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April 11, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-11

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Yl r e

Si1 rriga


Sunny and balmy
with scattered clouds

Vol. LXXX, No. 157 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 11, 1970 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Sharp rise
in jobless
rate seen
Highest increase
in unemployed
ranks in--decade
nation's unemployment r a t e
continued rising last month to
the highest levels in nearly
five years, climbing from 4.2
to 4.4 per cent of the civilian
labor f o r c e, the government
said yesterday.
The actual number of jobless
persons declined 61.000 but un-
employment generally falls even
more sharply in March. The Labor
Department therefore figured this
as a rise of 230,000 on a seasonal
basis to a total of 3.7 million un-
The report by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics marked the third
straight monthly increase in un-
employment under President Rich-
ard Nixon's anti-inflation policies.
The number of unemployed has
risen one million since March
1969, when the jobless figures
dropped almost to the post-Ko-
rean war low.
The bureau also reported that
average hourly earnings of some
45 million rank-and-file workers
rose one cent in March to $3.16.
Average weekly earnings were up
68 cents to $117:55, representing
an increase of $5.88 or 5.3 per cent
over the year.
However, after adjustment for
the past year's rise in living costs
-the sharpest in 20 years-real
earnings were slightly below those
of ahyear ago, the bureau said.
The March report said the rise
O+ in unemployment was concentrat-
ed among adults seeking full-time
The nation's total employment
rose 468,000 to 77,957,000 but the
bureau said the increase was al-
most entirely among part-time
Most of the rise in unemploy-
ment last month was among wo-
men, whose jobless rate rose from
4.1 to 4.5 per cent, the highest
level in 2/2 years.
The unemployment rate for men
rose slightly from 2.8 to 2.9 per
o cent and the rate for teen-agers
was up from 13.4 to 13.9 per cent,
the bureau said.
However, the bureau said the
rate for all men and the rate for
married men-up from 2 to 2.2
per cent-were both up sharply
since the latter part of 1969.
In a racial breakdown, the bu-
reau said the unemployment rate
for white workers rose from 3.8 to
4.1 per cent while the .jobless rate
for blacks rose from 7 to 7.1 per
"Although both rates were well
above their 1969 lows, the black
rate has remained less than dou-
ble the white rate since last
fall." the bureau said.
The bureau also said the average
work week for all nonagricultural
rank-and-file workers was un-
changed at 37.4 hours, the lowest
level since these figures have been
kept starting in 1964.
The average work week in-
creased by 18 minutes to 40.2
hours in manufacturing, repre-
senting somewhat of a comeback
after a sharp drop in February.
But the figure was still relative-
ly low compared with most of 1969,
the bureau said.


Fleming views



With the Regents soon to
consider proposals for altering
the present judicial system at
the University, President Rob-
ben Fleming, their closest ad-
visor, yesterday provided a
vague outline of the judicial
system he favors.
In an interview, Fleming al-
so explained some of the rea-
sons he has consistently op-
posed granting all-student ju-
diciaries sole jurisdiction over
"non-academic" offenses com-
mited by students.
In the president's view, the dis-
ciplinary system at the University
should ultimately include judicial
bodies consisting primarily of fa-
culty members as well as bodies
which would be composed entirely
of students.
He stressed that the offenses
which each type of judiciary would
have jurisdiction over must be
clearly defined sometime in the
In addition, Fleming said, there
is a need for some definition of
which types of offenses should be
handled by disciplinary bodies
within each school and college and
which should be handled by Uni-
versity-wide bodies.
Currently, the- nature of the
University's current judicial sys-
tem remains largely unclear be-
cause the Regents bylaws do not
define specific disciplinary chan-
nels for the adjudication of parti-

-Associated Press
There goes the Sin King
An end of an era? Could be. Paul McCartney, left, announced yesterday that he had broken away
from the Beatles to pursue a lone a career as a song writer, but indicated that the separation may
only be temporary. Spokesmen for Apple Corp., the Beatles recording company which McCartney
managed, admitted to a rift between McCartney and John Lennon but indicated that the split would
probably be temporary.

