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November 02, 1968 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-02

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Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications


Senate races: Morse's 'fight for lif.

420 Maynard St , Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone. 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors This must be noted in oil reprints.



Even if the election doesn't
let's make the votes count

r-JHE "TIGER of the Senate"
faces the fight of his life this
Wayne Morse, the most con-
troversial and outspoken member
of the Senate, is being challenged
for his Oregon seat by an attrac-
tive young Republican state re-
presentative, Robert Packwood,
who, according to Newsweek is
running a campaign "so efficient'
that even his haircuts are sched-
uled weeks in advance".
Morse, now se'eking his fifth
term, has acquired over the years
a reputation for uncompromising
principle and disdain for political
He broke the first rule in the
book at the height of the '52
campaign. when he quit the Re-
publican party and endorsed Ad-I
lai Stevenson.
He has been busy breaking rules
ever since. For the last five years,
he has been the Senate's m o s t
ardent critic of American involve-I
ment in Vietnam.
"WE CAN'T keep our presence in
Asia to contain China without go-

BITTER WOhS come easily,
for Wayne Morse. He attackedI
Clare Booth Luce with such vehe-
mence before her confirmation as
Ambassador to Brazil in'1959 that
she resigned three days later.
It is said that Morse, a former
law professor, has no intellectual
superior in 'the Senate. But his
critics look at him in a different
light. They say he is cold, arro-R
gant and self-righteous.
Yet what worries Morse's sup-
porters most is not any lack of
public support for the Senator, but
the likelihood of a general Re-
publican sweep in Oregon, on
which Packwood could ride to
It is ironic that Morse, the bit-
terest senatorial critic of the ad-
ministration may be defeated be-
cause of public reaction against
that administration.
"Don't let yourself stray into
the error of thinking that people
think in a situation like this," said
Howard Morgan, a close associate
of Morse, "when they're s o r e,
they'll vote against their best

This could be the last hurrah -
Nixon is heavily favored to carry
Oregon. and Packwood seems to
have the momentum.
"Bob Packwood combines an at-
tractive personality with youthful
vigor and an encyclopedic know-
ledge of Oregon and its problems"
says the Portland Oregonian.
Packwood is obviously an intel-
ligent and creative young attorney
He would doubtless give Oregon a
satisfactory senator.
thing else. He has demonstrated
a degree of courage rarely found
on the American political scene.
He has taken the unpopular view
so often one might rightly wonder

if this is a masochistic nw', d on
his nart.
From ' cCarihyism tJoci to
con rs-'o:al ethics, from NATO
to the drft and Vietnim. he
h,: IPcro that dissenting voic" s'
i21 'darkness so essential to
d ni cra' y. It is true that he often
overstates a c-se, somntims casts
p rso'al asp, rsios, and occasion-
ally m'sr: ds facts. But so often
he has ben ri-ht __ and h-s op-
ron nts bvre bicn wiron'.
- )PUS E 'R ha made rno h-r
unpopular decision - one which
angers many of his supporters.
Despite his harsh criticism of the
administration, he has endorsed
Vico Presid'nt Humphrey as "our

y c.l' for an early change of
m : c a forEign policy in Asia."
s said it - and he believes
h ct about his personality
t' ource of both his good
a s and his failings.
.Vh b ",h'rs people in Wash-
so much is Morse's critical
s A Ad this uncompromising in-
't r o s yin- what he feels, in
st the doc lity of so many
c l: -ures in the face of
- " ity" and "consensus",
- nm: a -o-se so important
"ss: ;y.
L t hop' I ',o,i voters come
o i - c'utch for him as
th y 'i sa m iy times before.
Am ra'a ir'ds Pt least one Wayne
Mof sin the S nate.

