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March 03, 1959 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-03

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Orchestra To Present
Eighth Concert in Series

Howard Mitchell will conduct
the National Symphony Orches-
tra in the eighth concert of the
University's Choral Union Series
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
The program for the evening
will include. "Leonore Overture,
No. 3" by Beethoven; "Sheep May
Safely Graze" by Bach-Walton;
excerpts from Stravinsky's "Pe-
rrouchka;" and Sibelius' "Sym-
phony No. 1 in E minor."
Before the National Symphony
Orchestra was founded in 1931,
Washington had been the only
major capital city of the Western
world that did not have its own
orchestra. ,
Hans Kindler, renowned Dutch
cellist, became the orchestra's
first conductor, and led the or-
chestra to fame with one of its
most popular projects, the sum-
mer Watergate Concerts.
The Watergate site, part of the
Lincoln Memorial area, was ori-
ginally planned to serve as the
ceremonial entranceway to the
city by water, but had never been
used for this purpose. With the
audience seated on the steps and
the orchestra on a barge on the
Potomac River, the Watergate
Concerts were played'to capacity
crowds in this picturesque out-
door concert setting.
The concerts were discontinued,
however, in 1950, when increas-
ing highway and air traffic noise
led to their abandonment.
Mitchell began working with
the orchestra as conductor of its
.hildren's concerts. He was ap-
pointed associate conductor in
1948, and upon Kindler's resigna-
tion in 1949, became the per-
Amanent conductor.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is a partial text of the report present-
ed by the Natural Science Study
Committee to the Curriculum Com-
mittee of the literary college.)
Summary of objectives, ob-
stacles and deficiencies of the
present distribution program':
The objectives of the Science
Distribution Program are:
1. To increase an understanding
of science by the non-scientist;
2. To improve the attitudes
toward science, and
3. To recruit an adequate sup-
ply of qualified scientists.
Meet Obstacles
The obstacles of effectively
meeting the objectives are:
1. The low importance placed
on- teaching science to the non-
scientists by the professional sci-
2. The dual position of the
teaching fellow in the distribution
course and in the graduate pro-
fessional program, which de-


. to conduct


MAKING!" "Sly, droll,
extraordinarily effective,
- Beckley, Her. Trib.
A sublime sense of fun!
Tati - a master!"
-Nw York Film Critos' Awcrd
is Eastman COLOR

