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March 24, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-24

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"Gee -Maybe Some Day They'll Establish
Comnunication With Us"

Sixty-Ninth Year
'ruth Wilt Prevail"
litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers,
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Generation' Displays
Intelligence, Tastew
THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY issue of Generation begins with a plea
from the editors for a magazine that can serve as an outlet for the
creative talent on campus without becoming the instrument of any
special clique of literary or plastic artists. And the editors have suc-
ceeded, for this issue represents a number of different kinds of student
work, a variety and a balance that is the product of intelligence, good
taste, and a genuinely high level of competence. If this issue lacks the
unity and intensity that an articulate clique might give to it, this lack
is more than offset by the fact that no one of the literary pieces is bad
or full of undisciplined emotional groanings or hopelessly pretentious.
We are fortunate in having a number of serious, intelligent, aware crafts-
men on campus.
The three short stories demonstrate this variety of treatment. "To
Grandmother's House We Go" by James Forsht employs the device of a
casual and semi-humorous narrator relating a tale of his own naivete
while a young airman on leave from SanFrancisco .The device achieves
a commendable distance between the author and his' subject, a distance
that allows us to look at the young subject with both sympathy and
sharpness. Unfortunately, as the story approaches its climax, the device
breaks down in the rush of incident, the subject is made too foolish and

AY, MARCH 24, 1959


The Athletic Board's Report:
Schedules, Aid, and Information

ALTHOUGH the lowest freshman can't es-
cape awareness that athletics is a big busi-
ness at the University, it takes an annual re-
port to reveal the exact length of the Wol-
verine's tail.
In their annual report to the Regents, the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics
announced that the 1957-58 net operating in-
come amounted to $362;452.74.
Contents of the 27-page report are rather
Interesting and unfortunately, too long to de-
scribe in detail. But several items are worth
THE BIG TEN intentions to enact a com-
pulsory ten game round robin football
schedule receive justifiable sharp criticism
from the Board. Athletic, Director Fritz Crisler
opposed the suggestions when first brought
up and the report says the University will
continue to vigorously oppose the plan.
In discussing its opposition, the Board calls
the 10 game season too long. It would force
teams to play games within a few days of De-
cember 1 "when weather conditions are so
impractical in the seven state area of the Con-
ference as to make football impractical," or
start earlier in the fall before students arrive
and which "exposes the football program to
criticism of overcommercialization and does a
disservice to intercollegiate athletics as a
Adds the report: "The only justification ever
advanced for the ten-game football season is
that it will enable some -institutions to increase
their revenue. This reason is not sufficient, in
our judgement, to warrant the change."
TURNING to the compulsory round robin
football schedule the board charges "it
changes the nature of the Conference funda-
mentally. Instead of a group of educational
institutions associating for the purpose of es-
tablishing common standards and principles
to guide the conduct of intercollegiate ath-
letics, the Conference becomes a 'playing
league,' i.e., an organization whose primary
objective is to schedule athletic contests, a
type of organization characteristic of profes-
sional sports enterprises rather than intercol-
legiate athletics.
The Board also calls the regulation "provin-
cial," having an "especially adverse impact
upon an institution of national stature such
as. Michigan. Our policy has been to play two
non-conference football games each year, one
involving a team from the eastern part of the

