see page 4
Sixy-EghtYears of Editorial Freedom
:43 a tt
VOL. LXIX, No. 124
U.S., Britain
To Request
Ask Summit Meeting
To Relax Tensions
GETTYSBURG (-) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Brit-
ain's Prime Minister Harold Mac-
millan agreed yesterday to call
for a summit conference this
summer as the best way to ease
East-West war tensions over Ber-
Report Chinese,
Battling over Dalai Lam
The two Western leaders, meet-
ing for the second day at Eisen-
bower's Camp David Lodge in the
Maryland mountains, worked out
a compromise formula which ap-
parently resolved their differences
on the summit issue.
Authoritative officials said it
1) A Big Four foreign ministers
meeting starting May 11, prob-
ably in Geneva, to begin the task
*of negotiating with Russia on the
Berlin crisis, Germany and dis-
Summer Talk To Follow
2) A follow-up summit confer-
ence of the kind Russia's Premier
Nikita Khrushchev has been de-
manding - either in July or Aug-
ust. No definite date or site was
United States and British con-
ferdnce spokesmen refused to
spell out what conditions, if any,
President Eisenhower and Mac-
millan set in their offer to meet
with Khrushchev.
The Eisenhower - Macmillan
formula, agreed on in a two-hour
morning meeting, was put into
the draft of notes the two men
favor sending to Russia within
the next few days.
Send Offer to Paris
The exact language of the offer
was cabled immediately to Paris
and Bonn for the hoped-for
approval of French President
Charles de Gaulle and West Ger-
man Chancellor Konrad Ade-
Macmillan was reported by
British informants to be gratified
at the compromise reached with
President Eisenhower. He has
been urging an unconditional of-
fer to meet with Khrushchev in
the belief that only such high
level talks can settle current
* problems.
White House Press Secretary
James C: Hagerty refused to say
whether President Eisenhower
had softened the conditions he
has called for in the past-main-
ly that a prior foreign ministers
meeting must make some progress
toward settling specific disputes
before he would agree to a top
level meeting.
A formal announcement by
Hagerty and British spokesman
Peter Hope , emphasized British-
American unity and said little
about this past troublesome issue.
West Drafts
Note to USSR
PARIS (M) - A Western four-
power group drafting a reply to
the Soviet Union's latest note is
reported to have worked out sev-
eral compromise formulas for dis-
cussion by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan.
The four-power group, which
has been holding its sessions here,
disbanded yesterday.
There was no formal announce-
ment on whether any final agree.
ment had been reached on replies
by the United States, France, Bri-
tain and West Germany to the
Russian note of March 2 agreeing
to a foreign ministers' meeting
.if the West declines a summit
Informed sources said the four
or five compromise formulas al-
ready had been cleared with
French President Charles de
Gaulle and West German Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer.
Presumably any changes in the
Eisenhower-Macmillan agreement
needed to suit de Gaulle and Ade-
nauer could, be handled by diplo-
matic consultants.
An account of the Eisenhower-
Macmillan agreement already has
been cabled to them.
The compromise formulas
Y worked out here revolve around
wnrding the nronn.l for a summit
WASTED SPACE - The basement of the physics building is an example of wasted space that
could be utilized for laboratories and research facilities. Such conditions as these have prompted,
dissatisfaction among faculties throughout the country.
Scientists Cite Poor Facilities
f j
Wayne State University's phys-
ics department chairman, Prof.
Earl E. Thomas, resigned recently
because of alleged "inadequate fi-
nancial support for research fa-
Prof. Thomas blamed his resig-
nation on "a failure of high offi-
cials of the university to appre-
ciate what has to be done to de-
velop natural science at Wayne."
He explained ,that by "high of-
ficials" he meant "vice-president
and up."
The physicist described
Wayne's policy as being concerned
mainly with teaching the student
"proper values, so society can sur-
vive." This philosophy he termed
"laudable but unrealistic."
Cites Dissatisfaction
Listing his areas of disagree-
ment with the Wayne administra-
tion, Prof. Thomas named the
university's unwillingness to pro-
vide enough amoney, facilities,
manpower and effort for teaching
the natural sciences.
The Wayne professor's remarks
came on the heels of a similar
complaint voiced by a noted Uni-
versity scientist here recently.
Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson,' chair-
man of. heaeronautical and as-
tronautical engineering depart-
ment, said a lack of money may
Space Race
WASHINGTON (M) - A special
Senate search for evidence of
wasteful rivalry and duplication
in the nation's mushrooming
space and missiles program will
open Tuesday.
Rivalry, between separate mili-
tary and civilian space organiza-
tions may provide initial fire-
works at hearings called by Sefti.
Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) .
T. Keith Glennan, administra
tor of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration set up
by Congress to direct civilian
space efforts, will be the opening
witness at public hearings.
Glennan has indicated unhap-
piness over rejection of his bid
to take over the bulk of the ex-
perienced space, missile and
rocket teams'from the Army bal-
'listic missile agency at Hunts-
ville, Ala.,
result in a high turnover of fac-
ulty and has already caused a se-
vere shortage of needed labora-
tory space.
Blames State, Not 'U'
But Prof. Nelson blamed the
state instead of the University
administration for the lack of
needed funds.
"Lack of money from the state,
because people in high spots can-
not solve the state's financial
problems, have resulted in a se-
vere shortage of space here," he
Because of the University's lack
of facilities, Prof. Nelson said,
federal contracts are being turned
down. He said such a practice
might lead to filling the depart-
ment with "second, third, and
fourth-rate men" because of an
accelerated personnel turnover.
He added present facilities are not
sufficient now to accept all the
government contracts and to ex-
pand the program.
Cites Lack of Interest
Commenting on the Wayne pro-
fessor's remarks about science
curriculum, Prof. Marston Bates
of the zoology department said
there is a general "lack of inter-
est in science on the, part of the,
student body."
'Prof. Bates said, "The fault lies
generally with the science depart-
ments at the various universities.
Today's general science course is
designed around the theory that
students ought to know the con-
tent of knowledge-this has made
this type of course pretty clear
cut and dried," he said.
Prof. Bates also blamed the
professors' crowded schedule for
the lack of interest in science.
Students Avoid Science
"The professor is expected to
carry out research, maintain a
certain professional prestige and{
also teach," he said.
As a result, he said, most col-'
lege students avoid the rigorous
study of science for the "lusher
pastures of literature." s
A University vice-president
here also called attention to the
future of science at the Univer-
Calling "competitive pressures"
on scientists here more intensive
than any other area at the Uni-
versity, Marvin L. Niehuss, vice-
president and dean of faculties,
blamed the situation on a lack of
adequate laboratory and office
"You can go over to the botany
and zoology departments and find
people who need space . .. if they
don't find it here ,they will go
elsewhere," he said.
Niehuss agreed with Prof. Nel-
son on the lack of office and lab-
oratory space, calling it "the most
pressing need at the moment."
He listed the proposed Univer-
sity Institute of Science and
Technology as "an important
move to alleviate the lack of ade-
quate space facilities."
Institute Focal Point
The Science Institute would
serve as a focal ;point to retain
and recruit an adequate science
staff, Niehuss said.
The University Institute of
Science and Technology is now
contained in Gov. G. Mennen
Williams' package program for
bolstering the state's lagging
it is set to go before the Legis-
lature sometime during the spring
as part of the University's budget
IF C -k
Acting officers of Interfraternity
Council appointed nine committee
chairmen yesterday.
Selected were Gary Slaughter,
'61, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, alumni;
James Ryan, '61, Delta Tau Delta,
fraternity relations; Melvin Rosen,
'61, Tau -Delta Phi, fraternity
service; William Carmell, '61, Al-
pha Epsilon Pi, office.
Wallace Sagendorph, '61, Delta
Upsilon, personnel; John Rich-
ards, 161E, Sigma Phi, publica-
tions; Howard Mueller, '61E, Phi
Gamma Delta, rushing; Jon Trost,
'61, Sigma Chi, scholarship; Don-
ald Linker, '61, Zeta Beta Tau,
Arab Rulers
Lose Power
To Nasser
BEIRUT . - Seven Arab rul-
ers who dared to stand against
President Gamal Abdel Nasser's
dream of empire have been shorn
of power in less than two years.
Now Premier Abdel Karim Kas-
sem of Iraq has been marked for
Always before, Nasser's well-
oiled, highly efficient propaganda
machine has handled the job,
with Nasser taking a personal
hand when needed.
Nasser Leads Assault
This time Nasser has staked his
formidable reputation by person-
ally leading the assault on Kas-
Whether Kassem can stand up
against Nasser, heretofore the un-
disputed idol of the Arab masses,
remains to be seen. The conflict
may well turn into a test of
strength for Arab leadership.
'It is ironic that Nasser's No. 1
target at the moment was the
man who wiped out three of the
United Arab Republic president's
major enemies in one coup last
summer in Iraq.
But Kassem then cautiously
drew away from; Nasser's all-
embracing Arab nationalism andj
swung to the left. Nasser backers
in Iraq were shunted aside or
arrested. Arab communists in
Iraq rose in influence.f
Accuses Kassem
Now Nasser, in a series of
speeches in Damascus, has ac-
cused Kassei of a long list of
sins - heresy, murder and open-
ing Iraq to the Communists.
