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September 20, 1968 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-20

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Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Come-out, come-out, w hoever you are
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a -PoiE { $LV-


the hippies

:: .

George Wallace



CoTngress: mlloving in
on school discipline

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THOSE WHO expect a Nixon-Agnew vic-
tory to launch the war against dissent
need not wait that long. Congress has
some battle plans of its own in the mak-
ing. The education bill, which is expected
to pass both houses next week, will go a
long way to insure Congress' role as field
marshall of the forces against dissident
college students.
The "education" bill calls for the can-
cellation of federal grants and loans to
students who take part in campus disrup-
tions or who refuse to obey regulations
laid down by school officials. This meas-
ure would threaten "good-behavior" to
approximately 25 per cent of all college
This bill just reported out of conference
perniciously increases government influ-
ence in the area of university affairs.
Whether Congress will be successful in
stifling student dissent will depend, to a
large extent, on the attitudes of school
officials. The conference version of the
bill, which now must pass both houses,
struck out the mandatory cutoff of fed-
eral funds for disrupting behavior which
the House favored. The compromise al-
lows the student a hearing and requires
that school officials rule whether the stu-
dent's behavior caused sufficient disrup-
tion to warrant cancellation of a grant or

IT IS CONCEIVABLE that some adminis-
trators will attempt to make use of
this financial threat to maintain order on
campus. Clearly, for these short-sighted
,officials, the loss will be greater than for
students who are denied their federal
One thing that emerged clearly from
the Berkeley crisis of 1964 is that expel-
ling rebellious students does not stop dis-
order, but-rather escalates it. College stu-
dents will not stand for discrimination
againstla student.
O, THOSE college officials who cannot
see the ethical misgivings of placing
a greater restriction on less well-to-do
students should understand that making
it financially more difficult or financially
impossible for some students to atten4
college will not insure peace on campuses.
Coupling political suppression with dis-
crimination against students with finan-
cial need will certainly create an issue
with which few administrators would like
to deal.
The war against dissent is already on.
And unless school officials refuse to turn
over control of university affairs to the
quasi-judicial hands of Congress, the iv-
ory tower may provide no haven from re-