country and one from the western area, alter-
nating the games at Ann Arbor and away.
Alumni . ., located in all sections of the coun-
try . . . should be accorded the opportunity to
see a Michigan football game played in their
general area from time to time."
A rule requiring every member of the group
to play every other member every year can
potentially cause difficulties when rivalry be-
comes too intense and it should be possible
to suspend competition, the Board adds.
HOWEVER, lack of consistent competition
seems to be one of the reasons supporting
a round-robin schedule. The existing setup has
permitted certain football powers to avoid
playing each other, making the Big Ten race,
something less than a test of comparative
Both extremes might be avoided by having
a regulation to the effect that no two teams
can go more than a year without playing each
other. If intensity of rivalries becomes a cause
of concern, the period could be extended at
the joint request of both Big Ten schools.
ANOTHER ITEM covered in the report, the
Financial Aid Plan, reveals that during the
two years of the program's existence, 169 stu-
dents have accepted tenders of financial as-
In 1957-58, average amount awarded was
$1,025,200, five students dropped out, and the
total cost of first year students was $72,939.30.
The Board emphasized that a "substantial
number" of varsity athletes are not receiving
financial aid. The figures cited are that 36 of
the 96 sophomores on varsity squads are not
on the program.
"THE BARD believes that at Michigan the
operation of the Conference plan is not
resulting in excessive financial assistance to
athletes as distinguished from the rest of the
student body."
The figures cited are that "total amount of
scholarship and other financial assistance ex-
tended to students at the University of Michi-
gan amounts to approximately two million dol-
lars. However, University officials define "oth-
er financial assistance" as including loans,
which last year amounted to 1.4 million dol-
A further question is raised. Are those re-
ceiving an average of a thousand dollars from
the athletic department singled out for their
intellectual ability? The criteria of athletic
prowess is in itself a distinguishing feature.
Concluding its discussion of aid, the Board
says it is "alert to the trends in this area and
is Maintaining a careful surveillance of events
as they transpire with a view to preventing any
developments not compatible with the Uni-
versity's educational responsibilities to its stu-
strongly urges that Its annual reports be
transmitted to the Faculty Senate, something
which has happened only once during the
past decade.
"It is believed that if full information is
given the faculty on these (athletic) matters
the general welfare of the University will be
To this end, the Board might also consider
holding press conferences after their monthly
meeting, preventing the rash of rumors and
speculation which naturally arises from the
secrecy usually surrounding their activities.
Only when the wagging tail is completely
visible, might a good segment of the campus
cease viewing athletic operations with more
than the expected suspicion.
Editorial Director


sN-s -r w f r' ec
Why Send Millions on Missiles?

By The Associated Press -
PASADENA OP?) - A conference
of scientists at: California Insti-
tute of Technology was thrown
into an uproar Friday when
speakers began questioning the
value of America's missile and
space research.
"Our missile program ,is the
swan song of a dying civiliza-
tion," shouted Dr. A. R. J. Grosch
from the floor near the close of
the conference.
"We don't need better missiles
to destroy each other - the ones
we have now will do the job ade-
"And there isn't any point in
zooming off into outer space. We
could spend the money better
solving problems here at home -
taking care- of our over-crowded,
under-fed millions. If we did that,
we wouldn't need to find new
worlds to colonize."
Grosch Is manager of space
programs for International Busi-
ness Machines, which makes com-

puters for missiles and space ve-
His outburst followed a speech
by Dr. Louise J. Ridenour Jr., who
said the missile program was fol-
1 o w i n'g America's "traditional
economy of waste."
"WE TURN IN our cars before
they are worn out," -he said, "and
our nation would go broke if we
didn't. Our missile program fits
into the system very well. We
send up missiles that never come
back and so we have to make
more missiles.
"This is fine. It creates jobs and
keeps money in circulation.
"In the not too distant future,
man will be boarding the other
fellow's satellites and destroying
them. This means more satellites
must be built, and the economy
is kept functioning at top speed."
Ridenour is assistant general
manager of research and develop-
ment in the missile systems divi-
sion of Lockheed Aircraft Corp.
Then Grosch, a bearded scien-

tist in a pea-green coat and black
slacks, rose to his feet.
"We are planning to spend mil-
lions of dollars a year on new
missiles and space probes," he
said. "And I ask, why?
"Why must we continue to
shovel these millions into com-
panies that are interested primar-
ily not in new scientific knowledge
but in their seven per cent profit?
That seven per cent alone would
go a long way toward solving the
social problems that create war-
fare and make space exploration
and colonization a necessity.
"We are in a bad way, I'm
afraid," said Grosch, "when we
try to solve our problem by mass
killing - or by paddling off to
a bigger island in space."
"His views don't agree with my
views nor with those of the coin-
pany," said Charles Benton Jr.,
general manager of International
Business Machine's military prod-
ucts divisions in commenting on
Grosch's charges..

