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February 27, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-27

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MARY MARKLEY-Named for are alumnus, class of 192, this new dormitory holds 1,144 girls living.
in eight houses. The names of these houses are those of outstanding women alumni and teachers.
Or ginal Markley House Located
On Wash tenaw-Geddes Triangle'

Mary Markley Hall can trace its
history back to 1917.
"After Newberry Hall and Mar-
tha Cook had been erected, the,
Women of Michigan Alumnae,
wanted to do something for hous-
ing. In July, 1914, we met in Dean
Jordan's (former Dean of Wo-a
men) office to work out plans for
a cooperative housing unit," Mrs..
Leslie French, '02, a member of,
the committee, said.
In 1917 girls moved into the1
house that was the result of the1
vigorous campaign. It, was calleda
Alumnae House. '
Entertained Students
The Alumnae House girls were]
frequent guests of Mrs. Mary But-
ler Markley at her home on
Geddes Avenue. Mrs. Markley, ori-
ginally of New York, was a grad-
uate of '92.
She was elected to Phi Beta
Kappa when the society was es-
tablished on campus, and as a stu-
dent, helped found the Women's
The girls in the house voted
that therUniversity change the
name of Alumnae House to MaryE
Markley House, which was imple-
mented by the Regents in 1944.
The house, standing on the tri-
angle formed by Forest, Wash-1
tenaw and Geddes Avenues, be-
came toosmall for the University
to operate on a financial basis and
is now used for Engineering Re-l
Mrs. Markley left $5,000 on her
death in 1956 in a trust fund, the
income to be used for scholarships
for women students.
Retained Name
"When the University closed the
old Markley House, many of the
alumnae thought the name should
be retained, so we wrote to to
University," Mrs. French said. The
possessor of the name now stands
on Washington Heights and ac-
commodates approximately 1144
There are eight houses. within
Markley. One of these, Jordan
Hall, will return to the Mosher-
Jordan building next year. Two
more houses will be opened to take
its place.
Blagdon House was named for
Charlotte Alice Blagdon of Jack-
son, Michigan. Enrolled in the lit-
erary College in 1921, Miss Blag-
don was a member of Kappa Del-
ta, Pi Lambda Theta and Sigma
Delta Pi. As a junior she was
elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
She worked as one of the found-
ers of the Portia Literary Society,

being its first president. She was
also president of the Women's
Orma Fitch Butler was a stu-
dent and teacher of the classics,
rceeiving her AB here in '97, her
AM in '01 and her PhD. in '07.
She taught Latin and Greek in
colleges until 1912 when she re-
turned to the University as Asst.
-Prof. of Latin. She taught here 25
Mrs. Butler was secretary-
treasurer of the Alpha Chapter of
the Michigan Phi Beta Kappa for
many years and a member of sev-
eral professional organizations.
Elliott House is named for Lucy
Elvira Elliott, AB '03, AM '20. She
was Dean of Women at the Uni-
versity and a member of the Ex-
ecutive Committee of the National.
Association of Deans of Women.
Outstanding in the Michigan State
Teacher's Association, she was a
member fo Phi Beta. Kappa.
Active in League
Josephine Rankin Fisher, '10,
who gives her name to another
Markley house, served as president
of the Women's League during the
year 1910-1911. She was a mem-
ber of Chi Omega sorority and
Phi Beta Kappa. After college she
became a specialist in economics,
assisting professors at Yale and
HuntHouse is named for Miss
Nora Crane Hunt, '03. A gradu-
ate of the University's music
school, she taught voice in the
school ,for 38 years. She also di-
rected the University of Michigan
Girls' Glee Club for 20 years and
served as a director of the Pres-
byterian church choir.

