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April 07, 1959 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-07

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(Continued from Page 4)
' James R. Kitley, Young H. Kim, Ann
Klein, John Klein, Erna Kochendorfer.
Ernest Kramer, Mike Lain, Elaine Lan-
dis, Jacqueline Laurant, Muriel Lear-
ned, Bill Lerner, Robert H. Levin, Mrs.
R. H. Levin, John B. Lindquist, John
E. Tittle, Harold Lubin; Margaret Lu-
casse,. Douglas MacRae, Jay Margulies,
Jon C. Maxwell, Mike McKenzie, Pete
McLean, Ann Melin, Paul Merlo, Jackie
Mervis, Ralph Miller, Ruth B. Miller,
Frank Morrow, Elizabeth Morrow, Paul
Moore, Shirley Moore; David Moscow,
Thomas Motl, Tony Muiderman, Ann
Mullin, Paul Mundinger, Mary Mun-
dinger, Jeanne Nagle, Barbara Ness,
Norman Nordhauser, Sherrie Novak,
Donna Noyes, Virginia O'Connor, Mary.
Jo O'Morrow, Loraine Padilla, James
Parkinson, Gail Parker, Carol Parr,
Fred Pascol, Adelaida Paterno, Ilse Per-
malis, Sue Reed, Ray Rilly, A. C. Rob-t
erts, Roas Rosenberg,. Remy Rubin, Lu-
cille Schanke, Barbara Schlatter, Vin-
cent Schneider, Mary Lou Seldon, Bar-
bara Serena, Barbara Shade, Sandra
Shapiro, Lawrence Shaw, Dave Sheehy,
Judith Shubert, Mary Ann Siderits,
Prajogo Siti, Edie Skobo, Edna Skobo,
Wayne Slawson, Barbara Slay, Jeff
Smith, Larry C. Smith, Brian K. Solo-
? mon, Thomas Spooner, Kris Steiner, R.
I. Story, George Stuck, V i r g i n i a
Thompson, Madeline Tropp, Douglas
Tuan, Teresa Urban, Margaret Van Den
Bosch, Mary Warren, Joyce Widmer,
Douwe Wielenga, Donald C. Williams,
Roger Williams, Wesley Wilson, Merrill
Wilson, Charleen Wilson, Ann Wiltse,
Julie Windham, Bob Wingler, Loretta
Wolf, Sharon Wood, Stanley Woolams,
Priscilla Woolams, Jack Wyman, Joan
Yarrow, Eugene Zaitzeff, Joan Zand-
stra, Joyce Zei, John Zei, Maurice Zil-
Sigma Xi. "The Production of High
Te m pie r a t u r e s with Strong Shock
Waves." Prof. Otto Laporte, Dept. of
Physics. Wed., April 8, 8:00 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheater. Election of oficers.
Science Research Club: Rackham
Amphitheater, 7:30 p.m., Tues., April
7. "Simulation. of Central Nervous Sys-
ter on Large Scale Computers," John
R. Holland, Willow Run Laboratories;
Radio Astronomy. Fred T. Haddock,
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual meeting,.
Wed., April 8, 4:15 p.m.; Rm. 451, Ma-
son HalL Election of new members and
Foreign Visitors
Following are foreign visitors who
will be. on the campus this week on the
dates indicated. Program arrangements
are being made by the International
Center: Mrs. Clifford B. Miller.
Mr. Maksymiliam Zielinski, Instruc-,
tor in Dept. of English, University of
,Todz, Poland, April X-11.
Mr. A. B. Attafua, Registrar of Ku-
masi College of Technology, Ghana;
April 3-14.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wang, Member of the
Legislature, China (Taiwan), April 9-12.
Mr. Jan Baumgart, Director of the
Jaqielloman Library, Krakow, Poland,
April 11-15.,
Mr. Wladyslaw Piasecki, Chief Li-
brarian, Academy of Mining and Met-
allurgy, Krakow, Poland, April 11-15.
Miss Carmen Sanchez M. Assistant
to the Dean, School of Education, Univ.
of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, April 13-24.
Dept. of English. British poet and
critic, Kathleen Raine. Reading from
her poems Wed., April 8, 4:10 p.m. in
Aud. A. Angell Sallr
Lecture co-sponsored by Depts. of
Near Eastern Studies and History. Tues.
April '7, 4:1S p.m., Aud. C, Angell Hall.
Prof. Irfan Kawar, Dept. of Oriental
Mich. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with
geles, "Muhammad and Alexander."