Forwards Suggestiom

SGC Presents Discussions
On Cuba's Political Future.-
with corpses," she reported. "They
The Cuban revolution began in did things you would never dream
the University of Havana, Raquel would be done to a human being."
Marrero, '59Ed., explained at the Criticizes U.S.
Student Government Council sem- Miss Marrero also criticized the
miar Sunday. United States for aiding Batista's
Miss Marrero, Abelardo Beaz regime. Commenting on the claim
and Ernesto 'talle, native Cubans, made by the United States that
were guests of the group. The topic they must recognize the existing
for the discussion was "Cuba: Dic- ghernmet secite the "disfer-
tatorship or Democracy?,, government, she cited the "differ-
tatoshi orDemcray?"ence in recognizing 'the, govern-
Giving the history leading to ment and helping a dictatorship."
Fidel Castro's revolution, Miss Asked about the charges of Cas-
Marrero said that Batista began tro's Communistic sympathies,
his seven-year reign by "first seiz- Miss Marrero explained that,
ing property and taking govern- Batista, "who bragged he was a
ment funds which he invested for self-made man," had no education
his personal use." and resented students. As a result,
Attempts Seizure he labeled Castro communistic to
On July 26, 1956, Castro, a grad- put him in an unfavorable light.
uate law student from the Univer- Philip Gladstone, 'one of the
sity of Havana, tried to seize a fort participants, commented that the
on the island and gain the support United *States, allegedly supplying
of the soldiers. A "completely des- arms to Batista, "supports every
perate" attempt, he had only 82 decadent government in the world
men and was taken prisoner for a to protect its capital investments."
year. Cites Investments
A policy of torture to his politi- Agreeing, Miss Marrero cited the
cal enemies was inaugurated by large sugar investments as exam-
Batista, she said. "Anybody op- ples. "There is a big difference
posed to the government would be when the Republicans and Demo-
either tortured or killed." crats are in office," she explained.
When he was released from "Everybody in Cuba was praying
prison, Castro landed in Eastern for Stevenson."
Cuba with a small force of men Beaz, who explained the present
for another attempt at control. He constitutional government, noted
was again defeated and escaped that it was "just provisional, with
into the mountains with only two elected officials who will have con-
of his men. trol until "everything is normal."
Farmers Help Hey compared Castro to a prime
"Here he began to get help from minister, who will "definitely not
the farmers. Slowly more and more run for president" in the general
people joined him," she added, ex- election scheduled for two years.
plaining that Batista closed the Explains Policies.
University of Havana at about the Explaining Castro's policies, Beaz
same time because he feared fur- said he plans to industrialize Cuba
ther student participation in the in the near future. He also praised
revolt. In spite of this, however, governmental control over gam-
many students fought in the un- bling, comparing the situation in
derground movement. Batista's regime when "everyone
In March, a group of students could go into the middle of the
attempted an attack on the presi- streets and gamble anytime they
dential palace. The president of wanted."
the student body was killed and In answer to a question about
"let bleed in the streets," Miss the mass executions recently held,
Marrero noted. "The vice-presi- Miss Marrero said they were neces-
dent was also killed by the police sary to "save people from mob
while he was hiding in an apart- ! slaughter."
ment with three other students," "If you had a father or sister
she added, killed by one of these men, it is
"Now the whole country was hard to forgive. People just
completely against Batista," she wouldn't believe they were dead,"
said, adding that the upper classes she added.
were with his regime because of Asked if Castro would shave his
the lower taxes. At this time the beard, since the revolution is over,
dictator "took revenge on the she said it was a "symbol" of Cu-
farmers. He said he killed rebels, ban freedom. "Besides," she added,
but they were really just farmers." "I think he's quite good-looking
"The police stations were filled with a beard."

mands that there be an adequatet
number of students in the distri-
bution course to support an ade-t
quate professional graduate and"
research program.1
3. Present College admission re-e
quirements do not insure that we1
have students in our courses who
are capable of utilizing mathe-
matics concepts in the .natural
Cite Deficiencies
Deficiencies in the present pro-
gram are:
1. Less than five per cent of the
non-science students take distri-
bution courses in physics or,
chemistry, a broad area in the
significant knowledge of science.
2. In 'the science distribution
courses that do not also serve as
pre-professional courses for large
groups of students, the academic
level is set by competition for
number of students so that our
teaching fellows might have jobs.
3. Our present program leaves
much to be desired in producing
an understanding of science and
the need for experimentation and
s s * .,
The Natural Science Study
Committee proposes the following
revised plan for the Natural Sci-
ence Distribution Program, tied
to the necessary committments in
college admission policy:
Natural Science (14-16 hours);
-Four courses, at least one from
each of the following three
groups, and including a laboratory
sequence in one science:
I: Chemistry or physics.
II: Astronomy or geology.
III: Zoology or botany.
Laboratory Requirements
Three of the four courses elect-
ed must have a laboratory. Up to
eight hours of the distribution re-
quirement can be waived by ex-
amin tion in one or more sciences,
the level of passing being such
that the student could elect the
next course in sequence in the
The enrollment in the introduc-
Baroque Trio
To .perforkm
Handel's .Music
The University's Baroque Trio
will perform in a public concert
devoted to the music of George
Frederic Handel at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Prof. Florin Mueller, oboe,
Prof. Marilyn Mason Brown, harp-
sichord, and Prof. Nelson Hauen-
stein, flute, of the music school
faculty, are the members of the
group. They will be assisted by
Elizabeth Grotegut, Grad. SM.,
soprano, and Harry Dunscombe,
Grad. SM., cello.
The program will open with
"Trio Sona a in D minor;" "So-
nata in B fl t for Oboe and Harp-
sichord;" nd "Chaconne con
Variazioni for Harpsichord."
After the intermission, the con-
cert will resume with "Sonata in
G for Flute and Harpsichord;"
Aria, "Flammende Rose;" and
"Trio Sonata in G minor." Reci-
tativo and Aria, "Un' Alma In-
namorata;" and Recitativo and
Aria, "Languia de Bocca Lusing-
hiera," will also be played.
NSF Awards
Grant to Kish
The National Science Founda-
tion has awarded a grant of $18,-
000 to Prof. Leslie Kish of the
sociology department.
The funds will support basic
research for a period of two years
on "analytical statistics for com-
plex samples."