A Good Job

PHE RESIDENCE HALL Board of Governors
tried to please everyone last week and did
surprisingly good job of it. The women want
keep Fletcher Hall because of the unusual
pe of housing it offers. The men want it
r the same reason. If the Board's plan works
it, both groups can enjoy room without board
using within the residence hall system.
The Board passed a motion stating that
etcher should be returned to the men's resi-
nce hall system in the summer of 1960, with
e understanding that the office of the Dean
- Women should procure similar housing for
lose women who wish to make use of it..
The solution is a simple one and'might seem
obvious as not to merit comment. But it is
orthy of note in that both sides in this dis-
it would not only accept this solution, but
ould be fully satisfied with it. Here is an
:ample of an administrative body at the Uni-
rsity weighing the students' wishes and try-
g its best to satisfy them. What more can
iyone ask?

Student Challenged to SGC Debate

innocent, and the fine balance of
casual sympathy and a sharp
appraisal of experience is lost.
** *
DAVID LOWE'S "In Darkness
Closed" is the sensitive story of a
motherless boy living with foster
parents, curious about what his
mother was like. Despite intricate
flash-backs, a fine sense of im-
agery and pace, and a precise use
of the local foods and sights and
smells (the story is set in Ken-
tucky), "In Darkness Closed" does
not avoid some of the sentimental-
ity latent in its theme.
Technically the most accom-
plished and sustained story of the
three is Al Young's "Bennie in
the Apple," an account of the
troubles facing a young hipster,
with wife and child, in New York.
Written in a clear, sparse idiom,
direct and perceptive, this story
suffers only from a certain
amount of slickness and ease in
the restolution of the moral prob-
lem it so convincingly ppses. In
other words, none of the stories is
perfect, though all three show
workmanship and talent applied
to themes of interest.
* * * '
THE POETRY in the magazine
also demonstrates vitality, insight,
and care. I was particularly struck
by the forceful images, the control
of strong emotion, and the sense
of dramatic movement in the
poems of Nancy Winston as well
as by the enormous technical skill
and graceful contrasts in tone and
imagery in Ed Botts' "Her Ten-
nessee World." Anthony Bing has
contributed a thorough under-
standing' of Hemingway's "The
Torrents of Spring," an early par-
ody of the work of Sherwood An-
derson. It's a shame that Mr. Bing
wasted nearly a full page in irrele-
vant reflection on personalities,
but the analysis is good. "Genera-
tion" is particularly distinguished
by some fine translations of
poems: Beverly Gingold catches
the hard clarity and sharp drama
of Rimbaud and Bernard Keith
gets the rich, sensuous quality of
Baudelaire. Donald Hall seems a
promising student poet whose
name may well be seen again.
-James Gindin
BEFORE a large audience of
townsfolk, proud relatives,
parentless children and the few
students that could or would or
were, able to find seating in Hill
Auditorium, the University of
Michigan Symphony Band per-
formed Sunday a program that
was markedly interesting for its
sharp contrasts.
The first half of the program
was devoted to the world-wide
celebration of the two-hundredth
anniversary of the death of
George Frederick Handel. Of the
three works performed, only two
works were actually written by
the composer.
The third, "The Gods Go A-
Begging" was arranged by Sir
Thomas Beecham for the Sadler
Wells ballet from relatively un-
known works of Handel. This pot-
pourri was in turn arranged by
W. Duthoit for the mammoth,
non-baroque, un-Handelian sym-
phonic band. The Michiganband,
on the whole, played well in this,
save for the faulty intonation of
the flute and clarinet unisons in
the slow musette and the over-
shadowing of the inner voice lines
in the Sarabande
HINDEMITH'S "Symphony in
B-flat for Concert Band," provid-
ed an impressive opener of the

contemporary portion of the pro-
gram. Composed in 1951, this is
one of the most difficult works in
the band's repertoire. The Sym-
phony Band almost rose to the
occasion, but didn't quite make it.
The first movement, a turbulent
and brilliant introduction and
fugue, did not "jell" in terms of
the ensemble and found the band
running ahead of the conductor.
The second movement, featuring
some beautiful playing by the

