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August 30, 1968 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-30

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Pane Five

g t i~

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2
p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General No-
tices may be published a maximum
of two times on request; Day Cal-
endar items appear only once. Stu-
dent organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information cafl 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business: Management of Behavior
Change Seminar, Geary A. Rummler,
Dale M. Brethower, Michigan Union,
8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Astronomical Colloquium. W. P. Bid-
elman, T. E. Graedel, F T. Haddock,
and B. M. Lasker, will speak on "The\
Victoria Meeting of the American
Astronomical Society." Room 296
Physics-Astronomy Bldg., 4:00 p.m.
Cinema Guild: Ingmar Bergman's The
Seventh Seal, Architecture Auditorium,
7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital: En-
nis Fruehauf, Organ: Hill Auditorium,
8:00 P.M.
School of Music Degree Recital-Jo-
anne Williamson, Soprano: School of
Music Recital Hall, 8:00 P.M.
General Notices
Building Hours- (through Sept.)
- Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.
- 7:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m.. - 6:00
p.m. Sunday, CLOSED.
Swimming - Monday through Fri-
day -Faculty ONLY - 11:45 am. -
1:00 p.m. Faculty and Students - 4:00
p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Saturday - Faculty
and Students 10:00 a.mn. - 12 noon;
2:30 p.m.*-- 5:30 p.m.
Squash - All courts open during
regular building hours.
(Continued on Page 6)

Out Of

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Oink, oink
Governor George Romney laughs with Barbara Vincent, 16, as they attempt to hold a lively piglet
at the State Fair in Detroit. The pig was born at the fair Tuesday afternoon.

National news roundup

By The Associated Press
ley White said yesterday he's not
especially surprised that former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
has been taken off the critical list,
"he's tough-and so is the human
White, who was chief consult-
ant in Eisenhower's original heart
attack in 1955, made that assess-
ment in declaring "we doctors\and
the lay public must maintain more
hope with respect to disease"-in-
cluding heart disease.
"Almost no matter how sick a
person is" there is always a
,chance for recovery, he said.
White made the comments in a
ktelephone interview from his Bos-
ton office, when asked to discuss
the latest word from the .Walter
,Reed Army Hospital.
Army doctors have taken Eisen-
hower off the critical list although
maintaining he is still in serious
condition and could have a re-,
White agreed that while the
news is "now reassuring anything
can happen." But, in the same
context he also affirmed in an-
swer to a question that Eisen-
hower's present favorable trend is
"not especially surprising" to him.
* * *
MIAMI, Fla. - Ending a week
of relaxation in the sun, Richard
Nixon heads for New York today

to iron out details for next week's
coast-to-coast campaign trip.
Aides said yesterday the GOP
standard bearer wants to cam-
paign on the issues rather than
The fact that there is a large,
undecided vote in the country
points to a close election," said a
Nixon spokesman. "The American
people are tired of petty attacks.
They are looking for high-minded
discussions of the issues, and that
is the tone we will take."
He said next week will be im-
portant for Vice President Hum-
phrey because it will determine
whether Humphrey can unify the
Nixon telephoned Humphrey
from his retreat on Miami's Key
Biscayne and offered his congra-
tulations. Humphrey aides said
the two chatted amiably for a
brief period.
* * *
States and North Korea have held
another meeting-their 20th-on
the case of the USS Pueblo, with
no apparent results.
The meeting, at Panmunjom in
Korea, was held yesterday at 11
a.m. Korean time 10 p.m. EDT
Wednesday, and lasted 107 min-
utes, the State Department said
The United States wants to ne-
gotiate the release of the intel-

ligence ship and its 82-man crew,
captured by the North Koreans
Jan. 23.
State Department press officer
Carl Bartch said he expects there
will be another meeting.
* * *
WASHINGTON -- The Atomic-
Energy Commission touched off
its 18th weapons-related under-
ground nuclear test of the year
Thursday at its Nevada test site.
It was of low intermediate
yield-in the 20 to 200 kiloton
class, the AEC said.

Just inside the west side city
limits of Detroit lies Edgewater
Park, renowned in the Motor City
for its loop de loops, and slightly
rowdy clientele. This summer on
a sunny Sunday afternoon, the
park management daringly sub-
merged its reputation and possibly
its better judgment, and opened
its doors to one of the music in-
dustry's latest and greatest: Tiny
Standing about 6'4" with dark
curly hair, he is a wonder to
behold. He sings, he plays, he
laughs, he frowns, he jokes, and
he blows kisses to the crowd. His
voice stretches from normal tenor
to high crisp falsetto, and he
socks it to the audience in a way
that only Tiny Tim could.
"Sock it to me!" they yelled.
"Oh, my yes," he replied, and
went into his latest hit, Tip-Toe
Through the Tulips. His rendition
made old ladies misty, young girls
delerious, and seemed to appall
the men. But he doesn't specifi-
cally aim for the men, and sim-
ilarly they don't aim for him. He
is "trying to bring joy to the
world. He does it through his
singing," his manager said. "You
saw the older women when he
did his Rudy Valee number, they
loved him."
"You know love is what he is
all about."
"Yeah. He is really the father
of the love generation. He was
singing in the Village before you
were born. Before the war he was
using the name Larry Love, and
played most of lower Manhattan,
Penny Arcades, circuses. He was
the voice of a singing bird in one
No kidding.
"Yup. But he came from a tough
neighborhood. Around 163rd
street. But they really liked him
up there too. He was the darling
of his neighborhood."
So the.afternoon rolled on. And
the great man went on the Him-
ilaya rollacoaster, had his pho-
'tograph made in the magic pic-
ture palace, and was hung and
framed next to, Nancy Sinatra.
He travelled around the park
like a political candidate; con-
cmplete with manager, aides, ad-
vance man, and police. He signed
his autograph for the little girls,
giving sheepish replies to their
stupid questions and finally ended
up seeking shelter in the man-
ager's office until the next show

Try Daily

To Swap?


jazz and other
music for moderns
8 to Midnight

Make WAHR'S your
for all your textbook
and college supplies

turn ME on
I'll TUNE you. in

-photographed by Andy Sacs-



" ..' 4

.Miss J turns on the sixties
with thirties razz-a-ma-tazz
She strikes a languid pose
in the elephant pant, the
flappiest legs around
swinging from a slim, low-slung
waist in menswear covert of
Dacron*/Avril. 14.00
Her bodyshirt of ArnelO
crepe has french cuffs
and the "Toni" collar. 8.00


me', 1

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