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November 17, 1968 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-17

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Sundov_ I ovemhpr 17 1 968


-Itrrlc, f1'VCTl117 1 7o~



'Angel' o f Bunuel's hell

In The Exterminating Angel,
showing . at the Fifth Forum
through tomorrow, Luis Bunuel
derides the saints, the devil, the
idle rich, the gullible- audience,
and gets away with it because no
one can be quite sure of what he's
"From the standpoint of pure
reason, there is no explanation,"
writer-director Bunuel writes, opt-
ing out in a prologue to his film.
Of course, since this is an explan-
ation, it is not to be reasoned or
Further, we cannot take Bunuel
seriously when he claims he did
not-"at least not consciously"-
cache any symbols in his film. In-
deed his symbols are not hidden;
they bombard the eye and ear in
each scene. But then, for Bunuel,
the description of particular phe-
nomena as symbolic actions is
meaningless; The Exterminating
Angel probably really does take
place on Providence Street.
If Bunuel is a blatant symbol-
ist, he is also a devious and artful
story teller. His virtue lies in
making symbolic action quite real
to the viewer.
"All this is unbelievable, or
much too normal," one character
says. The enigmatic quality of this
statement is submerged; it ap-
pears like the thoughtful and
deliberate analysis of one char-
acter, a guest trapped with a
handful of others in a single room
of,. a baroque mansion. It is a

voice of reason in an absurd sit-
The Exterminating Angel is ab-
surd, contradictory, repetitive, but
then, Bunuel forewarns, "so is
life itself." The host toasts one
lovely dinner guest and the others
smile cordially, drink, applaud.
The host toasts his lovely dinner
guest, and no one listens; they
chatter on life, death, love and
country. Both these things hap-
pened in reality, so they happen
on Bunuel's film.
Of course, the director does not
attempt to create a forceful,
double-edged reality. The bizarre
suffering of the characters is
treated with Bunuel's customary,
compelling dispassion that obliges
the viewer to become involved,
Indeed, the simple, urgent plot
of The Exterminating Angel so
absorbs the viewer, that he for-
gets more immediate concerns
like passage of time and unity of
While seeming to adorn each
scene with power and meaning,
while apparently prolonging each
moment, Bunuel accelerates time.
He compresses life-death drama
into an hour and a half, extermi-
nating a few characters, letting
the rest starve, gorge, lust.
All this happens in a roccoco
music room that seems to provide
a static backdrop for the incredi-
ble struggle of a band of aristo-
crats against civilized elements.
But the symmetry is deceptive.

Gabriel Figueroa's camera dis-
torts the setting, re-arranging,
changing the room constantly.
However, there is always the
nagging second thought with Bu-
nuei that one has been cheated,
treated to a series of striking vis-
ual impressions that mean noth-
ing, or very little. The hollow
characters, ornate settings and
obvious obscurities seem unworthy
of conscientious attention.
At the same time, Bunuel makes
it clear that the people outside,
the viewers, are dispassionate and
not unlike those trapped in the
manse. Although the outsiders put
the house on Providence Street
under quarantine, we know the
exterminating angel is not pass-
ing by those outside.1
"It is the attitude of the people
outside that bothers me," one
guest says distractedly during the
self-imprisonment in the music
room. Plainly, the hell of Bunuel,
like that of Satre, is other people,
and hell is everywhere.
When finally the survivors of
the five day "banquet" are re-
united at church, we realize they
will be trapped once more, with
the rest of the congregation. We
know this because they were fin-
ally able to escape the house only
be re-creating the circumstances
of entrappment. Heavy-handedly,
the director is letting the whole
thing repeat itself.

