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April 05, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-05

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Ink i&4 Pau


7 a~m. to 8 p.m.

Vol. LXXX, No. 152 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 5, 1970 Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Ann Arbor voters will go to the
polls tomorrow to choose five
members for the ten-seat City
In the First Ward, incumbent
Democrat John P. Kirscht will be
opposed by Republican Tom Den-
nis Hilbert.
Republican Robert Weaver will
oppose incumbent Democrat Ern-
est Quenon in the Second Ward.
Incumbent Joseph Edwards of
the .GOP will be opposed by Dem-
ocrat Mrs. Lois Owens in the
Third Ward.
In the Fourth Ward, Democrat
C. W. Ferguson will oppose incum-
bent Republican James E. Step-
The Democratic incumbent in
the Fifth Ward LeRoy Cappaert
will be opposed by Lloyd Fair-
banks of the GOP.








Democrats currently hold eight
of 11 votes on council, including
the mayor's vote. In order to con-
tinue to hold the power to write
their own budget, they must win
two of the seats being contested
in tomorrow's election.
To maintain control of financial
matters during the year after the
budget's adoption, they must win
three seats. They need to win one
of the contests to retain control
of all other council decisions.
Also on the ballot are two refer-
enda on annexation. There are
two different areas that private
developers have asked to be an-
nexed to Ann Arbor. Involved in
Monday's election are the 131 acre
Wagner property at Liberty and
I-94 and the 227 acre Smokler
property southeast of the inter-
change between US-23 and M-14.
The City Council has urged

voters to reject the two annex-
ations. The eight Democrats on
Council, including Mayor Robert
Harris, were unanimous in asking
opposition to the annexations. The
three Republicans on Council were
in favor of the referenda.
Harris said, "We're not asking
permanent opposition to annex-
ation-we're just asking opposition
until Council can get more ameni-
ties from the developers. It's not
that we don't want to annex but
there are-problems that should be
worked out first and they can
probably be worked out by No-
Republicans say that the land
could best be developed inside the
city, and if developed in the town-
ships, as is the case now, the city
will have no control over land use.
Candidates are divided as to the
major issues of the campaign. Re-

publicans have been stressing law
and order and getting the Demo-
crats off council. Democrats have
been interested in many different
issues, mostly community social
In the First Ward, Kirscht was
primarily concerned with keeping
a majority of Democrats on Coun-
cil. "Unless there is continuity, all
of the human rights issues will
disappear. Important things need
to be followed through."
Hilbert was unavailable for
In the Second Ward,' Quenon
said, "The immediate thing is the
preservation of the public trans-
portation system in the face of a
tight financial period. This is an
important service which should be
provided for the community."
Quenon continued, "The Repub-
licans have been launching in-

sinuations that the Democrats are
responsible for big increases in
crime. This is a completely dis-
honest phony issue. It's simply a
lie. The Democrats have done
nothing to encourage crime nor
have they failed to properly police
the city."
Quenon was responding to a
series of advertisements placed in
the Ann Arbor News by the Re-
publicans charging the Democrats
with "permissive" policies both in
regard to law and order and to
Weaver stressed student polit-
ical representation in his position
statement. "Nearly 30 per cent of
the Ann Arbor population is Uni-
versity of Michigan students who
have virtually no say in the selec-
tion of candidates, the election of
these candidates and consequently

very little voice in the affairs of
city government," he said.
"It would seem prudent and
sensible to me that when this re-
districting (required by state law
after every census) is done that
they should form a separate ward
for these areas ,(where students
are currently, parts of four other
wards). It would further permit
an effective student voice on City
Council which I feel would benefit
not just the students but the rest
of the citizens of Ann Arbor as
well," Weaver said.
Weaver also recommended a
special zoning classification be as-
signed to the campus area so that
it would be easier to build more
central campus housing.
In the Third Ward, Mrs. Owens
said, "The drug scene in Ann
Arbor-and I mean in the junior
and senior high schools, not the

University - is the top priority
situation. We have to set up a
clinic to help the students."
Edwards did not wish to com-
In the Fourth Ward, Ferguson
was very concerned with several
"The city's financial situation is
very important at this time. Some
Republicans feel more money will
come with the new census. This is
only a temporary measure. We
have to start thinking about tax
reform," he said.
"The bus system should be con-
tinued and expanded. The Repub-
licans have misled people by exag-
ge-ating the cost of the system.
The city controller has stated
the cost is not near the $461,000
claimed by the Republicans. This
is rank electioneering," he added.
See VOTERS, Page 12





THE, ABOVE ADVERTISEMENT, which urges Ann Arbor residents to "Vote Repub-
lican before it gets worse" is part of a series of similar ads being circulated in the
non-student areas of the city. Democrats, charging that the GOP is waging a "fear
campaign," are attempting to get out the student vote for tomorrow's election to
counter the GOP.influence.

