually or in blocs,
might leave their. jobs after not
getting paid May 7, the Governor
Cites Servants 'Consideration'
"I don't know but I surmise that
the civil servants of the state will
have more consideraton for the
people of Michigan than to walk
He conceded that delayed pay-
ments probably would cost the
state some of Its suppliers. "We
hope to maintain orderly govern-;
ment but there's a limit in varying
amounts of people's ability to en-
dure," the Governor said.
Notes 'Deliberate Disaster'
Gov. Williams last night called'
Michigan's financial collapse "a
kind of deliberate disaster, a sort
of artificial bankruptcy which has
been needlessly and irresponsiby
forced upon the state." M
"Let me emphasize," Gov. Wil-
liams said, "the state is not broke.
We have a 50 million dollar Vet-,
erans Trust Fund which could be,
used to relieve this situation. But,
the state Senate will not permit
us to use that fund, although the -
House has approved its use."
Democrats had thrown their,
support to a plan drafted by Sen.
Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair)
which would liquidate securities in
the fund as cash was, needed. The
fund would be gradually rebuilt
starting in 1965.

Statement by Mrs. Luce...""'..


Jeopardize Position
;r .By The Associated Press
A parting drop of verbal acid
from Clare Boothe Luce has
brewed a new storm that could
end in her quitting her newly won
job as Ambassador to Brazil.
Shortly ;after the Senate gave
her a thumping 79-11 vote of con-
firmation Tuesday, in spite of bit:
ter opposition by Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore.), Mrs. Luce issued
this statement in New York;
"I am grateful for the over-
whelming vote of confirmation in
the Senate. We must now wait un-
til the. dirt settles. My difficulties,
of course, go some years back and
began when Sen. Morse was kicked
in the head by a horse."

Social Welfare, hi
Head Priority List
U Currently Has Sufficient Fun
To Meet Payrolls until End of M
Special to The Daiy
LANSING--State universities will be given fourth pri
when payments from the treasury are made, the State
ministrative Board, ruled yesterday.
The Administrative Board, composed of Gov. G. Mer
Williams and the seven other elected state-wide official
all Democrats --- voted in a late afternoon meeting tc
up a list of four priorities for distributing available s
funds. The Governor explained that this list will be use
a guide by the Administrative Board in distributing aval
f u n d s. T h e priority list is-


. . causes controversy

To, Explain
'U' Center
The Dearborn Center will be
explained to interested students
today by University Vice-President
and Director of the Center Wil-
liam Stirton.
The first of three sets of iden-
tical meetings will be held at 4
and 7:30 p.m. today in Aud. A,
Angell Hall.. Stirton and Directo'
See related picture, Page 3
of Admissions Clyde Vroman will
describe the Center and answer
questions from the students pres-
LSA Students Invited
This first meeting is primarily
for literary college sophomores in-
terested in transferring to the
Center in the fall. Meetings for
engineering sophomores and those
interested in business administra-
tion work at the Center will be
held next week.
,The liberal arts program, which.
will be primarily discussed today,
will be similar to the program:
here. It will consist of three quar-
ters of classroom work per year,
with no on-the-job training.
To Explain Procedures
Courses of instruction and ad-
missions criteria and procedures
will be among the topics ex-
plained at the meetings today.
The admissions standards will be
as high as those of the Univer-
sity, Stirton said.
Since the Regents have an-
nounced the Center will definitely
open in September, Stirton is at-
tempting to find students who are
interested and who will benefit
from the programs being offered

Sen. Morse Retorts
Sen. Morse, still on the Senate
floor, retoited "this is part of and
old pattern of mental instability
on her part."
Several of his Democratic col-
leagues, who had voted for Mrs.
Luce's confirmation, Jumpedup
to repel the attack against one of
their own. They said if they had
it to do over again, they'd vote
against her.
A GOP member of the Foreign
Relations Committee, Sen. George
D. Aiken of Vermont, said her
statement was indiscreet and
should not have been made.
However, President Dwight D.
Eisenhower held yesterday that it
"was perfectly human . . even if
ill-advised" for Mrs. Luce to make
the comment.
Finds Situation Funny
What's more, President Eisen-
hower told his news conference,
the Senate row over confirming
her appointment had in no major
way damaged the usefulness of
Mrs. Luce as ambassador to Brazil.
President Eisenhower, who re-
members that in 1952 Sen. Morse
endorsed and then denounced him.
seemed to find thedcurrent situa-
tion funny.
He disagreed with the advice of
Mrs. Luce's husband, editor Henry
R. Luce, who maintained that in
view of some Senators' criticism
of his wife, and its possible effect
on the Brazilians, she should re-
sign the ambassadorship in which
the Senate confirmed her Tuesday.
Brazil Announces Approval
Meanwhile the Brazilian gov-
ernment announced that it is
pleased that the Senate has con-
firmed the appointment of Mrs.
Luce as Ambassadorto Brazil,
Foreign Minister. Francisco Neg-
rao De Lima said yesterday.
The official statement issued by
the foreign ministry was the first
government comment since Mrs.
Luce's appointment was received
enthusiastically two months ago.
The government had declined com-
ment on the row in, the United
States Senate over her appoint-
ment, saying it was an internal
affair of the United States.