Profs accuse



of 'arbitrary fi
Four Eastern Michigan Univer-, blamed his firing on the help he
sity faculty members who have gave to the Second Coming.
been fired have accused the EMU "Sponberg has instituted a reign
administration of stifling dissent of terror against the student and
and infringing on academic free- faculty staff of the paper. He is
dom. willing to use any means neces-
Roger Staples. David Cahill, Eric sary to eliminate constructive dis-
Eaton and Leigh Travis, the fac- sent on campus," said Cahill.
ulty members making the charge, English instructor Roger Staples
have all been discharged by EMU. was denied tenure after eight years
Reportedly several other unident- at Eastenter
ified faculty members have also a s
been recently discharged. Staples was also openly critical
Several of the faculty members of procedures in his department
have filed grievances with the which he said, were designed to
Faculty's Senate Executive Board. repress, intimidate, and inhibit"
They are also investigating turn- the writing of students.
ing to the American Association English instructor Eric Eaton.
of University Professors or the who was fired last December, ef-
North Central Association, the fective June 1971, opposed a search
group that accredits Michigan uni- of teachers' files.!
versities. for help in fighting their Eaton believed that the search,I
dismissals. -------
Another possible route the dis-
charged educators are considering
is the civil courts. The faculty
members have said that as a last
resort they are willing to file suit
to prevent being fired. -u
A major factor in the firing of SCUS tU4
some of the faculty was apparently
the appearance on campus last fall
of the Second Coming, an under- By W. E. SCHROCK
ground newspaper. LSA Student Government Execu-
University P r e s i d e n t Harold tive Council met yesterday after-
Sponberg banned the paper from noon with LSA Dean William
the EMU campus although many Hays. The newly-formed govern-
students and faculty violated the mental body asked Hayes about is-
ban on sales of the newspaper. sues current in University politics
Political Science Prof. Cahill re- and the future of the LSA StudentI
leased a statement saying that Government.
Sponberg fired him "against the "It was a good start; it was a
will" of his academic department frank discussion of the issues,"
and his chairman. Cahill claimed said Hays after the meeting, add-
that direct presidential firing is ing that he hopes "we can g e t
u n p r e c e d e n t e d at EMU and some agreement in the future" in

cular offenses.
Each school and college main-
tains a disciplinary board which
is composed largely of faculty
members, and is empowered to
Ghear all types of complaints by
one member of the academic unit
against another member.
designed to see if instructors were However, Student Government
Council and other student or-
giving the required number of ganizations have been pressing the
papers, was "an infringement upon University for several years to of-
academic freedom if not private ficially grant sole jurisdiction over
property. "non-academic" offenses to all-
Another English instructor, student judiciaries.
Leigh Travis, an outspoken ad- The Regents are currently con-
vocate of civil rights, civil liber- sidering a set of proposed bylaws
ties, and the rights of students, approved by SGC and the faculty's
said he believes that his politics Senate Assembly, which would
may or may not have had some- grant accused students the right
thing to do with his discharge. to be heard before Central Stu-
However, he said he suspected dent Judiciary (CSJ).
that politics was not an issue in However, President Fleming said
his case, but instead he blamed yesterday he believes that an of-
"academic procedures." fense which affected faculty mem-
These "adademic procedures" bers or administrators, as well as
Travis said, consisted of the de- students, should not be heard by
partment informing him that they an all-student judiciary.
did not want another Ph.d from In addition, he said he dis-
the University and yet are hiring agreed with the idea that conduct
such a person to replace him. See FLEMING, Page 2
1 meets withHays
[lent power, discipline,

-,.Daily-Thomas R. Copi
Where's the game
Although hundreds of people turned out for the first day of Michigras '70, there wasn't much action
at the TEP booth, one of several ordered closed by police. Sgt. Vanderpool of the Ann Arbor Police
Dept. said he asked some of the booths to readapt their rules to conform with state gambling
laws. Some booths were able to do so last night, and the others are expected to reopen today,
CSJ c lims jurisdiction over
a bord 111 Van er Hout case


When naked if they nplanned1 to

Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) appear before CSJ and/or the
yesterday ordered that Marc Van administrative board, the profes-
Der Hout, '71. and the three pro- sors were non-committal.
fessors who have charged him with "I don't. understand t h e s e
disrupting their classes refrain things. I have no comment. I'll
from appearing before the LSA have to wait until I talk to Prof.
administrative board as ordered Buttrey before I decide what to
but rather to appear before CSJ do," Mrs. Seligson said.
on April 14. "I have no comment," Kincaid
All the alleged disruptions oc- said.
curred during the class strike in
support of the Black Action Move- Buttrey could not be reached.
ment's demands. Meanwhile, in the civil court,
There is some question in th preliminary, actions were t a k e n
Thereds soameqstonsinnd ha- against protesters at the General
minds of administrators and f a- Electric and BAM demonstrations.
culty as to whether or not CSJ
has jurisdiction over the disrup-
tion cases which allegedly oc- ordered by District Court Judge
curred during the Black Action Pieter Thomassen to appear in
Movement strike and whether CSJ Circuit Court on May 1 to answer
has the power to order the parties a charge of assault with intent to
not to appear.
"CSJ is right in what they are

do great bodily harm. The assault
allegedly occurred on March 19,
the first day of the BAM strike,
after the Regents' meeting.
Fred Miller, '70, was bound to
Circuit Court by Judge S. J. Eld-'
en on a charge of obstructing and
resisting an officer during a de-
monstration against General Elec-
tric on Feb. 18.
Steve Sporn, '72, was arraigned
yesterday by Thomassen on charg-
,es of felonious assault. He was
ordered to appear for a prelimin-
ary examination on April 15. He
was also allegedly involved in the
General Electric demonstration.
Paul Wilson, '72. charged with
obstructing and resisting an of-
ficer during the GE protest, was
ordered to appear for a pre-trial
hearing on May 13.
c;h111 fp~l