FEW PEOPLE believe that elections, ev-
en in this country, are ever completely
For example, when John F.- Kennedy
nosed out Richard Nixon by only 7,000
votes in Illiiois in 1960, many thought
that Mayor Richard Daley had added at
least that many yotes to the Democratic
total through various fraudulant, albeit
colorful, means.
While old-fashioned vote fraud of the
Tammany Hall variety is steadi],y declin-
ing in prominence and extent, there are
still other abuses of vote-counting that
deprive citizens of their right to h a v e
their ballots tabulated.
It is a standard campaign practice for
the accuracy of minor party vote tallies
to be totally subject to the whim of local
and state election boards,
AT MANY polling places the votes for
minor party candidates are not con-
sidered of sufficient importance to be
counted. These stray votes are omitted,
or even divided up between the major'
It is hoped that this will not be the case
in Ann Arbor and in Michigan as a whole
'this year. Since elections are important
not only because they determine the win-
ner but also as an indicator of public
opinion, it is essential that the totals
for all candidates be as accurate as pos-
Last month, state Attorney General
Frank Kelly ruled that write-in votes for
President would not be tabulated in
Michigan. As a consequence of this de-
cision, dissenters are driven to choose
among only the three minor party can-
didates whn man ap do t p'n hnhln

FURTHERMORE, minor party candi-
dates such as Jim "Joe" Lewis, run-
ning for Sheriff on the New Politics
ticket, are making determined efforts to
capture a significant percentage of the
vote. It would be the height of authori-
tarian arrogance if these ballots were
treated cavalierly.
Consequently, Ann Arbor and Michigan
election officials should make immediate
preparations to insure that archaic elec-
tion practices do not prevail and that the
votes for all candidates are accurately,
tabulated on election day.
Grape bovcott?
THE LONG UPHILL struggle of the Cali-
fornia grapepickers for decent wages
creeps on its petty pace, as picketers con-
tinue their vigil outside the big A&P
supermarket on Huron .Street.
The picketers are asking people to boy-
cott A&P or at least not to buy any
grapes. They do not seem at all dis-
couraged by inclement weather or the
unresponsiveness of students who com-
plain that A&P is the only store where
they can afford to shop and which is
accessible to them. Their faces light up
every time they manage to convince
someone to walk another couple of blocks
to the Capitol Market on Fourth St.
BUT THE A&P management seems
equally pleased with the labors of
the picketers. Just the other day the
manager cheerfully claimed that both




ing to war with China, says ROBERT PACKWOOD iust
Morse. the sort of moderate young Re-
He is one of two senators (the publican who stands to gain from
other. Ernest Gruening of Alaska, a Nixon landslide. Packwood, a
was /defeated in his state's Demo- former political science student of
cratic primary) who have con- Senator Mark Hatfield, has shown
sistently voted against war appro- independence and leadership in his
priations and who opposed the three terms in the Oregon House
Gulf of Tonkin resolution in 1965. of Representatives.
Ironically the war has not been Hewsoefthprnia -
a big issue in thewcampaign. While He was one of the principal ar-
not as vitriolic as Morse's position, chitects of the Republican capture
Packwood's stand is strongly dov- of the House in '64, a truly dis-
ish. He demands land reform and Dmocratic leatdslidea year ofthe
an end to corruption in SouthD'h
Vietnam, but adds that our policy sort of organizational skill which
should be "we are going to leave", sends shudders through Demo-
The main issue of the campaign cratic hearts.
seems to be Morse himself. In over Packwood has made Morse's
24 years in the Senate, he has outspoken way of doing things a
made many enemies. central issue. "Vilifying people
Party +loyalty means little to shouldn't be confused with lead-
Morse. Even after his switch over ership, just as noise and publicity
to the Democratic Party he has shouldn't be confused with cour-
remained flexible in his support age" he says.
of other candidates. In 1966 he Packwood claims that Morse has
backed Republican Mark Hat- alienated his senatorial collea-
field's bid for the Senate and was gues to the point where he can't
already beginning a "dump John- get them to cooperate with him
son" campaign within Senate cir- when he wants something done for
cle's. Oregon. He attacks Morse for his
Last year, he headed a media- alleged failure to do much for the
t4on board to settle a nation-wide state and for his getting large
railway strike, which brought on amounts of campaign money from
him the anger of organized labor, out of the state.
his mpst faithful constituency. And of course there is the age-
He irritates his colleagues by versus-youth question - Morse i :
nrsistently pressing for financial 68; Packwood,36.
disclosures by all members of Con-

