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January 17, 1970 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-17

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aturday, January 17, 19




lum cool is di

-NEAL GABLER, Michigon Daily

"quality" of this fine new "ex-
cursion into sound."
In order not to disappoint the
eager listener, Carlos has pro-
v i d e d appropriate diversion:
lines and phrases are broken,
and a percussive use of "white
sound" assures your undivided
attention. Staccato s o u n d s
bounce through your living
room - first from the 1 e f t
speaker, then right, then cen-
ter, then left again. There is
more than enough to keep your
ears busy -why, you don't ev-
en have to listen! The music
listens for you - a veritable
triumph of technology.
The only "serious" effort on
this album is the Moog per-
formance of the Fourth Bran-
denburg. T h e Brandenburg is
carefully done - Carlos takes
considerable p a i n to approxi-
mate the timbre, through care-
ful selection of t h e overtone
blend available with the Moog
- of the original instruments.
When all the gimmicks are tak-
en away, when the novelty be-
comes a serious effort, all that
is left is duplication - and a
rather shoddy one at that. Car-
los is getting better, but it will
take a considerably more so-
phisticated instrument than the
Moog Mark ZV to duplicate the
timbres required for the type of
music he is attempting to trans-
scribe. Perhaps this can be done
- but why the effort?
A "Well-Tempered" synthe-
sizer is already an anachronism.
Electronic means has offered a
range of sound that has been
completely inaccessible until
t h e present century. Sound
quality, timbre, and range nev-
er before heard, much less real-
ized, is now possible. Then some-
one (notable Robert Moog)
comes upon the bright idea that
a synthesizer with a keyboard
is a more "musical" synthesiz-
er. True, it is more convenient,
but equal tempering or well-
tempering (more like well-tam-
pering) of synthesized sound de-
stroys any new potential that
electronic sound c a n offer.
Sound already has been temper-
ed: the structure Bach heard
was designed in tempered sound.

Barring all gimmickry, it is
impossible to "enhance" music
of the past through electronic
means. If performed properly --
and this includes t h e type of
Gouldian accuracy that affic-
ionados of Switched-On Bach
claim impossible - the music
will be itself. And unless music,
a sound concept, can be itself
(whether electronically recon-
structed or conventionally per-
formed) it will not develop -
an idea becomes blurred, espec-
ially if conflicting i d e a s are
parodies. We become less and
less certain of the original con-
We are far from the era of
the tempered scale, a n d the
music Bach envisioned (per-
fectly accurate in his mind5 is
inseparable from the sounds he
intended, sounds which Carlos
must imitate. M u s i c and its
sound are one and the same -
to change sound and leave only
structure is to destroy . struc-
ture. Structure is organized
sound, completely dependent on
the given sounds and will auto-
matically change if s o u n d
The music of Bach has de-
stroyed itself - only by being
itself, and has moved on. Elec-
tronic instruments free f r o m
the well-tempered bonds that
former musics in their own con-
text have prohibited, will de-
velop new musics, and will es-
tablish new rules that will be
part of the sound conception.
Carlos has done nothing but
attempt a short-circuit, an elec-
tronic one at that, and Colum-
bia will be one of the first to
plug you in.
. _.__ _

Brilliant! Must be
seen by anyone
who cares about
'the development
of modern movies)"
Magnificent! t
is the stuff af nowI
Young people...:
should be required
to see ,Medium Cool'!"
Stunning! One of
the best pictures
of 1969!"-Cosmopolitan
ip-T- E'Opg "a
pITHAVN"' A "" T "" 0

As impassioned and
impressive a RfIm as
any released so far
this year! Signals
perhaps a new bold-.
ness in American
cinemal Extraordinaryl"
"Powerful! The First
entirely serious,
commercially spon-.
sored, basically
fictiona RFilm to
be born out of the
time of political
and social troubles
through which this
nation has been
passing !"-LiI.

Paranount \ S
Pr p'dc ywt,,. ~edb

wly FcCidman & klaloll wexer/kastell wexier
S ? 9tenicobrapamount picture -_ - I
X persons under 18 not admitted

FRI. 7, 9,

11--SAT. 5, 7, 9, 11-SUN





~cni 1 nrxn ~



!egents approve expansion of


ThiSm NK


The evaluation came at yester-
day's meeting, with Regents Rob-
ert Brown (R-Kalamazoo) and
Paul Goebel (R.Grand Rapids)
grilling store manager Dennis
Webster for about two hours.
Most of the discussion centered
on the store's proposal that its in-
ventory ceiling be lifted entirely.
The administration has been
hesitant in recommending a raise
In the inventory ceiling because
this would presumably increase
the University's liability should
the store fail. An agreement that
the University would meet any
unpaid debts of the store in the

event of a failure was a key ele-
ment in the Regents' original
approval of the store.
The store's operators maintain-
ed that the $25,000 inventory limit
kept them from meeting the de-
mand of their patrons for school
Besides requesting a release from
the inventory ceiling, the store re-
quested regental authorization to
borrow up to $15,000. This, along
with the $10,000 in cash reserves,
would presumably be used by the
store to raise' the value of its in-
ventory from $25,000 to $50,000.
$5,000 would be used to stock the
Bursley branch. The executive of-

