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February 26, 1970 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-26

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94e Sidgipn Dai
Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by s+udents of the University of Michigan
0 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
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Black admissions battles the budget
mnarltin Ihirsch~ma m



RadaCollege should
have students and faculty

radical group on campus, is facing an
enormous identity crisis. Although orig-
inally it was intended as a faculty group,
the Radical College has agreed to accept
into its ranks anyone in the University
community w h o desires to participate.
However, at Sunday night's meeting, the
faculty found themselves overwhelmed by
the student presence, and several pro-
fessors indicated that they do not wish to
belong to an organization where the stu-'
dents predominate.
These professo'rs are understandably
concerned. One of the purposes for form-
ing the group was to provide a vehicle
for the faculty, as a distinct i n t e r e s t
group, to exercise their presige and their
power for radical ends. By turning the
group into a mixed faculty-student or-
ganization, the special influence that the
faculty possesses would be diluted or lost.
Having been branded as "just another
radical group," many professors believe
that the Radical College would then pull
no weightr with either the faculty or the
While these contentions a r e true -in
their own perspective, it is quite anoma-
lous for a radical group to speak of purg-
ing itself of its "lower-class," less influ-
ential members. The Radical College has
provided an umbrella for many students
who would not feel comfortable in SDS
or Independent Socialists, but w h o do
w a n t to be involved in radical action.
Moreover, it is unique in being the only
campus organization in which radical,

students and professors can get together
to exchange ideas. For these reasons, and
because, as several professors said at the
first meeting, "The students are far
ahead of the faculty in both ideas and
tactics," it would be tragic for this stu-
dent-faculty union to dissolve.
CLEARLY, there are times when a group
composed solely of faculty, would be
more effective than a "mixed" group. But
this advantage could be maintained by
forming a caucus of professors within the
Radical College. This caucus would meet
separately, initiate its own programs, and
issue its own statements, thereby retain-
ing their influence and their prestige as
a faculty group. At the same time, the
faculty caucus would belong to the larger
group, maintaining the important newly-
found contact with the student members.
If the group as a whole votes for a pro-
posal or engages in action that is obnox-
ious to the professors, the faculty caucus
could issue a disclaimer and define their
separate integrity. T h e faculty already
has been meeting separately on w e e k
nights, this situation already de facto
The Radical College, as it is currently
constituted with both faculty and stu-
dents, is a new and exciting idea. While
some amount of structural experimenta-
tion will be needed to make it a powerful
and intellectual movement, it must be
wary, it will become impotent if it nar-
rows its base.

asked Vice President for Academic
Affairs Allan F. Smith how much
information was publicly avail-
able on the way the University
spends its. annual budget of over
$240 million.
He took out a gray-covered, 90-
page document entitled "Univer-
sity of Michigan Budgets 1969-
70" and said he would be glad to
give me a copy-but that he'd
first have to scrounge around for
Late last week, with the issue
of minority and underprivileged
admissions placed squarely before
the University community, I
thought it might be nice if I could
look at the budget and, with a fresh
perspective on University priori-
ties, perhaps succeed where others
had failed in finding money to
fund a massive black admissions
On Friday, I talked to an assis-
tant to Smith who told me that
copies of the gray book were in-
deed readily available-if the vice
president approved of their release.
He said he would call me on Mon-
day morning.
Monday morning I called him,
and he told me Smith had ap-
proved release of the budget, but
that he (the assistant) had not
had time to pick one up.
Late Tuesday, I called back,
but the assistant had already left
his office for the day and had not
left a copy of the little gray bock
for me.
Yesterday at 1:15 p.m. I called
the assistant once more. This time,
he said he could 'not' give me a
copy. He also said he could not
explain why, but that Smith would
call me and explain.
At 1:25 p.m. I called Smith's of-
fice, but his secretary told me he
was in a budget conference. She
said he would be available before
3 p.m., however. I told her that
the run-around I had been getting
over the little gray book had be-
come "intolerable" and asked that
she have Smith call me before
3 p.m. (I had a class then).
At 3:01, I called Smith's sec-
retary again. The vice president
was still in conference, and would
be leaving-for another meeting at
3:30. I suggested, at this point,
that it would be very unfortunate
for all concerned if Smith did not
call me by 3:30.
At 3:24, Smith called to tell me
that "the only copies are over in
the accounting office and they
have. not declared them public

documents." After I briefly out-
lined the growth of a certain
credibility gap concerning the
availability of the little gray book,
Smith said he would call me back
by four.
At 4 p.m. Smith capitulated. I
could come over right away to
pick up the gray book. It was re-
stricted information, he emphas-
ized, but added that it was mine.
* * *
ALTHOUGH IT covers only
somewhat less than half the Uni-
versity's total annual expenditures
of $249 million, the General Fund

