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November 17, 1968 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-17

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Ohio State.... 33

Purdue....... 9
MichiganState 0

Oklahoma.... 28

Indiana..... 6


Northwestern. 0

Southern Cal. 17
Oregon State. 13

See editorial page




Tennessee... 31
Mississippi ... 0
Intermittent drizzle
mixed with occasional snow

Vol. LXXIX, No. 69 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 17, 1968 Ten Cents

Ten Pages






Sports Editor
Ron Johnson shattered ten rushing records to single-
handedly demolish Wisconsin 34-9 in a downpour yesterday
and set up a "Dream Game" showdown with Big Ten co-
leader Ohio State in Columbus next Saturday.
Johnson racked up five touchdowns and gathered 347
yards in 31 attempts to turn a two-point first-half deficit
into a one-man runaway in the third quarter.
It was Michigan's eighth straight win, and combined
with Ohio State's 33-27 squeaker over Iowa, sets the stage for
next week's titanic struggle which will determine the Big
Ten championship and a trip to the 1969 Rose Bowl in Pasa-
dena, California.
Johnson's touchdowns came on explosive spurts of 35, 67,
one, 60, and 50 yards as he raked Wisconsin's defense for the
highest rushing and scoring totals in Big Ten football his-
tory. He was taken out of the game early in the fourth quar-
Michigan Head Coach Bump Elliott said "Johnson gave
the greatest one-man performance I have ever seen. He should
definitely be rated an All-American football player."
All in all, Johnson managed to eclipse three Big Ten
single game marks, three Michigan single game records, three
Michigan season totals and one team career record.
Johnson's new Michigan and Big Ten single game marks:
0 Most Points . . . 30
* Most Touchdowns . . . 5
! Most Yards Rushing . . . 347
Johnson's new Michigan season records:
*RushingAttempts .. . 234
*Most Yards Rushing . . . 1300
0 Most Touchdowns . . . 17
Johnson's new Michigan career record:
f Most Yards Rushing . . . 2349
(Johnson broke the career mark for rushing attempts last
week against Illinois. He now has 466.)
Also, the 6'1", 200-pound bruiser is within 70 yards of Jim
wGrabowski's single season rushing m a r k of 996, and two
touchdowns away from Leroy Keyes' record of 15.
Asked what his 'secret' was in the locker room, Johnson
replied: "There is none. You're born with it . . . God gives
it to you.
"The more I carry the ball the, better I feel," he continued.
"This is a great football team to play on. We've come a longf
sway this season, and you can be sure we'll be ready for Ohio
State next Saturday."
In the first quarter, Johnson slashed over left tackle for
46 yards in his initial two carries and Michigan had a 7-0 lead
after two minutes of play.
The normally-porous Badger defense then pulled togeth-
er and bottled up the Wolverine attack for the remainder of
the half.
Wisconsin managed to score 'a touchdown and a field
goal on fresh plays to take a 9-7 halftime margin to theC

-Daliy-Jay Cassidy
RON JOHNSON, greatest Michigan halfback since Torm Harmon, breaks the last tackle on the way to his fifth touchdown of yesterday
afternoon. The score broke the modern Big Ten single game record, one of the many marks shattered by the big halfback. Johnson was
responsible for all of Michigan's scoring, an awesome display of running prowess that could well make Johnson an All-American.


-Daily-Andy Sacks
DENNY BROWN takes a spill. The flashy Michigan quarterback
suffered this upending at the hands of Wisconsin's amazing Ken
Criter.' While Brown gave th~e slimy pigskin to Johnson, Criter,
the confer~encte's top tackler led in vain the Badger defense.
C Zechs curb power
of Dubek. regime

While students in many divis-
ions of the University are press-
ing their faculty for liberalized
requirements and programs, grad-
uate students in comparative lit-
erature are doing just the reverse.
Students are pushing for unifi-
cation of the now loosely structur-
ed comparative literature program.
with the formation of a separate
department in the field as a final
And they apparently have the

d cu

lit students propose
'ricuhum unification


PRAGUE t]-Czechoslovak Communist leaders, under visitor'sl
pressure of the Soviet occupation, curbed the power of liberal In t
party chief Alexander Dubcek today in a shakeup that (Elliott.)
brought orthodox party members into higher ranks.;
The reshuffle apparently squashed hopes for restoration
of pre-occupation freedoms demanded by militant students
The personnel changes were made public in the finalR
stages of a three-day plenary session, of the party's Central EDITOR
Committee. The 190-member committee met all last night. !The f
The complete program changes will be announced to- refers to

locker room.
he home locker room, things were pretty "somber"
See MICHIGAN, Page 9



