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April 30, 1959 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-30

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rhema u/d
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50 cents
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Russian Literature Critic
To Lecture at University
Prof. Slonim came to the United
The man who has been called States in 1941 and since then has
one of the most authoritative and lectured on Russian literature and
best-informed critics of Russian culture all over the country. In
literature today" will lecture at 4 1943, he joined the staff of Sarah
p.m. tomorrow in Aud. A, Angell Lawrence College in Bronxville,
Prof. Marc Slonim, of Sarah>
Lawrence College, will speak on t'
"The Interval of Freedom in SovietF
Literature, 1953-57."
Prof. Slonim was born in Rus-
sia, where he received his school-
ing and his degree of literature
from the University of St. Peters-
burg. H also studied literature
and philosophy, at University of
Florence, Italy, where he took his
Exiled by Revolution'
Exiled by the Revolution, Prof.
Slonim taught for a time at the
Russian University in Prague.
Then he settled in Paris as a
writer and lecturer.
During"this period he wrote a
number of books and many articles
on Russian literature and history,
most of which were translated into
several languages.
Best known among his earlier
books are "From Peter the Great PROF. MARC SLONIM
to Lenin," a history of liberal ..to lecture
thought in Russia which had 11 N.Y, where he is presently teach-
reprints, and "Soviet Literature," n. hcourses in comparative and
an anthology which also appeared ussian literature.
in English.Rsinltrtr.
i-g \ Two of his other books, "The
Epic of Russian Literature" and
G ?T o"Modern Russian Literature" were
O ffer described by a press release as
"standard books in the United
" States and England."
Both volumes were translated
into various European languages,
as well as Chinese and Japanese.
Russian 31, the second-year Publishes Autobiography
language course, will be offered In 1955 Prof. Slonim's autobi-
this summer, Prof. Deming Brown ography, "Three Loves of Dostoev-
of the Slavic languages and liter- sky" was published. It has since
ature department said yesterday. been translated into eight langu-
The course was not announced ages
in the summer session catalogue, In 1958 came "An Outline of
he said. Class hours are 8 to 10 Russian Literature," published
a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wed- simultaneously in Oxford, Eng-
nesday and Thursday. land, and in New York. Demand
Russian 32 will be taught in the has necessitated that it be re-'
fall so that summer students may printed sometime this year as a
complete the language sequence. paperback.
Numerous articles, introductions,

CHAMPAIGN - The Studen
Senate at the University of Illinois
recently defeated a bill proposing
to strip voting power from six
ex-officio senators.
tDefeat of the bill ended a month
of investigation of the issue b3
the Senate code and bylaws com-
mittee. The senators affected by
the bill represent University
theatre, women's sports and dance
council, Illini Union Board, Cam-
pus Chest, concert and entertain-
ment board and the association of
international students.
Ex-officio housing group sena-
tors would have retained their
voting power under the provisions
of the bill.
MADISON-The announcement
of new probation and drop policies
for. the college of letters and
sciences at the University of Wis-
consin was made recently by asso-
ciate Dean C. H. Ruedisili. The
new policies, while they are not
intended to raise or lower the
college's standards, clarify and
simplify previous policies.
In the past there have been
three types of probation-ordinary,
stiff and final. Now there are only
two-ordinary and strict. The new
ordinary probation corresponds to
the old ordinary and stiff classi-
fications; the new strict to the
old final probations.
*I * * ,
of the Slavic languages and liter-
which will be due Saturday.
Administrative Council of Antioch
College has received a refusal to
endorse a Community Council
stand against racial discrimination
and has asserted that students
have employed "questionable" uses
of force to "coerce others to think
as they have." The refusal came
from the College Board of Trus-
tees' executive committee.
The trustees' refusal to support
the anti-discrimination stand
brought angry objections from
members of the faculty who de-
clared that they were "shocked"
that the trustees found its neces-
sary to "lecture the Administrative
Council about ends and means."
* * *





College Roundup"-


(By the Author of "RaUy Round the Flag, Boya! "and
"Barefoot Boy with Cheek.")


The other day as I was walking down the street picking up
tinfoil, (Marlboro, incidentally, has the best tinfoil, which is
not surprising when you consider that they have the best ciga-
rettes, which is not surprising when you consider that they take
the best filters and put them together with the best tobaccos
and rush.ther to your tobacco counter, fresh and firm and
loaded with smoking pleasure).-The other day, I say, as I was
walking down the street picking up tinfoil, (I have, incidentally,
the second largest ball of tinfoil in our family. My brother
Eleanor's is bigger-more than four miles in diameter-but, of
coe, he is taller than I). The other day, as I was saying, while
walng down the street picking up tinfoil, I passed a campus
and right beside it, a movie theatre which specialized in show-
ing foreign films. Most campuses have foreign movie theatres
close by, because foreign movies are full of culture, art, and
esoterica, and where is culturemore rife, art more rampant,
and esoterica more endemic than on a campus?
Nowhere; that's where.