IF YOU WANT to be happy for the rest of your life get a funny man to
govern you. Take Herbert S. Hicks, if you will, a lovable old guy with
drip-dry suspenders and Siamese parakeets.
He's running for surveyor in these parts. He's camoaigning on the
slogan that less things need to be surveyed than looked into, His running
mate for drain commissioner is John H. Fl--k. Tle's runring on th, slo?n
that all commissions sooner or later go down the drain.
Seriously, though, you have to be incredil 1de!!lisie these qyvs to
take elections seriously. Hubert Humphrey w-i'd nroaably mike a better
surveyor than Herbert Hicks but they won't count write-in votes.
Let us reason together. Elections do have some entertainment value.
We sort of hope the presidency does go into the House just for the sake
of the suspense and drama.
If we can't have cake, after all, we can have pizza . . . which is what
we're offering for the most accurate set of guesses on our list of electoral
For the lucky one who' comes nearest the vote totals in our three
astericked races we have a date with Lil' Sherri Funn (trivia expert) and
a ticket to the Ohio State game (with Minnesota).
This is on the level. The deadline is 3 p.m. Tuesday.



w vuwiy.uluetgeontnplo ,tre's total sales and its sale of ress.tie nas twice voted against MORSE'S CAMPAIGN has em-
For them to also be denied the tabula- grapes have risen by 20 per cent since the xtending the present Selective phasized his record, his seniority,
tion of their votes would be an unnec- picketers began their seemingly futile Service System. Though he sup- the public projects he has brought
norts change in the cloture rules, to Oregon, and the fact that he
essary injustice and an affront to the task. . he once spoke for 22 hours and will become chairman of the Sen-
right of dissent. -A. M. 26 minutes against a bill giving ate's Labor and Public Welfare
states title to oil tidelands. Committee if he is re-elected.
i i Morse started the campaign
with a solid lead, which dissi-
n Ipated with time. By late Septem- (
,.Gilliganand the labor, vote ciae ekadnc.Mre
0*@ * 0 ber, the polls showed the two can-
didates neck-and-neck. Morse,
By DAVE VHUDWIN South Vietnam and a new coali- Saxbe's position on Vietnam has spending a large part of his time ba dresisted a televised de-
DEMOCRATIC who is willing tion government, if approved by changed a number of times. He is I visiting factories. His easy, folksy bate, finally agreed and it took
A rEskCRATI' wh is al- the South Vietnamese people. against halting the bombing of the manner is effective in winning la- place last Friday night.
most lost a $200,000 campaign North, feeling it would endanger bor support. Most observers feel Packwood
most lggos a e $ g00 ns0 campaig WHILE SUPPORTING law and American troops. Recently, though 1 Gilligan, according to a recent gained from the encounter. The
nest eg pitted paa an order, Gilligan stresses the need he has called for withdrawal of ,poll, is receiving the support of 32 Washington Post said he "scored
bacco chewing country politician for justice and social progress. He American troops starting next percent of Wallace supporters, heavily". Morgan grudgingly con-
Ohio. T i is a strong civil rights advocate. July 1. "The situation won't ,,Considering his liberal views, this ceded that "among those who
Oho h He criticized the handing out of change in Vietnam even if t h e is surprising, liked a glib young smart aleck,
One of the key races attracting maximum sentences to curfew vio- United States were to stay there Packwood made some headway."
national attention is former Rep- lators by assembly-line processes another 10 years," he explains. THE OUTCOME of the race is The outcome of the race is dif-
resedtative John Gilligan's race during Cincinnati riots earlier this uncertain. A Cleveland Plain ficult to predict. Morse has faced
Democrats against state Atty. year. WITH GEORGE WALLACE ex- Dealer poll shows Saxbe six per- "fights for his life" before. His
Gen. William Saxbe. Saxbe, on the other hand, em- pected to receive between 15 and centage points ahead, of Gilligan. last two elections were close, and
Before the Democratic national phasizes law and order, criticizing 25 percent of the Ohio vote, Gilligan, however, has cut Saxbe's his primary victory last May over'
convention the Ohio AFL-CIO court procedures which allow neither candidate is turning his margin since previous polls. Donald Duncan was razor-thin.
threatened to cut-off funds from crjminals to escape. prosecution. back on Wallace supporters. With! Saxbe is given the edge. He is
Gilligan's campaign if he didn't He favors "beefing up local po- his emphasis on law and order, comparatively conservative in a
support Vice President Humphrey lice" but is opposed to gun regis- Saxbe will probably get the nod conservative year, has a strong,
in a pre-convention caucus. Gilli- tration. An advocate of private, ! from most Wallace supporters. He united party organization behind 0 0FR
gan, defying the unions, absented rather than government, spend- has reportedly said "our b a s i c him, and is running in a largely
himself froi the caucus and went ing, Saxbe calls for tax cuts as a campaign is based on the ticket Republican state. Gilligan, though, By MIKE HUBBARD
on to h e 1 p write the dissident way to encourage private indus- splitter" who will vote for Wallace pulled a surprise victory in the
Vietnam peace plank. tries to hire and train the unem- and then choose Saxbe for Senate. primary and should not be count- OUTH DAKOTA doesn't do1
The unions carried o u t their ployed. Consequently Saxbe h a s been ed out. much. It just kind of sits
threat a n d Gilligan's campaign i there and sprouts wheat and corn.
was hampered by a money short- "A t' h te c n?"tOf course the great stone heads ofx
age. The drought was only tempor- ta tn Mount Rushmore are located int
ary; in early October the feud was the state, but if you've seen one
papered 'over and funds 'started stone head you've seen them all.t
flowing again. ,rTh e ai et t
Gilligan, somewhat of an Intel- I/ F The geographical center of the
lectual, oe wha t of esnint- United States is located in South
al politician in the person of Bill iDakota, and so you could say it's
Saxbe. Famed for his affability, the truth politically. South Da-
Saxbe travels as he rolls along in kota has voted Republican since r
his campaign bus. Gilligan accus- .cy 'its admission to the Union, except ,
es him of being "a political cha--f when populist candidates were in
meleon" for his fuzziness on the {T.. the election.
issues, especially Vietnam.-+ From this bastion of mediocrityb