BAM issues
statement on
reprisal pact
Leaders of the Black Action Movement
(BAM) released a statement yesterday in
an attemept to clarify the controversial
agreement made with President Robben
Fleming and the Regents over the question
of reprisals against students involved in
certain activities connected with the recent
The agreement provides that students
charged with offenses connected with the,
strike would have the option of being tried
before administrative boards of the various'
colleges and schools or before a hearing
officer or officers appointed by the presi-
White supporters of the BAM strike have
recently expressed opposition to the agree-
ment, claiming that the University has no
right to try students for non-academic of-
fences in other than all-student judiciaries.
Last Thursday Student Government Coun-
cil passed a resolution opposing the use of
either administrative boards or hearing
officers appointed by the president to try
students for non-academic offences. SGC
also urged students to refuse to appear
before such boards so as not to set a
Peter Denton, Grad, and Mark Van Der
Hout, '71, have already been requested to
appear before the LSA Administrative Board
and the executive board of the graduate
school, respectively, to be tried on charges
of disrupting classes. Both have said that
they will refuse to appear before the boards.
While the BAM statement reads "we
emphatically support all-student judiciaries",
it continues, "We also recognize the im-
mediacy of the need for resolving present
disputes over alleged violations of school
and college rules."
The statement further pledges that
BAM will "make every effort to make sure"
that actions of administrative boards or
hearing officers, will not "merely provide
a substitute" for what BAM claims is the
more violent action which the administration
wanted the police to take during the strike.
Gerry De Greick, executive vice presi-
dent of SGC, said last night that "SGC
cannot be concerned with the immediacy
of the situation" but must also deal with the
See STATEMENT, Page 12

sk for
Size depends
on state aid
The University executive officers will ask
the Regents at their April 16-17 meeting to
approve a "substantial" tuition increase for
both in-state and out-of-state students,
Vice President for State Relations and Plan-
ning Arthur Ross said yesterday.
The exact amount of the tuition increase
which the executive officers-the vice presi-
dents and President Robben Fleming-will
request has not yet been determined, Ross
He explained that size of the increase will
depend largely on an estimate of the amount
which the state will appropriate to the Uni-
versity's general fund for the 1970-71 fiscal
year. The state's appropriation and tuition
payments constitute the general fund's ma-
jor sources of revenue.
According to the executive officers, a
tuition increase for 1970-71 was "built-into"
Gov. William Milliken's budget message in
February, which requested an appropria-
tion of $75.7 million to the University's gen-
eral fund for 1970-71.
Administrators have said that if the Uni-
versity receives $75.7 million from the state,
it would still need $3 million to balance the
general fund operating budget.
According to Ross, the governor's appro-
priation request assumed that tuition levels
would remain the same as last year, except
that out-of-state tuition would be increased
15 per cent.
If the Legislature approved an allocation
below thegovernor's recommendation, the
out-of-state tuition increase would probably
be higher than 15 per cent, Ross said.
In-state tuition would also be increased,
Ross added, because it has traditionally been
maintained at a given percentage of out-of-
state tuition levels.
A 15 per cent increase in out-of-state tui-
tion would raise undergraduate fees from
$1540 to $1770.
If the current differential between in-
state and out-of-state undergraduate tui-
tion is maintained at about 30 per cent, in-
state undergraduate tuition would be in-
creased from $480 to about $530.
An increase of 15 per cent in out-of-state
tuition at all graduate-level schools, except
for professional schools-would raise tuition
from $1648 to about $1900. In-state tuition
would be hiked from $540 to about $620, if
the current differential between in-state
and out-of-state tuition is maintained.
In the medical, dental, and public health
schools, a 15 per cent increase would raise
tuition from $2140 to about $2460. In-state
tuition, if maintained at the same percent-
age "of out-of-state tuition, would be in-
creased from $960 to about $1100.
Out-of-state tuition in the law school
would be increased from $1740 to about
$2010, and in-state tuition would rise from
$680 to about $780.
In past years, the Regents have delayed
rvttine tuiionn levels until the summer when