" .
4 °' r
" iin.. .. " r..... _.. . ua.

essays and book reviews by Prof. PHILADELPHIA-The battle for
Slonim have appeared in leading women's rights at the University
American and European journals. of Pennsylvania recently flared up
Since 1949, Prof. Slonim has been again in connection with proposed
a regular contributor to the New changes in the Honor Code for
York Times Book Review, ency- women.
DIAL NO 8-6416 clopedias, an international year- Specifically, women students are
ENDING TONIGHT book and many other periodicals asking more freedom in choosing
and publications, the hours and conditions under
which they may visit men's resi-
dences. The present rules are felt
Chaim as hip to be overly strict.
Open BOULDER - The recently re-
signed president of the Inde-
Open pendent Students Association
" Petitions are available for next (ISA) at the University of Co-
year's Michigras general chairman rado called for the abolition of
in the Student Offices of the the organization.
Union. He discussed his proposal with
Any male student enrolled in the members of the ISA Council which
FRIDAY University may take out a petition, will meet soon to decide on the
r rId Premiere which are due Saturday. matter.
EVANSTON - The traditional
spring panty raid at Northwestern
"CRIM E Give University met with failure last
week, but not before two attempts
U. S. A.1April 27-May 1 Find Initiates
Of Fraternity
S. HUROK Presents . . . Four University fraternity men
were picked up by Sheriff's depu-
RL GARNERties early yesteday after a wo-
man motorist reported nearly hit-
Friday, May 15 8:00 P.M. ting them in a country area in
HILL AUDITORIUM Augusta township.
All four were apparently blind-
folded and ..wrapped in blankets.
The students told officers they
were taking part in initiation to.
League Off ice,2-4:30 until May 6 a local fraternity and had been
LegeOfie told to find their way back to
Greek Week 1959 JAZZ CONCERT A""Ari officials were tem-
porarily stumped as to identifica-
" .m' "tion, however. The deputies listed
TICKETS: main floor and first balcony . . .$1.75 ; neither individual names nor the
secnd c/ony.. ... ..1 .5f name of the fraternity.
second balcony .............. $1.25 William Cross, assistant dean of
Et$men for fraternities, said that if
Enclosed is the total amount of $ and when the students are found,
their possible violation will have
for_ @ $1.75 and @ $1.25. to be determined. The group could
* (No. of tickets) (No. of tickets) . eventually appear before the In-
x terfraternity Council for disciplin-
e ary action.
Cross emphasized however, that
err... asmrs. "r"mm""""w" r".m..""""..""" m"" mm no details of the case are yet
I.S.A. International Ball
Sat., May2,9--12 P.M.
Union Ballroom'


I to invade the girls' residence halls
t and a false fire alarm had oc-
'It was an attempt to pour out
lead and let off steam" Dean of
Men Joseph Boyd said. "The Men's
Interhouse Council Judicial Board
and the Interfraternity Council
are investigating, and several
houses are facing inquiries.
The "spring fever" sufferers were
deterred by the penalty for rowdy-
ism - suspension for participants
and probation for spectators.
"They won't jeopardize their edu-
cational future for 10 minutes of
fun," Boyd said.
Ellison of the journalism depart-
ment at Indiana University joined
the ranks of some of the sporting
world's most prominent figures re-
cently. He was hung in effigy
Prof. Ellison, author of "Are
We Making a Playground Out of
r College?" which appeared in the
Saturday Evening Post, called the
incident a prank.
"It is very unusual for a mere
writer to achieve such distinction,"
he said. "I've apparently reached
the big time. I seem to be in the
same company with Woody Hayes
and other losing coaches."
* * ' *
NORMAN, Okla - Blistering
criticism of the fraternity system
at Oklahoma University recently
in an unsigned letter brought com-
ment from administration officials
and Greek men's leaders.
Pres. Cross commented, "It is
always easy to bring charges
against an organization and not
sign your name.
D epartment'
"Matters of monumental im-
portance today make the Near
East of vital interest not only to
the government but also to the
average American citizen." 1
This is the first reason Prof.
George Cameron, chairman of the
Near Eastern Studies department,
gave for increased enrollmenten
the department,
The Near East is in the news,
Prof. Cameron explained. It is an
area of the world Americans know
comparatively little about, yet it1
has tremendous potential in every
field of endeavor.
Soviet Drive Center 1
What the Israelis have done int
Israel can be done elsewhere, het
noted. But the Near East is clearly
the center of a Soviet drive andi
may fall, he said. Prof. Cameront
said he hesitated to place every-I
thing on this level.,s
Enrollment has also increased
because there has been an intense
revival of.interest in Near Eastern
contributions to civilization as we
know it, he said. It is the real
cradle of three great religions.
The challenging teaching of a
core of young, vigorous staff mem-c
bers is a further reason for risingr
enrollment, Prof. Cameron said.
When the department was organ-s
ized, the University chose young
men in whom it had confidence.
They have proven their worth, he
pointed out.
Gives Reasons for Success
Excellent instruction, challeng-
ing material, and the importance
of the Near East are other reasons
for the success of the course on
the significance of Asia. It was
introduced this year for freshmen
and sophomores, Prof. Cameron
The, course was limited to 60
last semester, and 57 students en-
rolled again in February.

