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August 30, 1968 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-30

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I iw ii w. I Yr 4 nlYSr ui rrw

Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications

"We strongly deplore Soviet attempts to set up a
puppet regime in Czechoslovakia!"


uI 2-

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

/ News Phone: 764-0552


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




The Vietnam plank:
No room for the doves

NO MISTAKE can be made about the
Democrats' Vietnam platform plank.
Its views of our imbroglio in Southeast
Asia is unabashedly hawkish, vindicating
completely the administration's conduct
of the struggle. It interprets the scenario
in classic cold war terms: naked Com-
munist agression locked in combat with
American efforts to defend the freedom
of a brave but defenseless nation. It of-
fers peace, but only as a gesture, in the
sense in which all men want peace but
few are willing to sacrifice to obtain it.
This Democratic nod to peace makes no
attempt to-conceal the party's real incli-
As such, it presents those who oppose
the nation's role In Vietnam and the for-
eign policy assumptions t h a t spawned
Vietnam with an opportunity and a di-
lemma. Had Humphrey attempted to ap-
pease the d o.v e s in Chicago by toning
down the language of the plank - as Sen.
Hart suggested - or even by accepting
the minority's proposal, the. doves, with
only minor contortions of conscience
could have hailed a "new Humphrey" and
kept their places in the ranks of the tra-
ditional Democratic coalition.
Instead, Humphrey - apparently un-
der White House pressure -foisted upon
the convention a position which, ironical-
ly, probably represents his views more
accurately than the compromise plank
that he reportedly wished to see adopted.
Consequently, the doves cannot so easily
fool themselves or play games of con-
science; the bigwigs offered the doves no:
sop, no gesture with which they could as-
sure themselves that all Will change for

the better in the future if they merely
stick with the party.
There is no such assurance. Some are
arguing that the Democrats by their con-
duct this week showed themselves a party
"in transition." The old politics of elitism
and bossism had its last gasp in Chicago,
they argue, and point to the demise of
the unit rule and the stiffened language
against racial discrimination in the se-
lection of delegations.
But the strong language on discrimina-
tion that the party voiced in 1964 was
largely -disregarded this year, and there
is no reason to think 1972 will be any dif-
ferent. And to argue that a convention as
patently stage-managed and undemo-
cratic as this one showed elitism a n d
bossism in its last gasp seems almost de-
In - truth, Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon
Johnson and the bosses did the party's
liberals a favor by wearing their natural
colors. If the forces which favor change
are realistic and sincere, they must aban-
don Humphrey in 1968. If they do not,
they will have to live with him and may-
be with the Humphreys, of the future for
the next decade at least. For if they want
change and still believe that they can
achieve change through the Democratic
party, two Humphrey terms in the White
House can only mean two terms during
which more liberal elements are shut out
from the Democratic machinery. For
them, the ugly, masochistic price of re-
form in the long run may be a Nixon-Ag-
new administration.j
Editorial Director



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Registration trauma
and MTA oratory
I HAD HEARD many sinister things of Boston's MTA system,
but being somewhat late for a plane, I decided to overcome
my reluctance to the subearth cabby in order to take advan-
tage of its much publicized attribute: It's always on time.
I strategically chose car 12, as it was in the middle of a 0
three-car train, and therefore less susceptible to injury should
anything unfortunate occur.
Seated next to me in the Pahk Avahnew to Iropht express
was a pale-faced ,merchant mariner, proudly displaying his
identification in a silver nametag: C. W. (really) Finch.
FINCH turned to me as-car 12 lurched into movement and
began to discuss the horrors of college registration. Before \
long, our tete a tete had become a group project, involving all
those seated in our car 12 buggy in what seemed to an infre-
quent MTA patron, common MTA oratory.
Finch's face did most of the talking. The right half was
always in complementary but opposite movements to the left
half, and the words that did manage to come from his mouth
seemed to have been coagulated and preconditioned by the
contorsionistic but lanky endeavors of his nostrils and right
eyelid which seemed to have the direct causial effect on the
rest of his face.
Finch told his captured audience how at his former college,
students were confronted with the registration malady to an
extent matched by no other institution in the world.
His verbalized contortions illustrated the pain they suf-
fered as they stood for hours in lines under the sun.
"HAVING TRAVELED from home that same day, weary
students were inhumanely thrust into lines of enduring length -
unprotected by trees or buildings, and were intentionally filed "
where the sun could have greatest coverage."
"Not infrequently," Finch yelled, now standing-in the mid-
dle of the cab, and delivering his address with all the fervor
of a speeded-up tape of William Buckley, "Isles of students
would disengage into large open spaces in' the building where
any objective observer could see the horror of their disillusion-
Almost in tears Finch whispered how the whole mess cul-
minated in an old, dilapidated building, so appropriate to the
mood of the entire bangled situation.
Regaining his composure and swaying mpre easily with the
jerking of the car, Finch said, "That whole mess of registra-
tion was just an alumni-directed facade used to assure those .
sentimental graduates that that old, dilapitated building was
not an antiquated sructure."
ACCORDING to several reports, some weeks before the
University's registration, a group of area state legislators held
an official pow-wow at the state capitol with a group of influ-
encial members of the state department of education.
The actual business of the - dual-branch committee re-
mains a mystery, though reliable sources indicate it may have
been a decision to detain University funds if President Flem-
ing could not insure emmissaries of the committee that Water-
man gymnasium would definitely continue to be used for stu-
dent registration.
Vice President Richard C. Cutler saidhe had no comment
at this time on the report.
The representatives were reportedly fearful the building
would be forgotten if not used for registration, and such a site
uation would not only bring discredit to the University's color-
ful and prestigious heritage, but might precipitate adverse ar-
guments to-a proposal that would limit the University's finan-
ces for new classrooms.