If it is possible to judge by Nas-
ser's past successes, the odds
against Kassem are high.
Before Kassem, eight Arab rul-
ers challenged Nasser. Only one--
young King Hussein of Jordan--
still has all his powers. He had
to call for the help of British
troops last summer, however, and
since then Nasser's quarrel with
Iraq has forced him to draw clos-
er to Jordan.
Of the others, some came to
horrible ends. The lucky ones only
lost their jobs, sought voluntary
exile or were stripped of power.
President Camille Chamoun of
Lebanon, one of the unlucky ones,
was knocked out of a second term
by a summer long rebellion. He
perhaps lasted out his first term
only because United States troops1
rlanded in Beirut.9
SGC Votes To Appoint
Member to Vacant Seat
Student Government Council yesterday voted to fill by appoint-
ment the vacancy created by its refusal to seat Mike Fishman, '60.
The Council also turned down a motion made by Tom Patterson,
'60, Union president, to reconsider the action taken against Fishman
Meeting for the last time, the 1958-59 fall Council then voted to
seat th9 six newly elected members certified by the credentials com-
mittee report.
Replace Goldman, Wise, Merrill, Chrysler
John Feldkamp, '61, Phil Zook, '60, and John Quinn, '62, replaced
the retiring Council President Maynard Goldman, '59, Executive Vice-
president Mort Wise, '59, Fred"'
Merrill, '60, and Scott Chrysler,
'59BAd. The remaining seat will
be filled shortly. Goldman said.
Jo Hardee, '60, David Kessel,
Grad., and Roger Seasonwein,
'61, were re-elected to the Council. Seek M ore
In response to a request by Gold-
man, Miss Hardee announced thatJ's
she was running for the office of
Council president. Al Haber, '60,
and Ron Bassey, '60, also an-
nounced their intention to run for WASHINGTON (A')-President
the offices of executive vice-presi- Dwight D. Eisenhower is standing
dent and administrative vice-pres- firm against Democratic assaults
ident, respectively, on his budget, Sen. Everett Dirk-
Election Next Meeting sen (R-Ill.) said yesterday.-
Dirksen, the Senate Republican
Election of SGC officers will be leader, said the administration will
the first order of business at the fight down the line against a pro-
Council's next meeting, posed 15-month extension of a
In the debate on the motion to temporary federal jobless aid pro-
"The administration will accept
Say Fighting
In Gyanise, h
Lhasa RaeRes
Radio Contact Fails
In Eight Days of War;-
Tibet To Seek Aid
NEW DELHI (P)-Unofficial
Tibetan sources yesterday reported
large scale fighting at Lhasa be-
tween Chinese Communist troops
and supeorters of the Dalai Lama.
They said also that a big up-
rising had occurred at Gyantse,
an important trading center 100
miles southwest of Lhasa.
But Indian government officials
said they had no fresh official
word on the situation in the Tibe-
tan capital, or elsewhere in that
isolated, Chinese-occupied coun
Reports from Darjeeling
The unofficial reports came from
the border town of Darjeeling,
where Tibetan sources said fight-
ing has been going on in Lhasa
for the past eight days.
The informants said a Tibetan
delegation would visit New Delhi
soon to ask Prime Minister Jawa-
harlal Nehru to intervene as a
mediator in the "disput with Pel
ping. Indian officials said they had
no knowledge of such a mission.
A radio report from the Indian
consulate in Lhasa late Friday
night said: "Fighting in the im-
mediate vicinity of consulate. Sit-
uation tense and rising."
Extent of Fighting Unknown
It came from Maj. S. Chibber,
who has been in charge of the
Indian consulate since 1956.
But the radio later fell silent
and it appeared yesterday that
this slender communications link
with Lhasa may have been.,cut off
in the fighting.
Indian sources stressed there
was no way of judging the extent
of the conflict, which has been .
threatened sporadically ever since
the Communists moved i to Tibet
eight years ago.
Fear Lama Removal
The only new reports came from.