. .. to manage orchestra
Pick Shortt
A member of the University Re-
lations staff, James D. Shortt, Jr.,
has been appointed manager of
the Philadelphia Orchestra.
His appointment will be effec-
tive July 1.
In filling his capacity as man-
ager, Shortt will be responsible to
the Board of Directors of the Or-
chestra Association for the ad-
ministrative affairs of the orches-
Announce Duties
His duties will include the
scheduling and carrying out of the
year-around concert activities.
Shortt received his Bachelor of
Arts degree from Oberlin College
in Ohio in 1949, his Masters de-
gree in 1951 and his Doctor of
Philosophy degree in 1955 from
the University.
He was named assistant to the
director of University Relations
in 1953 and since July 1 of. this
year, has been supervisor of State
Services for the Office of Public
Serves as Liaison
His chief duties at present are
to oversee the state relations for
the Department of University Re-
lations and to serve as a liaison
officer and business consultant for
traveling student organizations.
During his graduate studies at.
the University, Shortt served as
resident advisor in the Univer-
sity's men's residence halls.
Posts Open
Petitioning for Junior Staff,
positions on the 1960Micehi-
ganensian will' close at, noon.
tomorrow, Judy Nichols, '60Ed.,
editor, announced. Positions
open include Copy Staff, See-
tion Editors and Assistants.

Social Welfare First
1) "Social welfare payments
shall be made in the ordinary
2) "Primary school interest
payments totalling $35.5 million'
shall be made to the several
school districts on May 15 or as
soon thereafter as funds permit..
3) "Salaries and wages payable
from the general fund shall be
paid after primary school interest
payments have been completed
and with due regard to the con-'
tinuing welfare payments.
4) "Payments to the state uni-
versities shall be made in - con-
junction with general fund salary
and wage payments in amounts
and at time to be determined by
funds available."
Has Sufficient Funds
(The University currently has
sufficient funds from a state pay-
ment of $3.3 million last week to
meet its payrolls until the end of
(In a statement released yester-
day Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss said,
"This action of the State Admin-
istrative Board emphasizes the
urgency of a prompt solution to
the state's financial crisis."
(He noted that payments to the
University are already delinquent
approximately $9 million. "Any
priority plan which do.es not rec-
ognize these delinquencies leaves
the University in a disadvan-
tageous position," he declared.)
Williams Delineates Area
However, Gov. Williams said
that "nothing that doesn't fall in
the priority list will be immedi-
ately paid." This would include
suppliers, contractors doing work
for the state, telephone and util-
ity bills and travel gr'ants (sharp
limitations have already been
placed on all out-of-state travel-
ling by state officials).
The Board's action assured
counties of receiving $3,900,000 in
welfare payments due today.
To Submit Substitute
While this meeting was taking
place, the Senate voted to place
on its agenda for today two bills
dealing with the financial crisis.
One bill, the Veteran's Trust
Fund measure, introduced by Sen-
ate Majoriy Leader Frank Beadle
(R-St. Clair), seems doomed to,
certain, defeat.
Sen. Beadle. revealed that the
Republican Senate caucus decid-
ed not to support this bill with-
out an attendant four cent sales
tax. In its place the Republicans
are drawing up a substitute bill
which is not yet ready for sub-
mission to the Senate.
The other proposal would re-
quire the State Treasurer to pay
all state bills out of any existing
sttae funds, regardless of what
these funds were originally ear-
mraked for.

