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August 30, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-30

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sunny and warmer.
little chance of rain

Vol. LXXIX, No. 2

Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, Augusf 30, 1968

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

war end









McCarthy backs



-Associated Press
Sen. Edmund S. Muskie

Added 1nvestig1ation
planned for Harvey
The Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors will take
additional steps in their investigation into Sheriff Douglas
Harvey's fiscal policies, The Daily learned last night.
A special committee of the board, chaired by Neal Mast
'Will meet at 2 p.m. today in County Prosecutor William F. Del-
hey's office to formulate and recommend additional action
to be taken by the board.
A member of the board, who asked to remain unidentified,
said supervisors who have reviewed Harvey's written answers
to questions posed by, the
board concerning his financia
De s see responsibility consider them
"totally evasive and absurd.",'

.eout er

He said that the action against
Harvey could be in the form of an
attempt to halt the sheriff's salary
and expenses, or a request from
Delhey to bring- purjury charge.

CHICAGO (A) - Hubert Hum- -
phrey's chosen political partner, 3* ,h
Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of Maine, .*{
was nominated for vice president 4
last night to join him at the helm'
of a divided Democratic Party.
There was noisy evidence of dis-
cord at the Democratic Nationalr
Convention as delegates followed
the instructions of their presi >
dential nominee and awarded sec-
ond spot on the ticket to Muskie
The name of Julian Bond, the
28-year-old Negro state legislator:
from Georgia, was entered by
party insurgents as a rival.
But Bond-who isn't old enough ;
to serve-withdrew his name, and :"..
Muskie was chosen overwhelm-I
ingly. X
Humphrey, his moment of polit-
ical triumph marred by bitter
stiveet violence, stepped to the
podium to make his acceptance
speech and vowed tostrive for "::.
a prompt end to this war' in Viet-E
The policies of tomorrow need Police barricades block de lea t
Snot be limited by the policies of'
ing Democrats in what seemed a
declaration ofp political Johnson- O C r a d i
dence from President Johnson, :(,oth maheasfrouyas
the man he has for four years
served as vice president.
He said he would apply that By HENRY GRIX "I knew this would happen. 1
2 rule to Vietnam and to all the It was hard to find a Humphrey I'm disgusted," she said.
other problems of America. supporter at the University yes- Most students felt Humphi
It was Vietnam policy, and terday, was assured of nomination. 1
t Humphrey's alignment with the Tthey were shocked by the v
current U.S. stance, which stirred The Diag table of students for tually unchecked brutality of C
Y constant.discord at the 35th Dem- Humphrey had disappeared and cago police and uncontrolled st
I ocratic National Convention. in general the politics of hap- of the convention.
s But Humphrey said the dis- piness appeared to be submerged While not exonerating the V
agreement itself could strengthen in the mire of bad faith many President. students were reluct
e the foundations of the party, to blame him personally fort
'Had we papered over differ- students felt for the DemocratsI"farce" the convention turnedt
y ences with empty platitudes in- after their raucous convention, to be.
n stead of frank debate, we would "Most people came up to me to- Watching with a disheartei
k deserve the contempt of our fel- day and said, apart from the con- group of girls on the top floor
low citizens and the condenina- vention, 'how's your day been,' " a dormitory, one sophom
tion of history," Humphrey said, one cynical coed noted. woman related the great disc
.t ,
ISGC emand for new aut1orlty
ndelays vice president selection
By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN who would chair the body with-' committee," says SGC Execut
A minor disagreement between out voting power.' Vice President Robert Neff, "
- student leaders and University But student leaders are now extremely important that stude
e President Robben W. Fleming has demanding that the committee be have a strong voice in the sel
L delayed the search for a new vice composed of only the students and tion of a new vice president."
d president for student services, faculty, and that it be chaired by Student leaders plan to in
y The disagreement centers around one of the students. with Fleming next week to try
- the composition of the proposed "I really think this is something resolve the, disagreement. B
Y committee which would under- that should be just faculty and Koeneke and Neff say they are
' take the job of locating a suc- students," says Student Govern- no hurry to appoint a new v
I cessor to Vice President for Stu- ment Council President Mike 'president and are prepared
5 dent Affars Richard Cutler and Koeneke. wait until a 'student chairs1
interim Vice President for Stu- Fleming has already invited SGC scommittee.
- dent Services Barbara Newell. and the Senate Advisory Commit- The formula for the commit
d . tee on University Affairs to sub-, was proposed by the Student]
Student leaderg are demanding mit lists of six names from which lations Committee in response
.hntthe tee be compose he would choose the committee an inquiry from Fleming in Ji
e n the tuentsad faculty, and the faculty group has sent At that time; the structure of1
sand that it be chaired by one him such a list. committee apparently had Ne
the studentsBut SGC is waiting for the approval Koeneke was out
e Last month Fleming had agreed President to concede on the town.
r to the formation of a committee chairmanship of the committee. Voice representative and act
of three students, three faculty "We don't want to name any- 'candidate forseat on the Boardc
members and an administrator one uniless a student chairs the I nte Er Chee r
IRegent's Eric Chester syml