Miss Hunt was one of the
founders of the National Chapter
of Sigma Alpha Iota, honorary
musical sorority, and an active
member of the Alumni Association
of the School of Music, holding the
offices of president and corre-
sponding secretary.
Named for Affiliatae
Another affiliated woman whose
name now denotes a residence
house for independent women is
Barbara Jane Little, '51. A mem-
ber of Tri Delta sorority, she par-
ticipated in Frosh Weekend, Soph-
omore Cabaret, Junior Girls' Play,
and was a member of the 'Ensian
She was one of the leaders. in
the establishment of Joint-
Judiciary Council, serving as pres-
ident of Women's Judic. Miss Little
served on the Executive Board of
the Women's Senate, Women's
League Council, the Student Af-
fairs Committee and the Board of
For Panhellenic, she was rush-
ing chairman and also a member
of Scroll honorary. She was killed
with the rest of her family in an
automobile accident in 1951 at the,
age of 22.
Betty Vaughn Thronson, '46,
graduated from the literary col-
lege with her AB degree and
teacher's certificate. A member of
Kappa Alpha Theta, she served
as vice-president and orientation
chairman of the League and as
vice-president of her senior class.
In 1946 she married Harley A.
Thronson, a former instructor at
the University. She died of can-
cer at the age of 29.

Dr. Loucks
To Discuss
As part of its celebration of
National Brotherhood Week, the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will
feature the Rev. Dr. Chester H.
Loucks of Ann Arbor at Sabbath
Services at 7:15 p.m. this evening.
Dr. Loucks will initiate a two-
week series in which he and a
Rabbi will offer their respective
positions of religious background
on the subject, "Judaism and
Christianity Re-examined in Light
of Brotherhood Week."
Minister of the First Baptist
Church and campus minister to
the American Baptist Convention,
Dr. Loucks is also a member of the
Board of Religious Conselors of the
The public is invited to this' serv-
ice and to Dr. Loucks' address, as
well as to the concluding lecture tol
be delivered next Friday by Rabbi
Sherwin T. Wine of Temple Beth
El, Detroit.
Dancing Group
To Hold Meeting,
Will Give Lessons
A mass meeting for those inter-
ested in joining social dancing
classes will be held at 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday in the League Ball-
room, Judy Humphrey, 161, of the
League Social Committee, said.
At the meeting, the days' on
which the classes will be held will
be arranged and registrations
made, Miss Humphrey said.
The eight-week courses for be-
ginners and intermediates will be
taught, she continued, by Josef
Eder, a professional instructor.
Women may take the courses free
of charge, Miss Humphry ex-
plained, with a slight registration
fee required of men.
Plans Bridge
A meeting for anyone interested
in taking bridge lessons will be
held at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the
League, Katy Johnson, '60, chair-
man of the League Social Commit-
tee, said.
Mrs. W. McLean, instructor of
the eight-week course, will explain
the details of the program, Miss
Johnson explained, and students
may sign up for the course at the
She said the League has spon-
sored bridge lessons for the past
several years.

Students who have a fluent
knowledge of Russian have an op-
portunity to serve as guides for the3
American National Exhibition thist
summer in Moscow.
The Exhibition will be held in
Solkolniki Park, Moscow, for six
weeks as a result of an agreement
between the United States and{
Soviet governments to exchange
exhibits accenting culture, tech-#
nology and science.
A Soviet fair will be held in the
New York Coliseum during the
The United States National Stu-
dent Association is seeking 60 to 75
guides with an ability to discuss
"fairly abstract ideas freely" for
the exhibit in Moscow. A pre-
requisite for prospective guides is
that they be "aware of current
international affairs and that they
be able to discuss American social,
political and economic issues.
Guides for the fair should be.
available from June 20 through

Students To Guide at Show
Accenting Science, Culture


Your Doctor's Prescriptions Filled
Precision Work


September 15. Transportation to
Moscow will be provided by the
Office of the American National
Exhibition in Moscow.
Guides will receive a small salary,
but will have to provide for their
own room and board expenses.
Students interested may obtain
application forms for. these posi-
tions by writing the International
Commission of the USNSA at 142
Mount Auburn St., Cambridge 38,
All applications and accompany-
ing documents must be received by
March 20.
Dublin to Iron Curtain; Africa to
Sweden. You're accompanied-not
herded. College age only. Also short
trips. $724-$1390
255 Sequoia (Box 4)-Pasadena, Cal.


.240 Nickels Arcade

Dial NO 2-9116



* -itE
-- to the
9-12 P.M.
Food - Dancing - Entertainment

I. 1




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