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August 30, 1968 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-30

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Military in Vietnam;STORM TROOPER
la ad htmhila nlmx. Nation split



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DISGRUNTLED DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES demonstrated disappointment in Humphrey's nomi
ination by a candlelight parade in silence along Michigan Ave. yesterday morning.
Hu11phrey nomiation, violence
draws eritiesm from Europe
LONDON (-) - Violence in Communist . China's official 1 ister, reported: "The whole spect-
Chicago overshadowed the presi- Hsinhua New China News Agency acle of what would normally have
dential nomination of Hubert H. said "Fascist police and troops in been a, joyful, triumphant oc-
Humphrey in British press re- full battle gear" clashed with "the casion, was marred by horrifying
ports from the Democratic Na- American people" who defied scenes of police violence."
tional Convention yesterday.aBut beatings and arrests toprotest Churchill said he and James
some continentalsnewspapers against the war in Vietnam. I Auchincloss, half-brother of Mrs.
placed' more emphasis on Hum- "Police horror in Chicago"' was John F. Kennedy, were clubbed by
phrey's chances of election in No- the headline of the London Eve- police and pinned against a wall;
vembe. ning News. The Evening Standard by a police motorcycle. T h e
There was a good word for bannered "Blood Flows in Chicago News said 29 reporters and photo-
Humphrey n West Germany, but -as 'Humphrey Wins. graphers, at least three of them
some other press comments ex-
pressed doubt that the Democratic The British Broadcasting Corp. British, were among the hundreds
party could overcome the di'i.. focused its radio and television of injured in Chicago.
i Chi- reports on the fighting between h
sIions in Chicago.reotontefgigbtwn The Communist Paese Sera of
The Soviet Bess also focused security forces and demonstrators. Rome declared: "The Democrats
on the violence. Communist East Commentaries on the\convention are bound for an almost certain
Germany's news agency ADN said barely mentioned Humphrey's defeat in November."

By The Associated Press
Almost unanimously, top-rank-
ing American staff officers in
Vietnam yesterday welcomed the
Democratic National Convention's
refusal to endorse an uncondi-
tional halt in the bombing of
North Vietnam.
"You won't find anyone around
here who wants to halt the bomb-
ing," one officer said.
Top South Vietnamese. officials
also expressed gratification pri-
vately. There was no official com-
ment from President Nguyen Van
With the current bombing pol-
icy generally endorsed by the plat-
forms of both U.S. parties, soldiers
in Vietnam tended to react to the
Democratic nomination of Vice
President Hubert H. Humphrey
according to their personal poli-
Ranking officers would not
speak for publication because of'
the military's traditional non-
political role. But privately staff
officers admitted that the up-
surge of peace sentiment at the
Democratic convention caused ap-
"I was beginning to have my
doubts about Humphrey," one
senior officer said. "Now that's
out of the way."
It was noted appreciatively in
Saigon that the U.S. commander
in Vietnam, Gen. Creighton
Abrams, had been quoted on the
convention floor as strongly op-
posing any bombing halt.
Rep. Hale Boggs, chairman of
the Platform Committee, told the
convention, that Abrams had in-
formed him North Vietnam could
increase its offensive capabilities
five-fold in the neighborhood of
the demilitarized zone if the
bombing was stopped.
Abrams still holds this view, a
staff officer said, and it is shared
almost unanimously by his staff
and subordinate commanders. The
South Vietnamese government
holds a similar position with the
added belief that the bombing
should also be maintained for

political reasons unless the North
Vietnamese display a willingness
to de-escalate.
Among GIs, Republicans gen-
erally predicted victory for Rich-
ard M. Nixon, Democrats were
favorable to Humphrey, and there
was some regret that Sen. Eugene
J. McCarthy didn't get the nom-
At home, the Vietnam plank
showed promise of splitting the
Democratic vote with many Dem-
ocratic voters voicing support for
the several minor anti-war tick-
e ts.
Sen. Eugene McCarthy indicated
yesterday he does not plan to
campaign for Humphrey, but will
instead concentrate his efforts to
elect anti-Vietnam war candi-
dateh to the Senate.
McCarthy's plan to campaign
for dove candidates for the Sen-
ate would keep him within the
framework of the party without
exposing him to the charge by his
followers that he had sold them
out by actively backing Hum-
Local firm
to subs idiz
The Ann Arbor Housing Com-
mission's request for City Council
authorization of an additional