aH_.. ,. ::.o...... ,..;wrsxgr r:! '": sertation: "Oxygen and 'Primitive' Con- U. S. Army Tank - Automotive Com- Madison Heights, Mich.: Lamphere
trol of vascular Smooth Muscle Con- mand. Warren, Mich.: Men and women, schools. Elem: Lib., Art, Classroom.
DAILY OFFICIAL tractility," on oMnday, November 18 at all day. Bach and Masters in Econ., Jr. High: Couns.-Male. Math. Sr. High:
12 noon, in room 4019 Psysiology Lib- Educ., Engl., Fine Arts, Gen. Lib. Arts. Soc. Stud Engl., Eng. German.
ULLETIN 'ary, East Medical Bldg., Chairman: D. Hist.. Journ., Math, Philo., Poli. Sci.. Royal Oak, Mich.: Elem.: K-6, Emot.
{F. Bohr. Psych. and Soc. for Mgmt. Trng. Dist., Ment. Ret. Per. Hdcep., Deaf. Jr.
Franklin.Robert Mealey, Education, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance, High: Ind. Arts. Math, H Ec. Sr. High:
... ...... Dissertation: "A Historical and Evalua- Detroit. Mich.: Men, all day, all de- "Reading, Lab. Spec., Span., Home Ec. -
tive Study of the iMdwest Community gree levels in all areas for insurance Food, Print., Draft.. G. P. E. - Dance.
Day Calendar' College Leadership Program with Sug- work. St. Clair Shores. Mich.: Lake Shore
gested Guidelines for Future aDirec- State of Michigan, Department of P.S.dElem.-K-6, Lib., Jr. Hgh.: Sci. Soc.
tions,"' on Monday. November 18 at 1 Social Services. Lansing and state wide: Stud., Engl., H.S.: Ind. Arts, Spec. Ed.-
Bureau of Industrial Relations. Sem- p.m. in eWst Council Rm, Rackham; Men and women, all day, Bach degrees Part. Sighted. Soc. Work.
Chairman: R. J. Young,. in Anthro., Gen. Lib. Arts, Psych and Crcs eeul:S mr oe
ra:"anagement of Managers, Pro- Rira uiesA- c1trcel r isc Caracas, Venezuela: S. Amer. - C n.-
mar "angeen ofMaagrs Po- Robert Huff Plattner, Business Ad- Soc. and Bach and Masters in Soc. Wk. gio Americano. Jr, High: M\ath.. Gen.
gram No. 72": North Campus Commons, ministration, Dissertation: "Fund Ad- for social work areas. Si.. Biol., Chem.
8:15 a.m. ministration in the Electric Utility In ____
Trombone Student Recital: School of dustry," on Monday, November 18 at F
Music Recital Hall, 4:30 p.m. 1 p.m. in 7th Floor Conference Ri FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1968 'r nHihs M ich:
Programmed Learning for Business Business Administration; Chairman: W i ing FSEE testsiAuto t y af nd Dearborn Heights, Mich.: Firline
Workshop: "Instructional Design": gvn FE etss hs aate n
Michigan Union, 6:00 p.m. Carl Bell, Philosophy, Dis terviews on Thursday. Sch.Dist, Lower Ele, Jr. High Sci.
Cinema Guild: Ann Arbor's own Anne s i'a : Chemical Abstracts service. Colum-
Wehrer in Andy Warhol's Bike Boy: - bus, Ohio: Men and women. morning To arrange appointmnents, contact
Architecture Auditorium, 7:0 and tionin Influenze A/NWS Infected only. Bach. and masters in Math, Lib- Mrs. Staelin at. 3200 S.A.B. 764-7459. '
9:05 P.M. d n Cp rary Sci., Physical Chem. and all degree -
Degree Recital: Joel Lipton, Viola: Cayirovember 18 in Room 2022 S.P.Hablevels in B'iochem., Analytical Chem.,
School of Music Recital Hall, 8:00- p.m. Chairman: H. F. Maassab and Organic Chem. for editorial work
Duane Donald Anderson, Education, on Chemical Abstracts, Programming LET US STYLE YOUR
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Dissertation: :An Evaluation of the and Systems Analysis.TOYOU
General Curriculum Program for Aca- National Labor Relations Board. Na- FIT
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- demically Handicapped Students at the tionwide: Men and women, all day.
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro- Louist. Louis County Junior Col- Bach. and masters degrees in Econ.. PERSONALITY
growNo. 2": o f apus Co Po-s lege District," 'on Monday, November Pol. Sci. and any law or pre-law de-;
groin No. 72": North Campus Commons, 18 at 3 p.m. in eWst Alcove, Rackham, grees for Public administration,Labor 8 BARBERS
Programmed Learning for Business Chairman: R. J. Young Relations, and Industrial Relations. * No Waiting
Workshop: "Instructional Design": eJames Edward Bierden, Education,N W
Mich :an Unions830m. D s Dissertation: "Provisions for Individual Peace Corps Week, November 18-2: The Doscol Barbers
Micfeigans Unionenh 8:30 Mathe
Composers Forum: School of MusicDifrneinSvthGaeMh- Team spokesmen report that while thej
Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m. matics Based on Grouping and Be- Peace Corps needs many qualified vol- Near Michigan Theatre
aviora Objectves:, n Exploratory unteers, the Peace Corps Week objective
Stud, on ndy November 18 at
o~nayis not essentially recruiting, but to in-
General Notices p.m. in Room 3019 U.H.S., Co-Chair form potential volunteers about the
ean: A. F. Coxford and J. N. Payne various aspects o fthe Corps. The in-
Robert James Macdonald, Music: Dis- formation center will be located in
A representative from the University sertation: "Francois-Joseph Gossec and Room 3516 of the Student Activities
of Washington Law .School will be on French Instrumental Music in the Se- Building. You are invited to stop by
campus Monday to discuss admission cond Half of the Eighteenth Century," and speak with the representatives at
policies and procedures with prospective on Monday, November 18 at 3:30 p.m. any time between the hours of 9 a.m.
applicants. Appointments may be made in Faculty Lounge, School of Music; and 5 p.m. No appointments are neces-
by calling Mrs. Towle, 40312 or in per- Chairman: R. A. Warner. sary to speak with the Peace Corps