many of the areas discussed, par-1
ticularly the "grey area" in t h e
student discipline issue. '
This "grey area" is that set of
cases, such as classroom disrup-
tion, that students say are non-
academic and therefore should
only be tried by all-student judi-
ciaries. Faculty and administra-
tion say such cases should be con-
sidered by bodies that include fa-
culty as well.
Council members raised the ques-
tion of the immediate case of peo-
ple charged in connection with ac-
tions during the recent Black Ac-j
tion Movement ( B A M) strike.
They pointed out that those peo-
ple whose cases are handled
through normal college procedures,
will be judged before the LSA
administrative board, which has
no students on it whatsoever.
They talked with Hayes about
the possibility of delaying action
until some sort of body that is at
least one-half students is estab-
lished within the college to hear
such cases. Hays remarked that
this could not be done, because the
administrative agreement w i t h
BAM included provisions that all
actions against students be taken
before the end of the month.
Council asked Hays to com-
ment on the recruiter issue. "I
believe that a student should be
able to see anyone he jolly well
pleases," he said. Hays added that
he did not see how anyone could
'be kept from getting on to the
campus if they wanted to.
However, Hays pointed out that
h does not hold recruiter disrup-
tions in the same category asI
classroom disruptions. He sent re-.

Hays further explained that LSA
is working with the office of vice
president and dean of the gradu-
ate school Stephen Spurr on re-
cruiting minority group students,
and that two per cent of LSA'sI
budget is going' to support LSA's
share of the commitment of the
University for ten per cent black
enrollment by 1973.
One council member then raised
the question of student input into
b u d g e t a r y decisions, perhaps
through a review board.
Hays replied, "What you need
is a review board that reviews
priorities as priorities are set" and
that there is a legitimate place
for students on such a board. He
did, however, believe that such a
See COUNCIL, Page 2

doing because, as stated in the
student bill of rights, students
have the right to be tried by their
peers and I don't - consider a n y
faculty member, especially one,
who would agree to try this case
a peer of mine," Van der Hout
"Right now 1 am powerless to go
before the administrative board in
any of the three cases because I
would be subject to recriminations
by CSJ. But even if CSJ had not
enjoined me from doing so, I
would have refused to appear be-
fore any faculty court," he said.
The three faculty members or-
dered - to appear before CSJ were
Prof. Theodore V. Buttrey of
Classical Studies, Mathematics
Prof. Wilfred Kincaid, and Latin
Prof. Gerda Seligson.

,BAMI dorm shutdown

Students will receive compensation for meals not served
in their dormitories March 27, the Office of University Hous-
ing said yesterday. Many dormitory cafeterias were forced
to close on that day when cafeteria employees refused to cross
student picket lines supporting the Black Action Movement
Students in dormitories that were closed the whole day
lost $2.70 in meals as the result of the picketing. South and
West Quad were shut down completely, but others provided
some meals. Alice Lloyd Hall served all three meals.
Exactly what form the compensation will take remains
unclear, however. Assistant Housing Director Ed Salowitz
_ _ _-- said that a direct refund may
not be given.
"'We gave the Student Advisory
Committee on Housing (SACH)
and the Board of Governors of
Residence Halls two alternatives
we had drafted." he said. "Stu
Sdents could be given a credit at a
dormitory snack bar or be given"a
dents will be sent there next fall. refund at the end of the term."
y modern university located at SACH accepted this he said, but
jors in agriculture, science, and the Board of Governors felt that
ousing for students .will be pro- the money should be applied to
rmitories on campus. the budget for the rest of the
he student will be approximately meals, with no refund,
tuition, room and board, travel, Although Salowitz said he fav-
expenses. Financial aid will be ored simply refunding the money
to students who stated they had
ill be interviewed and are re- missed meals, he said there was
an over-all average of 3,0 or "no way to check if they did.
e evidences of academic abilities, We'll have to depend on their
r studying in Africa and take 2 consciences."
Sub-Saharan Africa." No foreign When asked about those who

Studies set in

Part of the Regents' final settlement over the
Black Action Movement's demands was funding
for the Afro-American Center. Included in the
Center's program is the Junior Year in Ahica/
African Exchange program.
Under this program students will be able to
study at an African university and receive credit
that will be accepted toward graduation here.
This program is similar to the junior year in
France and Germany currently being offered by
the University.
The African program was proposed in April
1969. by Richard Ross. Admissions Assistant and

volved. Four stu
It is a fairl
Legon, with ma
social studies. H
vided in the do
The cost to t
$2,500 including
and incidental
Applicants w
quired to "have
strong supportiv(
good reasons fo
or 3 courses inF

*:x ...-

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