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March 24, 1959 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-24

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-Daily-Allan Winder
URBAN RENEWAL-This plan calls for the removal of a junk
yard and a slaughter house. With these two things removed, the
park will be enlarged. The area contains many houses with good
appearance, as well as dilapidated ones.
City Urban Renewal Plan
Clears First arrier to Aid

Prof. Beach
Cites Change
In Schooling
"Clamoring for a greater em-t
phasis on academic subjects is
resulting in some disturbing
changes in school practice," Prof.
Lowell W. Beach of the School of
Education told a Kent County
Teachers Institute last week.
"Schools are operating in quite
a different climate today," Prof.
Beach said. "This is seen in the
demands for a school program
emphasizing mental development
to the exclusion of other areas of
development, and a growing ac-
ceptance that the needs of the
individual must be sacrificed for
the needs of the group."
He pointed out that the curricu-
lum is becoming more structured
and grade standards strictly de-
fined. There is also, he said, in-
creased pressure to return to a
report card where growth is de-
scribed in terms of letter symbols
and where the child's performance
is graded in terms of his relative
standing in his group.
Along with more uniform text-
books and instructional materials,
he continued, class sizes are in-
creasing and televised instruction
is gaining greater acceptance.
In criticizing these trends, Prof.
Beach said, "I am disturbed by
these changes. Today we need
greater variety in learning experi-
ences, not less. We need multiple
stands . . . which are realistic, and
thus challenging, to each child."
He also supported a greater Va-.
riety of instructional materials
along with greater teacher con-
tact, in the schools. "Can a teach-
er having responsibility for 35 to
40 or more pupils be much more
than a teacher of a 'group'?" he
"I believe every child must be
given an opportunity for educa-
tion and that this education must
not be denied him simply because.
he does not seem to fit the school
program," Prof. Beach contended.
"We must remember that schools
are made for children and not the
children for the schools."

The urbanization of space, with
entire populations living in satel-
lite communities, is one of the
many possibilities of the future
space age, Prof. William G. Dow,
chairman of the electrical engi-
neering department, said Thurs-
Prof. Dow spoke on "Space,
Science and Humanity" at a
U' Students
Cite Drop


program means in the view of fed-
eral officials that the city has
faced up to blight aspects in the
community as a whole.
Submits to Objectives
In a workable program, a local-
ity commits itself to essential ob-
jectives with respect to codes and
ordinances, a comprehensive com-
munity plan, neighborhood analy-
ses, administrative organization,
financing, displaced-family hous-
ing and citizen participation.
The city share of the program
includes a cash portion of $225,248
and a so-called non-cash portion
of $321,870, the latter pertaining
to various contributed physical
The city's application also lists
$28,300 in relocation aid.

In Seminars
"The honors seminars are not
doing as well as we expected,"
Prof. Robert Angell, chairman of
the honors program, said recently.
He announced that at that time
only one seminar had been or-
ganized that he knows of. "It is
possible," he said, "that there may
be some seminars going that have
not been reported to the honors
office, or that more will be formed
after spring vacation." -
Roger Seasonwein, '61, a mem-
ber of the honors program steering
committee, said that the lack of
interest in the honors seminars
might possibly stem from- a de-
ficiency in the honors program it-
Students Not Interested
He declared that some students
were "not getting much from their
classes and are not particularly
initerested in learning outside the
"On the other hand," he con-
finued, "it may be that the pro-
gram is so successful that no one
needs to seek knowledge other
than in the regular college honors
Seasonwein said he felt that
the former prospect was more
Too Much Work
Gail Doherty, '61, also a member
of the honors program steering
committee, summed up her opinion
on the lack of interest in the
seminar program, calling it "all
work and no play."
She said that she for one was
kept fully occupied+ with her
courses and outside activities. "I
am carrying 17 hours including a
laboratory science course and am
active in student government,"
she declared. This plus evening
meetings and seminars in her
courses take up most of her avail-
able time, she continued.
Waste Less Time
"Everyone wastes a certain
amount of time," she declared, but
said that the college honors stu-
dent didn't waste more and prob-
ably less time than other Univer-
sity students.
Miss Doherty said, "The honors
seminars are a very, very worth-
while idea. I hope to join one after
spring vacation."
FBI Director,
To Give Talk
The Speaker's Committee of the
Law School is sponsoring an in-
formal discussion in the Lawyer's
'Club tonight at 6:30 p.m.
Thomas J. Geraty,the regional
director of the FBI, will be the
guest speaker. His headquarters
are in Detroit. "Crime-Its Fu-
ture?" will be the topic of his
A question-and-answer period
will follow the lecture.
All students interested in a
career with the FBI are invited to

luncheon following the ground-
breaking ceremonies for Adrian
College's new Science Building.
"A satellite community," he said,
"might consist of rotating struc-
tures which, through centrifugal
force, stimulate gravity, which in
turn can be as little or great as