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Enjoy Yourself -
Join the
Daily Staif!


Bunuel is repetitive,
life itself."'

"and so is

Anatomy of a controversy

(Continued from page 1)
There were additional inac-
curacies in The Daily's account
which need not be challenged
here and at this time. I might add
that ordinarily I would not have
discussed occurrences in my class-
room with the Ann Arbor News.
I had little choice, however, since
the News apparently had knowl-
edge of the matter.
Sincerely yours,
-Henry L. Bretton
Prof. of Political Science
To the Editor:
I would appreciate an oppor-
tunity to respond more fully to
the account in yesterday's News
of Prof. Bretton's objections to
The Michigan Daily's report of the
incident in his classroom on Nov.
4. The statement which follows
reflects my own views, based on
my present understanding of the
facts, and is not to be attributed
to any other members of the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications. Since it seemed desirable
to assemble pertinent factual in-
formation before consulting the
full membership of the Board, I
had not submitted the matter to
their attention prior to the ap-
pearance of your story.
The Daily did not create nor
participate in the disruption of
Professor Brettowns cass. Its cov-
erage of the occurrence was not
arranged in advance, but devel-
oped from a continuing observa-
tion by one of The Daily's editors
of the activities of a group of
students who entered classrooms
in Angell Hall on the morning of
Nov. 4. Prof. Bretton's class was
one of those entered. The Daily
Second class postage paid at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann
Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Daily except Monday during regular
academic school year.
375No.MAPLE RD.-769-1300