City Dem
GOP a'd
The local Republican party has attacked
the city's Democrats in a series of paid po-
litical advertisements in the Ann Arbor
News. ,
The Democrats have countered with an ad
in today's Daily which claims the Republi-
cans are waging a "fear campaign through-
out the non-student areas of Ann Arbor."
The Republicans charge the Democrats
with misuse of funds, permissive policies
that will encourage "revolutionists" to, come
to Ann Arbor this summer and greatly in-
creased crime rates, among other things.
The ads are part of the campaigning for
tomorrow's City Council election.
The ads included a cartoon of a swami
holding a crystal ball that says "grandiose
promises." The swami has additional hands
)ounting money under the table.
Another ad charges, "What's happened to
your city under the Democrats?" and then
proceeds to list increases in: assaults-37 per
cent; drug offenses-100 per cent; rapes-
227 per cent; larcenies-33 per cent; armed
robberies-64 per cent; burglaries-69 pei
cent; and murders-400 per cent.
Democratic party officials counter the ads
by saying the statistics and allegations are
false and misleading.
"These ads are fear-mongering devices by
people who in the past year have yet to
make, a single specific suggestion for real
problems," says Democratic Mayor Robert
"It's a sad day for a whole community
when a political party tries to make capital

,s criticize
campa ign
centages are very peculiar. Percentage bases
can be pretty distorted. For instance, if you
have three rapes one year and six reported
the next, it looks like you have a crime
wave, when you don't."
"Another ad which claims the Democrats
have gone over 100 per cent over our esti-
mated budget for the bus system is also mis-
leading," Scheider says.
"The ad claims the Democrats have spent
$461,000, but we've only spend $260,000 in
actual funds from the city," he says.
"Ann Arbor News stories with other
spending figures on transportation are
only justifications released by either the
transportation autlhority or by the Demo-
crats," says Brian Connally, chairman of the
local Republicans. "$461,000 has been placed
from the city treasury into this system."
"We're trying to stress the attempted
deficit spending of the Democrats," he adds.

-Associated Press
W ashing9ton march supports war
About 15.000 demonstrators marched in Washington yesterday in a "March to Vic-
tory," supporting the Vietnam War. They carried flags, placards and Bibles down
Pennsylvania Ave. to a rally at the Wash ington Monument, scene of November's
anti-wardemonstration, which yesterday's march was attempting to answer. See Page
3 for story.
State funds for minorCity aid
program unlikey in'7'1

Vice President for State Relations and
Planning Arthur Ross said yesterday that it
is unlikely that the state will raise its appro-
priation to the University for the 1970-71
fiscal year in order to fund increased minor-
ity enrollment.
Ross added, however, that the University
will still be' able to provide enough funds
to begin the minority enrollment programs
adopted by the Regents last month.
The vice president met with several mem-
bers of the appropriations committee of the
state Senate and House of Representatives

last Thursday to discuss funding the minor-
ity enrollment program.
Such action was requested by the Regents
in the resolution they adopted last Wednes-
day, which authorized President Robben
Fleming to implement a majority of the de-
mands of the Black Action Movement.
The regental plan states that a 10 per cent
black enrollment for 1973-74 academic year
"is assured." However, the University, must
obtain an estimated $4.5 million in addi-
tional funds by fall, 1973 to provide the
financial aid, supportive services and re-
cruiters which are necessary to enroll the
full 10 per cent.
-The University plans to obtain the funds
from the budgets of the individual schools
and colleges, as well as number of outside
sources, including the state government.
State Sen. Charles Zoller (R-Benton Har-
bor), chairman of the Senate Appropriations
Committee has said that legislators would
be unwilling to provide additional funds
during fiscal 1971 for funding increased
minority enrollment at the University.
"Right now, the University couldn't get
anything through the Legislature," Zollar
said. "Too many legislators have been hear-
ing from the folks back home, and the folks

Members of Student Government Council andt the Senate
Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) have re-
drafted a set of proposed Regents bylaws defining the nature
of the proposed )ffice of Student Services (OSS) in an effort
to win regental approval of greater student control of OSS.
A new vice president for student services will be appointed
by President Robben Fleming after SGC, SACUA, and the
administration have reached agreement on the proposed bylaws.
The new OSS will serve the same function as the present Office

redraf bla ws
-Revision of a section of the student-faculty draft which
would give a student-faculty board the authority to make policy
binding on the vice president for student services. The regental
draft provides for the vice president and the board to jointly
set policy.
-Revision of a section which would require the vice
president to obtain the approval of his policy board when
appointing directors of the various units within the OSS.
Under the regental draft, the vice president would not have
to obtain the policy board's consent, only its advice.


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