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April 11, 1970 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-11

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Saturday, Apri I 11, 1970 .

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, April 11, 1970.


lichigras: Come to the Cabaret suggested
as judge
'~and e

Fleming airs views on discipline,
sees creation of 'U'-wide panel

LOS ANGELES R) - Federal'
Judge Harry Andrew Blackmun of
Minnesota is President Nixon's
choice for the Supreme Court va-
cancy remaining after the Senate's
rejection of G. Harrold Carswell,
the Los Angeles Times said yes-
The Times said "the highest
sources" identified Blackmun, an
appellate judge with headquarters
in St. Paul, as the choice.
Although the White House
would not confirm its report, the
Times said "an official in a posi-
tion to know said that Blackmun
would be the nominee."
In Washington the Evening Star
said that Blackmun and Federal
Judge Edward T. Gignoux of
Maine are the leading candidates
for the vacancy.
The newspaper said Blackmun,
a native of Nashville, Ill., and
graduate of Harvard College and
Harvard Law School, had been
high on Nixon's list for a Supreme
Court vacancy.
Blackmun has sat in civil rights
cases. In 1957, in the case of Jones
vs. Mayer testing an 1866 civil
rights law as a guarantee of open
housing, Blackmunrrejected the
complaint of a black couple re-
fused a house in a subdevelop-
The Supreme Court overruled
The Times said Blackmun had
seemed disposed to rule in favor
of the couple and against the
subdivision developer for refusing
to sell them a house.
The newspaper a dd e d that
Blackmun believed that an "in-
ferior tribunal" should not lay
down a doctrine making a com-
plete break with past cases.
Judge Blackmun was a member
of a three-judge panel which or-
dered Minnesota's secretary of
state in 1968 to place the Com-
munist party ticket on the presi-
dential election ballot that year.
The panel did not act on a chal-
lenge raised in that case to the
underlying f e d e r a l Communist
Control Act, but Judge Blackmun
was one of two judges on the
panel who expressed doubts about
the constitutionality of the anti-
Communist statute.

Continued from Page 1)
can be classified as either "aca-
demic" or "non-academic" a n d
suggested that each type of of-
fense be evaluated separately to
determine the appropriate disci-
plinary mechanism for hearing the
In the past, there has never been
complete agreement on the types
of conduct included in each cate-
gory. While students have taken
the position that all conduct is
non-academic except for conduct
directly related to a student's aca-
demic performance, faculty mem-
bers and administrators h a v e
maintained that non-academic
conduct does not cover "misbe-
havior" in the classroom - such as
Fleming said he does not be-
lieve "you should draw a distinc-
tion in those terms - academic
and non-academic. I don't think
that you can meaningfully decide
jurisdiction based on those terms."
"It may be possible to define
jurisdiction by (considering) each
type of case separately," the pre-
sident said.
On the question of classroom
disruptions, Fleming took the posi-
tion that such actions affected
the faculty member teaching the
class as well as the students, and
therefore the faculty should be

included in the disciplinary me-
chanism used in cases of disrup-I
"I can't conceive of faculty peo-
ple agreeing that what happened1
in the classroom is not of inter-
est to them," he added. "Disrup-
tion of a class is too clearly re-7
lated to the teaching function."
However, Fleming said he be-
lieves there are certain types of;
offenses which should be adjudi-
cated by all-student courts. He de-,
clined to specify which violations
he believes should be included in
this category.
Referring to violations of Uni-
versity-wide rules (as opposed to)
rules maintained by each school
and college), Fleming said thatI
one possible disciplinary mechan-;
ism would involve a tribunal com-
posed of students, faculty mem-'
bers and administrators.
This board would have original
Jurisdiction over infractions of
rules drafted by the newly-createdt
University Council (UC), a stu-
dent-faculty-administration body.;
According to Section 7.02 of the,
Regents bylaws, which was adopt-,
ed in February, UC will propose
rules bearing "generally" on all
segments of the University com-
munity. The rules would take et-j
feet after being approved by SGC,
Senate Assembly and the Regents.