The first semester's study was
devoted to the origins of Asian
cultures. The social sciences of the
modern Near East, its government
and economics are being studied
this semester. For many of our
students, it is to be their only
look at the non-Western world,
Prof. Cameron said.
Relates to Other Fields
The beauty of the Near Eastern
program is that it ties iii with so
many departments, he explained,
but an economist and a sociologist
are still needed.
So far we have been helped sub-
stantially by outside funds, Prof.
Cameron remarked. This will have
to continue if we are to have the
library, visiting lecturers, and
fellowships that we need to keep
increasing our enrollment.

Pronunciation is considered to
be WUOM radio announcers' big-
gest headache, William B. Stegath,
production director of the Univer-
sity radio service-WUOM, said.
WUOM's reputation as an edu-
cational broadcasting station was
given as the reason for this, ac-
cording to Ed Burrows, assistant,
director of broadcasting in charge
of radio at WUOM.
He explained that listeners
would ignore mispronunciations on
commercial stations, figuring that
they wouldn't "know any better,"
but would write long letters to
WUOM on, any 'faux pas' of its
Play Popular Music
In addition, Stegath mentioned
that commercial stations played
more popular and less classical
music than WUOM, 'thus allevi-
ating much of the pronunciation
difficulty. Pronouncing foreign
names of composers and their
works constitute the major prob-
lem, he explained.
In an effort to alleviate the
problem, WUOM has several pro-
nunciation books on music in its
music library, in addition to such
books as World Words which is
used for international pronuncia-
All radio announcers are also
required to double check all words
they have any doubt of. This ap-
plies from the newest announcer
to himself, Burrows said.

the question of whether to pro-
nounce a word correctly or to give
the pronunciation which is ac-
cepted locally by 99 per cent of
the listeners.
Pronunciation Question
Quite often this is a question
of giving, the true or Anglicized
pronunciation of a foreign word,
Burrows declared. For example
there is the American's "Paris"
and the Frenchman's "Paree."
Proclaiming the stout virtues of
ale-quaffing, wench-joshing, and
arb-roaming, the sturdy band of
yoemen, known as Quadrants, sal-
lied forth to rout from the forests
of Kwaddie - land the- loutish
rogues that lurk there, hoping to
impress on such knaves the solid
values, of true yoemanry.
So routed and seized were: Con-
rad Batchelder,'60, John Charters,
'61, Al Cook, '60, Sam Corl, '60,
Garry Haba, '61, Bob Linnell, '60,
Joe Maggini, '61, Jim May, '61,
Gordie Ruscoe, '59, Chuck Veen-
stra, '60, Hugh Witmeyer, '61, and
Mel Wolf, '61.
'U m'


WUOM Radio Announcers
Cite Pronunciation Trouble


A w t bat t e NY t9 be ptrmu

I hope you have all been taking advantage of your local foreign
film theatre. Here you will find no simple-minded Hollywood
products, marked by treacly sentimentality and machine-made
bravura. Here you will find life itself-in all its grimness, its
poverty, its naked, raw passion!
Have you, for instance, seen the recent French import, Le
Crayon de Mon On de ("The Kneecap"), a savage and uncom-
promising story of a man named Claude, whose consuming
ambition is to get a job as a meter reader with the Paris water
department? But he is unable, alas, to afford the flashlight
one needs for this position. His wife, Bon-Bon, sells her hair
to a wigmaker and buys him a flashlight. Then, alas, Claude
discovers that one also requires a leatherette bow tie. This time
his two young daughters, Caramel and Nougat, sell their hair
to a wigmaker. So now Claude has his leatherette bow tie,
but now, alas, his flashlight battery is burned out and the
whole family, alas, is bald.
Or have you seen the latest Italian masterpiece, La Donna E
Mobile (I Ache All Over), a heart-shattering tale of a boy and
his dog? Malvolio, a Venetian lad of nine, loves his little dog
with every fibre of his being. He has one great dream: to enter
the dog in the annual Venetian dog show. But this, alas, requires
an entrance fee, and Malvolio, alas, is penniless. However, he
saves and scrimps and steals and finally gets enough together
to enter the dog in the show. The dog, alas, comes in twenty-
third. Malvolio sells him to a vivisectionist.
Or have you seen the new Japanese triumph, Kibutzi-San
(The Radish), a pulse-stirrring historical romance about Yamoto,
a poor farmer, and his daughter Ethel who are accosted by a
warlord one morning on their way to market? The warlord cuts
Yamoto in half with his samurai sword and runs off with Ethel.

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