Dept. of Botany. University Lecture.
"The Ecology of Desert Plants." Dr.3
Frits W. Went, Dir, of Missouri Botani-
cal Garden, St. Louis, Mo. Wed., April4
8, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices1
Biological Station: Applications forI
admission to the coming summer ses-
sion should be in the Biological Sta-
tion Office, 2129 Nat. Sci. Bldg., before
April 15. Application should be made
on forms which can be secured at thej
Biological Station Office. An announce-7
ment which describes the courses of-
fered can be obtained at the Office of
the Summer Session or at the Biologi-1
cl Station Office. A. H. Stockard, Di-
Dept. of Botany Seminar. "The Tem-a
perature Response of Plants." Rm. 1139
Natural Science. Tues., April 7, 4:15
Dept. of Botany Seminar. "The Water
Balance of Epiphytes and Desert'
Plants." Rm. 1139 Natural Science.
Tues., April 7, 7:30 p.m.
Dept. of Mech. Engrg. Sophomore
Night. Wed., April 8, 7:15 p.m., Cooley
Aud., North Campus. Talks, displays,
demonstrations, awards, and refresh-
ments. Bus leaves Arch at 7:00 p.m.
Mathematics Colloquium, Tues., Ap-
ril 7, Rm. 3011 Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Dr. Rudolph Albrecht. "The solution
of Cauchy's problem for certain sys-
tems of partial differential equations.'
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science, 2013 Angell Hall, 3:30 to 5:00
p.m., April 7. Donald Davidson, Dept.
of Philosophy, Stanford Univ., "Learn-
ing Transivity of Choice in Paired
Zoology 217 (Shappirio) First course
meeting Wed., April 8, 8:00 a.m., Nat-
ural Science Bldg.
Doctoral Examination for Henry Lig-
gett Hosmer, Geology; thesis: "Geol-
ogy and Structural Development of the
Andean System of Peru," Wed., April
8, 4065 Nat. Sci. Bldg., 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, F. S. Turneaure.
Placement Notices
Beginning with Tues., April 7, the
following schools will be at the Bu-
reau of Appointments to interview for
the 1959-60 school year.
Tues., April 7:
Crystal Falls, Mich. - Speech Corr.;'
Mentally Retarded.
Wed., April 8:
Los Angeles, Calif. - Elem.; Math;
Science; Girls PE; Spec. Ed.; English;
Bis.; Homemaking; Ind. Arts; Agric.
Thurs., April 9:
Anaheim, Calif. - Elementary.
Bloomfield Hills, Mich. (Crahbrook
School) - French and/or Spanish.
Centerline, Mich. - Elem.; 7/8th Gen.
Studies (Eng/SS/Arith); Art; Girls PE.
St. Clair Shores, Mich. (Lakeview PS)
-Elem.; Ment. Hdc.; Visit. Tchr.; JHS:
Libr.; Art; Girls PE; Hone Bc; SS/Eng.;
Math/Sci.; Hist./Eng.; Girls Counse-
lor; HS: Bus. Ed.; Eng./Drama; Eng/
Forensics; Girls PE; Math; Phys: Sci.;
SS; Eng./Latin; Eng./Bus. Ed.; Ind.
Walled Lake, Mich.-Elem.; Sp. Corr.;
Subseibe to
The Michigan

Visit. Tchr.; Diag.; Vocal Mus.; JHS:
Math.: St.; Ment. Hdc.; HS: Math;
Wrestling Coach; Eng.; Eng./SS; Libr.;
Gen. Bus.
Fri., April 10:
Grosse Pointe, Mich.-Nursery School.
Saginaw, Mich. - Elementary and
For any additional information and
appointments, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
Summer Placement:
Boy's Wolverine State. Applicants
for counselors at Boy's Wolverine State
to be held at E. Lansing, Mich., from
June 18-25, $60 for 10 days plus room
and board. Must be over 18 to apply.
Summer Placement Service in D528,
Juniors from Midland, Saginaw, Bay
City - John Hancock Life Ins. Co. is
looking for salesmen in that territory.
The following companies will inter-
view at the Bureau of Appointments,
4001 Admin., Ext. 3371. For an inter-
view appointment, contact the Bureau.
Tues., April 7:
Raytheon Manufacturing Co., Wal-
tham, Mass. Graduates: June, Aug. Men
with Ph.D. in Physics for Research and
Campbell Sales Co., Chicago, Ill. June
graduates. Men with a degree in Lib-
eral Arts or Business Administration
for Sales Training Program.
Mon., April 13:
The Dow Chemical Co., Midland,
Mich. Fraduates: June, Aug. Men with
a degree in liberal arts or business ad-
ministration for Sales Training Pro-
gram. Men with BS in Chemistry or
ChemicalnEngineering and LLB for
Patent Attorney. Men with a BS or MS
in Chemistry or Physics for Research
and Development.
Sams, Inc., Detroit, Mich. Graduates:
June. Men and women with a degree
in liberal arts or business administra-
tion for Management Training Pro-
Tues., April 14:
Bank of America, San Francisco,
Calif. Location of work: Entire state
of Calif. Graduates: June, Aug. Men
with a degree in liberal arts or busi-
ness administration for Training Pro-
gram for General Banking and Trust
Institute for Air Weapons Research,
Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Gradu-
ates: June, Aug. Men and women with
an MS or PhD in Mathematics or Phy-
sics for Research.
American Hospital Supply Corpora-
tion, Evanston, Ill. Graduates: June,
Aug., Feb. Citizenship required. Men
with a degree in liberal arts or busi-
ness administration, 22-28, draft
exempt, for American Division. Men
with a degree in-"one of the biological
sciences, chemistry, laboratory trainees.
medical students or medical technolo-
gists, 22-28, draft exempt, for Scien-
tific Products Division. Men with a de-
gree in Pharmacy, Biological Sciences
or Medical Students, 23-28, draft
exempt, for Scientific Products Divi-
sion. -Men with. a degree in liberal arts
or business administration, 22-28, and
draft exempt, for General Management
Trainees. Men with a degree in liberal
arts or business administration, 22 to
28, draft exempt, and a minimum of
12 hours in accounting for Office Man-
Dept. of the Army, Special Services,
Washington, D.C. Location of work:
Alaska; Hawaii; Germany/Italy/France;
Japan; Korea; Okinawa; Panama;
United States. Graduates: June, Aug.,
Feb. Citizenship required. Minimum
age: 21. Excellent Physical and Men-
tal Health. Degree with appropriate
major and/or applicable experience.
The Ohio Oil Co., Findlay, Ohio. Men
and women with a BS or BA, MS or
MA in Mathematics or Natural Sci-
ences for Programmer. Women with a
degree, Typing 35 wpm, shorthand 80
wpm, for Secretary. Men with a de-
gree in liberal arts or business admin-
istration for Marketing Training Pro-
gram. Men with a BS in Physics for
Research Laboratory located in Den-
ver., Colo.





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