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January 17, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-17

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, t Ci!3 U


Low- 12

Cloudy, colder with
snow flurries


%'oI. LXXX, No. 89 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 17, 1970 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


U' panel
VP report
Nominees expect
to back students
All five candidates for vice
president for student services
t o 1 d the student - faculty
search committee which Se-
lected them that they would
resign the post if they found
themselves in irreconcilable
conflict with a student posi-
But, said the search committee
in its report to President Robben
Fleming, "most of the candidates
anticipated little difficult in sre-
candid discussions and mutual
exploration of the issues."
The report, which was released
by the committee with Fleming's*
cbnsent yesterday, sums up search I
committee discaussions with the
five nominees: Hubert Locke, di-
rector of religious affairs at
Wayne State University; Alan
Gu'skin, a lecturer in the psy-
chology department: Peter Stein-
berger, an Ann Arbor attorney
and recent University graduate;
Carol Leland, an official of the



store branch



-Associated Press
White students protest
White parents and students protest in Tallulah, La., where white
teachers are being reassigned by lottery to black schools. The
march came only two days after the Supreme Court's latest
desegregation order.

Berets arraigned as
75H sporters watch c~
With 75 persons observing peacefully, three Black Berets th
were arraigned in Washtenaw County Circuit Court yester- re
day on charges stemming from an encounter with police
,fficers last August. w
Berets Howard Hayes and Barry Wilson pleaded not d
guilty to the charge that they "opposed an officer in the ca
discharge of his duty." Jerome Wright entered the same co
plea to a charge of felonious assault. ra
" All three were released on $50
S- bond, but Hayes and Wilson are re- ce
" lT toiiiinations quired to attend a pre-trial hearing st
Feb. 11, with Wright scheduled wi
to attend a hearing Feb. 5. At co
that time they will either p 1 e a d de
Two other Berets were also'
arrested in the Aug. 31 incident m
Students, faculty and staff are which began when two police of- rec
invited to nominate candidates five r egnte to prrest: .idvi
~or the 1969-70 Distingished fiesattempted to arrest Dayi v
T r h ge1969 A0 Ds.igiNsmin d Hunter, a Beret, in front of the fe
Teaching Fellow Awards. Noina- Black Beret office on Ann St. the
tions must be submitted no later Bunter e for an st
than Jan. 31. Hunter was wanted for an alleged js
parole violation. or
Up to ten awards, of $500 each According to police, Hunter re- pr
will be made to qualified teaching sisted arrest by fleeing into the hi
fellows on the basis of their im- office. Then, police clg ther de
pact on students through excel- Berets attacked an officer trying re
nce in teaching and counseling, to arrest Hunter, a melee follow-
The awards will be presented at ed and the five Berets were ar- Fl
the President's Award luncheon in ,ete.ina
The Berets, however, claim the m
To be eligible, a candidate must police were more interested in
have completed one full year as a harassing them than in arresting E
teaching fellow at the University Hunter, who was not arrested that
prior to nomination and be serv- .night. They also claim to have re-
ng as a teaching fellow at the sisted the police attempts to enter .
University when nominated, or the building because the officers
have had two years teaching ex- did not show a search warrant. O
perience at the University twith'nm Supporters of the Berets, mostly
the last three years prior to nom- from the Ann Arbor SDS, began
ination. "assembling on the Diag about a'
The awards are restricted to ap- half hour before the arraignment.'
licants for master's or doctoral Their numbers g r e w from 24
'degrees who are .teachers of gun- when they reached the County
dergraduates. Bldg. to 75 at the time of the
Nominations may - be made by: arraignment.
administrative offices, f a c u1l t y Many of the supporters were
members, faculty groups, depart- prevented from filling up t h e
ment and school executive com- empty seats in the courtroom by
mittees, individual students and a guard who said he received his
student groups._- orders "from the court building."

o 11 e g e Entrance ExaminationI
ioard; and Prof. Walter Sherving-!
on, a psychiatrist in the medical
The committee said it had de-
ned to make an extensive ex-
mination of proposed structures
or the Office of Student Services
nd expressed confidence in its
ominees "to develop the role of
he vice president . . . in the di-
ctions it should go."
However, the committee said it'
as continually concerned with-
etermining the ability of each,
andidate it interviewed to have
agenuine sensitivity to student
oncerns and that he could achieve a
apport with students."1
"The committee could not con- 1
ive that a vice president forh
udent affairs would function
ith any effectiveness unless he b
uld gain and retain the confi- i
ence of students generally," the c
mmittee said. t