against the sheriff.
GRAND RAPIDS (AP- Michi l The supervisor also said thf
gan's anti-Hunphrey Democrats,: board had not ruled out the pos-
some still rankled by their losses sibility of seeking a grand jur
in Chicago, were expected to test investigation into the matter, ever
their political muscle again this though nstaote Atty. Gen. Fran
weekend at the party's state con- Kelley recently refused to offi
4vention. ' cially suggest it.,
Mino~ity anti-administration 1yreely efsdtoff
forces claim to have gained County board chairman Rober
strength since the spring conven- Harrison last night confirmed the
tion in Detroit, which sent a dele- special 2 p.m. meeting today an
gation strongly weighted in favor said that Mast "should have
of Vice President Hubert Hum- statement by 2:30 p.m."
phrey to the Chicago National One question presented to Har-
Convention. vey by the board was to explain
Fights could come today in the funding and distribution of a
caucuses and Saturday on the, ' S a f e t y Guide underwritten
convention floor as delegates hrough the olictation dver
choose 21 presidential electors, rtising.
nominate candidates for nine
statewide offices, pick district Harvey was also asked to ac-
party officers and consider reso- count for funds used to extradite
lutions r two' prisoners from California
AntinHumphrey delegates, .in- HrVey's trips there allegedly dic
cluding backers of Sens. Eugene not coincide with the dates set by
McCarthy' and George McGovern California law enforcement offi-
and the late Sen. Robert F. Ken- cais for the extradition. Harvey
nedy, planned to meet and plan was in California on Jan. 1, 1966
their strategy for Saturday's con- the date of the Rose Bowl game
vention. During this time he ran-up a $175
, Like Michigan Republicans, car rental bill..
.who held their fall convention Harvey was further asked to ex-
here last weekend, Democrats Sa- plain the more than $500 he used
turday will nominate one candi- to attend a National Sheriff's con-
date for the State Supreme Court vention in Las Vegas in 1967
and two each for the State Board, Harvey had claimed he needed th
of Education and the governing additional finances because hie
boards of the University, Michi- wife attended the convention with
gan State University and Wayne him, but records showed his wif
State University.' had been working in Ann Arbor
Democrats will also pick their during the period Harvey was in
See ANTI, page 2 Las Vegas.

