Thursday, August 15, 1968
.Pc Nine
Thurday Aug st 5, 968 HE ICHI AN AIL
Pnnp N mni i
Inner city residents trained
in U'-administered program
'U' union ask mediation board to send
representative to speed contract talks
1 ,
DETROIT - Thousands of De-
troit's inner city residents are re-
.ceiving specialized gtaining in a
* program administered by the Uni-
vergity Center for Adult Educa-
The Detroit Area Training and
Technical Assistance Center
(ATTAC) connects the academic,
worl4 to the inner city, according
to D'. Robert Smith, associate
director of the UCAE. Seventy-
five percent of the 15,706 persons
trained by ATTAC since its incep-
tion in 1965-and 85 per cent of
its staff-are Negroes.
Funded by 'the Office of Eco-
nomic Opportunity, ATTAC pro-
vides training for the professional
and subprofessional staff members
of the Mayor's Committee for
Human Resources Development
(Detroit's anti-poverty program),
and is delegate agencies and local
community action
throughout Michigan.
According to Gilbert
programs tunity to assist teachers repre-
sents their first real job.I
A it ff- -
A. Mad-
dox, director of ATTAC, most of
the persons who have completed
training programs have been suc-
cessful in holding jobs in com-
munity service and action pro-
Four hundred teacher aides who
will be serving in the Detroit
public schools this fall complet-
ed what is believed to be the
largest training program of its
kind ever held. A- total of 30,-
600 man-hours of training was
provided the aides, all employees
of the Great Cities School Im-:
provement Project.
The aides will assist classroom
teachers and provide a new line
of communication between the
schools. and communities. Many
of them were formerly on the
city's welfare roles. For a ,arge
number of the women the oppor-
A senior aide training program
was offered by UCAE this month.
The objectives were to aid the
senior citizen trainees in develop-
ing sensitivity and human rela-
tions skills, in learning how to
conduct interviews, and in acquir-
ing basic writing skills. The parti-
cipants also learned about t h e
culture of poverty.
Last year ATTAC's enrollment
was 10,282. Typical ATTAC course
offerings are conditions of poverty
and its effect on people, legisla-
tion to help poor people, counsel-
ing and interviewing, community
organization, child development
and adolescent psychology, con-
sumer education, leadership train-
ing, personnel management and
effective supervision, personnel
and program evaluation, and co-
operative and economic develop-
Persons eligible for ATTAC
training include professional, non-
professional, and clerical workers
in community action or human re-
sources development programs;
teacher aides; members of Com-
munity Action Program (CAP)
boards and related anti-poverty
programs; personnel of city de-
partments who work primarily
with inner-city youth and adults;
and staff members of educational
ATTAC has also been success-
ful with experimental sensitizing
of affluent groups from the sub-
urbs to the conditions and effects
of poverty. A number of human
relations councils in outlying
areas have come to the center
for training. The training has
proved valuable for significant
contributions to the anti-poverty
The State Labor MediationI
Board has been requested by both
University and union negotiators
to send a representative to expe-
dite the writing of the University's
first collective bargaining agree-
In separate but mutually agreed
upon moves, both the University
and Local 1583 of the American
Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
wrote to state mediator Edmond
Philips asking him to help speed
up the fourteen-week-old talks.
No answer' has been received yet.
No one could say as of yester-
,day how soon the mediator could
be included in the sessions, two
of which were scheduled this
week. Neither Philips nor Hy
Parker, chief negotiator for the
state board, could be reached for
However, University negotiator
Russell Reister noted the board
is somewhat tied down now with
threats of teachers' strikes that
are receiving priority attention.
Union and University officials
differ sharply on the current
status of the negotiations. Reister
and James Brinkerhoff, chairman
of the University labor p o l i c y
committee, have termed them
"I think the last few meetings
have shown progress," said Reist-
er. "That applies to negotiations
with all three unions." He referred
to contract talks with the skilled
tradesmen and operating en-
gineers as well as AFSCME.
But Tom Fitzpatrick, chief ne-
gotiator for AFSCME, charged
"absolutely no progress is being
"We're just throwing p a p e r
across the table at each other.
We've had enough," he added.
in charge of management-employe
and union relations for the Uni-I The state labor board has been
andsity unntrelatonsforthe Uni- asked to intercede only once be-
versity, sent a letter to the same fore in University-union negotia-
effect. tions. Spokesmen for both sides
As a result of a recent decision said that the mediator, Philips,
by rank-and-file AFSCME mem- significantly expedited the talks.
bers a strike vote is being con- Union recognition by the Uni-
ducted by mail. The results will versity for the purpose of collec-
be announced by Sept. 10. tive bargaining was granted last
Fitzpatrick said a positive vote year after a walk-out by plant
on the issue would not require the workers at the start of the fall
union to lead a strike, which is term.
Fitzpatrick said the union, against state law, but r a t h e r
which first requested the media- would "authorize the officers to
tion, telegraphed the state labor take whatever action necessary
board last Friday. James Thiery, up to and including a strike."
CA~ ~
* Columbia faculty t o, study
possible acadenmiic ref orms
Faculty members at Columbia
University will meet Sept. 12 to
consider reforms in an effort to
head off potential disruptions
when students' return for the fall
term; The meeting will preceed
the opening of classes by t w o
The first university-wide faculty
meeting in the 214 year history of
4 the school was called by the' fac-
ulty's executive committee, creat-
ed last spring after a student up-
rising threw the school into chaos.
At t h a t time, occupation of
many university buildings by stu-
dents demanding a larger role
in the school's debision making
/f process resulted in clashes with
police and mass arrests. One-year
suspensions were given to 73 stu-
dents and more than 700 others
face criminal prosecution as a re-
sult of the demonstration.
sity at which faculty and students
alike feel that their voices a r e
heard, and that disorder is not a
pre-condition to meaningful par-
ticipation," said Michael Sovern,
a law professor who is chairman
of the committee.
The Sept. 12 meeting is the last
possible moment to give concrete
evidence of this before our stu-
dents return," he added.
The meeting will also hear an
address by Dr. Andrew W. Cord-
ier, who has been named acting
president on the retirement of Dr.
Grayson Kirk.
.. . .
4' .. _.
The faculty executive committee
was charged by t he university
trustees last spring to study and
recommend changes in the basic
university structure. It called for
the faculty meeting in order to
make specific proposals to the 800
faculty members and receive their
approval on submission of pro-
posals to the trustees, who must
ultimately approve all changes.
The specific proposals will con-
cern the fate of those students
suspended and facing criminal
prosecution, and reformation of
Columbia's policy-making process-
es to give faculty and students a
greater voice.
"We're trying to make Colum-
bia University the kind of univer-
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