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March 24, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-24

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Goldberg Sees Need for SpaceObservation Methods

Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman
ofthe astronomy department dnd
director of observatories, said it
is important that work begin now
to devise experiments for observ-
ing the sun, moon and other
celestial objects from space plat-
Engineers are expected to solve
almost all of the complex prob-
lems in te design of a function-
ing space observatory within the
next few years, he pointed out.
Speaking at a colloquium on
"The Realities of Space Explora-
tion" at the California Institute
of Technology in Pasadena, the
professor said, "if the design of
astronomical instruments is not
pushed with the utmost speed, it
is probable that the space ve-
hicles will become available in ad-
vance of the instrumentation
needed to equip them."
Expose Spectrum
The setting-up of observation
platforms above the earth's at-
mosphere, will expose, for the first
time ,the entire electromagnetic
spectrum of radiation from celes-
tial objects.
"Only a small fraction of this
radiation now penetrates to the
surface of the earth," he said.
Space-telescope observation, al-
though very important to astron-
omy, represents "merely an ex-
tension of the classical procedures
employed by astronomers to in-
vestigate the universe, mainly,
the collection of radiation, its dis-
persal -into a spectrum and its
recording and analysis," the pro-
fessor noted.
Give Clear View
The spectrum readings give as-
tronomers a "clear view" of the
sun's atmosphere and radiation
from faint stars and nebulae
which, before this time, have been
hidden by the earth's atmosphere.
Most importantly, however,
"space research introduces the
element of controlled experimen-
tation into what has always been
fundamentally an observational
science," he continued.
Prof. Goldberg then suggested
various items necessary for prep-
Orbit Telescope
First of all, he said, astron-
omers must begin with the pros-
pect that witlin three years or
so an astronomical telescope can
be put into orbit with a radius of
several hundred miles in a stabil-
ized vehicle capable of carrying

an instrument payload of several
thousand pounds.
This type of vehicle, even after
allowing for the weight of stabili-
zation equipment and power sup-
ply, could still carry instruments
weighing at least a ton.,
It is necessary for the telescope
apparatus to be stabilized to point
at any position in the universe,
and it must also be controllable
by command from the ground.
Use Gas Vets
Stabilization will probably be
accomplished by means of gas jets
and rotating flywheels, he said.
Although problems dealing with
data storage and its transmission
to the ground by telemetry have
been solved, "there still remains
the extremely difficult problem of
designing optical systems and de-
tectors that will operate with'
high efficiency for radiation of
short wavelength."
The professor then mentioned
areas of celestial investigation
which will become very important
when space observatories are
Expand Knowledge
Knowledge of the sun, "the
only star whose detailed surface
features can be studied," will be
greatly expanded.
"Our knowledge is most defi-
cient 'with respect to the outer-
most layers, the chromosphere
and corona, both as regards the
structure of these layers and as
regards the nature and origin of
the often catastrophic disturb-
ances that take place within
them," he said.
A basic reason for the lack of
knowledge of the sun is that most
of the radiation from these layers
occurs at the two extreme ends
of the electromagnetic .spectrum.
Since there is no way now to
point with accuracy at the sun
above the earth's atmosphere, the
picture remains unclear.
Investigate Moon
The first object of investigation
will undoubtedly be the moon,
Prof. Goldberg said.
"We may look forward in the
next few years to a variety of ex-
periments concerning the moon
"1) The return of lunar surface
samples to earth;
"2) Measurement of the density
and composition of a possible lu-
nar atmosphere;
"3) Study of the composition
and structure of the surface and
interior of the moon by means

Spain Film
Closes Out TON
Tour Series H illel presents it
The color motion picture "Spain"
will close the Burton Holmes
travelogue series sponsored by the
University Platform Attractions at
8:30 p.m. today. the LA I 'a
The film tour includes modern
Madrid, with its plazas, broad
avenues and the National Palace;-
Toledo, the home of El Greco,
noted for its steel art treasures DR. LAWRENCE SLOBODKIN, Z
inlaid with gold and silver; and
Granada with "the world's su- PROF. IRVING COPI, Philosophy
preme architectural treasure," Al- PROF. AL
The film concludes with a trip
to the Canary Islands.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundati
Thnieves Rob