By The Associated Press George Christian, 'President
National reaction to the Chi- Johnson's press secretary an-
cage lice Department's conduct ! nounced "The President always


in I .ing Wednesday's march to deplored violence. He has always
the Linocratic National Conven- believed that people should abide Mabl s rotezthaeRubin a lead
tion ranged from commendation by the law." e of the Yippies Youth Party In-
to condemnation. TASTE OF SAIGON ternational, as Rubin walked
Hubert Humphrey said shortly David Dellinger, chairman of along the sidewalk with a gi4
after his nomination as Demo- the National Mobilization Cont- friend.
cratic cadidate for aPresdent Ie mittee to End the War in Viet- "I have heard Rubin speak, and
nam countered, "The protestors he was obscene and revolting,"
laws they want to abide by. They have achieved a tragic but bloody Mabley said. "In America a man
antticange.hoButtheylawtheyvictory. They, the responsible may be arrested for obscenity or
want to change. But they have a public officials, have brought a revolution. But Rubin was grab-
way to change them in th is little taste of Saigon to Chicago." bed off the street aj rushed to
country, and you don't change Frank Sullivan, director of pub- jail for what, he thinks. This,
them out in front by storm troop- lic information for the Chicago the way it is done in Prague.
er tactics, either on the part of police department claimed yester- This is what happens to candi-
the dissenter or the police. day afternoon, "I deny there was dates who finished second in Viet-
Sen. George S. McGovern, de- used by police. But there was a nam. This is not the beginning of
feated candidate for nomination pattern of attacks on police by the police state, it is the police
reflected, "I saw American youth this pitiful group of revolution- state,"
being savagely beaten by police- aries." OVEREAGER OFFICIALS
men because they were protest- Chicago Police Supt. James B. The bloody confrontations
ing policies about which they had Conlisk: "The force used was tween police and protesters were
had very little to say." the force necessary to repel the not so much the resultr f the
mob." ills of American society as the
CHICAGO DISMAY overeagerness of city officials to
Editorial writers and column- guaranteed order during the con-
ists for Chicago's daily newspap- vention.' suggested the Chicago
esexpressed horror, dismay, and D ly News.
concern for the city's image he Chicago Tribune defendecd
;e i1ou sin yesterday as they commented on the elaborate security prepara-
the conduct of police and city of- tions.
'hE ficials. "The precautions were taken
else's. We have the labor and we Jack Mabley, a columnist for because the city received m a n y
Chicago's American, noted in- warnings from radical leftists,
James Saalberg, co-chairman of stances of k police brutality he student groups, and black power
the newly formed Coalition for viewed Wednesday night. zealots," the Tribune said.

to conduct of convention

"It sickeus me to write this
because I am on the police's side

Humphrey was nominated by "the
reactionary majority."
Radio Hanoi in North Vietnam
said the U.S. government "was
forced to use tens of thousands of
Army troops and security forces
to protect the U.S. Democratic
party convention from the Ameri-
can people who resolutely oppose
the unjust aggressive war against
the Vietnamese people." It did not
mention Humphrey's nomination.
The'; Saigon Post bannered
Humphrey's nomination but made
no editorial comment. Other
South Vietnamese newspapers
went to press before the outcome
of the balloting became known.

chances of election.
"It will never again be possi-
ble to think of either the city or
Mayor Richard Daley without
feeling slightly sick," wrote the
Hastings, from Chicago.
Standard's correspondent Max
"For 15 minutes, jamming sev-
eral hundred protesters against
the side of the Hilton, they
smashed their clubs into the hu-
man mass, aiming between the
legs, at their heads, shoulders-
anything, he wrote.
In the Evening News, corre-
spondent Winston S. Churchill,
grandson of the *late prime min-,