The proposed bylaws would
delegate original jurisdiction over
violations of UC rules to CSJ.
However, Fleming said yesterday
he feels that UC rules should be
enforced by a campus-wide judi-
ciary with "some kind of combined
membership," not by an all-stu-
dent court.
"I would argue that there
shouldn't be a separate faculty
judiciary (with sole jurisdiction
over) faculty offenses," Fleming
said. "If it's a University(-wide)
offense, the machinery to enforce
it ought to be a community ma-
Fleming said he also was op-
posed to a passage in the proposed
bylaws which empowered CSJ to
act as an appellate court for cases
which are originally heard by dis-
ciplinary boards in each school
and college.
"I can see the traditional appeal
to the president of the University
or the Regents," he said, adding
that if he was presented with an
appeal "I can't imagine that I
would normally overrule the
court's decision, even if I happen-
ed to differ with it."
On the question of suspension
of students by the dean of a school
or college prior to a hearing,
Fleming maintained that certailn
cases involved violations "so seri-
ous" that immediate suspension
would be the proper course of ac-
tion. He mentioned "physical vio-
lence" and destruction as two of-
fenses which should be included
in this category.
Program Info: NO 2-6264
5th WEEK . .
7:00-9:10 P.M.



Last night Yost Field House
was a carnival. That old tra-
ditional carnival - the once a
year chance to get cotton candy
at the University. Michigras has
struck again, bringing joy to
young and old with its annual
spring antics. Now, I don't par-
ticularly like carnivals - but
whether you enjoy them or not,
you can't help but like the
Michigras cabaret theater.
The action takes place in a
large tent in old Yost. It is not
the best place to perform, but
the cast and orchestra of Mari-
lyn Miller's What Are You
Wearing to the Revolution make
the most of the adverse condi-

The production is a sort of
musical review, full of topical
allusions to sex, crime, and the
absurdities of modern society.
It is entertaining and at times
hilarious, as the cast races its
way through the weird encoun-
ters sandwiched between spirit-
ed production numbers.
There is no plot, and not
much continuity of action to
the play, but those elements
were not intended-nor are they
necessary. It is burlesque and
vaudeville with a touch of Hair.
Each small scene is a play in it-
self, and while some of the
scenes leave something to be de-
sired, the cumulative effect is
certainly pleasing.
Miss Miller looks at the world

- and, in particular, the stand-
ard college male-female rela-
tionship in a perceptive, ribald
way - her ribaldry is some-
times overboard, but the police
patrolling the carnival were not
The cast was exuberant in
creating vitality for the musical.
Marty Swaden in his acerbic
dialogues with Joan Susswein
and Barb Haas was awfully fun-
ny and the ladies readily showed
off their established talent.
Keith A Brown lent real vocal
and dramatic power, playing
both his own scenes and those
of Dale Gonyea, who was un-
able to sing because of a throat
infection. Gonyea did, however,
contribute substantially to the

A chronicle of experience

When Sean O'Casey's play
The Plough and the Stars was
first produced in William But-
ler Yeats' Abbey Theater in Du-
blin, it created a riot on the
fourth day of performance.
Neither Yeats nor O'Casey were
especially displeased by the riot,
which is reputed to have been
sparked off by the play's various
bits of .irreverence., The main
two of these bits were its al-
leged insult to the heroes of the
Irish Citizen's Army who re-
belled against the English on
Easter of 1916, and its immoral
gall, as manifested in several
"dubious" lines and personified
in the character of a flamboyant
Irish' prostitude called Rosie
The University Players are
now doing The Plough and the
Stars here, and though there is
nothing in that production
which is likely to stir a riot, still
it affords no dull evening. The
play is large and sprawling, and
full of mood changes. At its
serious cord is the uprising of
the Citizen Army inthe streets
of Dublin, and some of its
peripheral tales are loosely
about the effects -amusing
and disastrous -of the rebel-
lion on various citizens of a
Dublin tenement.
In his progam notes, Director
James Coakley calls the play a
masterpiece, and it may well be
that. Certainly its language is
glorious, sear in color, strength,