There was no immediate report of any violent public
reaction to the shuffle.
CTK, the Czechoslovak news agency said Zenek Mlynar,
a Dubcek ally, resigned as a member of the party presidium,
and Central Committee Secretariat and as chairman of thej
.-- - ---p arty legal committee. He was

Bond set,

for Detrol
From Wire'Service Reports
Bond was set yesterday for t
Detroit policemen charged w
the alleged beating of black tei
agers at the Veterans Memor
Building two weeks ago.
Patrolman Leo T. Haidys v
released under $5,000 bond af
he pleaded innocent to the cha
of felonious assault.
Patrolman Richard Stinson v
released under $1,000 bond at
pleading innocent to an asss
4 and battery charge.
Seven other policemen hs
been suspended from duty.
Recorder's Court Judge Geo
Crockett said he was setting b(

reported to have asked "to re-
turn to his' research work in
the Institute for State and)
Law of the Czechoslovak!
Academy of Sciences." "
Mlynar was one of the origina-
tors of the freedom of information
policy that for several months
gave Czechoslovakia the freest,
press in the Communist world.
Later he came under heavy at-
tack by hard liners at home and
in the Soviet Union.
Mlynar was replaced on the 21-
member party presidium by con-
servative Lubomir Strougal, a vice
premier. Strougal also was named
a party secretary.
Creation of a. new eight-mem-,
ber executive committee within
the presidium was announcedl
This apparently would dilute the
authority of Dubcek as first sec-
The announcement said the
executive committee was tempor-'
ary and would "permit evaluation
of the urgent political problems
inform the presidium of its
work and place before it all its
significant decisions for approval."

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A nctony of acontroversy
'S NOTE: proceedings and to publish a to recognize them for these rea-
ollowing correspondence version of what happened was sons: While they of course ima-
Daily coverage of an requested and none was granted. gine that only groups-of their
in the classroom of No permission to take phot- persuasion might intrude into
enry Bretton on Nov. ographs in class was requested a classroom and disrupt the
ubsequent publicity in and none was granted. lecture then in progress, I saw,
Arbor News concerning By publishing the ',proceed- in my mind's eye, stormtroopers
rage.. ings, regardless of the degree of in uniform pouring into the hall
origial story, we said accuracy, The Daily has set a and taking notes for their pur-
f. Bretton ivited Peter precedent, and the University poses. There are other experi-
of Students for a Demo- will share responsibility for that ences I could relate. In my mind,
ociety to speak in his precedent. Unless the act of stocked with experiences under
no such invitation, We publishing under the circum- two fascist regimes, this even-
he error. We also regret stances is authoritatively and tuality was brought closer to
Ing checked with Prof. unequivocally condemned and reality by the mindless acts of
after the event to make unless professor and students the students that morning and
all our facts were cor- are guaranteed that their views by The Daily on the following
expressed in the classroom will day.
-S. It. IV not be published without their Second, after breaking into
e Editor: consent, this University will my lecture, none of the leaders
w of the publicity it has have lost something of inestim- of the intruding group bothered
in the Ann Arbor News, able value. The doors will then to introduce themselves to me
e your readers are en- have been opened to all kinds or to the class. This alone was
be informed of the con- of abuse. Then professors must a regrettable oversight. It also
ProfessormBretton's re- assume henceforth that their deprived me of any basis for
ter to the Board in Con- remarks will appear in print, judgment what it was the class
etudent Publications, and most likely distorted and with- was facing at the moment.
complete text of the out their consent. More than Surely, before a class is to be
mt which I made avail- that, any professor and any stu- disrupted and students from
the News after the ap- dent will henceforth have to outside are to be granted the
e of its initial story, assume that whatever he says right to address that class, some
ws' failure to print the on whatever subject and in of the usual formalities might
tatement in full creates whatever context may be pub- be observed. Thus, The Daily
iding impresssion of the lished in The Daily or in some was wrong when it asserted that
of the issues Professor other paper, including, of course, I declared the class disrupted
has raised, and ,of the papers reflecting views detri- after I had recognized the in-
n which is being given mentally opposed to those truders. I had refused to rec-
omplaint. shared by the editorial board of ognize them and shall continue
K. Cooperrider The Daily at a given point in to do sotregardless oftthe cause
rman, Board in Control time. represented, right, left, or cen-
tudent Publications In my opinion, failure to pre- ter. I will of course be delighted
16 vent a repetition of The Daily's always to discuss with students
conduct in this instance will under orderly conditions, this