may U
but pointment that permeated t h e
room as the delegate vote proceed-
rey to give Humphrey his victory.
but "We wanted to do something to
vir- stop the vote, but we just had to
hi- sit there." she said.
ate "Humphrey is a1 prisoner of
Johnson's way of thinking." says'
'ice Rob Foor. 9.
ant What really disturbed Foor1
the about the convention was the'
out conspicuous lack of adherence to
rules by the party leaders and they
ned "'this is too important a matter
of to let legality stand in my way
ore atitude'" exhibited by "Johnson,
ap- Mayor Daley and their close polit-
ical allies."
Foor cites the arrest of a New
York delegate on the floor, and
the unneccessary brutality of po-
lice as examples of civil disobedi-'
ence at least reprehensible as
those exhibited by demonstrators.
"I didn't go to Chicago, because
I would have ended up throwing
bottles at the cons," one coed
tive says. Although she is "not ter-
It's ribly optimistic," she feels the
nts ,convention may be a turning
ec- point for student protester's, who
may begin realizing "they can't
eet win a war with the cops at' this;
to £ point."
oth "I was at the Pentagon dem-
in onstration last October," Dave
vice Zeltzer, '71, explains, "but it
to seemed much more vicious and
the brutal in Chicago last night."
'One junior coed explained the
ttee violence constituted a "good con-
Re- vention in that everyone watched
to it." She followed the proceedings
uly, on a dorm television and was sur-
the prised' at how many students
I s"mostly McCarthy supporters,
of identified with the demonstra-
tors "

Many of the marchers earlier
had heard Sen. Eugene McCarthy
address a large crowd in Grant
Park across from the Hilton.
McCarthy said he could support
neither of the major party candi-
dates running for president.
The Minnesota Senator said he
will direct his efforts to the elec-
tion of Senate candidates who op-
pose U.S. war policy.
"We're going to continue to,
carry the issues to the country,"
McCarthy said. "I still have a
constituency. We will press for-
ward to demilitarize American
foreign policy."
Inside the convention hall,
hundreds of ' brightly ,colored
signs, all reading "We Love Mayor
Daley" were hoisted in the spec-
tators' section and on the floor.
Chicago Mayor Richard J. Da-
ley, the focus of bitter attacks for
police handling of the Wednesday
demonstrations, was boosted to
the shoulders of the'*Illinois dele-
gates as the crowd roared its ap-
Some of the gallery demon-
strators said they received passes
into the tight security hall from
their ward committeemen.
On each delegate's seat was a
statement by Daley defending his
administration's action.
"This administration and the
people of Chicago have never con-
doned brutality at any time," his
statement said, "but they will
never permit a lawless violent
group of terrorists to menace the
lives of millions of people."
A more genuinely spontaneous
demonstration followed the show-
ing of a film tribute to the late
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
Cheering, singing delegates ig-
nored calls for order from the
podicm for 19 minutes. Rhythmic
clapping and chorus after chorus
of "The Battle Hymn of the Re-
public" accompanied hand-letter-
ed banners reading "Bobby We
Miss You" and "We'll seek your
newer world."

Spontaneous (temonstration erupts
as coiventioi as tr'iluterto RFK
CHICAGO (R-In clouds of tear gas, Illinois National
Guardsmen last night dispersed ,peace demonstrators who
sought to march on the International Amphitheatre, site of
the Democratic convention.
As three Army jeeps with barb wire shields rolled through
the crowds, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey in his
acceptance speech said, "Neither mob violence nor police
brutality has any place in America."
Seventy-nine people were arrested, some of them conven-
tion delegates and alternates.
The line of some 3,000 protest-, -
ors was strung out for a mile;
from the Conrad Hilton Hotel, the
convention's downtown head- ire c o '
quarters and scene of bloody
clashes on Wednesday night.
The confrontation started in an
orderly manner as the marchers)Io .- aid'
assembled, but demonstratorsfa
later threw missiles and surged
into a line of law enforcementp ro posed