-Daily-Jim Diehl
TENANTS UNION MEMBERS picket the home of landlord Lester Drake. When the marchers found
that Drake was not home, they split up and discussed Drake's rental policies with neighbors.
By CARLA RAPOPORT door, but no one answered. Then with another hour of marching,
A volkswagen carrying the Ten- the group decided to split up and the protesters erected a picket
ints Union flag led a caravan of discuss the issue with the neigh- line of snow men across the
born. Drake's front lawvn.
.2 cars yesterday to the home of eexa d to theolokk n .
andlord Lester Drake for two they epained topthe onoo er As the temperature dropped,
:iours of piktn their renting experiences with spii'its .rose and the snow men
picketing. Drake and their dissatisfaction took over theacause, One flaunted
The union singled out Drake with his apartment managing. a defiantly clenched right fist
ecause it charges he has broken Most people listened sympatheti- while another chomped on a cigar.
nto tenants apartments, stolen cally, but professed no knowledge As
lothes, a television set and furni- of Drake's renting procedures. the group prepared to leave,
ure. TU members also allege he A- ;several students began to poke
n . , ~~~~Another commented.Icn, ,,,,. ..L.....,T.__ 'T2T .

The Regents yesterday authorized the establishment of
a branch of the University Store at Bursley Hall, apparently
resolving a four-month-long altercation with residents of
the North Campus dorm.
After a lengthy discussion of the financial situation of
the year-old discount store, the Regents approved its expan-
sion to Bursley by a vote of 5-2.
At the same time, regental approval was given to an
increase in the store's inventory ceiling from $25,000 to
$40,000, despite the executive officers' recommendation that
the ceiling be limited to $30,000. The inventory ceiling is a
limit on the total value of
items stocked by the store at
any given time. I
As expected, President Robben
Fleming did not present the Re-
gents with a recommendation for 1
a new vice president far student '
services. In addition, no further ntt
revisions in the 'student-faculty "
draft of the controversial Regents'l T
bylaws on the student role in de- j' *it i
cision-making were announced.
Besides acting on the discount
'store expansion, the Regents ap- CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (A' - A
proved the establishment of a crowd of protesters abandoned
Bachelor in General Studies de- their 34-hour sit-in at the offices
gree for undergraduate students of the top officials of Massachu-
at the University's Dearborn cam- setts Institute of Technology last
pus. night, leaving the offices "a
.The BGS program at Dearborn, shambles," in the words of an MIT
however, will maintain certain dis- spokesman.
tribution requirements not present A spokesman said the students
in the program which was insti- left of their own accord.
tuted in the literary college last
spring. Of the close to 200 demonstra-
In other action at the Regents' tors originally occupying the of-
monthly public meeting, it was fices, MIT officials counted only
announced that the University is 55 when the demonstrators left the
spending more than $2.2 million building last night.
this year to support the educa- A university spokesman said
tion of at least 947 students from some of the demonstrators were
nority groups, most of them from Harvard and Radcliffe, as
black. wl sMT
Students living on North Cam- well as MIT.
pus began pressing for the estab- When the 55 persons walked out
lishment of Bursley branch of the of the offices, 30 were identified
discount store last September. The as students and would be disci-
students cited the inconvenience plined. "Let there be no misunder-
of having to travel to central cam- standing about this," said univer-
pus each time they purchased sity President Howard Johnson.
school supplies. "We shall move promptly to seek
However, the Regents declined legal action against every one of
to consider the request until they the trespassers we can identify."
had evaluated the store's finan- ,The demonstration started when
cial status after the fall term. four young men, wearing ski masks
See REGENTS, Page 2 and wielding a pipe battering ram,

has refused to pay water, gasandj
"At the same time," the com- ecs ills. see this sort of thing. He minds
ittee continued, "the committee his business and we mind ours.I
cognized the importance of the This demonstration is the first We have all got to try to get
ce president's ability to work ef- in the union's new strategy to along."
ctively with the president and make the organization more visible For nearly an hour the group
e other officers of the admin- to tenants. The group also may discussed its grievances with all
tration and with the faculty in demonstrate next week against an- available neighbors. Faced then
der to achieve the goals of his other landlord, Louis Rome, at his -- _- --- - -_
ogram, and the importance of Lansing office. Rome is head of:
s awareness of the need for the state crime commission.
veloping suitable procedures and The union sent Drake a letter ' U 11 I Ca U (
lationships to that end." yesterday demanding the imme-
At the request of the committee, diate return of allegedly stolen
eming did not bring the nom- goods, a reduction of rent for "in- s n dItte e]
cation to yesterday's Regent's ;convenienced tenants," immediate I
eeting. repairs to all dwellings requiring
_them and an immediate agree- By TAMMY JAC0BS,
ment to binding negotiations with Y TAmocraCoBS e
I f the union. Young Democrats from all over
SDrake has declined comment on the state will gather today and
P'e T e the charges. tomorrow at a Michigan Demo-
SIn support of' these demands, a cratic Party convention in Detroit
University Hospital doctors line of some 50 students circled in in an attempt to activate a recent-
give Gerald Rector his third front of Drake's home, carrying ly conceived youth-student caucus.
.r .s signs like "You live here, Your According to members of the
heart in an eight hour oper- tenants live in slums" and chant- campus Young Democrats, who
ation. ing "Hey Hey, Drake, Drake, What helped initiate the idea for a cau-
County officials in South are you going to confiscate?" cus, the group will consider devel-
The noisy activity soon attracted Iopling means for greater involve-
Carolina close an anti-war the neighbors' attention. Women ment in the party minority groups
coffee house. watched from their por-ches, dogs and students.
Young Democrats pass a re- barked and children asked whether YD President Howard Heide-
solution calling for a city the "parade" would come back man and Frank Shoichet say they
tomorrow. expect the caucus to work for im-
referendum on the Vietnam After 15 minutes of picketing, plementation of the report of the
war. .several persons knocked on Drake's state's Democratic Political Re-