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
production by writing a satirical
musical number on television
The production number
choreography by Wendy Shan-
kin exhibited her special talent,
and was generally well executed
by the cast. The stage did seem
crowded at times with the
abundance of female dancers.
but graceful performers like W.
Allen Russell and Lisa Goodman
more than made up for the lack
of room.
The music was a team effort,
but most of the credit for the
Bacharch-like score goes to
Charles Averbook. Some of the
musical numbers strained the
registers of the cast because of
the wide scope of the range, but
overall the music was a great
asset to the production. The
small ensemble played the score
well if not perfectly.
The cast and orchestra were
fighting all night with the
acoustics of the tent in which
they performed and the deafen-
ing noise from the carnival out-.
side. One joint fraternity-soror-
ity booth was a prime offender
as it elicited considerable shout-
ing each time an unfortunate
coed was doused with water.
The performers were forced to
shout their lines in order to
reach the back of the house.
Robbie Giber, whose comedy was
subtly effective, thus sometimes
became inaudible.
The Friars, who constituted
the other part of the Cabaret,
also suffered from the noise pol-
lution. But through their high
jinx and close male harmony,
the men presented a fine show.
All things considered, "Come
to the Cabaret" for an enjoy-
able evening. What this country
needs is more good shows for
half a buck.

publication. F 0 r more infornia-

COuncil, Hays meet;
discuss student issues

(Continued from Page 1)
board would involve a great
amount of a student's time, and,
when one Council member suggest-
ed it, said that it would rnot be a
bad idea that a student on such
a ,board get academic credit for
this work. If he did his job well,
Hays said, a student could "know
more about the University than
the president."
Council members said that they
are curently looking for a source
of funding for their operations.
They have sent questionnaires to
various other student governments
around the campus asking their
source of operating funds and dis-
cussed the possibility of obtaining
funds from LSA budget.

and pungency to the Elizabeth-
an. O'Casey's preoccupations are
with people; not with ideas, and
this is not what you would be
inclined to call sophisticated
theater It is rather, a vital
chronicle of vernacular experi-
Among such experiences are
in random order --a funny
continuing quarrel between a
bookish Marxist lad called Covey
and a crusty old conservative
called Peter Flynn, who bait
each other unceasingly; the
breakdown and madness of
young Nora Clitheroe for love of
her husband, gone off to die for
Ireland; a saucy flirtation in a
pub between the harlot Rosie
and a bellicose Fluther Good
whose sense of language is out-
rageous (one of his exemplarg
lines is a challenge to Rosie to
"flutter a feather at Fluther"-
doubtless O'Casey gloated over
this inane word play); and the
sad accidental death of Bessie
Burgess, a stalwart Irish ma-
triach who holds things to-
The title of the piece refers
to the nationalist Banner of the
Plough and Stars, a green, white
and orange Tricolour, but the
play is not political. Most of
the cast manage their Irish ex-.
cellently. I admired Mary Joanj
Negro, who has just the right
cheekiness in the role of Rosie,
and R. Ronald Beebe who, as
Fluther, creates some fine ro-
bust moments. Wanda Bimson

is a winsome, attractive Nora,
and she and Mark Metcalf as
Jack Clitheroe play a charming
domestic scene together before
he goes off to the barricades.
But in later scenes, she hasn't
either the proper resonance or
the pathos for someone who is
supposed to have gone beserk.
Samuel White, A Figure in the
Window, so billed, who is heard
but scarcely seen, is a g o o d
rabble-rouser and sounds as if
he knows what he's about.
I have some reservations
about this production. It is too
long and gets sluggish in spots,
the cast doesn't sustain things
with enough gusto, and the di-
rector has not altogether suc-
ceeded in modulating from a
cantakerous beginning to a still,
sad ending. But the play has a
certain radiance that is pleas-
ing. To devise the four good sets
for it was probably a demanding
task, and Allan Billings is to
be credited with that.