editor in question followed the
intruders into the room, observed
the subsequent events, and later
prepared a short vignette based
upon those observations. Prof.
Bretton asserts that he had no
right to do so. The question he
raises is a new one in our experi-
ence, and apparently did not occur
to the editors when they decided
to print the story. They are cur-
rently giving it thoughtful at-
tention with the expectation of
producing a memorandum on the
basis of which opinions can be
sought from academic people and
professional journalists, which
opinions can become the basis for
an intelligent discussion of the
issue. This strikes me as an or-
derly and responsible way to bring
about the consideration the 'ques-
tion deserves.
I do not believe the answer to
this and other questions which
arise from the occurrence are so
obvious that they can be formu-
lated without such deliberation.
The editors of The Daily are cog-
nizant of the conflict in these cir-
cumstances between important
values of academic freedom and
privacy, and on the other hand
the public's right to know about
events on campus which are of
significant news value. They, in-
deed, are particularly sensitive to
the dangers involved in making a
public record of views which may
be expressed in the classroom, by
teachers and by students. They
make no claim to a right to enter
any and all classrooms under any
and all circumstances for the
purpose of reporting classroom
proceedings. On this occasion,
however, they became aware of
events taking place in certain
classrooms which were outside the
normal business of the classes
being conducted therein, and
which would seem to be of suf-
ficient significance in the aca-
demic community to justify some
attention in the news media. In-
deed the same events which they
reported in their Tuesday morn-
ing paper were briefly reported
by the Ann Arbor News the night

before in a story based in part on
an interview by the News reporter
with Prof. Bretton.
I do not believe it is fair to im-
ply that The Daily editor's failure
to make his presence and that of
the photographer who accom-
panied him known to the occu-
pants of the classroom amounted
to "stealth and deception." The
persons in question were among
a large group of people in the back
of the room. The event which they
were observing was in progress.
If they had interrupted to an-
nounce their presence they would
have risked the interpretation that
they were participating in the dis-
ruption, and would have influ-
enced the course of events from
that point forward. On the other
hand I recognize that in such cir-
cumstances fairness to the oc-
cupants of the room might well
require that the reporter find
some way of communicating his
presence. This is a problem which,
along with the circumstances in
which it is appropriate for the
newspaper to seek to follow a news
story into a classroom, needs and
is receiving further thought.
I believe The Daily did fail in
certain respects to follow up their-
on-the-spot observations as they
should have; they ought to have
interviewed Prof. Bretton later so
that they ,could have included in
their story such reactions to the
event as he chose to communicate.'
If they had done so they would
probably have avoided reporting
that he had invited the intruders
to speak, when in fact it appears
that he was interrupted without
having any way assented to the
interruption. The editors recog-
nize that they slipped up in this
respect, and regret the error in
their story.
I do not believe, however, that
any of us are yet prepared to give
a definite answer to the broader
issues raised by Prof. Bretton's
-Luke K. CooperriderE
Chairman, Board in Control
of Student Publications
Nov. 15