around the nouse. Norm Finkcel-
stein, steering committee member,
declined to comment whether a
student has actually removed a
television set from Drake's house
which Drake had allegedly stolen
from a tenant.

Us to dscuss reform
mnocratic convention
form Commission. The report will chet replied, "We'll cross that'
be the chief issue at the conven- I bridge when we come to it."
tion. "They have been pretty good to,
The commission is chaired by us so far," says De Grieck. "They'
William Haver, special advisor to have been very co-operative about
the executive officers of the Uni- giving us floor space atthe con-
versity. Its recommendations in- vention.",
elude holding a state Democratic "We're going to make our voice
presidential primary, allowing col- heard and our views known, but
lege students to vote where they I in no way envision any kind
attend school and granting the of suppression," says De Grieck.
vote to 18-year-olds. We're going to demand that the
Caucus members plan to work party open up, so that it can real-
towardgaining veto powers over ly be an effective instrument for
the selection of nominees to the change," he says.
State Board of Education and A few members of the new
state university governing boards. zaucus met late last night in De-
They also hope to develop a better troit to decide on policy for the
understanding of minority group convention.

first smashed their way into the
office of Johnson.
The demonstrators had present-
ed a list of demands, based pri-
manly on one calling for rescind-
ing- the expulsion and other penal-
ties imposed for a previous demon-
MIT officials had earlier re-
jected all of the demands. Dr.
Paul Gray, the university's asso-
ciate provost, had told newsmen
the administration would "not
negotiate at the point of a gun."
The takeover, sponsored by Stu-
dents for Democratic Society, was
described by the demonstrators as
their response to MIT's failure to
meet demands by a 5 p.m. Wed-
nesday deadline.
MIT's role in such research,
particularly the MIT Instrumenta-
tion Laboratory's work on a guid-
ance system for the Poseidon mul-
tiple warhead missile, has been the
focus of earlier anti-war demon-

The planned extension of Observatory St. through a
student residential area has caused a controversy over whether
city planners should give priority to easing situations for
people or cars.
The city planning commission's proposal, which wyould
connect Observatory to Forest Ave. in order to improve traffic
around the Medical Center, is opposed by a city councilman, a
Student Government Council officer and residents of the area
through which the proposed extension would pass.
Since this fall, some of the area's residents have been
attempting to stop the proposed extension, which was ap-
proved in a city referendum last year.'
Their efforts were bolstered on Aug. 4 when Councilman
Rooert Faber (D-Second Wa'rd) requested that the planning
commission re-evaluate the Observatory-Forest extension as
well as several other proposed road alignments.
"My major concern is to change the city's priorities from
a.3i'mmhiA.'ni ariyt _ ran_ a _arPii-fe"A -in-

St. extension disputed

i ,
E '

"The need seemed to arise for
a way for youth to approach
Democratic leadership in a solidi-
fied manner," explains Shoichet.
"The only time youth gets any
say in the party is when it is needed
to work for candidates," Shoichet
says, adding that "most students
have their loyalties to individual
candidates rather than to the
youth issues of .the party." The
proposed caucus hopes to broaden
youth's participation in party af-
"Students are disenfranchised,"
Shoichet maintains. "The basic
idea of the caucus is to give us a
The caucus has been given a
place on the convention floor, and
caucus rooms to meet in, but the
amount of speaking that caucus
members will do is unclear. Ac-
cording to convention rules, ex-
plained Jerry De Grieck, vice pres-
ident of YD's, only delegates can
speak, and delegates must be at
least 21 years old.
But Shoichet is quick to point
out that "we have no lack of elo-
cquent members over 21. "I've seen



,rN _ N-

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