the designated fund, and the
auxiliary activities fund-imply. It
is only to the general fund that
black students, as well as deans
and directors of University bud-
getary units can turn for funds
for their program.
THE UNIVERSITY administra-
tion estimates that the additional
cost of educating one minority or
underprivileged student is about
$1,500 per academic year. The de-
mands of the Black Action Move-
ment calls for an increase in black.
enrollment next fall of 900 stu-
dents. This would cost about $1.3
million for the first year.
A number of schemes have been
suggested for raising this money-
most of them involving an increase
in tuition. But if the University
is really interested in avoiding a
tuition increase and, at the same
time, increasing minority enroll-
ment, there are programs. which
could be cut in the present general
fund budget to provide the neces-
sary revenue-for the first year at
Here are the programs that, for
oe reason or another, I find ex-
pendable. Some are frivolous,
others imperialistic and some sim-
ply don't seem as important as
making immediate headway on the
admissions question.
Air Science:
Nonacademic Salaries $16,843
Current Expense $ 3,900
Total $20,743
Military Science:
Academic Salaries $ 400
Nonacademic Salaries $ 1,647
Current Expense $ 4,000
Total $20,857
Naval Science:
Academic Salaries $ 400
Nonacademic Salaries $ 6,539
Curent Expense $ 4,690
The Regents have already agreed
to attempt to eliminate these Uni-
versity subsidies for the three Re-
serve Officers Training Corps pro-
grams on campus. It is only fitting
that these funds be used to sup-
port the cost of educating some
34 underprivileged students.
Commencement Expenses:
Current Expense $50,000
Graduation exercises have, for
a long time, been dull and frivilous
affairs. The money could be better

spent to educate about 33 minority.
or underprivileged students.
Current Expense $34,000
Certainly, in an age when cer-
tification of graduation has be-
come the prime objective of college
education, the University can
make seniors pay for their neatly
bound diplomas and use the
money to educate 23 minority stu-
Institute for International
Academic Salaries $ 75 000
Nonacademic Salaries $ 20,000
Current Expense $ 45,000
Total $140,000
As Vice President Smith ex-
plains it, the institute was first
funded by the State Legislature
two years ago as a mechanism
which would be "helpful to Mich-
igan businesses interested in de-
veloping international markets."
This kind of direct support for
U.S. economic imperialism has no
place in the University. The money
would be much better spent on
educating 93 underprivileged stu-
Institute for Science and
Administration $127,000
Released Time
Appointments $ 85,000
'While the actual cost of the
military research done by IST is
covered by federal grants and in-
direct cost reimbursement, the ad-
ministration of IST is paid out
of tuition revenues and state ap-
propriations-another example of
direct University subsidy of mili-
tary-oriented campus institutions.
Released time appointment money
is used to pay the= salaries of fac-
ulty members who wish to drop
teaching assignments so they can
spent all their time doing research
at IST for a period of time. "The
grants are not restricted -as to
those who can apply," says Smith,
"but I doubt that an English
teacher would get one."

offices in the University commu-
nity has long been at issue. What 4
value the recruitment office in
the Student Activities Bldg. has
is, in any case, less than the value
of using the funds to enroll 166
black students. Incidentally, this
budget item does not include the
recruitment activities in engineer-
ing and the other schools and
colleges. Funds for those recruit-
ing activities are included in gen-
eral allocations for each unit.
Office of Student Organizations:
Academic Salaries $ 50,790
Nonacademic Salaries $ 66,433
Current Expense S 11,205
Total $128,428
For a long time now, no one
has quite been able to figure out
just what the Office of Student
Organizations really does. It has a
fraternityiadviser and a sorority
adviser with no one interested in
being advised and a director with
very little to direct. At least most y
f of this money would be better
spent on educating minority stu-

A nmni Association:
Current Expense


Actually this is only a small part
of the Alumni Association budget, .
most of which is made up by the
revenues generated by alumni ac-
tivities like parties and excursions.
There is no good reason I can
think of why the University should
subsidize alumni fun to the ex-
clusion of 80 blagk students.

Radrick Farms:
Nonacademic Salaries


$ 60000
$ 30,230

Budget is the heartbeat of Univer-
sity financing for a number of
For one thing, the general fund
is the source of monies for fac-
ulty salaries-the ultimate deter-
minant of the academic quality of
the University.
Moreover, the general fund is
the only portion of the budget
whose size can be easily mani-
pulated by the administration
through tuition increases. Other
major components of the general
fund are state appropriations and
indirect cost reimbursement for
federal research contracts-monies
designed to repay the University
for facilities used in research pro-
, The three other University bud-
gets are limited as their names-
tie expendable restricted fund,