son in 1223 Angell Hall.
The University of Michigan Senate As-
sembly Open Meeting: Monday, Novem-
ber 18, 1968. 3:15 p.m. Assembly Hall,
Rackham, 4th floor. Agenda: 1. Con-
sideration of the minutes. 2. Announce-
ments & Communications. 3. Commit-
tees: a. Request, from the Educational
Policies Committee to have the name
of the Committee changed to Academic
Affairs Committee. b. Replacement for
Prof. J. Firebaugh on the Proper Role
Committee. 4. Discussion of the Com-
munications Media Report. 5. Vice
Pres ident. Ross - Remarks. 6. Report of
the Committee on Student Evaluation,
of Courses.
Health Service Hours: Beginning Mon-
day, November 18, 1968, the Health Ser-
vice Medical Clinic closing hours will be
set back on weekdays from 5:00 p.m. to
4:30 p.m. and S$aturdays from 12 noon
to 11:4$ a.m. This change will give the
physicians and secretaries more time
to complete their increasing paper
work. Txtended Clinic Hours will still
begin at 5:00 p.m. and end at 12 mid-
night. There is a charge for this serv-
ice and also for service between mid-
night and 8:00 a.m.
Broadcasting Service - WUOM (91.7
Me.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, 12 Noon
to 6 p.m. Sunday.
Sunday 2:00 p.m. Cleveland Orchestra
Concert - GeorgeSzell conducting. We-
ber: Overture to "Der Freischutz"; De-
bussy: "La Mer", three symphonic
sketches; Tchaikovsky: "Pathetique"
Symphony. Sunday 4:00 p.m. Ernest
Block: The Man and His Music.
Monday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh Hour
(repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts
an hour of news and conversation
about the arts and literature. Guest:
Ashok Talwar on Indian Culture To-
day. Monday 1:00 p.m. The Yale Sili-
man Lectures: "The Laws of Nature and
'the Nature of Laws", with Prof. Jacob
Bronowski, from theseries on "The
Origins of Knowledge and Imagination".
Monday 5:00 p.m. Calendar of Area
Events; 5:15 p.m. Law In The News,
with Prof. Joseph R. Julin.
Early Registration for Winter T e r m,
1969: Students who are currently en-
rolled and who have advance classifieds
may register early, between December 4
and December 20, in Room 514 of the
Literature, Scince and the Arts Build-
ing. 'Students enrolled in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts, and
the School '-of Education, will get the
necessary materials in the basement
lobby of the Literature, Science and the
Arts Building beginning December 2.
Other students may pick up their mater-
ials in their respective counseling of-
fices. Students who register early' will
not need to return tintil-the '-irst day
of classes.
Please Note! A late registration fee
of $15.00 will be in effect Winter Term,
1969. Anyone registering after Wednes-
day, January 8, will be required to pay
this fee before they are permitted to

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1968 tilties Bingfrmni594 o fe
Unilevel Limited, see Wednesday list- ';to give information and to
ing above.Iowgwetherfor tyoan o
Western Union Telegraph, nationwide . foo whether or not you ar
- Men and women, afterrnoon only. ________unteer____ty.
' o oute uy n oeatron ol.Bach. and Masters in Econ and Math,
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Processing, mgmt Trng., Mktg. Res., The following schools will
Personnel, and Statistics. presentatives to the Placemen
Dayton's, MinneapolisMinn.: Men Office to interview prospecti
and women, all day, Bach. in Gen. Lib. ers.
Arts, and Bach. & Masters in Econ. i MONDAY, NOVEMBER 235
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representatives. They are here., to give
you information and to help you knowv
whether or not you are qualified for
volunteer duty.
VISTA Week, November 18-2: No
appointmentskare necessary to speak
with the VISTA representatives. They
w..:it .... .....e A.in room 'jo.i..o. meA..


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asrw---wrrw-rw-wwrr-- ---------- --- - a m -

I want
I enclose -_

Tickets for Sen. Fulbright.
--_dollars and one self-addressed,

John Morrison Armstrong, Industrial
Engineering, Dissertation: "Regional
Economic Optimization and Effluent
Charge Theory in Water Resources Util-
ization," on Monday, November 18 at
10 a.m. in Faculty Lounge, West En-
gineering, Co-Chairmen: W. J. Weber,
and D. H. Wilson.
Lee Holder, Public Health Adminis-
tration, Dissertation: "Similarity be-
tween Communicator and Audience: Ef-
fects on Health Rlated Beliefs and Be-
haviors," on Monday, November 18 at{
10 a.m. at 122 South First St., Chair-
man: J. P. Krischt.
Shirley Marie Terreberry, Social Work
& Social Science, Dissertation: "The Or-
ganization of Environments," on Mon-
day, November 18 at 10 a.m. in Room
6006 I.S.R., Chairman: R. L. Kahn.
Reed LeRoy Detar, Physiology, Dis-

stamped envelope, which must be postmarked no
later than 12:00 Noon Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1968.


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