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Letters to the Editor

Colegi4te Press Service
LEXINGTON, KY.,- George Wallace, a man who has contributed
greatly to the political polarization of this country, visited the Uni-
versity of Kentucky last Saturday and was greeted by a complete re-
versal of the polar sterotypes.
While eight "straight-looking" anti-Wallace pickets paraded and
a number of neatly-attired members of a campus action group passed
out anti-Wallace leaflets, some 35 scroungy, bearded, sandaled, long-
haired "hippies" (as they called themselves) demonstrated for nearly
two hours in support of the former Alabama governor. -
Carrying placards reading "Turn on with Wallace" "Keep Ameri-
ca beautiful, get a haircut," "Sock it to us, George," "America - love
it or leave it," "Hippies for Wallace," and shouting slogans like "Law
and Order Now." and "We're for Po-leece Power," the group was cur-
iously received.
Many of the crowd of 10,000 who turned out to hear Wallace were
supporters from across the state. Some of them were able to pereive
the tongues in the hippies' cheeks, but many were unable to cope with
the reversal of stereotypes.
After watching the hippies parade for several minutes, one elderly
woman asked uncertainly, "They are hippies, aren' they?"
"I thought hippies were for McCarthy," said a Wallace supporter
who appeared dismayed by the prospect of association with freaks.
SOME 'WALLACEITES were convinced the hippies were serious.
"Hippies have some sense," said one.
Another said, "If Someone like that is for Wallace, I don't kno.w if
I'm supporting the right man or not."
Other Wallace supporters could not overcome the stereotype and
were sure the hippies were goffing on them. "You can look at them and
tell they're not Wallace people," said one. "They're either doped up or
"I think 'they think it's a happening," said a resolute middle-class
AS THE ATMOSPHERE grew tense, as the fervor spread ;n the
crowd, the hippies came through to lighten the mood. They started
chanting, "Sock it to 'em George, sock it to 'em George.
Wallace, thinking the shouts came from one of the usual groups of
adversaries who attend his speeches, pulled out several patented re-
torts from his repertoire: "All right, you're not goin' to get promoted
to the second grade . . . you people don't know how many votes you
get me each time you
Then, pointing toward th group which was sitting high in the
balcony he said, "You neet a haircut," though he was too .r away to
see how correct he was. The hippie group began chanting even louder -
"We want Wallace. "f
Wallace hesitated, took a step backwards, approached the mike
again and said,'"Oh, I think they're for us up there,"' which brought
'wild applause from the group. The little man with the slicked-back hair
had been goofed on and didn't even know it.
LATER AT THE AIRPORT, when asked about the hippies he w$s
to say, "If they're really for me. I'd be glad to have them.
To the hippies, it was a romp at a high level of satire. They con-
verted the new left victoiy signal into a three-fingered "W" for Wallace
and they also amended the "Hell no, we won't go" chant to "Heck yes,
we want George" - a somewhat morally re-armed version of the anti-
draft original.
The dialogue between the large pro-Wallace group, the small anti-
Wallace group and members of the crowd added to the delight of the
2,000-plus crowd who watched from the sidewalks during the dexrron-
Members of the anti and pro-Wallace groups knew each other and
engaged in mock-debate when the picket lines passed one another.
The pro-Wallace hippies would shake their fists and call the neat-
ly dressed anti-Wallace pickets "Communists,. . hippies . . anarch-
ists . . . you ought to be shot : . . boo.,boo, hisss ../ lay down and
I'll roll over you," were a few of the hip~pies' remarks.
The pro-Wallace hippies drew such comments as: "Dirty love fas-
cists . .filthy patriots . . go club some kids."
AFTER NEARLY TWO HOURS of pacing back and forth, the hip--
pie group moved to a grassy area for a "patriotic love-in." There they.,
sang "America the Beautiful" and "Dixie." They passed around cans
of water which attracted a policeman checking for alcoholic contents.
As the policeman checked the cans, the hippies applauded and got to
their feet shouting "Law and order, law and order."'They smiled and
offered water to the policeman, whomanaged to slip away after a few
pats 'on the back.
The policeman was no doubt confused - as were many. others. The
actions of this band of unkempt yoth were certainly not of the same
cloth as that of the usual hippie.
But as one of the pro-Wallace hippies said later, "This may be
conservative Lexington in super-conservative Kentucky, but come on,


LBJ and the jets

BELIEVE IT OR NOT, late in the thank-
fully waning career of Lyndon John-
son, the man has done something wholly
He has refused to buckle to pressures
created by h i s would-be 'successors,
Messrs. Humphrey and Nixon, and has
steadfastly asserted that American Phan-
tom jets will not be delivered to the Is-
raeli government.
Johnson, who has long been dependent
on considerable support from Zionist or-
ganizations, and who surely recognizes
the importance these highly effective and
vital pressure groups h a v e within the
Democratic Party, is finally refusing to
buy the balance-of-ppwer politics that,
have for so long dictated the sorry state
of world affairs.
Fall and winter subscription rate $5.00 per term by
carrier ($5.50 by mail); $9.00 for regular academic
school year ($10 by mail).
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.

IT MAY BE argued that in the past, the
U.S. has delivered armaments (tanks,
in particular) to Jordan and that as an
endorsement of the neutrality that John-
son has officially assumed, w o u 1 d be
obliged to even things up with a delivery
to Israel..
Johnson, however, seems determined to
not duplicate what even he may now rec-
ognize was the terrible blunder if Viet-
nam. An arms delivery to Israel would
undoubtedly be countered' by a similar'
deal for the Arabs provided by the Soviet
bloc; the furious escalation of an arma-
ments race could only end with the ac-
tual use of the arms supplied.
The balance of power is an outmoded
doctrine, and Johnson is realizing this.
The fact that he is pushing for a de-
tente in the Middle East could even be
interpreted as a practical indication that
he was similarly sincere when he nego-
tiated the nuclear non-proliferation trea-
The incredible pressure of weighing
stockpiles to determine power is clear;
only if the stockpiles are eliminated can
there be any hope for peace.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following.
letter was sent to the Board of
To the Editor:
THE DAILY report that the
Regents will consider grant-
ing three million dollars to the
Residential College raises several
questions, especially among thoser
non-Residential College students
living on the south side of East
Our purpose is not to debate the
merits and demerits of the Resi-
dential College. Had the $3 ,mil-
lion been asked for educational
purposes we would have no quar-
rel with the request. However, this
is clearly not the case; most of the
money will be spent on repairs,
renovations, and new construc-
Those of us on the south side
of the Quad (in Strauss, Hayden,
Cooley and Anderson Houses) find
ourselves wondering why the
"necessary" renovation (as Dean
Robertson calls it) has been de-
layed until' theResidential Col-
lege takes over' the entire East
Quad. Some of the new features
(like the auditorium) are design-
ed for use by the Residential Col-
lege, and with those we have no
quarrel. But the College's priority,
status has in many cases 'forced
the rest of us to accept "second-
class" citizenship in areas which
have nothing to do with the func-
tion of Residential College. For

