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February 24, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-24

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom






Prime Minister
Adds New Talks
Macmillan Schedules Conferences
With Khrushchev, Other Statesmen
MOSCOW (-) - Prime Minister Harold Macmillan' last night
suddenly canceled a hunting trip planned by the Russians for today
and arranged instead to have further private talks with Premier Nikita
Khrushchev in the countryside.
The visiting British leader's change in plans was made known
after a lavish dinner in the British embassy, where Khrushchev hailed
him as a man of peace.
- Guests at the dinner quoted Khrushchev as saying:
"We (the Russians) think that the conversations between us will
bring results." A Soviet foreign ministry announcement said "there
n ide rna4At.-Od ion of questions of

Red Delegate
Say Atom
Plan 'Fake'
GENEVA (P)-Soviet delegate
Semydn Tsarapkin charged yester-
day that an American proposal to
use nuclear weapons for peaceful
purposes was a trick to circum-
vent a possible ban on nuclear
weapon tests.
Tsarapkin told the Big Three
conference negotiating for a con-
trolled ban on tests of atomic and
hydrogen weapons that the peace-
ful explosions suggested by the
United States were useless and
were intended to create a loophole
by which American tests could be
Have Reservations
But he said Russia was pre-
pared conditionally to go along
with a limited number of such
explosions. One provision was that
Russian technicians should be
permitted to examine every Amer-
ican nuclear weapon so used.
He also proposed veto controls
and said any such explosions be
on a one-for-one basis, meaning
one Russian for every one fired by
the Ame icans or British.
United States delegate James
J. Wadsworth told Tsarapkin his
statement had distorted and mis-
represented the American plan.
Earmarked for Peace
Wadsworth suggested Jan. 30
that peaceful nuclear explosions
should be permitted after a test
ban' under supervision of the pro-
posed international control com-
mission. He suggested that stand-
ard nuclear weapons should be
withdrawn from present stock-
piles and earmarked under inter-
national control for peaceful ex-
Under his proposal, only nuclear
devices developed after a test ban
comes in force would be subject
to exami ation prior to use for
.peaceful purposes.
American technicians believe
nuclear explosions could prove of
great economic value in such pro-
jects as clearing harbors on bar-
ren, coast-lines, freeing thinly
spread oil shale, or creating energy
through the underground accumu-
lation of ssteam.
Outlines Proposal
Earlier Wadsworth submitted a
draft preamble .for the test ban
treaty listing the four major points
as follows:
1) A desire of the three nuclear
powers to bring about a permanent
discontinuance, of nuclear weapon
2) A need for a permanent in-
ternational control system to en-
sure observance of the ban.
3) A desire of the three powers
to have all countries join the
treaty to make the ban and its
control as universal as possible.
4) A hope that the control sys-
tem, once it is functioning, will
show the way to agreement.
Quinn to Talk
At Law Club
"Are Railroads Going Out of
Style?" has been selected by the
Lawyers Club 100th Anniversary:
Steering Committee as the key-
note address for their celebration
on March 13.
Scott Hode s, '59L, a co-chair-
man of the Committee, has an-
nounced that "William J. Quinn,
the young, dynamic president of
r the 'Milwaukee Road,' "will deliver

mutual interest."
Makes Progress
Macmillan also made more pro-
gress in winning friends among
the Russians. He visited Moscow
University, where the students
gave him a tremendous reception.
He invited them to pursue their
studies in British educational in-
Thousands of youngsters jam-
med corfidors and fought their
way up and down in elevators of
the towering structure to cheer
their distinguished visitor. Secu-
rity officers were frustrated in
efforts to keep them in an orderly
file. Macmillan waved an smiled.
He spoke briefly in the rector's
office, a sunlit room decorated
with marble busts of Lenin and
Invites Students
"Many thousands of students
from India, Pakistan and Ceylon
come to complete their education
in Britain," he said. "We would
like to see more students from the
Soviet Union -you will be very
As in the case, of the informal
Macmillan-Khrushchev exchanges'
Sunday at a government villa 50
miles southeast of Moscow, neither
side listed specific issues nor dis-
closed what the government chiefs
said about them.
The disarmament deadlock,
however, apparently was a topic.
The question of German unity and
the future of West Berlin also
rank high as problems.
It was the first formal confer-
eice of the British leader's good
will, fact-finding mission to Mos-
:Receive Rights
To Broadcast
LANSING (R)- The University
and Michigan State University
have complete authority to sched-
,ule television broadcasts of their
football games without interfer-
ence from the state, Attorney
General Paul L. Adams held yes-
The attorney general thus
squelched attempts to prevent the
two universities from arranging
closed circuit telecasts of their an-
nual sellout football game.
Adams' opinion was asked by
Sen. Basil W. Brown (D-Detroit)
in answer to protests against a
contract the schools entered into
with private promoters for the
Michigan-Michigan State game
last October.

