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February 24, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-24

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Rehearse 'Barber'

University Bands Display Traditions

MARCHING BAND-The University's marching band performs
regularly during halftimes throughout the football season. Its
precision both in formation and musically have earned the band a


campus participate in the band
activities. After music school, the
literary college ranks second in
numbers of students participating,
with the engineering college close
The other schools are not quite
so well represented, but almost all,
including the graduate schools,
have at least one student to carry
their banners, Prof. Cavender said.
The Marching Band, which is
all-male by tradition, numbered
175 this last season, in compari-
son to the 106 players in the Sym-
phony Band (with about 40 wo-
men) and the 80 musicians in the
Wolverine Band. In a typical sea-
son, one finds the Marching Band
walking over 28,000 man-miles,
Prof. Cavender said.
Announces Programs
Commenting on future attrac-
tions, Prof. Revelli said the Sym-
phony Band will have its next
concert the Annual Spring Con-
cert, on March 22, Palm Sunday,
when it will feature the m ~sic of
Prof. Revelli explained this is
the two-hundredth anniversary of
Handel's death, April 14, 1759, and
musical organizations all over the
country are featuring his work.
After this concert ,the Sym-
phony Band will go on its Spring
Tour from March 31 through
April. 5. The tour will include the
Report Fires
Cause Losses
Fires Sunday caused damage at
two fraternity houses-to flooring
at Zeta Psi, to clothes at Alpha
Tau Omega.
The Zeta Psi fire started from a
cigarette dropped into a hollow
second-floor bannister post, re-
ported Bob Carroll, '60 BAd.,
house president. Fraternity mem-
bers learned of the fire about 9:45
p.m. when part of the bannister
fell to the first floor.
Call Fire Department
They called the fire department
and practically extinguished the
blaze themselves, Caroll said. Fire-
men, when they arrived, punched
a hole in the third fire above the
fire to relieve heat accumulation.
Firemen said the flame had
burned two bannister posts and
scorched floor supports. In addi-
tion, Carroll said, there was slight
damage by water scorching to the
first-floor hall rug.
Fire in Ciloset
The ATO fire, discovered about
2 p.m., was confined to a third-
floor closet. It did "considerable"
damage to two members' clothes,
house president Bob Brown, '60
BAd., reported.
The fire might have started in
a wastebasket and spread to the
clothes, Brown said. Members
called the fire department and ex-
tinguished the fire themselves.
One house member got first-
degree burns on his hand while
trying to get clothes out of the