1. Humphrey vs. Nixon vs. Wallace vs. Ho
of Representatives*
2. O'Connell vs. Evans, Washington
3. Knowles vs. LaFollette, Wisconsin
4. Shapiro vs. Ogilvie, Illinois
5. Morse vs. Packwood, Oregon
6. McGovern vs. Gubbrud, South Dakota
7. Hughes vs. Stanley, Iowa
8. Clark vs. Dirksen, Illinois
9. O'Dwyer vs. Javits vs. Buckley, New York*
10. Ribicoff vs. May, Connecticut
11. Cranston vs. Rafferty, California
12. Fulbright vs. Bernard, Arkansas
13. Collins vs. Gurney, Florida
14. Bayh vs. Ruckelshaus, Indiana
15. Church vs. Hansen, Idaho
16. Elson vs. Goldwater,. Arizona'

use 17. Brewster vs. Mathias vs. Mahoney, Maryland
18. Gravel vs. Rasmussen vs. Gruening, Alaska
19. Lowenstein vs. Hampton, New York
20. Farbstein vs. Weeden, New York
21. Davidoff vs. Reid, New York*
22. Hoeh vs. Cleveland, New Hampshire
23. Irwin vs. Wiecker, Connecticut
24. Boggs vs. Treen, Louisiana
25. Vivian vs. Esch vs. Garskof, Michigan*