Red China
In Plans
Department's top Far East spe-
cialist said yesterday "I believe
Red China should be included" if
a sound, workable system could be
set up for controlling armaments
or nuclear weapons tests or guard-
ing against surprise attack.
But in taking this position be-
fore the Senate disarmament sub-
committee, Walter S. Robertson
said he wanted to stress the words
"sound" and "workable."
Robertson, Assistant Secretary
of. State for Far Eastern affairs,
said foolproof guarantees would
be needed in the light of what he
called Red Chinese violations of
true and arms control agreements
in Korea and Indochina.
He said the Red Chinese have
been guilty of repeated broken
promises and of undermining the
work of control commission in
both areas.
The Communists frequently vio-
lated the Korean armistice agree-
ment, Robertson said, by not re-
porting large amounts of war
material sent into Red North
Korea. He accused the Red Chi-
nese of showing the same disre-
gard for an arms control agree-
ment by shipping weapons into
Red Viet Nam.
To bring Communist China into
a world disarmament pact with-
out adequate control measures
might cause the free world tore-
lax its vigilance, Robertson told
the subcommittee, adding:
"Any unjustified slackening of
our guard can only be at our
extreme peril."
Four Seek
SGC Posts
A "sad" total of four petitions
for Student Government Council
elections have been taken out,
Richard Erbe, '61, chairman of tht
Elections Committee announced
Petitions for the six available
positions, which are due Feb. 27,
have been taken by Phillip Zook,
'60, Robert Garb, '62, Howard
Stein, '61, and Michael Fishman,
Lawrence Snider, '61, is running
for a position on the Board in
Control of Student Publications
and Murray Feiwell, '60, ,is peti-
tioning for vice-president of the
senior class of the literary college.
Two petitions have also been taken
for president of the literary col-
Petitioning, which began Thurs-
day, is being conducted for one
open position on thedBoard in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics,
three on the Board in Control of
Student Publications, and six posi-
tions as Union Student Directors,
in addition to the six SGC seats
and the senior class offices.
Official petitions may be picked
up at the SGC offices of the Stu-
dent Activties Building, Erbe said.
Senior class president petitions are
available in-the office of Assistant
Dean of the literary college James
A. Robertson.




Cyprus, Says
British Keep
LONDON ( -) - The new re-
public of Cyprus will guarantee
Britain continued sovereignty over
two military zons and the island
and set up safeguards against
fighting between Greek and Turk-
ish Cypriots.
These arrangements were out-
lined yesterday in a 5,000-word
White Paper on the accord
reached last week among Britain,
Greece, Turkey and representa-
tives of Greek and Turkish Cyp-
The two areas to remain under
full British sovereignty are the
Episkopi region in the south and
the Pergamos area in the center
of the island. Britain currently
has between 30,000 and 35,000
troops on Cyprus, mostly in these
Set Target Date
The target date for establish-
ment of the republic is Feb. 19,
It will be governed by a Greek
Cypriot president and a Turkish
Cypriot vice-president. There is
to be a House of Representatives
elected by universal suffrage for
a period of five years, with mem-
bers drawn 70 per cent from the
Greek Cypriot community and 30
per cent from the Turkish
A separate defense treaty pro-
vides for joint action by Greece,
Turkey and the new republic
against any aggressor threatening
any one of them.
To Form Court
A supreme court made up of
one Greek Cypriot, one Turkish
Cypriot and one neutral will be
the final arbiter in any conflict
between national groups among
the 500,000 islanders.
Civil disputes involving people
in the same community will be
tried by a tribunal made up of
judges belonging to that commu-
nity-for example Greek or Turk-
ish Cypriot.
If the principals belong to dif-
ferent communities, the tribunal
will be mixed and chosen by a
high court of justice.
Both Sides Represented
The agreement calls for the im-
mediate establishment of a joint
commission to draft a constitu-
tion. It will comprise representa-
tives of the Greek and Turkish
governments as well as the Greek
and Turkish Cypriot communities.
Britain, which has ruled Cyprus
for 81 years, will now have spe-
cified port facilities at Fama-
gusta and the use of certain lo-
calities for troop training. British
aircraft will be able to fly over
the island without restriction.

