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August 15, 1968 - Image 70

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-15

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Thursday, August 15, 1968

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 15, 1968
I Ii

Downtown Honda

western Conference sneaks into preseason poiis


Associate Sports Editor
Preseason pollsters have sud-
denly rediscovered the Big Ten.
After years of lambasting the
conference for slipping from its
former exalted plateau, the
analysts have picked no less than
four --count 'em, four - Western
squads on their various Top Ten
listings. So this should be the
year for all the conference schools
to raise their collective heads high
and re-proclaim their membership
in the elite group.
All, that is, except for North-
The poor Wildcats, actually a
better team than a year ago, have
the dubious honor of playing their
first five games against - hold
on - Miami of Florida, Southern
Cal, Purdue, Notre Dame, a n d
Ohio State. In that order. It is
the humble opinion of this sports-
writer that, should coach Alex

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Agase lead his Evanstonians
through that gauntlet unscathed,I
the position of number one in the!
country should be awarded to
his Squad in perpetuity.
For every one of those. five is
listed on at least one Top Ten
poll, and the middle three are ex-
pected to fight it out for the top
three positions in the country.
Purdue, of course, along with
Big Ten rivals Indiana, Ohio
State, and Minnesota, need no
real introduction to Wolverine
fans. They all showed great
strength last year, they all put
on a tremendous struggle for the
1967 conference crown, and they
all have an outstanding crop of;
returnees and sophomores. In
fact, they all might make a major'
Top Ten list this season, except
for. the fact that they all play
each other. And the wire services
have a disconcerting habit of dis-
counting teams who lose games.
The Trojans of USC. of course,;
might settle this problem of top
billing quite easily by dragging
the title out west. O.J. Simpson
is back, along with coach John
McKay's usual collection of junior
college transfers.. Yet any team
which has five of its starters pick-
ed in the first round of the pro
draft is bound to feel the effects
of graduation.
And Oregon State is all set to
ick up the slack in the Pacific
Eight - and the nation - should
USC falter. Last year the Beav-
ers downed both Southern Cal
and Purdue en route to a 7-2-1
record, and the entire offensive
backfield is returning, along with
the coaches' All-America John.

Sandstrom on defense. The way
things look, the Trojan-Beaver
game in Los Angeles on November
16 might just decide the W e s t
Coast Rose Bowl representative.
To the east of these Pacific
contenders are several teams em-
inently worthy of Top Ten scrut-
iny, with the Lone Star State
holding three. Tops is Texas,
which was racked by injury last
year, but still has a strong of-
fense returning. And should they
falter, a soph crop which aver-
aged 40 points per game last year
is ready for picking.
Texas A&M, however, is right

behind - or maybe a little ahead receiver, Jim Seymour, may re-
of - the Longhorns. A strong ceive similar honors. Defense is
defense should be their forte, as their big questioi mark, and with
10 starters return from that their schedule, it. should be an-
squad; but seven returning start- swered quickly.
ers from offense mean a power- The Alligator State might join
ful scoring punch. The Thanks- Texas and Indiana this year in
giving Day Aggie-Loighorn game the Two-Top-Ten-Teams-in-the-
should determine the Southwest Same-State category, with b o t h
crown-we.rer. Florida and Florida State coming
The other Texas power is Hous- on strong. The former seem to
ton. Warren McVea is gone but have evrything but kicking this
fullback 1aul Gipsin and Carlos year, while the latter will. base
Bell, McVea's replacement, give their hopes on a passing offense.
the Cougars another strong back- The East's best hopes for Top
field to go with their quick de-
fense. Ten power rest with Penn State,
which won the Lambert Trophy
Back in the Midwest, two more [or the umpteenth time last year.
teams are destined for Top Ten- Since that success was based
dom - Oklahoma and (of course) largely on sophomores, this year's
Notre Dame. The Sooners return squad should be an experienced
eight members of an offense crew.
which ran up a 10-1 {record last j
year, andshould remain atop the So there it is. A Top Ten or
Big Eight, so that doesn't have an order, and
The Irish, meanwhile, may be covers the entire country. And
the only team in. the country right in the middle of them all
with' two potential All-America sits Evanston, where the Wildcats
quarterbacks -- Terry Hanratty of Northwestern have a right to
and Coley O'Brien. And their ace feel hemmed in. Wouldn't you?
Meyer breaksmore marks;
Ol1ympicswim trials nd




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LOS ANGELES (P) - "School-
girl Debbie Meyer combined sta-
mina with her speed yesterday to,
smash her third world record in
five days by swimming the rugged
800-meter freestyle race in 9 min-
utes 16.4 seconds at the United
States women's Olympic swimming
The tremendous performance in
the metric half-mile came during
preliminaries at the Los Angeles
Swim Stadium when eight young
ladies qualified for the.. evening
Debbie, 16, shattered her official
world mark of 9:22.9 set a year
ago in the Pan-American Games
at Winnipeg, Canada, and her
pending record of 9:17.8 in her
home pool of Arden Hills near her
Sacramento, Calif., home.
On Saturday, the blue-eyed
blonde bettered the world record
with 2:06.7 in the 200-meter free-
style and on Sunday she came
right back with 4:24.6 for 400
The top three finishers in each
final event qualify for the U.S.
Olympic team for October's inter-
national competition at Mexico,.
Pam Kruse of Fort Lauderdale,
Fla., posted the second, best 800
qualifying time with 9:26.57 and
Eadie Wetzel of Wilmette, Ill.,
and the Lake Forest Club had the
third best at 9:27.35 as all swam
in the same qualifying, race.

Finals in the 800 complete the
Olympic trials which included a
dozen events and American girls
established new world records in
seven of them.
The 800 is one of the six races
for women swimmers being corn-
p'eted in the Olympics by women
for the first time this year. Others
are the 200 freestyle, 100-meter
breakstroke, t00-meter Individual
medley, 200-meter butterfly, and
200-meter backstroke.

Solon calls
for -Russian
1OC expulsion,
WASHINGTON (,) - The In-
ternational Olympic Committee
"should seriouslyI consider expul-
sion of Russia 'because of its in-
vasion of Czechoslovakia," Rep.
Jack McDonald (R-Mich.) said
"The naked aggression commit-
ted by Russia against Czechoslo-
vakia makes Russian participation
in the Olympics impossible," Mc-
Donald said in a statement.
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