PIANIST Andre Tchaikovsky ap-
peared at Hill Auditorium last
evening in a concert of music by
Chopin, Prokofieff and Mozart.
Mainstay of this program was
the performance of all opus 28
preludes, something which has
rarely happened in this audi-
torium, according to people with
long memories.
ChopIn's Preludes have always
been difficult to characterize. Per-
haps Robert Schumann came
closest when he called them "ruin
and eagle feathers, 'strangely in-
termingled." Tchaikovsky is far
more successful with the ruins,
although he handled the Eighth
Prelude, a fast-rate eagle feather,
with no trouble.
* * *
EARLIER in the program, the
pianist played Prokofieff's 7th
Sonata; all the rhythmic and
melodic fireworks were there.
Prokofieff's piano music is never
easy, and this particular sonata
probably ranks with some of the
most difficult. It seemed to pose
no unsolvable problems for the
soloist; more perhaps for the
listener since this music is filled
with occasional lapses where the
composer seems to have, for a
time, lost his inspiration and filled
in with whatever was gat hand,
musically speaking.
Meanwhile; back to Chopin.
Tchaikovsky has a knack for seek-
ing out hitherto forgotten melodic
lines in the preludes which is all
to the good. A typical example of
this might be the 20th Prelude
(vulgarly called the "Funeral
March Prelude") where something
appeared in a later phrase which I
cannot recall hearing before.
Then again, he sometimes starts
the preludes more slowly than
usual; this may merely be a device
which seems suitable when playing
all the preludes at one- sitting. In,
any event, the Firstand Twenty-
second were both slow starters.
TCHAIKOVSKY is at his best
with preludes like the Third,
Tenth, Nineteenth and Twenty-
third. Here his light and accurate
touch is particularly effective. But
he falls short in some of the more
spectacular of these pieces, espe-
cially Prelude 24, which I have al-
ways considered to be one of Cho-
pin's greater works, ranking with
the last two Etudes, opus 25, and
the second Sonata. This Prelude
may have suffered from the con
text, as an individual rose is lost
in a garden of roses but it sounded
to be more of a finger exercise
than anything else.
Thiscriticism can be applied
to Prelude Sixteen almost as ef-
fectively. And yet, the Eighth Pre-
lude remains to confuse the issue,
for here Tchaikovsky has met all
of the challanges with great suc-
The reason that these preludes
are seldom played as a group is, I
suspect, that it is difficult to do
them justice in this setting. The
performance of the Prokofieff
Sonata quiets any fears I might
have about the pianist's ability. It
was a sesational demonstration
of technical and interpretive tal-
The program began with a Mo-
zart Fantasia and Sonata which
seemed to be thoroughly adequate
for my purposes, at least.
-David Kessel

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sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
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Room 3519 Administration Build-
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West Maneuvers Ahead

To the Editor:
IN A RECENT letter to The Daily,
Michael Bentwich reaffirmed a
conviction he has often expressed,
that student government has no
independent function on campus
and, therefore, should be abolished.
I personally question the logic of
his argument and the wisdom of
his conclusion. I do believe, how-
ever, that the rationale for stu-
dent government is something
which needs a constant and active
re-examination. If SGC has no
unique place, if its goals and
values are but inefficient redun-
dancies of other organizations,
then it does not deserve the sup-
port of the student body, nor even
of its own membership. If, on the
other hand, it can serve a con-
structive and valuable function,
then those conceined with the
welfare of the University com-
munity should direct their oratory
not to negative, destructive and
dilatory criticism, but rather they
should join in the effort to give
intelligent definition and respon-
sible articulation to the function
and value of student government.
The eighteen thousand and
some students who did not vote
in the recent election indicate that
Mr. Bentwich does not voice an
idle or unshared opinion. While I
surely do not possess his eloquence
or gift of language, my conviction
that student government can and
needs play a vital role in the Uni-
versity would lead me to welcome
an opportunity to meet Mr. Bent-
wich in public discussion or even
debate on this issue.
It goes without saying that at
any time Mr. Bentwich would like
to express himself totheCouncil,
I would consider it both my priv-
ilege and my duty to yield him the
-Al Haber