IGHT AT 8:00

s 2nd Annual PURIM DEBATE
ous pros and, cons of
Zoology MRS. GERDA SELIGSON, Classical Studies
PROF. ROBERT K. RITT, Mathematics
,LFRED S. SUSSMAN, Moderator



1429 H ill Street

PROF. GOLDBERG-Chairman of the astronomy department and
director of the observatories, spoke at a colloquium on "The Reali-
ties of Space Exploration" at the California Institute of Tech-

Looking for something different?
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nology. He feels the importance
sun from space platforms.
of seismic studies and by placing
a vehicle into orbit around the
"4) Measurement of lunar mag-
netic fields; and
"5) Investigation of the pres-
ence and absence of dormant life
Study Planets
Far-off planets, too, will under-
go investigation and "the success
of many of the planetary experi-
ments will depend rather critical-
ly on the amount of power that
is available for the transmission,
of information back to earth," he
"Aside from studies of the fine
details in the atmospheres and on
the surfaces of the planets, which
are made possible through elim-
ination of atmospheric seeing, the
gaseous compositions of planetary
atmospheres can be investigated
by means of infrared spectral in-
vestigations from high above the
terrestial water vapor" by the use
of balloons.and satellites, he con-
After space telescopes and spec-
trographs which are presently be-
ing developed for solar and stellar
work become well advanced,
these, too, may be used for planet
Entry Forms
due at Uni*on
Entry forms for the Spring
Weekend canoe race and field
events are due today at the Spring
Weekend office in the Union, Fred
Nott, '59E, co-chairman of the
special events, said yesterday.
The events will take place on
Saturday afternoon, April 25. The
theme for this Western part of
the Spring Weekend events is
"Tippecanoe and the Island Too."
Participantsare to be dressed in
costumes appropriate to the West-
ern theme, emphasizing originality
and inexpensiveness, Nott said.
A pre-race parade will begin at
1 p.m., followed by the canoe race
and then by the field events. Each
house will originate its own field
and challenge another house to

that work begin to observe the
Prof. Goldberg said that here
at the University the astronomy
staff has already begun work for
experiments from satellite observ-
Prof. William Liller of the as-
tronomy department has pro-
posed that photoelectric observa-
tions through filters and polariz-
ers be made of the -light from
Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Sat-
urn over selected radiation wave-
Prof. Fred Haddock, also of the
astronmy department, suggested
that the low-frequency end of the
spectrum related to solar bursts
be observed from a space observa-
tory. He is now busy designing
such an experiment.
Proposes Experiment-
Prof. Haddock also proposed a
similar experiment concerning
the intense burst of radio emis-
sion from Jupiter, long an in-
triguing problem to astronomers.
Investigation of the stars and
nebulae, inter-star phenomena
and external galaxies, although
much harder because of their
great distance and strict require-
ments for accurate guidance and
control, must be thought out in
advance," he noted.
"It is extremely important as a
first step that the ultraviolet ra-
diation from the night sky be
mapped quickly," Prof. Goldberg
Concluding his speech, Prof.
Goldberg predicted"the first few
years of satellite astronomy will
probably be devoted to the astro-
physical analysis of ultraviolet
Large selection of
Spring Formals
Wedding Gowns
Cocktail Dresses
109 W. Liberty NO 2-5878

Alpha Tau Omega and Phi
Gamma Delta fraternities were
broken into and robbed early Sun-
day morning.
Police said the intruders appar-
ently entered the houses and went
through clothing, removing only
cash. A total of $99 was reported
missing by 13 members of the
Alpha Tau Omega house, while
Phi Gamma Delta members said
$86 was taken from billfolds there.
Fast Service
Minor Repairs
Buttons Replaced
Trouser Cuffs
Brushed &
Moth Proofing
Gold Bond
515 E. William


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