.}'.:{ :
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r mto
Room 3528 L. S. A B l d g ., before
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. Items ap-
pear once only. Student organiza-
tion notices ar e not accepted for
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day thrcugh Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $3.00 by carrier, $3.00 by

publication. F o r more Informa-
tion, phone 764-4270.
Day Calendar
Track: Ann Arbor Relays, Ferry Field,
12:30 p.m.
Baseball: U-M vs.. Central Michigan
(doubleheader), Ferry Field, 1:00 p.m.
Degree Recital: Abbe Van de Walker,
mezzo soprano, Sch. of Music Recital
Hall, 4:30 p.m.
University Players: "The Plough and
the Stars," Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,
8:00 p.m.
Degree Recital: Susan Shank, violin,
School of Music Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m..
University Varsity Band: Carlo Ver-
onda, conductor; John Mohler, guest
clarinetist, Hill Aud., 8:00 p.m.
Placement Service
April 13: Atomic Energy Commission,
MPA, MBA, and MA poll. set. for admin.

Hays said, "I'll be glad to help
to get it started."
The Council earlier asked Hays
about permission for students to
speak before all faculty adminis-
trative bodies.
Hays said that this would re-
quire a revision of the faculty
code. While LSA faculty meetings
are not closed, students are not
allowed to speak before the group.
Both Hays and the Council
members felt that the Council was
still young and far from fully de-
veloped. Hays later said that he
felt they can become really an
effective student government "if
they can construct the kind of
representative government 'that
they hope to."
training positions in Fed. Career Pro-
gram, call 763-1363 for appts.
Current Opening in Ann Arbor Area:
others nationwide,* come and browse:
servomation of Ypsilanti, controller,
metro-Detroit area out of Ypsi., degree
in acctg., or bus, ad. with heavy acctg.
major, exper. not necess.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Services at 9:30 and 11:00
-Holy Communion 11:00, Bible Class
9:30. Guest preacher, the Rev. Donald
Dump Jump: All day Saturday gar-
bage will be collected. Prizes for t h e
most gorgeous, the smelliest, and the
most bizarre. For more Info call 663-



Nobody swings
like Kathy and Dale, Natalie and Irv,Thelma and Mike, Liz and Mitch.


t i







"There are lots
of laughs and
the sex play is in
the open. A very
high class exam-
ple of the genre
ED! In this one
you get an orgy
that's an orgy!"
-Judith Crist,
New York Magazine
"Fun and
games! The film
slips social signi-
ficance between
the sheets. A
-William Wolf,
Cue Magazine

"It is not an amateurish
sexploitational quickie.
It's a hip sleeper! Clever
amusing dialogue that is
often incisive, raw and
significant. Even as you
laugh, which is often,
you're getting a sober,
royal education on the
sexual revolution that is
said to be engulfing split-'
level, saran-wrapped
suburbia. 'ALL THE LOV-
-Bob Salmaggi, WINS

RARITY, a film
which is at once
topical (wife-
swapping), por-
nographic (you
really see some
of it), funny and
-Archer Winsten,
New York Post
"The couples in
attempt wife-
swapping but
they can't go
through with it
-New York Daily News
"A movie about
wife-swapping -
nudity ... sex...
blunt dialogue...
vitality and rau-
cous humor!"-1n lalcTrd




Daily Classifieds Get Results



Otis Rush
Johnny Littlejohn

Roosevelt Sykes
John Jackson

Feel Free to Speak
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Real urban and country blues-No jivey substitutes


Michigan Union Lobby-Saturday 11-3 P.M.
Hill Auditorium Sunday beginning at 6:30 P.M.

Sony Model 124-CS
Cassette-Corder System


wi i





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