f46L TI'tReistf
and 'Ilibun& Syndicate


Letters to the Editor

To have

in the School of Social Work
no part in selection of faculty

Thank you, Mayor Daley

TWHOSE WHO have for some time now
been condemning the use of excessive
force by American police can thank Chi-
cago Mayor Richard Daley for waking
up the disbelieving majority of citizens,
politicians and newsmen to the facts of
police brutality.V
Yet it is ironic that the bloodbath in
Chicago has been no worse than police
and national guard suppression in each
summer's ghetto disturbances or anti-
war protests.
But this time there was one crucial dif-
ference. The Chicago police, doing the
bidding of their political boss, were met
at each turn by television cameras, pho-
tographers and reporters.
AND THERE it was in black and white,
four normal days work of the Ameri-
can cop, lustily cracking skulls, spraying
MACE, or spreading tear gas.
Even Walter Cronkite anid his normally
apathetic staff were up. in arms when
Dan Rather was slugged in the stomach
and knocked to the convention floor be-
fore national television.
For it seemed the police and Guards-

men were beating newsmen not in spite
of their credentials but because of them.
Several dozen representatives of the news
media besides Rather were beaten and
harrassed. Several of them were serious
THE WHOLE Chicago affair was splen-
did display before an audience of 50
million Americans and countless others
overseas, just how sick our system of jus-
tice and equality under the law really is.
One Daily photographer covering the
convention, described how police yelled to
each other "get the cameras" as t h e y
charged into groups of undisciplined and
quite scared young people, who had come
to protest against an' immoral war in
Southeast Asia and discovered the battle
on the western front.
But their were too many cameras for
the police to destroy and too many ob-
servers to beat to the ground. So when
police and troops move in to quell the
next ghetto riot or anti-war march, they
are going to be more carefully watched
than ever before by a wary public.

To the Editor:
AUG. 12 - WE WOULD like t
bring to the attention of t
University community a serio
matter presently under discussic
in the Graduate School of Soci;
The principle of self-determine
tion is receiving increasing su
port from professors and practi-
ioners active in the field of sociv
work, both nationally and at tt
University. It is contended th
those who are the recipients of s
cial services should be involved i
the determination of staff sele
tion and of service goals.
principle, which is being pre
pounded frequently in social wo
classes and in informal discussio
by administrators and professo
of the School, students are su
gesting that they, as recipientso
academic services, be involved i
the determination of faculty se
lection and academic goals.'
Graduate students in the com
munity practice area of the so
cial work school have approache
numerous persons, notably the as
sociate dean and the Acting Pro
gram Head of Community Prac
tice about this matter. We ar
concerned that students be give.
an opportunity to interview can
didates for faculty positions an
to have their views seriously con
sidered by those who fill the po
At present, the school is active
ly searching for and interviewin
persons for academiccposition
closely -related to the communit
practice area. The issue presentl
under consideration, which w
feel is extremely crucial, concern
t h e participation of communit
practice graduate students in th
selection of faculty for these po
Students in community practic
have brought with them to th
School of Social Work, consider
able relevant experience ranging
from Peace Corps and Vista ser
vice to work in the poverty pro
gram and other aspects of th
public welfare field.
IN ADDITION, we are spending
two days each week as part of th
social work curriculum, activel
working w it h community prob-
lems. This practical fieldwork ha
made us acutely aware of the com.
plex nature of the situation int(
which we shall be injecting our
selves and of the skills which w
must possess if we are to mak
meaningful contributions.
This combination of experience
we believe, has given us a fairl3
good conception of what we shal
be confronting as practitioners. I
many cases we feel that we have
a greater grasp of the problem
with which we will be working
than some faculty.
Several faculty members, des-
pite their academic background
\have had work experience which
is extremely limited and largely
irrelevant to the world in which
practitioners must now work. Both
the academic and practical train-
ing which social work students re-
ceive is, however, greatly depen-
dent on the qualifications of those
who serve as instructors.
On August 5, 1968, a meeting of
the Community Practice Commit-