Prof. Kish noted that the grant
will assist work in a very im-
portant problem area in the so-
cial sciences.
A great deal of social scientific
research is done by means of
complex samples of data, Prof.
Kish noted. This is because the
distribution of the population is
rather complex.
Research data are often col-
lected by means of complex
sample designs, which correspond
to the complexities of the distri-
bution of the population.
Prof. Kish explained' that the
investigation will deal with the
approximate formulae which are
based on the actual complexities
of useful sample designs.
"The purpose of this research
is to design some relatively simple
methods for computing these sta-
tistics in such a way that the as-
sumptions of simple random
sample will not be central to it."

tory laboratory courses in each I
group is to be equally divided be-
tween each science in the group.
This is done by restricting- the
number of laboratory sections in
each science to accommodate one
half the anticipated enrollment
in the group.
The proposal in essence is the
present distribution program, to
a) The number of courses in
the natural sciences is increased
from three to four.
b) The number of prescribed
laboratory courses is increased
from two (the sequence) to three
(the introductory course in each
group.) ,
Hold Meeting
The first post-graduate course in
pediatrics, sponsored by the Amer-
ican Academy of Pediatrics, held
its first meeting yesterday at the
Medical Center.
The meeting will continue
through Thursday. About 75 speci-
alists in pediatrics from through-
out the country have assembled for
the course, which is dealing with
problems of the newborn and
children's disease and psychiatric
Two visiting faculty members
will also appear on the program.
Prof. Warren E. Wheeler of Ohio
State University's Medical School,
and Dr. Fredrick C. Robbins, direc-
tor of the Department of Pedi-
atrics and Contagious Diseases at
the Cleveland City Hospital.

DIAL NO 2-3136


c0 Promotes upgrading of
natural sciences is prescribed, in-
cluding the chemistry and physics
d) Credit for part of the distri-
bution requirement may be
waived by examination.
Plan's Accomplishments
The major accomplishments of
this plan are' that it:
a) Exposes all students to
physics or chemistry; it provides
exposure to all areas of natural
b) Eliminates competition for r
students ;
c) Promotes upgraduing of
courses by elimination of this
competition, by recognizing su-
perior high school training in
sciences, and by requiring mini-
mal prdficiency requirements in
mathematics for admissions to
the college. In other words, the
plan permits accomplishing the
objectives of the science distribu-
tion program.
The plan does not accommodate
interdisciplinary courses in the
history and philosophy of science
(except as now satisfy distribu-
tion requirements) but the com-
mittee feels strongly that it
should first strengthen the sci-
ence education of the non-
scientist both in the college and
in the high school before advocat-
ing an interdisciplinary program.
When, by means of examination
waiver, most students are taking
only 12 hours in college courses to
satisfy the science distribution
requirements, the program may
then be made to complete the tie
between natural science and so-
cial sciences by requiring history
and philosophy of science courses.
DIAL NO 2-2513


me IMRTl
hBeN iABrd Shriffcto f J
"The Sheriff of
Fractured Jw"






Bell, Book
and Candle"


presented k
on MARCH 5, 6, 7, at 8:00
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Box Office Opens March 2-7, 10-4 P.M.
NO 8-6300





arfUtof N//me TRAVELOGUE


"The Seine at Night" . . . . THOMSON Paganiniana, Op. 65 . . . . * CAsELLA
"'Power Among Men" . ,. . . THOMSON .. - I U -



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