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March 24, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-24

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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6 XA

!- I

staff Pay
To Go On
In Crisis
University President Harlan
Hatcher told the faculty yesterday
they will continue to be paid, even
with the current threat of payless
"I don't think the State will
permit you to go without any pay,"
he told faculty members and their
wives at a special meeting.
"I regret the publicity which the
financial crisis has brought to the
State," he added, terming some of
it unfair. He saidrother educa-
,tional institutions are aware of
this crisis and are trying to ob-
tain University faculty members.
He urged the faculty to stick
with the University which is
weathering a temporarycrisis.
"The overall ongoing aspects of
the University provide you with
attainment in your fields as good
as any other university I know
of," President Hatcher told his
staff. ;.
He told the approximately 1,000
people attending the "State of the
University" talk that the Univer-
sity has pared down its predicted
enrollment for next year which
would remain "approximately the
same as last fall." This he pro-
jected in view of the apparent cut
in the University's proposed bud-
The University requested, $36,-
788,270 for operations next year,
based on a tentative enrollment

India To Maintain Its eutralit






NAVAL TANK-Prof. Harry B. Benford and Prof. Louis A; Baier
place ship model in water and load it with weights prior to testing
it in the present West Engineering Building naval tank. A new and
larger tank, similar to the one here, is planned for the North
Dep artment Plans
4Ship" Research Lab
A long-range plan to build a $1 to $1.5 million laboratory for ship
design research is currently being drafted by the naval architecture
and marine engineering department.
Techbically called a naval tank, the installation will probably
be constructed on the University's North Campus.
Department chairman Richard B. Couch said yesterday "no con-

cvrete financing plans have
U.S Cl "aims
Soviet S hip
Cut C abe
ed States yesterday tentatively
S. cused the Soviet fishing tray
Novorossisk of responsibility
breaking five transatlantic ca
off Newfoundland last month
This country demanded that
Soviet government take steps
prevent such damage in the
The note,, presented to the
eign office in Moscow, rejecte
Soviet protest ag inst the boa
ing of the trayl r on Feb. 26
an officer° and four men' ft
United States picket escort s
Roy O. Hale.
The United States said th
was "no basis" for a Russian p
test and contended that the boa
ing was fully justified and pro
under international agreeme
relating ' to underwater teleph
and telegraph cables.
Russia was also informed t
the United States expects it
"take effective measures to p
vent Soviet fishing trawlers!
the high seas from damaging
cutting submarine cables in
future." .
In addition the United Sta
said it intends to "continue,
fulfill" its responsibility for p
tection of cables. Apparently t
meant that if there are any im
cable breaks the United Sta
will do whatever is necessary
investigate and repair them,
cluding boarding of any Soti
fishing vessels suspected of caus:
Vets May Fill
, House Gall er~

been worked out as yet," but added;
---industry has "shown quite a bit
of interest in the project."
Present Tank Inadequate
The proposed naval tank would
replace a 55-year-old one now
housed in the West Engineering
4 ;Bldg. "The present, tank, has be-
come somewhat inadequate over
the years," Prof. Couch com-
He added the new naval tank
nit- would be able -to meet the demand
ni- for faster and more seaworthy
ac-vle ships. "With the advent lf fnu-
wler clearpowered ships, new problems
for will arise which the present .tank
bl~s would not be able to test and
. solve," he said.
the There will also be an increased
- demand for specialized ships de-
fu signed to withstand both ocean
and lake travel when the St. Law-
or rence Seaway is completed, Prof.
'd a; Couch said.
rd- Largest of Kind
r be The proposed naval tank would
hip be the largest of its kind excepting
the Navy-owned David Taylor
Model Basin installation near
ere Washington, D.C.
pd- One of the principal tasks of a
per naval tank is to find the wave
ants drage or the energy loss due to the
one waves made by a ship. A ship's
hull must be so shaped that it will
hat move through the water with min-
t imuin resistance and require mini-
to mum power to drive it.

