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October 25, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-25

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Friday, October 25, 1968,


Page Three

F:trrd , O ctober,25, 1968.T HEIMIC HIG AND AILYIPage T hree


- "I intend to propose that the
Regents take over this Univer-
sity. It's now. or never. Our asses
are to the wall."
Those were the words of Call-
fornia Gov. Ronald Reagan af-
ter he had pushed his way
through a crowd of several hun-
dred students to reach a closed
session of the University of Cali- ,
fornia Regents, meeting on the
University campus here last
Thursday and Friday. He was
speaking to another Regent but
was overheard by a reporter.
That afternoon Reagan made
good his threat, proposingan
eight-point plan "that would
have stripped the university fa-
culty of virtually all their power
and put the Regents in complete
But most of the Regents want-
ed to avoid the confrontation
they knew this would create,
O and they voted 13-8 that his mo-.
tion was out of order. Earlier
they-voted 14-7, again over Rea-
gan's objections, to delay until
their Nov. 22 meeting any more
action on the course being taught -
by Black Panther leader Eldridge
Cleaver at Berkeley. Although
! Reagan's motion was put off, it
seemed likely that it also would STI
come up in November, with and
strong support alnong the Re- Bred
gents. lecti
After the meeting, Reagan
angrily denounced the Regents parti
for "failing their responsibili- batin
ties to the people of California," more
and said he might have to call to ad
for an investigation of the uni- in ai
versity "either by the legisla- crowc
ture or by a committee of pri- Ea
vate citizens." stude
The Regents' failure to take supp
any action on the Cleaver course and 2
was expected to provoke an an- STUI
gry student reaction at Berkeley, Stu
but when students met Sunday fied 1

shoots it out with the Cal Regents

students. He also talked to Lar-
ry Magid, the Berkeley student
who had thought up the Cleav-
er course and gotten Cleaver to
teach it. Magid gave Unruh a
statement which had been sent
to all the Regents telling t h e m
that if they failed to act on
their demands-primarily the
Cleaver course and the grape
boycott - the students would
"take care of business."
Magid said he told Unruh that
"we won't play the liberal Dem-
ocrat-Republican game any
more." He accused Unruh of
"trying to create a fascist boogie
man" in Rafferty and Reagan.
At 1:45 p.m. the Regents'
meeting began in a room pack-
ed with students. President
Hitch disposed of two of the
Santa Cruz students' three de-
mands quickly. He said he plan-
ned to meet the Mexican-
American students Monday to
deal with the grape strike and
that the Regents would consid-
er the Malcolm X College pro-
posal as soon ,as there was a
formal proposal drawn up. Sev-
eral of the liberal Regents had al-
ready announced they would put
it on the agenda, for the Nov.
22 meeting.
That brought the Regents
back to the Cleaver course. The
Regents' Committee on Educa-
tional Policy has already agreed
to meet with faculty representa-
tives to discuss the Cleaver is-
sue. President Hitch urged that
the Regents defer action until
those discussions could be held.
Reagan objected strongly. "The
statements of the academic sen-
ate indicate that they will not
abide by the ruling of- the Re-
gents," he said. "That is open
defiance and I don't see how
we can let it pass."
The Regents voted 14-7 to put
the Cleaver matter off until No-
vember. Their - decision was
greeted with a mixture of boos
-nd cheers fromthe students.
Then Reagan made his mo-
tion. It had two basic effects.
First, it asserted that the fa-
culty "has no power to organize
or govern the university" and
specifically it denied the faculty'
final authority over faculty ap-

pointments and the granting of
Second, it said the Cleaver
course could not be taught on.
campus "whether for credit or
not;" that work in the Cleaver
course could not be counted
toward a degree; and that "any
faculty member who by any
form of strategem or subter-
fuge, accredits work on Social
Analysis 139X (the Cleaver
course) . . shall be subject to
disciplinary action."
Reagan said he was angry be-
cause the course was going
ahead on university property
with Cleaver giving more than
one lecture and because- the fa-
culty had' voted to take "ap-
propriate steps" to get credit for
the course.
President Hitch responded
that neither he nor Berkeley
Chancellor Roger Heyns would
permit credit to be given for the
course. He said the Regents' ear-
lier resolution had not prohibit-
ed use of -university property.
The Regents then voted 13-8,
to declare the motion out of
order. After adjournment mo-
ments later, Reagan, red-faced
and angry, jabbed a finger at
Hitch's face and said, "I want
you to know I think this is just
another legal subterfuge." When
Hitch started to reply, Reagan
turned on his heel and walked
He collared another R e g e nt,
William Roth, and demianded
documentation of the charges
that he was using the Regents
for political purposes. "Talk
about students using four-letter
words," said Roth after Reagan
stalked away.
As Reagan and Rafferty tried
to leave they were surrounded by
about 250 students chanting
"shame, shame." Surrounded by
his body guards, Reagan man-
aged to get into a side room;;
wherethe and Rafferty held a
short press conference.
Outside the room, the students
were persuaded to let Reagan
come out and talk to them. But
almost everything he said was
hooted by the students, although'
many of them kept yelling for
silence. After about 20 minutes-
he left.