Move to Axis
"Movement from one building
to another could be accomplished,"
he suggested, " by moving to the
axis and then jumping on to the
next structure, guided by a reac-
tion air jet on the person's back."
Controlled radiation of the sun's
heat could be used to determine
the temperatures in the satellite
community, Prof. Dow said.
"The control of gravity and ab-
sence of atmosphere might make
certain manufacturing and in-
dustrial processes easier and less
expensive," he pointed out, "pro-
cesses such as metal purification
without need for crucibles."
Reflect Signals
Another possibility for the space
age, Prof. Dow said, is global
communication using a chain of
small satellites which could reflect
radio signals. National television
coverage could be effected by
means of a single, very powerful

station which would bounce its
signal off a satellite, bypassing
the difficulties presented by "line-
of-sight" transmission.
Permanent satellites could be
used as reference objects instead
of the sun or moon, Prof. Dow
Suggested, for navigation of ships
at sea. Commuting problems would
be facilitated by satellite air trans-
port which would get to Australia
in one hour, permitting a day's
routine business and return on
the same day.
Television transmission of cy-
clonic cloud coverages from satel-
lites to weather stations would
make much better weather fore-
casting possible, another boon for
humanity, in this space world of
the future.
Faculty Club.
To Present

Dow Talks on Space, Science, Humanity


Music Group
To Perform
A memorial concert in honor of
Helen M. Titus, associate profes-
sor of piano in the University
music school, will be presented by
the Stanley Quartet at 8:30 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture}Hall.
Miss Titus died December 19,

P ayreadin
The Faculty Women's Club
Tuesday Playreading Section will
meet at 1:15 p.m. today in the
Mrs. John Milholland is the play
producer. The cast members are
Mrs. C. Robert Hutchcroft, Mrs.
Geert Wielenga, Mrs. Claude Eg-
gertsen, Mrs. Alfred Hard, Mrs.
Willard C. Olson, Mrs. Fred Black
and Mrs. Milholland.
Hostess for the meeting Is Mrs.
John C. Kohl, chairman. She will
be assisted by Mrs. Reginald Ed-
wards, Mrs. Edmund Cummiskey
and Mrs. Stanley Dimond.
Pourers for the affair will be
Mrs. George Ehlers and Mrs. Ar-
thur Copeland.



Negro Freedoms Restricted
In Africa, Cowen Charges


The basic freedoms are being
denied to both whites and the
Negroes in South Africa, Dennis
V. Cowen, dean of the Capetown
University law school, charged
last night.
Cowen spoke to the Lawyers'
Club on the "Impact of Racial
Policy on Law in the Union of
South Africa."
Not only are the freedoms of
the Negroes being denied, he said,
but those of the white settlers are
being taken away also. As an ex-
ample, Cowen said that because
the Negroes are forced to live in
certain areas, white people are
not allowed to live in those areas.
Forced Integration Planned
All over Africa, he said, the
Negro peoples are beginning to
think that the constitutional sys-
tems they thought would guar-
antee basic freedoms can be
twisted to deny these same free-
Since the coming to power of
the Nationalist Party in 1948, he
said, the policies of forced inte-
gration have not been merely a
sporadic thing but one in which a
carefully planned system was
In 1951, hecontinued, the Na-
tionalist Party, when it found
that it would be unable to get a
two-thirds majority in the Senate
to deprive Negroes in Cape Colony
of the vote, decided to "go ahead
and pass the bill" with merely a
simple majority. This was done,
but contested, Cowen said.
May Festival
Lectures Open,
To Students

When this was contested, the
court decided that the ruling was
unconstitutional. "This made the
Nationalists angry," Cowen add-
ed, and they "made a big mis-
They decided to transform the
Senate into a court and review
the decision. This was done and
the decision to take the vote away
adjudged to be constitutional, he
added. This point incurred the
anger of the people and the court
then declared that forming a
court from the Senate was also
Being "more rational" this-
time, Cowen said, the Nationalists
decided "to take a deeper look"
at the constitution. When they,
did they decided to enlarge the
Senate and the Court - in order
to get their bills passed, he added.
Pass Apartheid Laws
After changing the size of the
two bodies, many laws were
passed of an "apartheid nature."
At the present time, he added, the
government has passed laws that
give it "the right to force a Negro
to move."
In addition to this, many of the
basic freedoms have also been
taken away from the Negro, he




Shows at 7 and 9

"You should not
miss it! "
--Norman Vincent l




"A colorful, exciting


Mark 8orraA,.
Associated Preqj

Those interested may still enroll
in the 1959 May Festival Lecture
Series to be given by Prof. Theo-
dore E. Heger of the School of
Music. ,
Prof. Heger will discuss and
analyze the major works to be
performed in the coming May
Festival programs. He will illus-
trate his lectures with recordings.
Sessions of the six-week series,
which has had one meeting, are at
7 p.m. Wednesdays in, Rm. 206,
Burton Tower. An enrollment fee
is required, payable at the class -

Norman Cousinr, Editor,
Saturdoy Review
Wednesday and "ALWAYS A PRICE TAG"

As low as $774 from New York ... 40 days
Now Pan Am is offering a fabulous series of special student
tours that feature the new Boeing 707 Jet Clippers*-
world's fastest airliners-between New York and Europe.
No extra fare for the extra speed and comfort.
Of all the areas of the world, Europe is most suited to
the type of unusual, adventurous travel you want. There
are literally dozens of tours for you to choose from, many
offering academic credits. And what's more, there's
plenty of free time left for you to roam about on your own.
From Midwest and West Coast Cities, other direct
Pan Am services are available on radar-equipped, Douglas-
built "Super-7" Clippers.
Call your Travel Agent, Pan American, or send in the
coupon below for full information. .Trade-Mr. Reg. .$. Pat.O....
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