How soon will the state run
out of money?
Governor G. Mennen Wil-
liams' office says "we definitely
have enough money to last
through April 15 -- we don't
know how much longer than
The legislators generally are
using May 15 as a target date,
give or take a week or two.
increase of 1,100. This request was
pared down by the deans and fac-
ulty in view of the financial situa-
tion, Hatcher said.
To Be Built
PARIS (M)-Europe took another
step into the atomic age yesterday
with a decision by 12 nations to
build a radically new type nuclear
power plant.
It will be a 38 million dollar ex-
periment, with Britain paying the
biggest share of the cost.
Scientists hope the plant will
produce electrical power at a cost
in line with hydroelectric and
steam stations.
Electrical energy produced at
nuclear power plants in operation
in Britain and the United States
costs more than electricity pro,-
duced by conventional means.
The experimental plant, to be
built at Winfrith Heath, England,
will have a gas-cooled reactor de-
signed to operate at temperatures
above 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Asks Talks Assembly]
Joan Comiano, '61, was elected
' ~Assembly Association presiden
yesterday after Pat Marthenke
WASHINGTON (A) - Britain's '59, outgoing president, cast he
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan vote to break the "first tie i
is reported advocating a series of years."
informal summit conferences with.The ballot cast by Assembl
Russia's Premier Nikita Khrush- Dormitory Council resulted in a
chev as the surest way to ease cold 10-10 tie between Miss Comianc
war problems now inflaming world and Connie Kreger, '60.
tension. The president serves as presid-
The visiting British leader is ing officer of Assembly executive
understood to have outlined this board and ADC, and as an ex-
view to President Dwight D. Ei- officio member of the Women's
senhower during their weekend S e n a t e, Student Government
strategy talks at Camp David. Council and the Board of Govern-
Macmillan, however, did not ors of Residence Hals.
press the President for acceptance Martha Cook Resident
of the idea, apparently because he The 18-year-old Martha Cook
wanted President Eisenhower to resident will take office at League
agree to a single summit parley Installation Night, April 13, as
with Khrushchev this summer. the first student in three years to
Sources Disclose hold the position during her
Macmillan's attitude toward f- junior year.
ture summit negotiations was dis- In addressing ADC before the
closed by authoritative diplomatic election, Miss Comiano told the
informants yesterday, group that it was voting for a
Macmillan discussed British type of leadership rather than a
complaints against trade restric- platform of projects to be carried
tion during the day with three of out next year.
the administration's top economic She advocated an "active but
policymakers - Secretary of the flexible leadership" in which she
Treasury Robert Anderson, Secre- would try to promote a "general
tary of Commerce Lewis Strauss, spirit of cooperation and a divi-
and Under Secretary of State C. sion of the work involved."
Douglas Dillon. After the election, Miss Comi-
Macmillan was reported con- ano stressed that she would at-
vinced a summit meeting with tempt to represent the majority
Khrushchev, probably in Geneva of independent women on all ma-
this August, has been virtually as- jor issues while retaining the
sured by his private talks with ability to look at "all sides of the
President Eisenhower and acting question."
Secretary of State Christian Hert- Miss Kreger presented a four-
er. point platform to the representa-
Meetings Tied tives which included development
The actual language of the offer of house libraries, faculty guest
to Khrushchev, to be included in programs and upper class hous-
diplomatic notes before this week- ing.'
end, ties the summit parley to a Her plans included an expan-
prior foreign ministers' meeting sion of the freshman orientation
May 11, also in Geneva. program in order to give the
Officials said the foreign min- freshman as much aid in adjust-
isters would be given a triple task: ing to the University as possible.
1) to draft positive agreements on The decision to retain spring
specific issues, 2) narrow East- rush, she explained, had brought
West differences where accords are the need for such expansion .to
impossible, and 3) prepare pro- light.
posals to be discussed at a summit Election of the first vice-presi-
session. dent will take place at the April
President Eisenhower and Mac- 6 meeting of ADC, Miss Mar-
millan both agreed, they said, to thenke told the group.
make it clear a date and site for a
heads of government meeting o'Gg
would be picked when develop- Boh Gargoyle
ments justify this.
May Be Urgent Setfo Sale
This approach, however, does
not foreclose a summit confer-
ence if the foreign ministers fail o norro
to ease tensions. In Macmillan's
view a summit conference would A shabby, dirty, bedraggled issue
be all the more urgent to avoid war of Gargoyle goes on sale tomorrow,
over Russia's threat to turn Berlin according to positively uncon-
into a "free city" by May 27. firmed and previously unreliable
The main purpose of the Big Gargoyle editor David Newman.
Four foreign.ministers sessions It will be the Bohemian issue
would be to get' negotiations start- and will come in a dirty green
ed before the deadline Russia has bookbag format. A purging analy-
imposed. This would give Krrush- sis of the really beat and slightly
chev an opportunity to back away Bohemian life on campus will be
from this threat without losing featured. "It is just mainly an
face. Khrushchev already has said excuse to get girls into the mag,"
he would delay turning the Soviet Newman says.
sector of Berlin over to the East The other 56 pages (most ever)
German Communists if negotia- will be filled with stories like,
tions were underway by deadline "How to draw for Gargoyle"; a
time. takeoff on the Eisenhower Admin-
Diplomatic authorities familiar istration; "The Other Family of
with Macmillan's summit views Man" and much else.
said he believes such high level Gargoyle is still the same low
negotiations are the only way to price. Twenty-five cents. Cheap.
obtain reasonable concessions from Gargoyle salesmen will be every-
the Soviets. where. Watch out.


