Sraturdoy, November 2y 1968
Page Three
Close races cloud House presidential vote
ocrats 'hold a narrow lead in
races for the House of Repre-
,sentatives. But as election day
nears, the potential lineup for
any House election of a presi-
dent becomes more muddled.
A state-by-state Associated
Press survey shows Democrats
ahead in 231 districts-13 more
than needed to control the 435-
0 member House. Republicans
lead in 180 districts and 24 are
rated tossups in the evaluations
made a week before voting.
Democrats control the present
House 245-187 with three seats
The survey also turned up at
east 85 candidates with a good
chance of winning who say if
the presidential election goes
to the House, they would sup-
port a popular vote for winner
for president even if he isn't
their party's candidate.
The new House would inherit
the job of picking the next
president if no candidates re-
ceives 270 or more votes in the
electoral college, whose votes
are cast Dec. 16 and counted
Jan. 6. If the election goes to
the House each state, regardless
of size, would cast one vote.
Translating survey results in-
,to control of state delegations
leaves each of the three presi-
dential candidates well short of
the 96 stat votes he would need
to wiu in the House.
If House candidates who now
lead are elected, .,Republican
Richard M. Nixon apparently
would get the votes of 17 states,
Democrat Hubert H. Humphrey
12 andthird-party candidate
George C. Wallace 1-Alabama.
Votes of Hawaii, Kansas and
Nevada would go to whoever
wins the popular vote in that
state. Montana would be unable
to vote because of a deadlock
Sixteen other states are in
doubt as of now. Even races
leave party control of some
states in question and in many
there are candidates who say
they might vote for other than
their party's nominee.
Some House candidates say
they would back the presiden-
tial candidate who won the na-
tional popular vote. A petition
advocating this position was
signed by 29 Democratic con-
gressmen and 25 Republicans.
But now there is some question
whether it remains in effect
since it did not get heavier sup-
Some candidates say they
would follow the popular vote of
their congressional district.
The pressure of party disci-
pline-with its possible threats
thatschoice committee assign-
ments or seniority might be
taken away - could persuade
some dissidents to return to
party line voting.
Based on current standings
and statements, the Nixon states
would be Alaska, Arizona, Dela-
ware, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa,
Michigan, Minesota, Nebraska,
New Hampshire, North Dakota,
Ohio, South Dakota,Utah, Ver-
mont, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
The Humphrey states-some
particularly subject to Wallace
inroads-would be Arkansas,
Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maryland Massachu-
ietts, New York, Rhode Island,
Tennessee, Texas and West Vir-
Question mark states as of
now are California, connecticut,
Florida, Illinois, Maine, Missis-
sippi, Misouri, New Jersey, New
Mexico, North Carolina, Okla-
homa, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, Virginia and
,An AP survey four weeks ago
put Democrats in the lead for
230 seats, Republicans for 183
and called 22 tossups.
Although the totals are vir-
tually identical this time, some
of the names have changed.
Two incumbents - William
L. Hungate (D-Mo), and Flet-
cher Thompson (R-Ga)-have
fallen behind since the previous
survey. Reps. Donald J. Irwin
(D-Conn), J. Edward Rousch
(D-Ind), Henry Helstoski (D-
NJ) and James Broyhill (R-
NC) are still behind.
Hungate, elected in 1964 to
the seat vacated by the death
of longtime House power Clar-
ence Cannon, trails Christopher
Bond in their northeast Missouri
Thompson has slipped behind
former Rep. Charles Weltner of
Atlanta, who abruptly dropped
out of the district race in 1966
rather than support Lester Mad-
dox, then Democratic candidate
for governor.
Rep. Andrew Jacobs Jr. (D-
Ind), behind previously, is now
rated ahead. Rep. Frances Bol-
ton (R-Ohio), has pulled from
behind to even in her race with
Rep. Charles A. Vanik in a re-
apportioned district.
Rouse trails Rep. E. Ross Adair
and Broyhill is behind Rep.
Basil L. Whitener. The only
other contest matching incum-
bents is a tossup between Okla-
homa Reps. Tom Steed, Demo-
crat, and James Smith, Repub-
lican. Eight, Democratic and
three Republican incumbents
whose rales were rated only four
weeks ago now are leading their
The Democrats are Dante Fas-
cell. Florida ; Mrs. Patsy T. Mink
and Spark Matsunaga, Haiwaii;
Richard D. McCarthy, New
York; Robert O. Tiernan, Rhode
Island; John 0. Marsh, Vir-
ginia; andhLloyd Meeds and
Floyd V. Hicks, Washington.