states of Illinois, Iowa, Indiaa,
and, Michigan.
On April 16 the Band will play
in combination with the Glee Club
at Ford Auditorium in Detroit for
alumni. Part of this program will
feature original work by promin-
ent contemporary American com-
On May 20 the Symphony Band
will hold an outdoor concert, on
June 12 they will play at Hill
Auditorium, and on June 13 they
will play for commencement.
Noted as "The Home of Michi-
gan Bands," Harris Hall is the 10-
cation of most of the practicing
of the bands. The Symphony Band
practices every weekday from 4:15
to 5:45 p.m. at Harris, while the
Wolverine Band practices Tues-
days, Wednesdays and Thursdays,
from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Give Awards
For playing in the Symphony
and Marching Bands, some out-
standing members are given fi-
nancial awards. These are baed
both on proficiency with instru-
ments and on dependability of the
student; in addition, attendance
at drills is weighed heavily, Prof.
Cavender said.
The bands travel extensively;
during various tours the Sym-
phony Band has played on both
coasts on its many travels around
the state and nation. The March
ing Band follows the football team
to some of its away games, Michi-
gan State and Northwestern being
visited this year.
Student organization within the
band is limited to administrative
posts. Paul Lehmeon, Grad., is the
student manager in charge of
personnel, while Acton Ostling,
Grad., is the copyist and ar-
ranger; Walter Chesnut, Grad,
heads the department of librarians
and Gerald Meyer, '59M, is the
equipment manager.
Has Honoraries
The music school has two hon.
orary organizations: Kappa Kap-
pa Psi, honorary men's fraternity,,
and Tau Beta Sigma, honorary
women's sorority.
There is a long tradition behind
the Bands of Michigan; their his-
tory starts in 1844, when the first
musical society was organized. It
was not until 1859, however, that
the Michigan Band was formed
by a group of interested students;
the University did not recognize
this Band until 1895 in action
taken by the Regents.
In 1898 the first uniforms were
provided for the band by the Ath-
letic Association, but seventeen
more years passed before the band
also received a permanent con-
ductor, Captain Wilfred Wilson.
Many Conductors Follow
Several conductors followed
Captain Wilson, all building musi-
cianship and membership (from
the original nine members) until,
in 1935, the present conductor,
Prof. William D. Revelli, assumed
leadership of the band.
Under his hand the bands have
increased to their present member-
ship of 360.
The amount of paperwork be-
hind the organization of the bands
is enormous, Prof. Revelli said. In
addition to the handbook each
member of the band receives upon
entry, members get schedules of
all the practices that will be held
during the season the respective
band is in existence, and all the
activities in which the band will
To prepare for a Saturday show,
the Marching Band requires over
1,200 pieces of music be copied and
distributed so it can take the field,
Prof. Revelli said. The formations
have to be drawn up, and each
member of the band must mem-
orize his movements. All this is
done in the seven and one-half
hours of practice per week at
Wines Field during the fall season,
Prof. Revelli explained.
Pride and a tradition of per-

fection are integral parts of the
Michigan Bands, the conductors
explained. This can be best
summed up in the words of a Uni-
versity graduate, who wrote the
following for "The Leaky Bugle,"
a band publication.
He said, ". . . contrary to all the
prided opinions we have of our-
selves in acclaiming the Michigan
.. Band the 'Best in the Land,'
we know there is one better band
that will be created by men in
their endless quest for perfection
-it is the Michigan .. . Band of
next year!"

OPERA REHEARSAL-Students in the music school and speech
department go into last minute preparations for, their production
of Rossini's comic opera "The Barber of Seville." Performances
will take place in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Wednesday through
Saturday evenings.

(Use of this column for an-
nouncements is available to offi-
cially recognized and registered or-
ganizations only. Organizations
planning to be active for this
semester must register by February
28. Forms available, 2011 Student
Activities Building.)
Closing Hour Student Activities: Stu-
dent Government Council has author-
ized an extended closing hour of 1 a.m.
for student-sponsored activities held on
the night of March 14.
Congregational and Disciples Guild
coffee break, Feb. 24, 4:30-6 p.m., Guild
Graduate Student Coffee Hour, Feb.
25, 4-5:30 p.m., Rackham Bldg., 2nd
floor, W. Lounge. All graduate students
invited. -
La Sociedad Hispanica, meeting, Feb.
Dublin to Iron Curtain; Africa to
Sweden. You're accompanied-not
herded. College age only. Also short
trips. $724-$1390
255 Sequoia (Box 4)-Pasadena, Cal.
DIAL 8-6416

25, 8 p.m., 3050 F. B. Slides and re-
freshments. Everyone welcome.
French Circle, meeting, Feb. 24, 3-
4:30 p.m., 3050 F. B.
Ullr Ski Club, meeting, Spring Vaca-
tion planning, Feb. 25, 7:30 p.m., Union,
Rm. 3-G.
Women's Rifle Club, meeting, regular
practice and National Intercollegiate
Matches to be shot, Feb. 24, 7 p.m.,
Young Republicans, Feb. 25, 7:30 p.m.
Union, Rm. 3B. Speaker: Hank Kerr.,
"Republican Irresponsibility in the
Legislature: Bludgeoning of Higher Ed-



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Mr. Robert Haklisch, Manager
College Relations, Dept. CR-11
Radio Corporation of America


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