ME: Nehru Says
Elects Comiano President Mob Fights
d Now Endin!
x 'Hands Off' Policy
Dims Rebel Hopes
OfOusting Chines

-Daily-David Arnold
JUNIOR ELECTED-Joan Comiano, elected president of Assembly
Dormitory Council yesterday, is the first women in three years to
be elected during her sophomore year. The Martha Cook resident
will serve as presiding officer of Assembly Dormitory Council and
the Assembly Executive board.
High Court Puts Contracts
Under Federal Regulation,
WASHINGTON W - The Supreme Court, dividing 5-4, yester-
day put variable annuity contracts under Federal regulataion.
The Federal Securities and Exchange Commission, rather than
state insurance authorities, now will have a primary role in super-
vising these contracts.
Contracts Cause Controversy
Variable annuity contracts have been a matter of considerable
.controversy in recent years. Under them, payments to annuitants
are based in large measures onl
how well common stocks fare.
Unlike ordinary annuities, thereSoe
is no guarantee of aixed nmer S v ts F n
States, Government Dispute
There has been a hot disputee tr acfc
over whether state or federal
authorities should have jurisdic-
tion to regulate companies sell-
ing them
Secrities dealers have urged WASHINGTON (A) -The Rus-
federal regulations. State insur- sians have turned up the first
ance authorities have been about positive evidence of a continental
equally divided as to whether to land mass beneath the great ice
allowdthe sale of such contracts, expanse of Antarctica, United
Under various Federal laws, in- States scientists reported today.
cluding the Securities Act of 1933 The evidence was found, they
and the Investment Company Act said, in the eastern half of the
of 1940, regulation of insurance 51/2 million square mile expanse of
companies, including annuity con- the Antarctic--the half where the
tracts, is left to state authoirties. Russians alone have bases far
No True Risk While the presence of a broad,
Justice Douglas, a former mem- continuous land mass has been
ber of the Securities and Exchange suspected, findings in other areas
Commission spoke for the majority by other countries have been
yesterday. Douglas said that under limited to discovery of mountain
variable annuity contracts "there peaks and less extensive land areas
is no true underwriting risk, the which could have indicated islands
one landmark of insurance as it rather than a continental land,
has been commonly been conceived mass.
in popular understanding and us- Dr. Harry Wexler and Morton
age. J. Rubin of the United States'
Justice Harlan, who spoke for Weather Bureau reported the Rus-
the dlssenter, said he found noth- sian accomplishment at a news
ing in the Securities Act or the conference.
Holding Company Act to indicate They said the "positive" evidence;
any departure from the traditional of a continent had been found by
federal "hands off" policy respect- the Russians during a long, over-
ing insurance regulations. 'ice trek made in the latter part