Henderson Questions U.S

"Do we want bigger and better
panty raids?" Prof. Algo Hender-
son of the education school asks-
and answers that student aware-
ness is more than simply violent
protests against supposed wrongs.
Question and answer were pro-
vided in a recent edition of the
Association of American Colleges
Bulletin, in an article by Prof.
Henderson, director of the Uni-
versitys Center for the Study of
Higher Education. They break
down into an argument against
the application of mass-produc-
tidn methods to the field of edu-
"Principles of Education'
"The personal factor in educa-
tion" Prof. Henderson declares,
"is of the greatest significance."
And he backs up with a statement
with "principles of education"
which he says must be preserved.
First, he writes, a college or
university "should be a commu-
idity of people . . . gathered to-
gether to learn." Next, each
student "needs to feel a sense of
belonging," including "developing
loyalties to something bigger than
The student also "needs recog-
nition for his individual merit,"
Prof. Henderson says. "He should
Dies. in11hParis
Prof. Jean Hebrard, formerly of
the architecture college, died Sat-
urday in Paris, France.
Prof. Hebrard and his wife were
spending the winter in Paris.
A graduate of the Ecole des
Beaux Arts, Architectural Section,
Paris, in 1903, Prof. Hebrard
taught at the University from
1931 1949, when he retired.
Previous to this Prof. Hebrard
taught at Cornell University from
1907 to 1911 and at the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania from 1926 to
1931. He also was architect of an
important housing development in
Paris, and for the Department de
la Seine.

feel that he is something more to
the professor than a face in a sea
of faces." And to accomplish this,
"bridges of intercommunication
must be built," and diversification
of programs an dmethods of edu-
cation must be accomplished.
Foreign Students
In an international comparison
of student bodies, Prof. Hender-
son pointed to "certain foreign
universities" which provide "an
answer or} what not to do." For
while students at these schools
do show an interest in politics,
and while several actions seem to
indicate a greater maturity than
American "panty raids," Prof.
Henderson denies this maturity.
"The "actions," he writes, "are
too often those of pressure groups
using mob techniques rather than
the rational acts that might be
expected of educated persons."
Such activities, Prof. Henderson
explains, are due in large part to
"student frustrations" that do not
reach such large proportions in
American colleges.
These frustrations in turn are
caused partly by the fact that
"these universities do not in any
sense constitute acommunity;"
that "the students are left adrift;"
and that "the university is cold
and impersonal," a "horizontally
segmented world" with "no oppor-
tunity for faculty-student inter-
Considers American System
This last Prof. Henderson con-
siders one of the most important
facets of the American college
system, and he lays great stress
on the psychological difference of
"belonging" to a group. Student
government was high on his list of
activities instilling responsibility
in students. He quotes an official
in Ceylon as objecting to student
government because "the students
were not sufficiently mature,"
then asks, "Is not responsibility a
skill that grows with practice?
"What do we mean by 'educat-
ing for leadership' in society," he
continues, "if not precisely these
kinds of things?"
Sees Danger
But the community spirit which
Prof. Henderson sees as a basic
part of American college life, he
also sees as in danger of being re-

~ ounicil Asks#
Education Work Week
L 4Shortenn
Plan 35-Hour'Week
ThrOugh Revisions
In Labor Legislation
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico () - A
possible deep split in the AFL-CIO
brewed last night between Walter
Reuther and George Many over
.mthow the merged labor federation's
di affairs should be handled.
AFL-CIO chiefs gathered to try
smoothing over a hot argument
'<l which broke out Feb. 17, when
Meany, the AFL-CIO's president,
arrived for the Council's winter
meeting hereand feuded with
Reuther on holding the economic
policy committee meeting without
One AFL-CIO Council member
PROF. ALGO HENDERSON termed last night's meeting a "war
..."the personal factor" or peace" session, with the former
CIO forces headed by Reuther
placed by another spirit, aimed at forcing a showdown with
"Shall we educate the mass of Meany, who was head of the old
youth by mass education meth- AFL. Reuther headed the old CIO
t ods?" he asks. And to implement and is president of the United
his emphatic "No," he asks for Auto Workers.
decentralization of educational Charge Dictation
programs. The former CIO group claimed
"The most essential step in this Meany was too high-handed in
direction," Prof. Henderson writes, shaping the policies of the merged
"is the creation of new institu- Federation. In effect, they charged
tions rather than making big ones him with dictating AFL-CIO poll-
bigger. cies.
"Our universities," he declares, Some union leaders said the
"are going mad with the illusion outcome of the Meany-Reuther
that size is a measure of great- feud could lead to a blowup of
ness." And competition for size, the four-year-old merged labor
in Prof. Henderson's "carries with' movement.
it the seeds of degeneration to the In additional developments at
lowest common denominator." the meeting, union leaders asked
Congress yesterday to legislate a
sharp cut in the American work
week immediately. They said this
is necessary to provide jobs for
millions idled by increasinglyef
I n Rhodesia ficient machines.
~35-Har Week'
'TheFederation's e x e u t i v e
SALISBURY, Southern Rhodesia council called for a reduction of
(A')-Prime Minister Sir Roy We- the present 40-hour-week, 8-hour
lenksy yesterday ordered Southern day limit in the Fair Labor Stand-
Rhodesia's territorial forces mo- ards Act to 35 hours with a 7-hour
bilized against African nationalism day.
sweeping across the continent and Beyond that, overtime pay rates
into the Central African Federa- would apply.
tion. The council urged Congress to
The order takes in most of the make the 35-hour week effective
country's white men of 18 through for employees of the Federal Gov-
26. erment.
Weekend racial disturbances in George Meany, AFL-CIO presi-
nearby Nyasaland, coupled with dent, said organized labor will
an ominous appeal from the Afri- push hard for such legislation and
can National Congress there to redouble efforts to accomplish the
treat every white man as an en- same result through collective
emy, prompted Welensky's diastic bargaining contracts.
move. Meany said some unions already
Unrest in Nyasaland enjoying a work week of less than
S The Central African Federation 40 hours will strive to get below
-so-called though it is not in the 35-hour goal.
Central Africa-unites white-dom- The council statement said that
inated Northern 'and Southern in the 21 years since Congress set
Rhodesia with predominately black the 40-hour week - "America has
Nyasaland as a unit of the British made tremendous technological
Commonwealth. progress , which justifies and
Most unrest so far has been con- makes possible further reductions
fined to Nyasaland. This tea and in the work week."
tobacco growing region is popu-
lated by three million Africans
and 7,000 people of East Indian T Freshm en
origin - compared to only 6,000 1+i
whites. African leaders in Nyasa- " t
land want independence from the W m Awards
Between 6,000 and 7,000 reserv-W r
ists are expected to be stationedKo
in various cities of Southern Rho-