26. Harvey vs. Peterson vs. Lewis, Sheriff
27. Copi vs. Chester, Regent
28. Nash vs. Flook. Drain Commissioner
29. Stoll vs. Hicks, Surveyor
30. Eastern Daylight Time vs. Eastern Standard
Pick score.
(Democrats are on the left except for 27 and 30)


- the 'decent man'

eight years the popularity of the

Iemocrats in South Dakota
reached astronomical heights,
John Kennedy talked to the peo-
ple, and McGovern was the direc-
tor of Kennedy's Food for Peace
program. In 1964 Goldwater forced
the Republican South Dakota
voters over to Johnson
McGovern, however, did not. He
has actively criticized LBJ's Viet-
nam and farm policies. And be-
cause of his courage to say what
he felt, the South Dakotans ad-
mired him.
SO, THERE HE WAS: a mem-
ber of the party preferred by the


GILI GAN, 47, is a longtime
Cincinnati councilman who was a
member of Congress from 1965 to
1966. In a bitter primary last May
he defeated incumbent Senator
Frank Lausche for the Democrat-
ic nomination. Saxbe, 52, a form-
er speaker of the OhioHouse of
Representatives, as been Ohio's
attorney genera? for the past
twelve years
A former English professor at
Xavier University, Gilligan aggres-
ively lectures both his friends and
enemies. Brashly bringing his
civil rights views~ to union groups,
he has suggested that instead of
voting for George Wallace, whom
he calls "the apostle of alienation,"
it would be easier for t h e m to'
move to Alabama where "t h e y
know how to take care of their
blacks and labor at the same
He recently told a black mili-
tant group that "the antidote forI
white racism is not black, racism"
and that they should "grow up."

f ;

burst a liberal. His name, George people and a man of conviction.
S. McGovern. McGovern of the Sadly, this situation was not to
strong face and sturdy build waslast.
the first Democrat in 26 years to ! Soon the Democratic Adminis-
be elected to the Senate. An in- tration buried its popularity un-
i dication of his appeal to voters der the bodies of Vietnam casual-
is Robert Kennedy's quote that ties and tons of surplus wheat.
McGovern is the only decent man The longer the situation existed
in the Senate. the more the Johnson Administra-
McGovern was a B-24 pilot in tion lost its support in South Da-
WW II, and became a teacher of kota. The whole party machine
history at Dakota Wesleyan Uni- became infected. Clearly it -was
versity at the close of the war. He not the time to be a Democrat in
was elected to the state House of a Republican state.
Representatives in '56 and in 1962
he was elected to his first term in McGovern's bid for the Presi-
the Senate. dential nomination was an at-
tempt to give his state party or-


to be to st e . then 'arty organ-

t P:ivAte r'ae to cover the state,
hi tin- co:'t vss faiming coni-

FORMER GOVERNOR Archie ganizatlon new 1itW 2it was ao Both Richa:ci Nixon an.' Ronald mu n'es. Accoron to his cam-
Gubbrud is opposing McGovern an attempt to influ-nce the Demo- Rea-an have camp -.ned o "Gub- paig:n rianag:r he is doing the
this year. Gubbrud is 58 and has crat's platfo m b- uc', but on~y tok~'nly. Nixon t ick. Lates. pots have put Me-
spent most of his life as a pig Yet despite what happened at stopped by for breakfast and Gove ah cdl 1 -e: crt to Gub-
farmer. He is a solid citizen, and I the convention in August, events lunch, and flew out the same day .' u) 4~ e: ce.t and People are
put in ten years in the state House afterward soon proved to McGov- Gubbrud is relying heavily on Nix- 3%-.e C.n many Repub icans will
of Representatives before being ern's disadvantage, on's popularity. He is not doing sp.; the: " tickets.
elected governor in 1961. extensive campaigning, ' and is
In July of this year a poll spon In order to pacify the Humphrey hoping for a Nixon landslide iN E W YS this is a micro-
sored by three South Dakota news- supporters he pledzed his support Gubb. ud is hor inrto come in c m o th: ation election. The
-- .to the Vice-~President. IV hewa _. _. . ., TT 0 ,.,,t- =or-4. --

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