community practice area, was
those present, students and fac-
ulty, unanimously supported a
resolution which recommended
that students be fully involved in
the recruitment and selection of
new faculty members. In addition,
the Acting Program Head agreed
to invite students to interview
persons being considered for com-
munity practice faculty positions.
On August 6,hthe students in a
meeting with the associate dean,
"Prof. Robert Vinter, presented the
faculty resolution and informed
the associate dean of the Acting
Head's willingness to have stu-
dents interview community prac-
tice faculty candidates.
The students also requested that
students be included as members
of the School's "Search" Commit-
tee, which makes faculty recom-
mendations on the hiring of all
Social Work School faculty. The
Associate Dean refused and stated
that the School was not yet
"ready" for this innovation.
In addition, he ordered the Act-
ing Program Head to withdraw his
offer to permit students to form-
ally interview candidates.The
Acting Program Head was forced
to acquiesce.
out giving students an opportun-
ity to interview him or to express
their opinions, an individual was
employed on a full-time basis to

teach community practice courses.
This is the situation as it now
stands. We find it difficult to be-
lieve that the "establishment" of
the Social Work School (we have
one) is so resistant to meaningful
student' participation in an issue
which so seriously affects them.
We find it hard to believe that
the associate dean will use liis
authority not only todeny the
requests of students, but also to
unilaterally reverse the decision of
-a faculty member, the Acting Pro-
gram Head.
It seems at best ironic that stu-
lents in the School of Social Work
should spend so much of their ac-
ademic time preparing to attack
institutional and organizational
rigidity a nd yet' be confronted
with it in such a blatant manner
within the School itself. It seems
a flagrant contradiction to what
we are being taught and, in our
judgment, is shockingly hypocriti-
-(Rev.) Paul F. Fettig
President, School of Social
Work Student Union
-Hilde Lehmann
-Rosemary Holland
-Sally Capps
-John Charles Bearden
-Cheryl Blatson
-Carroll L. Lucht
--Charles H. Chomet
-Ginny Stewart
-Linda Paul
-William T. Priestly
-Robert T. Hovey
-Emily -Brown

Error concerning 'U' and mediation

The Chicago circus: gutsy

To the Editor:
AUG 29-An erroneous implica-
tion is in the technical ac-
curacy in your Aug. 15 story con-
cerning the request by the
University and a labor union
for mediation assistance in reach-
ing agreement on an initial con-
Your story says, "Union recog-
nition by the University for the
purpose of collective bargaining
was granted last year after a
walkout by plant workers at the
start;of the fall term.",
Recognition was not granted to
three different unions for ex-

elusive collective bargaining pur-
poses because of a walkout by
some members of one union. Rec-
ognition was granted after the
designations of appropriate bar-
gaining units by the State Labor
Mediation Board, followed by
elections among eligible persons
in the designated units.
These are the procedures Pro-
vided/ under the law relating to
public employes. The University
has scrupulously followed the pro-
visions of the law.
--Jack H. Hamilton
Assistant Director
University Relations.