-Associated Pres
e~s' protest march

Ron Brown, former director of
student financial aids at the Uni-
versity of Colorado and a grad-
uate student here, has been rec-
ommended to fill the post of re-
tiring financial aids director Wal-
ter B. Rea.
Brown was chosen by an inter-
viewing committee composed of
students, faculty, and financial
aids office staff. Its recommenda-
tions will be put before the Re-
gents at their September meeting
for final consideration.
An, ad hoc committee of black
and white student calling them-
selves the Committee for the Re-
form of Aid to Students (COM-
RAIDS) had recommended Brown
to the interviewing committee
along with one other possible can-
didate as, "equally acceptable."
The other COMRAIDS candi-
date was reportedly a former di-
rector of financial aids at Indiana
Bill Lombus, one of the origin-
ators of COMRAIDS and a mem-
ber of Graduate Assembly, said
the group was "extremely pleased"
with the appointment
"He was our fist choice," Lom-
bus said. "He is very aware of stu-
dent financial problems and is
Svery progressive. He seemed will-
ing to entertain the idea of stu-
dent policy-making in the aids
During the past summer COM-
RAIDS presented several proposals
for change in the aids office to
interim Vice President for Stu-
dent Services Barbara Newell, to
whom the financial aids office is
The proposals'outlined plans for
the, establishment of a tri-partite
policy-making committee with a
heavy student representation.
This committee, Lombus said,
would "set financial aid policy
within the constraints of the Uni-
versity's budget' and. act as a
See COMMITTEE, page 2

But if the convention was
tive healthy viewing for the public,
of several students feel it may prove
-pa- -uie ivu fnr fu± lamnrrnIW ,c


Regent race
The regental elections are
going to be unconventional for
a variety of reasons this year.
For the first time two students
will be challenging both Repub-
lican and Democratic candi-
dates for the two contested
seats on the board. The stu-
dents, Eric Chester and Thomas
R. Copi, were nominated last
week by the Ann Arbor-based
Citizens for New Politics party.
Unlike past elections there
are no other state-wide posts



The Republicans nominated
incumbents Frederick Matthai
of Detroit and Lawrence Linde-
mer of Stockbridge at their
state convention in Grand Rap-
ids Aug. 24.
At least three Democrats are
seeking the nominations for
the offices which carry eight
year terms on the board. First
to announce for the Democrats
was'former state senator and
now director of federal and
state relations for the Grand
Rapids Board of Education

graduate, said his primary rea-
son for running was' that "no
one from the northern two-
thirds of the state from the
Democratic party was running."
Brown said he felt this part of
the state "should have repre-
Observing the recent student-
administration conflicts, Brown
contends the University "should
permit students to have a larger
voice in University policy and
affairs. When I was there we
students had very little to say."
Citizens for New Politics can-
didate Eric Chester has chal-

wit te tudnt. ,,.. w disasterous or te e emocra s-
thized with the students.
The idea for the committee no Th partyisa candidate elect
stems from a recommendation ed," sighed Linda Pollack, '71.
made last February by the Miss Pollack, who wished she
Hatcher Commission that students could vote minus ballots for the
play a "major role" in the selec- Republican nominee, thinks "Nix-
Lion of Cutler's successor.' on has it sewed up."
Fleming says that, at the con- Foor, a ,philosophy and econ-
clusion of its work, he expects the omics major, agrees explaining
committee to propose a slate of "as a rule, the war party loses
"four or five names" from which r office."
he would make the final selection. What astonishes Foor and sev-
The President says he does not eral other students is why the
intend to suggest specific names Humphrey camp, who had the
to the committee. Democratic nomination "sewed
However, he says the ideal per- up," allowed the convention to
son for the job would be someone blow up.
who has "great interest in stu- ' "Humphrey may be sincere,"
I dent affairs," willingness to ex- Zeltzer says, "but he seems like
amine new ideas, open-mindedness a puppet.,I'm glad I can't ,vote."
and some experience at a uni- _ Few students. however, said
versity. ' they would not vote if they got
"A younger person is preferable the chance. Although one coed
to an older persri," he says. said students should check the
The President says he expects lesson of 1964 and "not vote for


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