-Associated Press
UDENTS LEAVE Berkeley's 1Moses Hall yesterday after sheriff's deputies broke down barricades
arrested 76 for trespassing. Students have been fighting the Regents' decision not to authorize.
it for an experimental course on racism, which has Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver as the main
Curer. 120 students were arrested Wesdnesday in a similar confrontation.

cipate in a sit-in.' After de-
.g several proposals for
than two hours they voted
journ till Wednesday night
n effort to draw a bigger
I .
rlier in the quarter 6500
nts signed a petition in:
rt of the Cleaver course
200 had attended a meeting.
udents appear to be molli-
by the fact that the course

almost continuous demonstra-
tions worked by university stu-
dents, mostly from the S a n t a
Cruz campus. At its height there
were more than 1,000 students
involved in the demonstrations;
Santa Cruz has a total of 2,600.
The students are making three
main demands on the Regents:
- Rescinding their Sept. 20 re-
solution denying credit for any
course which has more than
one appearance by an outside


night to decide what to do, only is going ahead as planned on lecturer and specifically deny-
about 200 showed up. By the end campus and that the faculty is ing credit to the Cleaver course.
of the meeting there were less even finding ways of giving cre- -rPut the university on re-
than 100 people in the room; dit for it as independent study. cord in support of the Califor-
only, about 40 said they would The Regents' meeting itself saw nia grape boycott and order
West coast songwriter-Elektra recording artist
F RI.free eats!!
SAT. 8:00 p.m. at f
$1.75 o at0 8
SUN. thedoor
($1.25 aftersecond set)t

that no action be'rtaken against
the 11 Mexican-American stu-
dents who were arrested earlier
in the week for taking over Uni-
versfty President Charles Hitch's
Berkeley office.,
- Establish a College of Mal-
colm X at Santa Cruz to "teach
the Slack experience."
When, Reagan arrived Friday
morning he was gr eeted by a
25-foot sign saying "Mental pa-
tience for Reagan" and a num-
ber of smaller signs, including
one. that said, "Put Cleaver in
the classroom and keep him off
the streets." Some students yell-
ed, "Shame," "Pig," and "Oink."
Reagan was surrounded by
about a dozen body guards and
sheriff's deputies, one of whom
struck a girl student after she
slapped him for calling her a
The Regents were inclosed
session for the 45 minutes, then
left to go on a bus tour of the
campus. Liberal regents had
proposed the bus tour because
they feared a four-hour closed
sessiontthat morning with angry
students outside,
While the rest of the Regents
made their tour, assembly
speaker Jesse ,Unruh, the leader.
of California's Democrats,
spoke to the students. "I'm not
glad to be here today," said
Unruh, who had almost not.
He accused Reagan and State
Superintendent of Public In-
struction Max Rafferty of using
the meeting "as a 'platform for
carrying on a campaign which
is already lost," referring to Raf-
ferty's campaign for the Senate.
"If there had been no Eldridge
Cleaver, Rafferty would have
to create one," Unruh added, but
he cautioned the students to
avoid "violence and taking over
buildings", because that would
hurt the efforts of liberal re-
gents like himself.
Unruh then went inside where
he met with several Santa Cruz