THE WHOLE thing was pretty gutsy. If
you weren't taking it too seriously, and
at times it was hard to, the Democratic
National Convention was reminiscent of
vintage Max Sennett slapstick.
There were silent, secretive men with
union badges and Humphrey buttons tag-
ging behind Sander Vanocur and John
Chancellor. There were plainsclothesmen
shielding a raging Mayor Daley from pry-
ing photographers. There was Carl Albert
banging his gavel and croaking that the
disputed vote was unanimous.
And it was, all brought to us live and
in color by the major networks, oil com-
panies and hair coloring companies.
UNFORTUNATELY the mockery of de-
mocracy that the Democrats displayed
on several occasions during their rauc-
cous get-together wrenched as many
stomachs as did the brutal street riots.
C £r1i4all
Fall and winter subscription rate $5.00 per term by
carrier ($5.50 by mail); $9.00 for regular academic
school year ($10 by mail).
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.

It would be impossible for a conscien-
tious parliamentarian to try to r u n a
convention where everyone wants to par-
ticipate in the proceedings. And in a con-
vention whose outcome was decided from
the start, the processes of democratic de-
bate could hardly be expected to flourish.
However, it did seem out of order for
the chair to switch the opening night'
schedule on short notice, changing the
date for a credentials battle while the
loyal delegations were unprepared. It ap-
peared irregular for the chair to recog-
nize Mayor Daley's motions to adjourn
Tuesday night after refusing a similar
request from Wisconsin.
And the whole world was watching.
BROUGHT live to a nation of viewers,
the convention was a circus that may
temporarily mark the demise of the Dem-
Doubtless, the Democrats courted dis-
aster by their "healthy" divisiveness, but
certainly the media led them on. It often
appeared the convention was being as
carefully rigged by television as by the
mayor. Flip comments bounced between
Chet and Dave. Cameras flashed from
harn ru oninv - nna tkrs f n RPeiny d P -

* * *
DON BEACH, director of the University's registration, said
recently in an exclusive interview that the long lines present
this year for advanced classification were, in' his words, "a
strange phenomenon."
Beach, who considers the prospect of eliminating registra-
tion "a broad and beautiful question," said he sees the days
when computers take over much of the work now done by stu-
dents, including registering for classes.
Beach said he hopes to witness within three to five years,
"a jelling tcomputer program" to deal with registration.
While walking from the Natural Resources Building to
South University, where the registration line was forming the
other day, Cecilia Cecela, a new University student, explained
to those walking with her how she was told sternly by her older
sister, a former student at the University, not to believe every-
hing she heard and only half of what the Daily printed.
She reminisced of a time when she was told Univac was go-
ing to take over all the work of student registration, and be-
lieving this, how she rushed to Aspen to spend several addition-
al days skiing.
The older sister blames this misinformation for her present
difficulty in bipedal locomotion. She explains, having missed
the registration, she was forced to run from class to class from
North to South campus, obtaining signatures and permissions.
Echoing Miss Cecela's admonishment was A. Calvin Bur-
ton, now a retired employee of the Pennsylvania Southern
Railroad Co., who said this week in a letter from Charleston,
S. C., to Cecilia Cecela that when he attended the University,
students were promised that the registrati6n congestion would
be eliminated by the extended use of abacusses worked by the
math department professors.
- -


' d . . '



'Flaming Creatures': not 'anti-social'


To the Editor:
AUG 27-Again the Daily has
printed errors of fact re-
garding the seizure of "Flaming
Creatures" at a Cinema Guild
showing a year and a' half ago.
Reference is here made to an
article on Ann Arbor police rela-
tions with the campus by Jill
Crabtree in The Daily.
0 The article states on Aug. 27,
". . .Ann Arbor police seized a
Cinema Guild film 'Flaming Crea-
tures' because it had been deemed
anti-social in a New York trial."
This is simply not' the case. The
New York trial did not deem the
film "anti-social" nor can one
conclude that the trial had any
bearing upon the seizure here in
Ann Arbor. The inference of

direct causation is plainly unwar-
ranted, if not groundless.
The "anti-social' nature of
the film was not the reason why
the film was seized here. If one
accepts the statements of the po-
lice and current legal standards
for obscenity, then one discovers
that "anti-sociality" is not an
But then I begin to wonder if
The Daily really does understand
the issues. So much factual in-
accuracy has been printed by The
Daily regarding this matter that
the mind boggles. Our numerous
corrections seem to have no effect
upon your staff's penchant for
journalistic inaccuracy in this
-I. Alan Smokler
Cinema Guild'



Opposition to Chicago police tactics

To the Editor:
WT ARE sndinta he flliwui,

vention, conference, committee
meeting or any other purpose un-

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