AntiHHforces gird
for state convention
(Continued from Page 1) Former Board member Warren
21 electors, as Republicans did in Huff of Plymouth and East Lan-,
the spring. sing dentist Blanche Martin are
A fight could develop over the other announced candidates for
two MSU board sets if an attempt the MSU board. Former Demo-
is made to deny renomination to cratiic State Chairman Zolton
board member C. Allen Harlan of Ferency, a darling of the anti-
Birmingham. administration Democrats, is con-
Harlan is an employe and a sidering entering the. race.
former officer in an electric coin- Candidates for the two univer-
pany who subsidiary firm d o e s
business, with MSU. State Atty. sity seats include Petoskey At-
Gen. Frank Kelley ruled earlier torney Paul Brown, former Niles
this week that Harlan is not in- Mayor Mdwitt Drew, former state
volved in a conflict of interest, Sen. Gerald Dunn of Flushing
but at the same time said heand attorney Robert Nederlander
would not support Harlan's re- n tonyRbr eelne
nomination. of Detroit.

300 units of public housing has
sparked a request by Mayor
Huleher for "more initiative by
the private sector" in creating
low-cost housing.
A conference of area builders,
architects, building trades union
representatives, city officials and
representatives of churches and
civic organizations met at the
mayor's invitation last night to
discuss possible alternatives to the
'Housing Commission's request.
At the end of the general meet-
ing, Hulcher named a temporary
task force composed of selected
representatives of the groups
present to study the problem in
fur ther detail.
{"This is the last big chance for
private people to step in and meet
this need, or the Council will have
to proceed with more public
housing," said Joseph Edwards,
who has worked with both the
Council and the Housing Commis-
David Byrd, a Negro architect
currently serving on the Planning
Commission disrupted the hither-
to congenial, atmosphere of the
conference when he said "You're
really not getting at the core of
the problem, and that is my peo-

Racia us addce u .iea i e one
per cent mortgage program is a
great thing but it won't meet the
needs of the people making $1,000
or $2,000 a year who we are sup-
posedly trying to help. I urge that
you do not press home ownership
on people who can't afford it."
The 1968 housing bill, which
Congress has not yet appropriated
funds, was the focus of the con-
ference discussion. The bill sup-
posedly provides incentives for
the private development of homes,
for individual ownership with
mortgage commitments of a low
as one per cent.

1031 E. Ann, near the hospitals
Welcomes the Student Community of'Ann Arbor
Open 11:00 a.m. 'til 8.00 p.m. Daily


Committee proposes
new director of aids


"We can do the jobs ourselves
if we were permitted to but no
one seems to care. We don't want
a handout of trailers but to build
iur own homes as good as anyone
° ::x

(Continued from Page 1)
clearing house for student com-
.COMRAIDS also sought an in-
crease in the awarding of schol-
arships on a need rather than
a merit basis, and the establish-
ment of an, information and con-
trol system within the office.
"Both these proposals have
been left hanging," Lombus said.
"We wanted to see whom we
would be working with beforeI

versity's Denver and Colorado
Springs centers.
He is presently working on his
doctorate in College Administra-
tion. Because of a course load
needed to finish the program, he
may not be able to start in his
new post until January.
Second class postage paid at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, 420.Maynard St., Ann
Arbor, Michigan, 48104.

ironing out details." Daily except Monday during reggiar
Brown said he thought the idea academic school year.
of a tri-partite policy-making alpe term b w carrer $5mtion rail:
committee was feasible and added $8.00 for regular academic school year
he "certainly hoped something ($9 by mail).
could be worked out."
He declined to elaborate his
views on the possibility of award- , r TEN TR
ing more scholarships on thetUI E
basis of financial need alone.
"I know this is being done at 375 No. MAPLE RD. 769-1300
other colleges,"' he said. "As- TIMES-1:30-3:25-5:20-7:15-9:15
suming 'the Regents approve my 20TCENTURY-Foxpresents
appointment I would have to be- WALTER MATTAU
come more familiar with condi-
tions and resources here before I ANNE SO
could say to what extent this ideaPAMCK 'NEAL
could be realized." A. GEORGE AXELROO'S
Brown served as director of fi-
nancial aids at Colorado for ten
years. During that time he was
also dean of students for the uni-


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