we might assume, judging from
the tone of some graduate stu-
dents' letters, that these individ-
uals have from birth never strayed
from the path of righteousness,
mature conduct and graduate level
But the pinnacle of boorishness
was reached this week by the two
graduate students at Hyde Park,
haughtily elucidating on student
government. I do not pretend to
be a spokesman for student gov-
ernment. Nor do I question the
right of -anyone to express his
opinion. But as a graduate student
myself, I resent the time, place
and manner in which M. Bentwich
and friend chose to express theirs.
Student government, or at least
the attempt at it, has a definite
part in college education. The can-
didates speaking at Hyde Park
had a right, at least under the rules
of common courtesy, to speak un-
hampered by the enlightened pre-
sentations of former undergradu-
ate students. For one who has
"outgrown" certain interests, and
passed beyond certain levels of
education, to now attack those who
have not with unreserved arro-
gance leaves some question wheth-
er the attacker has truly grown
in every respect.
What surprises me most is that
these graduate students, now so
contemptuous of certain under-
graduate activities, even con-
descend to pass observation upon
such matters.
Name Withheld by Request
Clarification .. .
To the Editor:
THE PURPOSE of this letter is
to clarify my position in the
recent SGC issue. The Michigan
Daily can only report the facts of
the issue. What must be under-
stood bythe student body are the
circumstances of the individuals
involved in a case of this nature.

prevailed in the past, as stated to
me by previous candidates, that
one does not have to include the
price of the plate on which your
picture is placed, in your campaign
expenses. The cost of this plate
was $9.50, and this deduction
would have placed me far below
the maximum.
This question was never brought
forward in the candidate training
period. If this had been originally,
clarified by the Council, the prob-
lem might never have occurred. It
was interpretated during my
"trial," by Mort Wise, Chairman
of the Credentials Committee, as
meaning that incumbents need not
include the plate as campaign ex-
pense, but can consider it as per-
sonal property that can be used
for other purposes. He stated,
however, that new candidates
must include this as campaign ex-
This interpretation of the law
unquestionably gives an unfair fi-
nancial advantage to incumbents.
As was pointed out to all candi-
dates, the Credentials Committee
is to see that all candidates have
an equal opportunity to be elected.
The second "flagrant violation"
which I committed was the falsi-
fication of my expense account.
,The Council failed to take into
consideration the conditions under'
which it was done and the intent
of the individual. The Treasurer
of SGC approached me on Count
Night and asked that I hand in
an Expense account. I was cer-
tainly far more concerned with
the activity on the floor of the
Union Ballroom than the figures
that I put down on the piece of
paper. There was also a complete
misunderstanding on the part of
Scott Chrysler to the nature of
the question I was asking. His an-
swer and my reaction were merely
for expediency sake, not ,to "pull
the wool over anybody's eyes." My
intentions at all times during the
campaign were not to falsify any-

Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower's agree-
ment with Prime Minister- Harold Macmil-
n a summit conference with Nikita Khrush-
chev will be assessed by a good many people
as a vicotry for the Russian Premier.
Any form of compromise with the cold war
>pponents always produces some fear of guard-
Khrushchev has been trying for two years
;o maneuver Western leaders into a new con-
ference such as the one at Geneva in 1955
which produced so little.
Since he is going to get it - barring some
rital hitch over the agenda - and since Pres-
dent Eisenhower is going to do something he
didn't want, the argument is bound to be that
Khrushchev is, to date, the winner.
Whether he proves to be the ultimate winner,
lowever, will depend upon how well he suc-
eeds at the conference itself.
The propaganda pudding he attempted to
onboct in 1955 turned sour very quickly.
To date the truly victorious figure in all of

Macmillan's ruling Conservative government,
trusted by the United States, faces an elec-
tion. After nearly two years during which it
was frequently said that an election would
have returned the Labor party to power in
Britain, the Conservatives staged a political
comeback. To take advantage of it, Macmil-
lan had been expected to call an early election.
Dulles became ill and the Berlin crisis
opened an opportunity. The British people and
press wanted Macmillan to take advantage of
the opportunity for increased British leader-
ship. He did.
Sunday, the London papers used words like
"triumph" in their headlines. Their jubilation
was matched by the sourness of Aneurin
Bevan, a measure in itself of the Macmillan
The left-of-left Laborite called the Prime
Minister a poseur and accused him of carrying
empty diplomatic luggage.
The election call can be expected in a matter
of weeks.,


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