City Counci,
Urges Quic
Crs Aeio
In a special meeting last i
the City Council unaniml
adopted a resolution urging
State Legislature to take in
ate action -to alleviate Michi
financial crisis.
"This Council," part of the
lution says, "strongly urges
State Legislature to promptl:
act necessary legislation ar
immediately discontinue wh
appears tQ this Council both
tical parties have been guilt
namely, the playing of p
politics to the injury of thel
of Michigan and its institutiv
higher learning."
To Send Duplicates
Copies of the resolution w
sent to the chairman of the
House of Representatives
president of the state Senate
Michigan Goy. G. Mennen
Last night's action was th
sult of a new move in the Si
which may further delay u
the Veterans Trust Fund to
alleviate the state's imge
financial crisis.
Reiterate Previous Resoluti
The Council had passed a si
resolution in February. At
time it urged that respox
state officials alleviate the"
and enact 'tax legislation
would meet the needs of the
and the University.
Discussion of the hiring,
deputy assessor, originally s(
uled for last night's meeting
postponed to a, regular CO,
For Geneva
PARIS (M - Western fo
ministers were reported, to
hit a minor snag on militar
curity but reached large are
agreement yesterday' in the'n
ing sessions of. a meeting to, 1
their positions for Geneva
with the Soviet Union,
"We covered more ground
we expected," a spokesman
United States Secretary of I
Christian A. Herter said. "E
thing went, smoothly. No Z
differences developed."
Prepare for Geineva
Foreign Ministers of the I
States, Britain, France and'
Germany are taking part in
consultations in the French
eign Ministery, preparatory .t
East-West Foreign Ministers
ference opening at Geneva Ma
The ministers hung a 'set
tag on the opening sessions,
official spokesman and talk
participants let out a fw ti
to newsmen.
The American spokesman

University community.
Haber noted that "this proposal
wbuld enable elements of the Uni-
versity community to develop their
positions on Council actions and
to present them in an independent
and effective way." '
Schedule Next Meeting
The committee's next meeting
will be held from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. Friday. It will discuss further
this proposal and other forms of
SGC review.
s The Plan Clarification Com-
mittee will meet at 7 pm. Monday
in the Council Room of the Stu-
dent Activities Bldg., to hear in-
terested individuals or represen-
tatives of groups.
Anyone desiring permission to
speak at the Committee meeting
is requested to contact the chair-
man, Prof. Charles Lehman of the
education school.
SGC Approves
Student Government Council
last night approved the appoint-
ments of 10 students to five SGC
standing committees.
The new chairman of the Stu-
dent Activities Committee is Nan-
cy Adams, '60, her associate chair-
man is John Quinn, '62. Ruth
Engman, '62, was picked to head
the Public Relations Committee

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press

LONDON - The Soviet Union has o
States that high altitude flights by Ame
Corridor "are completely devoid of legal'
said last night.
The radio said the warning was in a n
Ministry delivered to the United States e2
A German language broadcast4
said the Soviet note stated: "The ALI
points made in the note of the jIL
United States embassy in order to
Justify the violation by a United
States aircraft of, the fixed air
route in the air corridor between
the Federal Republic of Germany
and Berlin, as well as possible
similar violations in the future,
are completely without founda-
Neither side is entitled to in-
fringe on the existing system for
flights in the Berlin air corridor,!
the note declared.
PANAMA -- A Pan - American
fact - finding committee arrived
here yesterday and immediately
began a probe of the vest pocket
invasion of Panama - especially
its foreign connections.
President Ernesto De La Guar-
dia's government announced it is
depending on the five-man team
of ambassadors for advice follow-
ing the failure of two Cuban of-
ficers to negotiate a surrender with

afficially warned the United
erican planes in the Berlin
foundation," Moscow Radio
ote from the Soviet Foreign
mbassy in Moscow Tuesday.


Ormandy To Open 'Festival' Tonight
The invisible curtain of the Hill Auditorium stage will rise at
.::.8:30 p.m. tonight on the first concert of the 66th annual May Festival.
The Philadelphia Orchestra, under the baton)of Eugene Ormandy,
will open the all-Brahms program with the playing of "Academic,
Festival Overture, Op. 80," and Rudolf Serkin, internationally re-
nowned pianist, will be featured in "Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor."
To Initiate Series
Tonight's program will initiate a series of six concerts which-
represent the culmination of a definite program of concerts presented
throughout the entire season under the auspices of the University
Musical Society.
The Festival series is carefully planned each year and attempts to
present the University and the community with a wide range of the
best music, performed by the outstanding artists in their various fields.
The May Festival has been an annual event since the spring of
1894, when Albert A. Stanley, then the director of the University'
Musical Society, brought the Boston Festival Orchestra under Emil

Delhi Petitions
Now Available
Petitions for the University of
Delhi exchange program will be
available in the Student Govern-

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