Clearly, a good game of golf is
worth something, but not, I would
argue, the education of 60 under-
privileged students.
THESE ARE not the only items
that require scrutiny when the
question of black admissions is
raised in budgetary terms. For ex-
ample, there is the whole question
of the massive $2.6 million budget
for intercollegiate athletics and
whether this money-some of
which comes straight comes from
tuition-could not be better spent
What is clear from all this, is
that the University's general fund
budget priorities need major re-
orieritation. Hopefully, the Uni-
versity community will address it-
self to this problem as debate over
the admission of minority and
underprivileged students c o n-

Placement Services
Academic Salaries
Nonacademic Salaries
Current Expense

$ 54,897
$ 46,800

Recently under attack from
Students for a Democratic So-
ciety, the propriety of recruiting

Vietnam referendum:
Students should vote


Student condemns black- disruptions

ACCORDING TO local New Mobe mem-
bers, the peace movement is trying
to put a Vietnam referendum on the ballot
"in every city possible" in the hope that
a referendum will force people to commit
themselves to think about the ,issue.
The idea is not new. Dearborn voters,
for instance, passed a proposal calling
for immediate withdrawal in the fall of
1968. This referendum showed a shift in
their attitudes because a year earlier,
they had rejected the same referendum.
And San Francisco voters will vote on a
similar proposal next fall.
There will be four options on the Viet-
nam referendum during the April city
Lester rides agai!
WHO.WOULD have guessed that the
pendulum would swing so far right
that a southern governor would dare to
hand out autographed ax handles in the
restaurant of the House of Representa-
But yesterday, Georgia governor, Les-
ter G. M4addox, was t h e r e passing out,
on request, fond remembrances, of the ax
handles used to prevent blacks from in-
tegrating his restaurant in Atlanta.
But even that was not enough for
Lester. When a black congressman, Char-
les Diggs told him that if he did not stop
passing out the ax handles, he would be,
thrown out of the restaurant, Lester re-
sponded by calling Diggs an "ass and a
baboon." And also said he could not, see
why anybody was offended since he
passes ax handles out nearly everywhere
he goes.
Maddox Is in Washington to testify at
the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on
Constitutional Rights hearings on the
extension of the Voting Rights Act of
He is trying to prevent the extension of
the bill which is destined to eliminate the
majority of voter discrimination in south-
ern states, and to prevent general "war-
ring on the South."
He feels that somehow the federal gov-
ernment is trying to get the "God-fearing,
country-loving, industrious people," of
the -South and letting all those dirty
Communist run free.

council election, ranging from immediate
withdrawal to an escalation of our pre-
sent involvement. Hopefully, both stu-
dent and non-student voters will endorse
the option supported by local peace
groups which states, "The United States
should withdraw all troops, military sup-
plies, and equipment from Vietnam now;
provide sanctuary for those Vietnamese
who ask for it; and divert the money
spent from the Vietnam war to our urgent
domestic needs."
But even if a voter wants to support
the more moderate proposals, it is im-
portant that he cast a vote in order to
emphasize the importance of this issue.
And failure to vote for the options calling
for immediate withdrawal or withdraw-
al by Dec. 1 will also have the harmful
effect of giving the Nixon administration
tacit approval of its present policy.
UNFORTUNATELY, Ann Arbor residents
may not even get an opportunity
to express an opinion on the V i e t n a m
The Circuit Court has issued an in-
junction ordering the city of Ann Ar-
bor to show cause why it should not be
enjoined from placing the Vietnam war
issue on the ballot.
The person seeking the injunction
claims that a referendum on the war
will distract the voters from municipal
issues. This argument unrealistically as-
sumes that the Vietnam war is occurring
in a vacuum - with no effect on muni-
cipal policy.
The petitioner also claims that placing
an issue of international policy on a
municipal ballot would result in an im-
proper expenditure of public funds.
Although a fund for a special election
on the options will probably be establish-
ed if the Circuit Court makes the tempor-
ary injunction permanent, this is not a
desirable alternative. If the withdrawal
option won in a special election, its op-
ponents could claim that it won only be-
cause a special election attracted voters
who favor that option. If it won in a
regular election, however, the results
would have moreicredibility.
But whether the referendum is on the
regular April ballot or on a special bal-
lot, students, who are too often inclined
to ignore City Council elections, should