full support of the program's fac- had difficulty enrolling in t h e partment
ulty committee. course." time."
At a meeting last week between Students and faculty in the pro- The fo
student representatives and the gram have also decided to hold departme
faculty committee, major changes regular joint meetings as a result creased
in the nature of the program were of last week's discussion. comparal
agreed upon and the tone was The major topic of this contin- says Nie;
set for continued cooperation and uing dialogue is sure to lead to the "Most
further reform. possibility of forming a compara7 dents co
"The revisions are not in any tive literature department in the ing depa
sense a slackening of the require- literary college. those de
rents," emphasizes student repre- Tentative plans have, in fact, al- care of t
sentative Angela McCourt. "This ready been set for submission of a Departn
is a reorientation of the compara- proposal for the creation of this withit i
tive literature program." department to Dean William dergradu
Probably the most significant Hays of the literary college. tive liter
revision is a reduction in the num- The major advantage of form- is "wary
ber of preliminary examinations ing a comparative literature de-
required for the doctoral program partment, Niess points out, would posal for
and a change in the kind of test be the, creation of a full-time Virtual]
required. staff which could teach the type in comps
Formerly, students were requir- of comparative literature courses en place
ed to take six "prelims" drawn we envision. both stu
from regular examinations in the "Even with the meager resourc- . hopefulf
various language departments. es we now have, we can still dig "Every
Under the new program, the re- up plenty of people to teach," he very enl
quired number is cut to four, one says, but quickly adds "if their de- says Nies
of which will specifically be de-x---
signed to allow the student toiIN E'' .
compare the literature of two lan- IRDISCIPLINARY:
Miss McCourt describes this
change as a move "away f r o m
meeting t h e requirements of a rad urban
number of different languages"
and toward the creation of a uni-
fied comparative literature pro- en100 ra
Last week's meeting also lead to
an innovation which promotes By RICK PERLOFFdevelopi
this aim - the creation of a stu-ByRC PELF{delpi
ent-run seminar. Until now the "We all work pretty much in-viding n
I only soley comparative literature dependently," explains a graduate plins
class has been a reading course. student in urban and regional m n of
Another outcome of the meeting planning. "Everybody has their planning
was the elimination of the pro- own particular interest but we The p
gram's only course requirement, have the chance to expose our gram tr
English 885. Prof. Robert J. Niess, work to other people in other dis- ministra
chairman of the faculty committee ciplines." how to
describes this change as largely a Urban and regional planning, an up effec
matter of necessity. interdisciplinary analysis of the Beside
"The English department want- various aspects of the planning students
ed to keep all 800 level courses process, combines the facilities toral pr
primarily for English concen- and research of eight different dividedi
trates," he says. "0 u r students colleges. ronmen
But the emphasis remains on the appraisa
individual, according to Jim Sny- ban an
V i Parachute der, a grad student participating group it
T I 'g in the Self-Determination Semi- nomic d

rg a region, aims at pro-
ew social innovations, ex-
William D. Drake, chair-
the urban and regional
g program.
public administration pro-
ains prospective city ad-
tors on such matters as
float bond issues and set
etive planning committees.
es the masters program, 11
are enrolled in a doc-
rogram. This program is
in five core areas: envi-
tal' design and resource
al; analytic tools for ur-
d regional analysis; social
interaction processes; eco-
development of urban and
l areas and governmental
g process.
nts specialize in two areas
maintaining a lesser pro-
in the others.
emphasizes "we're not
fering a smorgasbord of
there is some rationale

s would give them the
rmation of the proposed
ent would also provide in-
fellowship support for
tive literature students,
of our support for stu-"
Imes out of already exist-
rtments," he notes, "And
partments have to take
their own students first."
nentalization would bring
he possibility of an un-
ate program in compara-
ature, but Niess says he
of considering this pro-
the present at least.
MY all the reform activity
arative literature has tak-
in the last six weeks, and
udents and faculty seem
for continued progress.
'one involved in this is
husiastic' and optimistic,"

attack started


SAIGON (A) - The South Viet- so
namese army mounted its first bla
tnajor combat parachute assault in in
almost two years yesterday, throw- tai
ing 500 elite jumpers plus 1.500 su

r. regional
"In our semin ar, different plannin
ople are studying strategies for Stude
cial change. I'm involved with while m
ack capitalism and have been ficiency
terviewing those promoting cer- Drake
in aspects of black capitalism just off
ch as the programs of the Black- courses;


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