According to acting Vice Pres-
ident for Student Affairs Bar-
bara Newell, the executive officers
felt that any additional increase
would be unwise in the face of -the
eventual merger of the discount
store and the University Bookstore
approved by the Regents 1 a s't
"The more complicated and ex-
tensive the discount store, the
more complicated the merger pro-
cess would be," she said.
However, a member of the Book-
store Policy Board, Bruce Wil-
son, told the Regents that t h e
Board supported the discount
store's ;requests.
The Regents subsequently ap-
proved a proposal offered by Re-E
gent Otis Smith (D-Detroit) to
raise the ceiling to $40,000. ,

Electra-Recording Artist
Superb guitar,
banjo, tamboura
Superb sense of humor
Great performer
Funny as hell!
1 1 I-


= \7( .+aI
-, .,r . e

Hi-Fi Headquarters in Ann Arbor
for 23 Yeors
304 S, Thayer 665-8607
Across from Hill Auditori4m
musi ccenter, Inc.

::r..-o"""...o".::.:v.r:i>>7qrrrrr.prrr ."fi}::t?"rS?:::' rr.ty"'::7:4 ::'v,;.?y}:?a. :: i"v:S ":r'q;:{:;;::?;

1 :00, 3:40, 6:20, 9:00 P.M.


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L. S. A Bl d g ., before
2 p.m., ofthe day preceding pub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. Items ap-
pear once only. Student organiza-
tion notices a r e not accepted for'
publication. F o r more informa-
tion, phone7 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Midwestern Conference on S c h o o l
Vocal and Instrumental Music - Re-
gistration: Rackham Lobby, 8:00 a.m.
Basketball: U-M vs. Illinois: Events
Building, 2:00 p.m.
Degree Recital: Collette Bick, violin;
School of Music Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m.
General Notices
Senate Assembly: Monday, January
19, 1970, 3:15 p.m. Rackham Amphithea-
ter, agenda: 1. Consideration of the
minutes of the December 15th meeting;
2. Report of SACUA activities; 3. Com-
mittee Appointments: Election of a
Chairman and a Vice Chairman to the
Senate Advisory Review Committee; 4.
Remarksdby Vice President Norman
on Research Aspects of the University;
5. Report of the Calendar Committee
-Professor George Hay.
P lcement Servi1ce
3200 S.A.B-.
Current Positions received by Gen.
Div., here are a few, come and browse
through others:
Local County Organization, m a 1 e
worker for group and casework services,
exper. required, 3-4 years group :work,

BA in soc. sci., but prefer MSW or MS
in behaviorial Sci. areas.
Sinai Hospital, Detroit, Student with
interest in medicine for research in
1Ketchum, Inc., Ann Arbor: Secre-
tarial position, typing, accuracy, a n d
filing duties for full time until April,
fund raising for Girl Scout Council.
Democratic State Central Committee
of Michigan, Lansing, Director of Pub-
lic Information.
212 SAB, Lower Level
Glacier National Park, Montana. Ap-
plications have arrived at Summer
Placement Service; 212 Student Activi-
ties Building. A wonderful place to
spend your summer.
Platt National Park, Sulphur; Okla-
homa. Ranger-Naturalist positions open
for coming summer. Application dead-
line February 15. Further details at
SPS, 212 SAB.
128-H, West Engrg. Bldg.
Engineering Placement Meeting No.
3: Employment interviewing and Plant
Visits." What to, expect and how to
act during employment negotiations.
Third of four meetings. Professor J.
G. Young, January 19, 1970, 4:00 p.m.
and 7:30 p.m. in Room 325 West En-
gineering Building. (Afternoon and
evening meetings will be the same.)
The Free University will hold registra-
tion in the Fishbowl on Jan. 24-31st,
1970. For info, call Li. Hunt at 764-
<* 4' * *

Hill Auditorium
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21 at 8:30
Elements); TENT
TICKETS: $6.00, $5.50, $5.00, $4.00, $3.00
TUes., Jon. 2Ct8;3C-1.OO
Musical Society Office in Burton Tower-Ph. 665-3717

"Tehap Ia
when 'm srih smr euiu
thanthehapy Iseemd t bewhe
as stoned!
~1h ir nte'pcue snmd hi.Fo vra er hewso apeains oeru'rgskoz
~s"see."Ths s owsh dscibs t


UM Baha'i Club
ligion Day, Jan.

sponsors World Re-
17, 7-9 p.m., 1474

"I thinky speed' is a lot worse than heroin. Kids have got to
know about it, because they can fall so easily into taking it
through the diet pill hassle, or needing something to help them
study. You know, that's crazy. Because the combination of am-
phetamines and no sleep just blows your memory completely.
There are whole sections of my life which I just can't remember.
It got to be just 'do a little more, do a little more,' until that was
ail there was. And the 'crashing'... sometimes the 'crashing' is
just really awful!
"For me to stop taking it, I had to feel that people were car-
ing. And they were. I was really lucky. I was very close to two
people that were really into amphetamines very deeply, and I
loved them a lot. But as far as they were concerned, the only
f,:... + -. 4eat na e af ' a tha ther life And




4th Week
Shows ot
William Faulkner's P
Novel "The Reive

ulitzer Prize-Winning
rs" is now a film!Y





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