news toda
by The Associated Press and College Press Service
SECRET NEGOTIATIONS are making headway,
President Johnson hinted yesterday.
Speaking at a White House news conference, Johnson re-
fused to giye details about progress of the Paris peace nego-
"The only thing I can say to you," he told reporters, "is
that I think the decision of March 31 was justified, and I am
more pleased by it every hour that goes by."
March 31 was the. date Johnson ordered a partial halt of
the bombing of North Vietnam.
Johnson made clear, however, t h a t no major .break-
through has come as of yet.
"The last thing I want to do is lull anyone into a false
sense of security," Johnson said. He explained however he is
pleased with the lull in the fighting which has held up for
the last week.
At the press conference, Johnson announced he would
make a televised political address at 8:30 Sunday, November 3.
(See related story, Page 6)
f !
A GROUP OF New York state legislators have appeal-
ed to Governor Nelson Rockefeller to intervene in the
New York City school crisis.
The 22 legislators, each representing a district within the
strike-bound city, asked Rockefeller yesterday to call a spec-
'ial session of the legislature to "suspend the New York City
Board of Education" and to "replace the board with a tem-
porary commission" which would work to cool off the situa-
The request came on the heels of the refusal of striking
city teachers to accept a "peace" offer made Wednesday by
the Ocean Hill-Brownsville local school district. The board
had offered to reinstate 79 ousted white teachers.
Meanwhile, a New Fork appellate court unanimously up-
held a lower court ruling that the striking teachers Union and
its leaders be t r i e d without a jury on criminal contempt
The contempt trial charges the union with violation of
the state's Taylor law, which regulates strikes by public em-
Meanwhile, city police and firemen continued their work
slowdowns designed to reopen contract negotiations. Firemen
continued to fight fires and police continued on their patrols,
but the slowdowns put strains on both departments.
GENERAL CURTIS LeMAY tangled with newsmen in
Boston yesterday, showing irritation {at some of their
questions and calling one of them a left-winger.
Answering a question from a reporter who asked if a pro-
fessional standing army might become a political force, Le-
May said he saw no danger, and then said: "There seems toibe
a phobia,- particularly with some of you left-wing people, that
a soldier is someone apart from normal citizens."
"This is a typical left-wing stand - in fact, it borders dn
a Communistic stand," he continued.
LeMay also repeated his earlier charges that Communists
are responsible for organizing the hecklers who have been
disrupting his running mate's public appearances.
HUNDREDS OF GHOST VOTERS are listed on the
Chicago election precinct poll sheets, the Chicago Daily
News "reported yesterday.
In a joint investigation with the. Better Government As-
sociation, a civic watchdog group, the News found names of
Skid Row derelicts alledjgedly paid to register, names of tran-
sients taken from hotel registers, and names of imaginary
persons with vacant lots as addresses were included in regis-
tration lists.
The FBI and Chicago officials have opened an investiga-
tion based on the inforfinaton collected by the BGA - Daily
News team.
One BGA investigator took a room- in a local transient
hotel under the assumed name of James Joyce, and spent five
minutes in the hotel. One week later, the name James Joyce
appeared on the ward's- official voter list.
* . . .
changed his mind about trying to persuade Turkey to
loosen ties with NATO.",
Informed'sources say the French leader had been think-
ing about trying to convince the Turks to aim for better re-
lations with the Soviet Union during a six-day visit there
starting today. However, the invasion of Czechoslovaki and

the buildup of the Soviet fleet in the Mediterranean have
caused the general to reverse his decision.
Turkey is regarded as an important NATO member be-
cause along with Greece it guards the alliance's eastern flank.
WEST GERMANY will buy $665 million'w o r t h of
American Phantom and Starfighter jets.
Under the terms of the contract, the United States must
pledge to award $125 million dollars of the contract to Ger-
man industry.


llTrv X

Associated Press
Sheriff's deputies leave the campus

Woodward's performance is purity in the
car," "pure sense, free of artifice. It's her picture,
Sher's and Paul Newman's . . . Joanne
comes to the top again as one of our best
actresses. Paul Newman developed the screenplay with ingenuity and imagination.
There just might be two Oscars next year for doorstops at the Newman home. The
ads say: 'Who cores for a 35 year old virgin?' Well, I care. You will too."
who was she?
she wasa child
skipping ro
she was a ..
woman with'
a passionate
S7? hunger. and.
one day the;
Schild and the
Wman came
woman came



reality! Drawn life-
sized and sharp by Mr.
A. H. Weller, N.Y. Times
"Brilliant !"
-Williom Wolf, Cue

"Sea ring and
'Inadmissible Evidence'
is immaculaote in pres-
eritation. It is impor-
tant because it is,
now 1' -Judith Crist,
New York Mag.



his wife;

z 1 i, s

his women
his world.

-T U l 7A. " w~Dh~ev


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