Any modernization of East
Quad's kitchen equipment will not
be considered, we are told, until
"Residential College takes over."
House councils have been denied
staggered loans to improve house
facilities, because, we are told,
"Residential College will not hon-
or such loans."
There has been no effort made
to replace damaged or lost equip-
ment, because, we are told, when
Residential College takes over
"everything will be repaired, at,
When these points were raised
with John Feldkamp, director of'
University "housing, he pointed
out that "Residential College has
special sources of funding." Ac-
cording to the Daily article, it
appears that these sources (espe-
cially the residence, hall reserve
fund and the student facilities
fund) can be traced back to all
of the students of the University,
who are bearing the burden of
financing Residential College. It'
should be emphasized that 'Res-
idential College students and
non-Residential College students
pay the same dormitory and tui-
tion fees.
In light of these conditions, we
request that, if the Regents ap-
propriate money for the Residen-
tial College, they appropriate an
equal amount for "renovations in'
that part of East Quad used by
non-Residential College students,
and that these' renovations be
made immediately, not when Res-
idential College "takes over.

Because of the Residential Col-
lege we have been forced to ac-
cept too many inconveniences.
There is no reason why this should
continue/ The money to be spent
is, in the final analysis, ours.
There is no reason why all of us
should not derive equal benefit
from its use.
-Ronald Schurin
President, Strauss House
Sept. 19
People control
To the Editor:
I AM BEMUSED by Senator
IPeter Dominick's solution to
the gun crisis as reported in Wed-
nesday's Daily: ".. . make punish-
able by life imprisonment the use
of firearms in numerous federal
The article further reported
Senator Daniel Brewster's solacing,
words to the NRA, et al that
there is ". . . nothing in the bill
that would allow confiscation of
firearms." Such reassurance is
necessary due to ". . . widespread
concern among gun owners that
firearm control could eventually
lead-to that."
Thus, instead of confiscation of
firearms (God forbid!'), we can
expect "confiscation of persons"
and be assured that our important
Constitutional right with respect
to the bearing of firearms re-
mains',inalienable !
-Elizabeth Podolske, Grad.
Sept. 18


It is difficult to criticize the
Children's Community chool.
It is difficult for anyone who
remembers learning to read by
sounding out "Sally sees the dog"
to criticize a school where read-
ing is making a giant chocolate
cake from a real written recipe
and learning to recognize "sugar"
and "butter" and "mix together
It is difficult for anyone who
learned music by memorizing that
an eighth note is held half as long
as a quarter note to find any
faults in a place where kids learn
music from somebody in bluejeans
who sings "One Meatball," and
teaches harmony by letting them
sit on his lap and play his guitar.
But at some point the excite-
ment of innovation and fighting
for an alternative to the authori-
tarian public school system must
begin to dim. Especially when you
realize that some 30 human child-
ren are being operated on by fall-
ible teachers with limited facili-
ties. Especially when the environ-
ment is often filled with anxiety
because the children cannot be
isolated from the public school-
bred expectations of their neigh-
borhood friends, and, in many
cases, their own parents.
All of which certainly adds up
to an alternative, which may or
may not be a better one.
The Community School has
three basic problems: the dispar-
ity in goals between parents and