The Republicans are William
V. Roth Jr., Delaware; Daniel
E. Button, New York, and Glenn
Cunningham, Nebraska.
Two Republican congressmen,
Odin Langen of Minnesota and
William C. Wampler of Vir-
ginia, have slipped backward to
even. Other Republican incum-
bents in tossup races are Bill
Dickson, Alabama; George A.
Goodling, Pennsylvania, and
Margaret Heckler, Massachu-
Four Democratic incumbents
besides Vanik have slipped to
even: George E. Brown, Jr. and
Richard T. Hanna, California;
Paul Rogers, Florida, and Wil-
Democratic congressmen in toss-
liam T. Murphy, Illinois. Other
up races are William L. St.
Onge, Connecticut; Peter N. Ky-
ros, Maine, and James J. How-
ard, New Jersey.
Of the 231 Democrats now
leading, 171 incumbents and
eight other candidates are rated
safe winners. Of the 180 Repub-
licans now ahead, 147 incum-
bents and seven other candi-
dates are rated safe.
Democrats lead in 52 close
races and Republicans in 26..
The 102 close and tossup races
involve 59 Democrats and 28
Republican incumbents.
If the districts rated safe turn
out that way, Democrats would
need to win only 39 of the 102
close or tossup races to secure
control of the House. Repub-
licans would have to win 64 to
capture the House.
Eldridge Cleaver
Presidential tickets
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WASHINGTON (3) - Voters
who don't like Humphrey, Nix-
on or Wallace will be able in
some states to take their pick of
presidential candidates running
on platforms ranging from de-
mands for peace now to fair
treatment of visitors from outer
Twenty-five states will have
presidential candidates on their
ballots from at least one of the
nine minor parties which have
entered slates opposing the three
major contenders.
Votes for these candidates
will be tabulated in most of the
states after ballots are counted
for the three tickets that have
qualified in all states, the Dem-
ocratic, the Republican and the
American Independent.
Here's a rundown on the mi-
nor parties and their standard
The Socialist Workers Party,
represented by Fred Halstead of
New York for president a n d
Paul Boutelle of Newark, N.J.,
for vice president, has the long-
est of state entries among the
minors - 19.
A part of the Trotskyite move-
ment that broke off from Mos-
cow Communism in 1928, it is
basically a peace-in-Vietnam ef-
fort this year, with Negro con-
trol of black communities as a
second issue.
Halstead, 40, works for two
prominent peace groups.
Boutelle, 36, is a Negro and
was a follower of Malcom X, the
slain Black Muslim leader.
Next in the number of entries
comes the Socialist Labor party.
which claims to represent the
original Socialist niovement in
the nation. It is on the ballot in
13 states.
The candidates are Henning
A. Blomen, 57, of Cambridge,
Mass., a machine assembler, for
president, and George Sam
Taylor, 53, of Philadelphia, an
electronics technician, for vice
The Peace and Freedom par -
ty, another organization com-
mitted to withdrawal from Viet-
nam and local power in black
communities, is on nine ballots,
but its candidates v a r y from
state to state.
Eldridge Cleaver, information
minister for the Calif ornia-
based Black Panthers is the for-
mally chosen presidential candi-
date but entertainer Dick Gre-
gory is the candidate of record
in three states - New Jersey,
New York and Pennsylvania.
Cleaver is below the constitu-
tional age minimum for Presi-
dent. The Constitution sets no
age for candidates.
Gregory is in five- state races
altogether. The other two are
Colorado and Virginia where he
is the nominee of the New par-'
That recently formed organi-
zation generally h a s adopted
Vietnam, poverty and racial
policies from the late Sen. Rob-
ert F. Kennedy, Sen. Eugene J.
McCarthy and Sen. George Mc-
Govern, all bidders for the Dem-
ocratic presidential nomination.
Besides backing Gregory in
two states, it is offering Mc-
Carthy in Arizona and Cleaver
in Michigan.
The Prohibition party, a per-
ennial bidder, is offering Earle
Harold Munn Sr., Hillsdale,
Mich., and Rolland E. Visher,
Topeka, Kan., in nine states.
