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January 17, 1970 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-17

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page three




NEWS PHONE: 764-0552



Saturday, January 17, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

8 P.M.

1 1429 HI L ST.


Join Te Daly Tod1ay.
JAN. 17, 18-SAT., SUN.
Dir. Sergei Eisenstein, 1944
One of Eisenstein's classics which shows the
epic of Czar Evan's rise to power.
Music by Prokofiev
767& 75c Architecture

by T he Associated Press and College Press Service
FORMER NIGERIAN PRESIDENT Nnamdi Azikiwe, a fellow
tribesman of the Ibos of Biafra, returned from Great Britain on
a personal mission to assure Biafrans "that all is now well and
Azikiwe had been in London where he was writing a book on
Nigeria. He returned to Nigeria, he said, to tour the East Central
State-the core of Biafra-and infuse faith in the people.
Azikiwe hailed the surrender, signed in Lagos Thursday, as a
substantial step toward national reconciliation. He is expected to
meet with Maj. Gen. Yakubu Gowon and other federal leaders.
At the outset of Biafra's secession in 1967 Azikiwe supported the
new nation. Last August he reversed his stand when he backed Nigeria
and urged the Ibos to abandon the fight. ,
THE INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS said it has received
permission from the Nigerian government to fly 21 tons of medical
supplies to Lagos early next week.'
A Danish chartered plane currently in Malta is expected to reach
the Nigerian capital Monday with 10 tons of medications, followed by
a Swiss plane from Geneva Tuesday carrying 11 more tons.
* * * *
SPOKESMEN FOR SEVERAL consumer organizations urged
Congress to revamp the truth-in-packaging law.I
Testifying before a Senate commerce subcommittee which is
trying to judge the impact of the 1966 Fair Packaging and Labeling
Act, Helen Nelson, a vice president of the Consumer Federation of
America, said, "Tests indicate that despite efforts to improve labeling
practices, the possibility that consumers can compare prices has not;
been noticeably increased."
Mrs. Nelson went on to testify that tests conducted in New York
City showed that housewives can't identify packages offering the
best price per unit.
Spokesmen for other consumer groups urged legislation requiring
unit pricing, standarized packaging, more detailed disclosure of pack-
age content, a gradual conversion to the metric system and dating
of perishable foods.
Congress is now considering laws which would require packages
to carry the price per unit of measure as well as a bill to require.
that perishable foods carry the date at which their quality begins to


-Associated Press

MSU Trustees meet

Clifton Wharton Jr., (left foreground) president of Michigan State University, presides formally at
a meeting of the MSU Board of Trustees for the first time yesterday. Wharton found the board
sharply split over the first important issue to arise-the appointment of a new chancellor at Oak-
land University. After a heated debate, the Trustees appointed Donald O'Dowd by a 5-3 vote.
Standing at the rear are a group of Oakland students who walked out following the vote.
s urge C1i ounci to place
ant1-war referendum on ballt0

COL. MUAMMAR KADAFI, one of the leaders of the coup
that outsted Libya's King last September, became Libyan prime#
minister in a move that apparently tightened his control over
government operations.
Mahomouj Maghradi, a lawyer who became prime minister after
King Idris was overthrown Sept. 1, resigned with other cabinet mem-
bers, Tripoli radio said.
Kadafi placed four fellow officers into important cabinet posts.
The Kadafi government, which seems to be moving toward closer
ties with Egypt and other Arab nations, has told the United States
and Britain to close down their military bases in Libya. Both are
The two British bases in and near Tobruk will be closed by
March 31. The U.S. Wheelus Air base near Tripoli is to be formallyj
turned over to Libya by June 30.1

third heart
'U' hospital says
patient doing OK
Gerald K. Rector received his
second transplanted heart in an
eight hour operation at Unti--
versity Hospital yesterday.
The operation, began at
1:15 p.m., was finished at 9:15
p.m., and Rector's condition was
described as "good as could be ex-
pected." His new heart was beat-
ing well and sustaining blood
pressure. He was breathing with-
out assistance, a hospital spokes-
man said.
The spokesman added that "the
first 48 hours are very critical in
terms of recovery from the opera-
tive procedure."
At a press conference following
the operation, a hospital spokes-
man said:
"We had a man who, although
with an unusual problem, was
very suitable for a transplant, and
we had a patient who was a suit-
able donor.
"Despite all the difficulties and
hazards that were understood,
there was no reason to deny him
the possible advantages of a,
transplanted heart."
The donor was Mrs. Hildreth
Judy, 55, a housewife from Saline
who died of a stroke Thursday,.
Mrs. Judy's kidneys were also used
in two separate transplants at the
hospital and Henry Ford Hospital
in Detroit.
At University Hospital, the kid-
ney recipient was Gary Walvin, 24,
Dearborn. Walvin, a second year
student at Henry Ford Community
College, has been using a kidney
machine for the past "five years at
Wayne County General Hospital.
The recipient at Henry Ford
Hospital is not presently identified.
Permission for the transplants:
was given by members of Mrs.
Judy's family.
Rector, 44, received his f irr s t
transplant on March 17, 1969.
While at University Hospital last
week for a routine check-up,, his
heart started to show signs of re-
Doctors said he probably would
not have survived until this
morning without the transplant. It
was just a coincidence that there
was a suitable donor present at
the time.
University Hospital has followed
its previous policy of not identify-
ing the doctors who performed
the operation, but a spokesman
said the team was essentially the
same as the one which trans-
plantedaRector's first heart last
At critical times during the op-
eration, hospital officials said, as
many as three dozen people and
three operating rooms were being "
used. 'This caused disruption of
some regular hospital operations,
but the spokesmen indicated that,
despite the very unpredictable
probability of success in such
operations, the prospect of ex-
tending the patient's life made the
extra efforts worthwhile.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan, News phone: 764-052. S.eCnd
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $3.00 by carrier, $3.00 by