Darjeeling in the Himalayan foot-
hills. Tibetan Informants there
said the fighting stemmed from-
fears by Tibet's 1,300,000 Bud-
dhists that the Communist Chi-
nese occupiers were trying to re-
move the Dalai Lama, 23-year-old
A correspo dent for the Cal-
cutta Morning Statesman quoted
usually reliable sources as saying
the commander of the Chinese
forces invited the Dalai Lama to
attend a banquet at military head-
The informants said th com-
mander specified that the Dala
Lama must come unescorted by
members of his 5000-man per-
sonal bodyguard. This gave rise
to fears among Tibetans that the
Chinese Communists might kidnap
the young spiritual and political
. . . retiring president,
Moscow, Iraqi Crowds Attack
Nasser's Arab Nationalism
By The Associated Press'
LONDON - Radio Moscow last night accused the United Arab
Republic of launching a savage and hysterical campaign against
It compared the policy of President Gamal Abdel Nasser's regime
to the actions of Hitler and Mussolini.
It warned also that Israel and the "imperialist" nations know the
Anti-Communist drive will weaken Arab unity "and are waiting to
seize their opportunity to resume
the attack on the Arabs."
reconsider Patterson's motion,
Fishman revealed that the "mys-
terious" Council member who ;had
advised him to list only $25 on his
expense account had been Chrys-
Chrysler then explained that his
statement had been offered in an
informal way, under the very try-
ing and confused circumstances of
Count Night at the Union. He said
that neither he nor Fishman was
exactly sure what had been said.
Concerning the method to be'
used in filling the vacant seat,
Goldman reported that he had
contacted Professors Arthur Brom-
age and Samuel Eldersveld of the
political science department.
They told Goldman that the
customary procedure in such cases
was for the Council to appoint the
new member, for those candidates
elected had been duly elected, and
those defeated duly so. To change
this situation, they felt, would
constitute tampering with the
electoral process.
the bill as it passed the House but
it will fight any longer extension,"
Dirksen said. "If there is any
lengthy argument in the Senate
over the 15-month proposal, it may
jeopardize any extension of the
The House-passed measure pro-
vides for a three-month extension
beyond March 31 of emergency
unemployment compensation pay-
It would not authorize such
emergency payments to those who
lose their jobs after March 31. It
would. cost an estimated 78 million
Chairman Harry F. Byrd (D-
Va.) of the Senate Finance Com-
mittee has called for Senate action
on the bill before an Easter recess
scheduled to begin late this week.
Eighteen Democratic senators,
who claim to have the support of
Democratic leader Lyndon B.
Johnson of Texas, are seeking to
broaden the program.
World News
By The Associated' Press
CONCORD -- Senator Estes K~e-
fauver (D-Tenn.) bowed out of
New Hampshire's 1960 presidential
primary picture yesterday.
Some of his leading backers here.
promptly threw their support to
Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.).
"My only plan for 1960 is to run-
for reelection to the Senate," Ke-
fauver said.
* .
JEAN RABEL, Haiti - Famine
is affecting some 45,000 people in
this and two adjoining districts
along the rim of northwest Haiti.
A member of the Catholic Youth
Organization, which conducted a
house-to-house survey, estimated
that famine has caused 200 deaths
in the coastal region.
MARION, Va. - Virginia will
summon every "legal, honorable,
and peaceful means" in continuing
to resist racial integration in the
public schools, Atty. Gen. Albertis
S. Harrison said last night.
"Virginia has no idea of volun-
tarily surrendering one single right
that was not delegated to the fed-
eral government," Harrison told
Smyth County Democrats in a
speech prepared for a Jefferson-
Jackson Day dinner.
Group To Hold
Open House
-1 7 7 "1 1
Hold Open Houses
* * *
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Laughing,
shouting crowds demonstrated
wildly yesterday in support of
Premier Abdel Karim Kassem.
They also 'chanted, "Today is
the day of the tree, and Gamal
(President Gamal Abdel Nasser
of the United Arab Republic) is
ground under our shoes."
The words "tree" and "shoes"
rhyme in Arabic.
The occasion was a ceremonial
planting of a pine tree on the
first day of spring in July the
14th Park. It was a continuation
of a traditional Iraqi ceremony
over which King Faisal presided
before last July's revolt in which
the King lost his life.
Dean To Speak
TX - ..
BIaby, It's (Lold I)utstcte'
Florida Base
Fires Rocket
powerful Thor, the Air Force's
double-barreled war rocket anc
satellite missile, fired aloft last
night on the start of a long range
flight test.
It was blast-off No. 35 for the
workhorse intermediate range
ballistic missile and its second
launching appearance in 20 hours
Yesterday morning an 80-fool
Thor-Able . blasted 5,000 niles
down range, carrying an ICBMy
nose cone of the future, but the
Air Force ran into trouble trying
to recover the elusive package
from the Atlantic.
Last night, however, the Thr
was performing on its own as it
struggled skyward with a roar al
7:58 EST.
The mission was a flight tesi
close to full range aimed at im-
proving the reliability of the 65-
foot Douglas-built rocket which
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