To the Editor:
RECENTLY, black students pre-
sented a list of demands to the
University Regents. Since those
demands were made, various acts,
of vandalism and disruption have
occurred at the University. The
latest of these has been disruption
of classes in the Angell Hall Audi-
Today, while attending class in
Aud. D some twenty to thirty black
students entered the room ig-
noring the professor's request to
continue class, and distributed
leaflets. They proceeded to block
the main doors and a spokesman
walked onto the stage and began
speaking. The professor dismissed
the class and several students in-
cluding myself attempted to leave.
I say attempted because when I
reached the doors, I was phyiscally
held, ordered to wait, and refused
exit. I asked in a polite manner
several times to be allowed to
leave, and attempted each time

to squeeze past the students and
leave. Three or four times I was
thrown back onto other black stu-
dents, students trying to leave and
students seated in the auditorium.
Finally, men who said they were
University security guards man-
aged to get the doors open and I
escaped by being physically pulled
through the doors.
CERTAIN BLACK students say
they want particular rights and
have specific demands that must
be granted. Yet while crying for
these rights, they wantonly tram-
le on the right of others. Do they
seriously expect to gain support
for their cause by such conduct?
For a long time I have been, if not
an active supporter, at least a
strong defender and sympathizer
of the black students position on
;his campus. After today, I seri-
ously doubt that I can listen with
an open ear to- the complaints of
black students here again.
I would gladly have waited to

listen to what they had to say had
they come at the end of the hour
and asked to speak. But total dis-
ruption with strong-arm tactics by
students en masse is intolerable.
I consider it the University re-
sponsibility to take official action
tgainst those students who in-
fringe deliberately and forcefully
on the rights of others, and it is
the students' responsibility to sup-
port such University action.
-J. F. Mackissic '72
Feb. 25
To the Editor:
WE WOULD LIKE to make it
known that we, the instructors in
the Afro-American Studies Pro-
gram, are in full support of the
black students in their efforts to
change the priorities, of the Uni-
versity. The University has never
met its obligation to the black
people of this state and country.

The propositions represented in
the black students demands are
but the bare essentials of a com-
plete re-orientation of the Uni-
versity that will be needed to meet
such an obligation: The officials
of the University must make firm
commitments not only to achieve
the goals of these demands, but to
go beyond.
-Russell Jackson
--Archie Singham
-Eric J. Chapman
-Tom Gordon
-Esau Jackson
-J. Frank Yates
-Harold Cruse
-Milton Stewart
-Johnnie Daniel
-John McAdoo
Feb. 23
Self-righteo us
To the Editor:
IN RESPONSE to the recent de-
monstrations against job recruit-
ersand The Daily editorial Feb. 20,
concerning the ethics of such de-
monstrations, I have become in-
creasingly concerned. Thursday in
the fishbowl I picked up a pam-
phlet whose first line read, "If
President Fleming is really against
the war, why are there recruit-
ers?" And on Friday I read The
Daily editorial by Rick Perloff who
felt that President Fleming should
bar recruiters from campus. The
basis for these assertions seems
to me illogical.
Recruiters come to campus be-
cause students sign up to inter-
view them. Students who do so are
just as justified as students who
protest, perhaps more justified, be-
cause in their interviews with Du-
Pont, GE, and others.they infringe
on no one else's rights.
Demonstrations against recruit-
ers are ineffective if students con-
tinue to interview with them.
Recruiters will continue to come
to get personnel and neither Pre-
sident Fleming nor SDS has any
right to stop them. They are de-
manded by students, many stu-
dents. who want the convenience
of interviewing on campus. Only
if there are no longer students who
wish interviews should the re-
cruiters stop coming. And if this is
the case, they will.
IF ANY STUDENT feels strong-

from campus or by barring stu-
dents from prearranged i n t e r -
views cannot be justified by the
larger evil of the defense con-
tracts of the company. These are
two different areas entirely. Giv-
en the evil of war and the con-
tribution of the particular com-
pany, a student still may choose
his priorities such that a job after
graduation is more important to
him than his feelings on the mor-
ality of the war. Until there are
no longer students who voluntar-
ily interview, no self-righteous
group or individual has a right
or duty to bar the recruiters from
Glen Ellen Hahn, '71
Feb. 20
To the Editor:
I FIND IT difficult to disagree
with most of Miss Canady's argu-
ments in her lead editorial "The
Case for Minority Admissions"
(Daily, Feb. 24) yet nevertheless
something about the matter sticks
in my throat. I do believethat the
University both should and can
implement most of Black Action i
Movement's proposals.
However, it is the partial quota
system projected for 1973 by BAM
that disturbs me. If it is actualized
then a Green report of 1973 will
characterize the University as a
school for rich white students plus
lo per cent black students inter-
spersed among the former. What
would be accomplished? An equal-
ization of some sort to offset exist-
ing inequities? Hardly. What will
result from the partial quota sys-
tem's being put into effect is a
shifting of inequity! Where today
there might be twenty to thirty
rich Anglo-Saxons and Jews for
every six poor whites and four
blacks then in three years there
will still be twenty to thirty rich
Anglo-Saxons and Jews-the only
shift will occur between the non-
priveleged whites and the blacks.
The point is this: a partial
quota system is even more unjust
than the system in force today. If
one decides to press for a quota
system then one should have
enough guts to press for a com-
plete quota system i.e. one which
will place a quota on the number
of students to be admitted from

-- l J K ~ -.
{,,, ,>--.-.


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