NEW DELHI (P)-Prime Minis-
ter Jawaharlal Nehru told Parlia..
ment yesterday India is keeping
hands off the anti-Communist re-
volt in Tibet and that fighting be-
tween the Red Chinese and street
mobs apparently has died down in
Ihasa, the capital,
His statement apparently de-
molished one of the last hopes of
sthe Tibetan rebels.
Jyalo Thondup III, one of four
brothers of the Dala Lama, spIrit4
ual ruler of the lofty Himalayan
nation, toldreporters at Darjeel-
ing, near the Tibetan border, "theq.
only hope of Tibetansrnow is that
India and the free world will act." p
To Petition Nehru
Representatives of Tibetan re-
fugees met at Kalimpong, also on
the border, and decided to seek to
send a delegation to Prime Minis-
ter Nehru to ask him to use his
moral influence with Red China to
stop fighting.
Prime Minister Nehru said,
however, that "this is a difficult
and delicate situation and We
should avoid doing anything which
will worsen it. We have no inten-
tion of interfering in the internal
affairs of China, with whom we
have friendly relations."
India always has had close
trade, cultural and religious rela-
tions with Tibet, but since a Red
Chinese army seized Tibet in 1950
Prime Minister Nehru has gone
to lengths to avoid offending the
Peiping government.
Revolt Reported Earlier
At the same time, the genera!
opinion herewas that a Tibetan
appeal to the United Nations
would have ;no effect, since Red
China, is not a member of the UN
The Tibetans appealed to the UN'
in 1950 without results.
Sporadic revolt has been 're'
ported from the isolated Buddhist
country for the last three years,
and is reported to have flared into
more serious proportions last sum-
men when Khampa tribesmen' Ainy
the southeast began a guerrilla re-
Prime Minister Nehru, in his
statement yesterday, gave one of
the few official accounts of revolt,
however. He said a battle between
the Red Chinese and a Tibetan
mob in Lhasa broke out last Fri-
day near the Indian consulate as
a result of rumors that the Chinese
were planning to kidnap the Dala
Lama, who is considered a rein-
carnation of Buddha,
In the shooting, the consulate
was hit by about 60 bullets, Indian
government sources said, but none
of the staff of about 30 was hurt.
Prime, Minister Nehru said a
crowd had visited the consulate
about two weeks ago as a result
of the rumors concerning the
safety of the 25-year-old Lama,
and another group of Tibetan
women had asked the consul, to
present demands to the Red Chi-
nese authorities.
Ready To Give,.
Arms to I
Britam Says
ish goyernment was reported yes-
terday to be prepared to supply
arms to the Iraqi gvernment of
Gen. Abdel Karim Kassem in' an
evident move to try to limit the ..:
spread of Soviet influence in Iraq.
Diplomatic informants said
Britain had discussed its inten-
tions with the United States some
time ago. But the arrangement
presumably was reviewed -by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Prime Minister Harold Mac-

Ike Asks States To Raise
WASHINGTON (:)--President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
renewed a bid he made five years ago that the states raise the amount
and duration of unemployment insurance benefits.
President Eisenhower made the plea at a meeting with an eight-
governor executive committee of the Governors' Conference. He re-
iterated his opposition to improving the jobless aid program by
Federal legislation as advocated by4>
some Democrats in Congress.E
The attending governors agreed THE NEW LIFE'
it was a state problem.
Describe Consensus"
In a statement which they de- agid
scribed as a consensus of their own
views, the governors said: ..
"We believe that the states
should exercise their responsibility f{¢
in this field consistent with their-
respective need without imposition .
of federal standards governing
eligibility, duration or the amount -
of benefits.
We favor adequate federal ad-
vances to meet emergencies where.
the problems of unemployment are
beyond the ability of the affected
state governments.
Ike Urges Increased
Secretary of Labor James P.<
Mitchell said President Eisenhower.

doff, Audience Rediscover America

LANSING (M - Word circulat-
ed in the Legislature last night
that organized veterans will
crowd the House galleries Tues-
day on the big vote for mortgag-
ing the Veterans Trust Fund.
A third attempt to pass the
package of four mortgage bills,
backed by Governor G. Mennen
Williams, was set late last week
after supporters failed by only
two votes to push them through
the House.
Republican and Democratic

Last night professional lecturer
Nila Magidoff and a crew of 150
spectators rediscovered America,
the country of "the new life."
A naturalized American and a
native of Russian, Mrs. Magidoff
captivated her audience with tales
from her childhood in the Soviet,
Union to the discovery of "her
"This is a beautiful life. Here
everyone comes looking for new
life, new food, new bread and the

"My dress was made by my ing fellow in the Slavic languages
momma from curtains, my shoes department.
from rope, not leather. And you Gives Impressions
know what - I saw the same And these were her impressions
things lately in 'Vogue' - very of America:
Becomes Sailor Living conditions - "When I
I "Iwaned o trvelandseecame to America, all I wanted to
"I wanted to travel and see see was bathrooms and kitchens."
everything with my own eyes. So seabtrospandrkitchen
I fooled Stalin and everyone else. American newspapers - In
I became a sailor third class and papers I was a Russian princess,
got my chance to see how people Ias Mrs. Molotov. I was tall,
lived outside of Russia," 'she re- small, short, thin."
called. Freedom of speech-There, are
"My first contaet (and she hit so many possibilities to speak in

of 1958 from their man base at
Mirny on the Knox Copst of the
"Pole of relative inaccessibility"-
a point about 1,400 miles inland
from Mirny.
Using dynamite charges, the
Russians made seismic sounding
about every 30 to 50 miles along
the route. The explosions were em-
ployed to send sound-waves down
through the covering ice and pickt
up echoes from underlying land.
Con gress Sets,
Fiscal Inquiry' 7
WASHINGTON t') - Congresst
yesterday speedily approved ar
$200,000 investigation of govern-F
ment econnmic nnlicies h the

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