school an "unholy coalition." On
one hand there are those parents
who see it as just an enriching
pre-school experience. And there
are others who, for widely varying
reasons, are dissatisfied with their
child's past experience in public
school-perhaps , he was' the
school bully, shy, bored or perhaps
not performing well by a public
school teachers' standards-and
want some alternative system.
The staff sees the school as a
laboratory in which to work out
their theories on educating kids.
These theories emphasize a free,
organic environment, away from
the competition and fear of failure
fostered by public schools. But in
contrast to many of the parents,
the ambitions of the staff don't
stop with making Johnny like to
read, or making Steven more ag-
gressive and self-reliant.
They want this free learning
process to continue at least all the
way through the primary grades,
letting the kids develop all the
facets of their personalities and
skills at their own pace until they
are ready to face a public, junior
high school.
Prof. Paul Trippe of the Educa-
tion School, a member of the
Community School's Board of
Sponsors, sees the school and
others like it as a force to even-
tually create change in the upper
levels of education as well. For
the new personalities forged in
experimental schools will demand
new and challenging programs

So parents who are unwilling
to wait for their children to be
"ready" to read or do arithmetic
problems, quickly take them out
of, the Community School, plunk
them in public school, and hope
that witht the help of a remedial
reading program the children will
be, "all right."
The Community School staff
then has to start all over with new
children, the children have to,
start all over with new things ex-
pected of them, and no one gets a
chance to work out his problems.
Those parents who want their
children to stay in the school, but
are still disturbed that their child-
ren have not yet learned to read
or do arithmetic, try to get the,
staff to force the children to'learn
these vital skills.
The staff members do not feel
they can make these changes
without significantly changing
the nature and direction of the
school. The parents then charge
the staff with being "unrespon-
sive" in this supposedly parent-
run school.
A second major flaw °in the
Community School is the lack of
experience of the staff. Harry
Mial, principal at Northside Ele-
mentary School whose son Scott
attended the Community School
for three years, says the staff's
strongest point is that "they don't
interfere" with the education
But in a sense this is damning
with faint praise - sometimes di-

Steven who is five and white,
was placed, as were all children
in the school, with black children
on an ostensibly equal basis: But
Angus says most of the Negro
boys in the school were much old-
er than Steven, and his son was
soundly trounced in the children's
rough, aggressive play.
"I am certainly in favor of
inter-race and inter-age group
mixing." Angus, says, "But only
under expert supervision. Now I
have to try and convince Steven
not to hate black children when
his prejudice is perfectly logical,
generalizing from his personal ex-
Diana Oughton, staff member,
of ithe §chool since its organiza-
tion, says this problem doesn't
bother her. "Steven would have
worked his problem out as "he
grew older and had different re-,
lations with the kids in the
school," she says.
But Steven is no longer in the
school, and must "work his prob-
lems out" in a public school en-r
vironment which will reinforce his
prejudice, however unconsciously.
The most difficult to define and
perhaps the most serious problem
which plagues the Community
School is the fact that its en-
vironment, while exciting and en-
joyable for most of the children,
is often irrelevant to their "out-
side world."
Mrs. Joan Adams, who ran for
election to the Ann Arborr School

And the children must face
neighborhood children who are
more skilled, by traditional meas±
urements, than they are in read
irg and arithmetic. They have
anxieties at least equal to their
It must not be concluded that
the solution to all these difficul-
ties lies in abandoning the Com-
munity School, however. As the
school exists now, it is one of the
few alternatives to public educa-
tion in the Ann Arbor area. It
may have as many flaws as the
public school system, but hardly
The one thing the Community
School ha's going for it is its small
size and lack of red tape. Some of
the school's problems can be elim-
inated by modification, and
change is far easier to implement
in such an unstructured environ-
ment. The problem is to avoid
destroying the good things about
the school while eliminating the
bad ones.
The staff has taken some meas-
ures to satisfy the children's an-
xieties about not being able to
read the same things their friends
do. "Real school books" have
been purchased, which the chil-
dren will have an opportunity to
learn to read.
The errors the staff makes
through inexperience can be miti-
gated if parents who send their
children to the school are com-
mitted enough to let them stay a
full six years so Skip and Diane




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