Report Meany, Reuther Feud

G Criticized by .Professors
Student Government Council's recommendation to change the
student representation on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics has drawn unfavorable, comment from 15 faculty members.
The recommendation, submitted to the Council by the Student
Activities Committee, proposed an increase from two to three student
members of the Board. Of the three, two would be non-athletes, while
tone would represent the athletic

Michigan Rolls over Wisconsin, 87-63
Michigan came one step closer to a first-division Big Ten basket-
ball finish last night, walloping woefully-weak Wisconsin as expected,

'Unaware of Fault'
The candidates would be nom-
inated by SGC.
In a letter concerning the rec-
commendation, tabled Jan. 14 by
the Council, Prof. Joseph E. Kal-
tenbach of the political science
department said he was unaware
of any fault in the present sys-
tem of electing student members

Playing before a season's low of 3,000 fans at Yost Feld House, the to the Board, although they are
Wolverines, behind the scoring impetus of John Tidwell and M. C. "frequently not in attendance"
Burton, were never headed in the ragged contest and coasted most of during football season.
the way. Several Object
With the victory, Michigan bounced all the way from sixth to a! Several letters also objected 'to
third-place tie with Illinois in the Conference race. the separation of status between
The Wolverines are now once again above the .500 level with a athletes and non-athletes. Prof.
6-5 record. They trail second-place Iowa by a mere half-game. Ernest F. Braten of the civil en-
Burton, Tidwell Impressive gineering department pointed out
Tidwell and Burton were the only players of the 22 to see action that major policy decisions require
to score more than 12 points and they did so in impressive fashion, "maturity of judgment that comes
Tidwell getting 29 and Burton one less. only with age and experience."
Burton's total allowed him to pad his lead heavily in the league Prof. Olin W. Blackett of the
scoring fight over Minnesota's Ron Johnson, who was held to 16 by business administration school,
Northwestern's Joe Ruklick last night. Burton now has 260, 16 more calling the Board "sufficiently
than Johnson. wieldy," also was opposed to the
The smooth senior co-captain also helped his Conference rebound- proposed increase.
ing lead, plunking 23 caroms away from the shorter and outplayed the committee gave no opinion on

desia on guard.
No Serious Clashes
Announcing the mobilization,
the Prime Minister .said his aim
was "maintaining peace and es-
sential respect for law and order
throughout the Federation."
So far, African demonstrations
have been confined to rock throw-
But Dr. Hastings Banda, Presi-
dent of the Nyasaland African
National Congress,,has proclaimed
his determination to take Nyasa-
land out of the Federation.
Mrs. Weaver
Diesin City

Nine University freshmen re-
ceived Hopwood Awards for crea-
tive writing totaling $300 yester-
The awards were presented by
Prof. Allan Seager, of the English
department and acting chairman
of the Hopwood Committee. They
covered such fields as fiction,
poetry and essay. Prof. Arno L.
Baker, of the English department
and Prof. Seager were judges.
The first place winner in the
essay division was Barbara Stoler,
who received $50 for "The Moon,
the Sun and the Necessary Angel."
Patricia A. Cannon won $30 for
"Smalla Town," and David Saun-
ders 'gained {$20 for "In Pursuit
of Buncombe."
Brenda Yogus received ton hon-

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