The Young Democrats will urge
City Council to place an anti-war
referendum on the ballot in the
April 6 municipal election.
In a resolution passed Wednes-
day, the YD's proposed a referen-
dum which would call for the im-'
mediate withdrawal of U.S. troops
from Vietnam, protection by the
U.S. for "all those in South Viet-

'nam who ask for it" and the
transfer of government funds from
military to domestic priorities.
The resolution also stated that
the Young Democrats would sup-
port only those city council can-
didates who favor the proposed
The proposed referendum, which
would have to be placed on the
ballot 45 days before the election

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Levi's makes
the fashion
scen.e with bel


Anti-war coffee house closed

COLUIBIA, S.C. () - County officials
have closed the UFO, a coffee house where
youths - including some soldiers f r o m
nearby Ft. Jackson - gathered to discuss
opposition to the Vietnam War. .
As has been the case at similar gather-
ing places near other military bases across
the country, local officials claimed t h e
UFO was a nuisance and- a center for dis-
Defenders of the coffee house accused
the offi 'als of trying to suppress dissent.
Locw across the street from City Hall,
the dine *y lit UFO has galled city officials
and businessmen for two years with its
antiwar theme and its long-haired clien-
tele. Also officers at Ft. Jackson, a few
miles away, have not been pleased by its
appeal to young GIs.4
On Thursday Richland County Solicitor
John Foard ordered the UFO padlocked
after five persons were indicted by a grand
jury on charges of operating it as a public

Thomas Broadwater, Columbia attorney
who represents the five, said in an inter-
"The real issues are not whether the
UFO is a nuisance or improperly manag-
ed, but whether the political philosophy in
power is going to silence a political philo-
sophy they disagree with, and they are do-
ing everything within permitted police
power to do so."
In addition to charging the UFO with
being "a common, disorderly and ill-gov-
erned place," t h e indictment contended
the coffeehouse has been a gathering place
for "rowdy persons, persons of evil name,
fame and conversation." It also charges
that drugs or narcotics were sold on the
Foard declared: "We intend to keep it
closed . . . It is a center for disaffecting
soldiers and those avoiding the draft."
Foard's complaint said further the cof-
fee house seeks to "encourage young men

..: to refuse to fight for their country."
Paul Gumm, a waiter who was in charge
of the coffee house when officers affixed
the padlock, said, "The trouble is not with
the UFO. It's with Ft. Jackson."
In 1968, Columbia Police Chief L. J.
Campbell was quoted as saying: "I'm going
to close that place if it's the last thing I
Since then he -has acknowledged t h e
UFO has been under surveillance.'
The coffee house received wider atten-
tion in 1968 when a charge was brought
against the management for an antiwar
poster in the front window. The case is
under appeal.
The display was a mounted photograph
from the newspaper, Vietnam GI, purpor-
ting to show four American soldiers hold-
ing the heads of two decapitated V i e t
Cong. Police took issue with the picture
caption which contained words they said
were obscene.

is supported by the New Mobiliza-
tion to End the War, the Ann
Arbor Committee Against the War,
the Ann Arbor Moratorium Com-
mittee and the New Democratic
A 45 minute debate at the YD's
meeting centered around the pos-
sibility that the referendum might
be harmful to democratic candi-
dates for City Council.
"Some people felt it might hurt
-might bring out the Birch vote,"
Jerry De Grieck, vice president of
the YD's said. "In the end we de-
cided it was a moral issue. There
was nothing we could do but past
it," he explained.
Howard Heideman, president of
the YD's agreed saying, "even if
there's a chance that it may be
politically non-expedient, it is
important enough to all of us to
make the commitment." ,
Frank Shoichet, a YD member,
said that although the referendum
might possibly hurt democratic
candidates in some wards, "cer-
tain leadership elements in the
Ann Arbor Democratic party say
that it would help candidates in
predominantly student wards."
Although the YD's haven't made
a formal request to City Council
for the referendum to be put on
the ballot, they have been in touch
with members of the council.
"We're not threatening them,
but we feel there is a definite
commitment to raise the war issue,
and we certainly will be bringing
pressure to bear," Heideman said.
"We feel that City Council has
the duty to put this referendum
on the ballot," De Grieck con-

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of. our vision flow into one anat her*
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