Communist party candidates
made the ballot in two states -
Minnesota and Washington. The
candidates are Charlene Mitch-
ell, a Negro woman from Har-
lem, for president, and Michael
Zagarell of New York, the par-
ty's 24-year-old national youth
The Constitution party has put
up Richard K. Troxell of Hous-
ton, Tex., and Merle Thayer,
Davenport, Iowa, in North Da-
Kirby J. Hensley, a Modesto,
Calif., minister, is bidding for
the White House in Iowa under
the banner of the Universal par-
Hensley, 56, got 19 votes for
president in 1964. The Univer-
sal platform includes civil treat-
ment for beings from other
worlds who may visit this planet.
news today
b T he Associated Press and College Press Service
THE END OF U.S. ATTACKS on North Vietnam was
cheered around the world as a major step toward peace
yesterday, but some Asian nations allied with South Viet-
nam cautioned the U.S. against taking a soft line with
Officials in South Korea and Thailand demanded clear-
cut evidence of de-escalation by the North Vietnamese. If
there is no such evidence, they want a quick resumption of
the bombing.
Informants in South Korea and Australia, another ally,
said their governments would insist on taking part in any
full-dress talks for a peace treaty.
But United Nations Secretary-General U Thant, who has
been urging a bombing halt for three years, said President
Johnson's order brought the brightest prospects for peace
since the bombing began in 1965.
French President Charles DeGaulle praised the move and
said his government would pay special attention to the peace
talks now going on in Paris.
British Foreign Secretary Michael Stewart said it was now
up "to those who have been so vociferant in their demands"
for a bombing halt to "direct energies to promoting an effec-
tive response from.Hanoi."
Soviet news agencies and publications carried accounts
of the order without comment.
* . 0
A 26 - MONTH POWER STRUGGLE in Communist
China has finally brought the downfall of President Liu
A communique from China's Communist Party Central
Committee expelled Liu "from all posts" and denounced him
as a "renegade traitor and . . . lackey of imperialism." Liu
could face a trial leading to imprisonment or death.
The end of the 70-year-old Liu's career is the climax of
a purge that party chairman Mao Tse-tung began in the fall
of 1966. The nationwide cultural revolution resulted in the
political ax for thousands of Liu's supporters, and touched off
violent incidents of bloodshed.
Maoists have charged Liu with an administration of lib-
eralization that threatened Chinese communism ever sine
he became President in 1959.
In the attacks that followed, Liu was never mentioned by
names but Thursday's communique vowed "to continue to
settle accounts with Liu and his accomplices for their crimes
in betraying the party and their country.
The communique gave no hint as to Liu's whereabouts, or
whether he has yet been arrested.
* . .
called into urgent session last night to deal with growing
violence in the Middle-East crisis.
The 15-nation council was called at the, request of both
Israel and Egypt, shortly after the bombing of two Nile River
bridges and a power station Thursday night.
Israel claims the bombing was carried out by daring
commandos, while Egypt maintains it Was done by Israeli
U.N. diplomats had been expecting a council meeting
after last weekends raids, when Israel shelled Egyptian oil
tanks after an alleged Egyptian raid into Israeli-held terri-
The military incidents came before the council as U.N.
envoy Gunnar Jarring continued his efforts at finding a
basis for easing the long-standing Middle East conflict, at
U.N. headquarters in New York.
" . "
IN THE WAKE of President Johnson's bombing halt
order, Democratic senatorial candidate Paul O'Dwyer yes-
terday reversed his position and endorsed Hubert Humph-
rey for the presidency.
O'Dwyer, who faces a stiff race for the New York seat
against Republican Jacob Javits, said his endorsement
"would not have come without a change in the Vietnam pol-
icy for which these men have stood in public."
The former New York City councilman had refused to
back the Democratic ticket even after Eugene McCarthy an-
nounced his endorsement earlier in the week.
O'Dwyer called the bombing cessation a victory for "the
movement within the Democratic party led by Sen. McCar-
thy and the late Sen. Robert Kennedy."
THE HUMPHREY CAMPAIGN hit Detroit yesterday
as the buoyant vice-president called on union workers to
blunt apparent gains made by George C. Wallace.
He said, "Every vote for Wallace is a vote for reaction, a
vote to go backwards."
Apparently sensing victory within his grasp after enthu-
siastic receptions at Southgate in Detroit and in Battle Creek,
Humphrey said, "We've got a tight race on our hands, but I
think this thing could burst wide open."
. 0 *
JAMES HOFFA'S CHIEF LAWYER said yesterday he
has new hope for Hoffa's freedom.
The lawyer, William Bufalino of Detroit, reluctantly ad-
mitted he was investigating the acquittal of a wiretapper in
Miami charged with perjury when he said he tapped Hoffa's
telephone for the federal government.
The wiretapper's testimony dealt with Hoffa's Chicago
conviction for conspiracy on which he has been serving a five-
year prison term since last year,
The union leader is also serving an eight-year sentence
for jury tampering.
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